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Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:24 am
by VFP
Why do you need to mimic other players jokes to enjoy the game and not take it so seriously?
Other than you, whats wrong with my list?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:28 am
by Lukewarm
Furthermore, I am really glad that I choose VFP for the person when I chose someone to day I was going to blindly follow, because it appears to be the first thing to make them post a well reasoned post lol.

Look at mini trying to have a conversation with them. (a joint mini + vfp iso, starting with post through post ). No matter how hard mini tried to engage them, vfp gave nothing to work with.

Of vfp's post in response to mozamis.

Everytime someone has tried to seriously engage with them, vfp has avoided proper engagement. But then when I said I was blindingly following them they made this :
In post 311, VFP wrote:
In post 305, DkKoba wrote:so now that we have progressed a little - how do people feel about no limming so PRs can do their thing and investigatives can potentially give us some juicy info?
I love this idea.

On a side note. I actually liked ND's response there.
Lukewarm however, that was a bad response. Not only are they trying to push me off to another target by calling to my ego and complimenting my block but to act naive and to try and say that ND wasn't on the list when it's very clear I had them marked as red.
It's either Lukewarm not reading the game or trying to pull the wool over my eyes.
ND is the easier target for Lukewarm to push me towards given how my reads were.

Anything outside of a No lim should be Lukewarm.
But DK has spoken!
An actual post, with reasonings that can be analyze, huzzah

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:37 am
by VFP
I was wrong.

I'm not the town hero, I think Lukewarm is!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:43 am
by VFP
- Do you think Mini is town?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:45 am
by NDMath
In post 297, Lukewarm wrote:Like, he seems really defensive, and wants to try really hard to defend himself, and appears to be adjitated that he isn't getting better reasoning from VFP so he can form a better defense. Seems fishy to me
Being scumread for no apparent reason is inherently agitating? The other reason is I was trying to get more reasoning out of VFP is so I can form a better read on them.
In post 300, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 291, NDMath wrote:So far I've posted at a higher posting rate than usual for me as either alignment,
And here, he is fishing for a defensive argument, despite any of the suspicion logic coming from VFP.

And who is even thinking about their posting rate this early on Day 1 anyways? Maybe scum who has been actively trying to post more in order to avoid suspicion, so they have been thinking about their posting rate since before the thread even opened up.
Near the end of the last game I played a higher posting rate was used to argue another player was town (By Bell on Nono), so it's still fresh in my mind.
In post 305, DkKoba wrote:so now that we have progressed a little - how do people feel about no limming so PRs can do their thing and investigatives can potentially give us some juicy info?
Getting rid of one person isn't gonna affect investigative's ability much at all compared to the cost of no elimming.
In post 322, mozamis wrote:
In post 53, NDMath wrote:I have a townlean on Lukewarm since I think the initiative to look for the best mechanical play is a town thought.
when did they do this? :?
In post 16, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 5, Raya36 wrote:
Day 1 begins. It will end in (expired on 2021-04-24 19:00:00). With 14 alive it takes 8 to eliminate.

***It is strictly forbidden to discuss N0 submissions. You may not discuss the role you chose or the player you chose to charge up***
Oh. I completely missed this rule, definitely have been thinking about how the N0 vote information could be used lol

I point ready to make as soon as Day1 started, but now I need to clear my comment with the mod before I post it :oops:

Anyways, RVS VOTE: DkKoba

Lukewarm wrote:Furthermore, I am really glad that I choose VFP for the person when I chose someone to day I was going to blindly follow, because it appears to be the first thing to make them post a well reasoned post lol.


An actual post, with reasonings that can be analyze, huzzah
Is your point here that it's concerning how much it took for vfp to share reasonings or am I completely misunderstanding you?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:53 am
by Flea The Magician
In post 305, DkKoba wrote:so now that we have progressed a little - how do people feel about no limming so PRs can do their thing and investigatives can potentially give us some juicy info?
Koba ILY but no.
In post 304, Green Crayons wrote:just super scummy vibes from that post

also happy with DMG, who I also think is scum for reasons stated + soft attempt at pocketing yes
Please restate for the record.
In post 314, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 307, Dark Magician Girl wrote:in case my post above wasn't obvious enough, Green, that's me calling you mafia
That all?
In post 322, mozamis wrote:This could be good catch from Flea.
In post 55, Flea The Magician wrote:EWWWWW
VFP, why are you leaving your vote on Flow when you think they are town?
I'd hardly call it a good catch. just an Ew moment.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:03 am
by Lukewarm
: Null read, maybe the slightest hint of a lean towards scum. Has made absolutly zero posts with content. after 3 days, this starts to worry me. The longer that goes on, the more I start to feel like they are either scum trying to avoid slipping up, or they are a town player who is not actually going to help the town scum hunt.

: hmmm. DMG is hard to read so far. I am going back and forth on them.

: Town lean. I am finding it hard to articulate why, but I liked reading through their iso.

: Null read, maybe very slight lean towards town

Flow Trap
: town lean. Looking at thier 3 votes, they all seem like town logic, and especially their second vote against Artemiana seems counter to how scum would choose a vote.

: Town lean

- Town lean? They tried so hard to engage with VFP, and that seems more of a town thing to do . This is a weak lean

: Same as Artemiana, except post came after I already called them out for it, and it stil has very minimal content, but more content then Artemiana has provided.

: scum lean. Post 291 really rubs me the wrong way. They seemed too agitated and defensive over VFP's scum read on them, especially given that they have zero votes against them.

: Not enough content for me to read

Save the Dragon
: town lean. Seems to actually be scum hunting. For some reason, them asking for my mafia playing experience felt town.

: So many posts, but none of them feel serious at all, which makes it hard to read them. I am actually inclined to give them a town lean.

: having a hard time forming an opinion here

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:06 am
by Lukewarm
In post 329, NDMath wrote:Being scumread for no apparent reason is inherently agitating?
Maybe if it was not Day 1, when more reads have very little to go on anyways. And maybe if VFP's scum read on you was getting you close to being voted out.

It rubbed me the wrong way because it is Day 1, and you have zero votes on you, like VFP isn't even voting for you, but you still seem defensive.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:11 am
by flow trap
In post 322, mozamis wrote:VFP, why are you leaving your vote on Flow when you think they are town?
Because leaving your vote on who ever you find most suspicious is underutilizing the power of it

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:11 am
by VFP
In post 332, Lukewarm wrote:It rubbed me the wrong way because it is Day 1, and you have zero votes on you, like VFP isn't even voting for you, but you still seem defensive.
Sounds like something town would be more concerned with than scum for me.
You said it yourself. No one was voting, there was no pressure... why does Scum!ND care if i have them as scum?
Only reason would be that I have the entire scum team in my null/scum.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:12 am
by Dark Magician Girl
why do you town read green

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:12 am
by VFP
In post 333, flow trap wrote:Because leaving your vote on who ever you find most suspicious is underutilizing the power of it
What Flow said, but different.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:14 am
by Dark Magician Girl
In post 331, Lukewarm wrote:DMG: hmmm. DMG is hard to read so far. I am going back and forth on them.
reads like this usually come from town for anyone still thinking lukewarm is scum

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:15 am
by Dark Magician Girl
they don't have a ton of explanation but enough that as mafia they would be inclined to give of a stance. That they go back and forth is believable because of that and inherently towny

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:17 am
by VFP
DMG is officially removed from the VFP block.
So we now have an opening.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:17 am
by Dark Magician Girl
idk why people are calling green towny, most people saying so have no explanation and he just seems like obvious mafia to me

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:18 am
by VFP
I might be added Green into the block at this rate.

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:20 am
by flow trap
In post 332, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 329, NDMath wrote:Being scumread for no apparent reason is inherently agitating?
Maybe if it was not Day 1, when more reads have very little to go on anyways. And maybe if VFP's scum read on you was getting you close to being voted out.

It rubbed me the wrong way because it is Day 1, and you have zero votes on you, like VFP isn't even voting for you, but you still seem defensive.
From what I have seen previously, wolfies are less defensive in general

I can think of only one player that I have encountered that is an exception

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:27 am
by Dark Magician Girl
In post 327, VFP wrote:I was wrong.

I'm not the town hero, I think Lukewarm is!
wrong on what

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:28 am
by Dark Magician Girl
oh I just realized there's a spoiler

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:28 am
by Dark Magician Girl
In post 339, VFP wrote:DMG is officially removed from the VFP block.
So we now have an opening.
you're going to have to explain this then

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:29 am
by Green Crayons
VOTE: dmg

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:32 am
by Green Crayons
In post 330, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 304, Green Crayons wrote:just super scummy vibes from that post

also happy with DMG, who I also think is scum for reasons stated + soft attempt at pocketing yes
Please restate for the record.
dmg + dragons were doing their early d1 thing, and yes came in on dmg's side

i voted yes for his input into the dmg + dragons convo

later on when yes & I were talking through my yes vote, dmg votes me without a reason

looks like dmg beginning to pocket after yes already appeared favorable to dmg's slot

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:33 am
by Green Crayons
In post 330, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 314, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 307, Dark Magician Girl wrote:in case my post above wasn't obvious enough, Green, that's me calling you mafia
That all?
idk what this prompt is ("that all?")

but lol at dmg's clear misrep of my vote

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:40 am
by Green Crayons
In post 347, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 330, Flea The Magician wrote:
In post 304, Green Crayons wrote:just super scummy vibes from that post

also happy with DMG, who I also think is scum for reasons stated + soft attempt at pocketing yes
Please restate for the record.
dmg + dragons were doing their early d1 thing, and yes came in on dmg's side

i voted yes for his input into the dmg + dragons convo

later on when yes & I were talking through my yes vote, dmg votes me without a reason

looks like dmg beginning to pocket after yes already appeared favorable to dmg's slot
oh that wasn't the restatement

here is the restatement
In post 246, Green Crayons wrote:
In post 226, Lukewarm wrote:But their last post has changed that view a bit for me. Moving them to the "leaning town" category
disagree. it reminds me of when i'm scum and it's hard to come up with bs suspicions, so i make a unoffensive observation post