The Police Chief is also present and announces, "The interrogation process resulted in both prisoners saying that the other is mafia. So we went to the rock-paper-scissors death match method earlier this morning. Both prisoners threw down scissors, which is a tie. Hence both have been executed."
He continues to say, "Last night there were also two people found dead at their respective houses. One was Albert B. Rampage and the other was TonyMontana. autopsy reports showed that ABR was killed by pistol fire while TM was killed by sniper fire."
He concludes, "Well everyone, time for you to get back to work!"
TonyMontana, Protown Vanilla Townie, killed Night 2
CarnCarn, Protown Vanilla Townie, executed Day 3
Albert B. Rampage Role PM wrote:You are an FBI agent. Once in the game, anytime during any day you may capture two players of your choice to be put into the Prisoner’s Dilemma via PM. The same special rules will apply to those prisoners as the prisoners being interrogated at night. The capturing will be publicly announced but your identity will not. The game will temporarily stop during the interrogation phase and the day will resume afterwards.