Page 1302 of 2016
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:42 pm
by Saki
R>Q>E>W, Hydra first, press R at 6 to autowin lane.
E and Q at low level is insanely strong.
All-in level 3 or 4
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:18 pm
by animorpherv1
Won a 4v5 with Ryze mid. Rengar had to d/c because of possible food poisoning (but did not leave before chain feeding their Lee), but we still owned their faces. I was so nervous...
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:54 pm
by MrZepher
↑ animorpherv1 wrote:Top: Ryze, Shen, Pantheon
(Have been kinda learning wukong top)
Xin Zhao
, Pantheon, Evelynn
Mid: Twisted Fate, Ahri (
I can kinda play Talon
, and am somewhat learning Orianna
/Ryze mid
, Lucian, Jinx, MF
Support: Karma, Thresh
I'm considering
Zed (The Zed outplays are REAL)
, Zyra (Has damage and CC, good at zone control),
Varus (I really like his ult)
, Lulu (Good even when behind, can go anywhere), and Ziggs (Stalls are OP).
fixed for solo queue. if you're learning for fun then it doesn't matter what you pick up lol
Toplane: learn renekton and shyvana, or if you want a carry either akali/riven (matchups are similar so no reason to learn both)
Mid: Orianna is never a bad pick. lulu mid is good but getting nerfed. Ziggs is never bad.
jungle: Elise is top tier still.
AD: Tristana, Jinx, Lucian and MF are the picks you'll consistently win with. Lucian is getting nerfed into being the new ezreal. Ezreal soon to be deleted from relevance.
Support: Zyra is an amazing pocket pick but dies instantly. Def learn Braum and Nami.
Gragas is a good solo queue pick. Nice consistent damage in fights and really good outplay potential at all points in the game. Top or Mid.
Look up ChunkyFresh. He's basically the best gragas in NA with a retarded high win rate.
Varus is a lane dominant pick into the majority of matchups but you have no way to deal with double assassin or hyper-tank comps. Not a good pick currently.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:04 pm
by animorpherv1
Why do you hate on wukong? He's got so much potential! I'm 100% confident he's a (read as: one) tier below Elise/Evelynn/Lee/J4. Plus he's got insane amounts of damage, solid ratios (Q and R both have a 1.1 TOTAL AD ratio), good base damage (240 on W, 200 on R), and has multiple different build paths that can be used while still being relevant. Plus dat ult.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:11 pm
by MrZepher
He's just really easy to out-pressure. He's not unviable or even a bad pick there are just better picks.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:35 pm
by animorpherv1
↑ MrZepher wrote:He's just really easy to out-pressure. He's not unviable or even a bad pick there are just better picks.
You underestimate the power of wukong's kit. Sure, he relies on his ult a lot - but he has massive amounts of outplay potential at any point. He's one of the best champions in terms of outplay - there's no counting the amount of times I've come up with some silly juke or baited a towerdive and come out on top.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:19 pm
by RayFrost
The fact it's silly should indicate you're getting away with it because your opponents are silly.
Also, ziggs was nerfed. He's not AS good as he used to be (read: top tier), but he's still viable.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:06 pm
by mykonian
↑ RayFrost wrote:Zyra's an okay support, but I feel that she doesn't mesh well with the current meta. (I love her, but she just doesn't)
I would love you to expand on this. I've played a ton of zyra support previous to last month, but in fairness probably against (slightly) lower quality opponents where building greedily paid off inevitably. I did get her in EUW for the final 6 games in ranked there, but again in fairness those games I did pick her were won off completely unrelated reasons (and some serious greed in the build again). I don't think I know the matchups too well, even with the amount I've played her.
Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:06 pm
by mykonian
↑ MrZepher wrote:Gragas is a good solo queue pick. Nice consistent damage in fights and really good outplay potential at all points in the game.
Top or Mid.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:45 am
by Bins
Okay, maybe I should introduce myself.
Hi! I'm Bins, my ign is Plath. I've been playing since.... Uh somewhere in S2. I hit Gold 2 this season, got bored of ranked (and the game in general...) not really because I was losing either, decayed to Silver 2 ;-;. I have no will to play anymore ranked so I'm kind of just going down, down, down.
I pref mid>sup>adc>top>jungle and my favourite champ is probably Jinx. Not sure though. I've been reduced to ARAM recently because of bad lag that I'm getting (yay riot fucks up easy coast). I like ARAM though. And I mostly queue with my lower level friends to play
I've never struggled much with the community. If I had to give advice though, don't play with friends who aren't fun to play with. I ended up quitting for 3 months because my friends stressed me out too much. They were always really ragey and angry at everything and I thought I wasn't enjoying the game anymore.
I'm now mostly interested in the LoL pro scene but if anyone wants to play or chat on league send me a pm! Or just add me I guess.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 1:56 am
by RayFrost
↑ mykonian wrote: ↑ RayFrost wrote:Zyra's an okay support, but I feel that she doesn't mesh well with the current meta. (I love her, but she just doesn't)
I would love you to expand on this. I've played a ton of zyra support previous to last month, but in fairness probably against (slightly) lower quality opponents where building greedily paid off inevitably. I did get her in EUW for the final 6 games in ranked there, but again in fairness those games I did pick her were won off completely unrelated reasons (and some serious greed in the build again). I don't think I know the matchups too well, even with the amount I've played her.
There's actually a few reasons to this. It's not 100% about the lane matchups (zyra's actually got fairly fun laning against a lot of the common picks).
She's extremely immobile, with her only non-ult cc being a non-spammable snare. Her ult's biggest impact relies on people staying in it.
Lately, there's been an increase in the more damage-heavy picks with weaker initiation in the jungle / top lane, which means that the slack has to be picked up somewhere else (support). Zyra's initiation potential is among the weakest, she has no mobility (or tankiness to make up for it), and her actual teamfight presence is more damage oriented than cc oriented. None of these things really go with "my team has mostly damage and is lacking in hard lockdown."
The lack of mobility thing is a dual problem of she's easy to pick off and she's not able to get her initiation off easily (this is especially true in League Of Mobility). She still works in disengage-oriented or heavy aoe engage-oriented compositions, but those are significantly less common lately. I feel she's just lacking in synergy with the most common picks.
She can perform amazingly with the right comp, but she's not flexible into her teammates' picks like you tend to have to be in support lately.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:31 am
by Saki
↑ Saki wrote:
R>Q>E>W, Hydra first, press R at 6 to autowin lane.
E and Q at low level is insanely strong.
All-in level 3 or 4
Okay, maybe this is too simple.
NEVER max W and afk farm like Maestro says. IT DOESN'T WORK. You have no sustain, no cc, no ranged "safe" farming skill, the only thing you have is your damage, double gap closer, and MS/AS boost. Your W is often useless as every god damn thing and their mother can hit through it. Put 1 skill point in it for the 15 AD then don't touch it until much much later.
You need to play really aggressive early on and look for kills before or right around level 6. Fiora is a champion that's played for her damage/hypercarry potential, and she NEEDS to get snowballing to be a useful addition to a team. Try not to miss cs early game if you can't look for kills. Cry and bitch to your jungler in team chat for a gank.
Your early skill tree should look like this: Q E W Q Q R. The flat damage on Q and the AS on E is pretty significant, you can win trades fairly easily against any champion when your Q CD is up (which is why you max Q to reduce CD as well).
A few tips would be to turn on E before you Q to a target. That Q now gives you a stack of E which gives you the MS boost AND makes your Q animation faster allowing you to get onto the target.
The combo Q>AA>E>Q looking for the AA reset on E is stupid. It doesn't give you the ms boost on E until the second hit after your Q in which case anything that you want to kill is long gone and anything that wants to kill you has already done so.
Go for E>Q>AA follow up>Q. Use your last Q after E has ended/they move out of range. If you were orbwalking during your E, you can even catch a Tristana/Corki that has used their Ws to get away from you if you are quick enough on your second Q.
Your R is insanely strong, don't waste it if you're going to die and don't engage on someone without it.
You push turrets and lanes super duper hard so if your team is a bunch of fuckos that can't win 5v5 teamfights shut up and split. However fucked up they are they can usually hold a turret in a 4v5 because the enemy team is bad too.
If the enemy team sends someone after you, just kill them.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:13 am
by BROseidon
I like how someone asks for solo queue suggestions, and people suggest the meta champs.
It really doesnt matter that much what you play, unless you're playing stuff that's waaaaaaaaaaay undertuned (Olaf, Urgot, etc). A lot of the nuances that make champs like Lee OP in competitive don't exist in solo queue, which is why shit like Malz is fairly powerful.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:25 am
by Maestro
10/10 can attest, been fucked so hard by bot lanes that just won't die because Nami support
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 4:39 am
by Venmar
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:08 am
by lil g
Jungle: Vi.
I have no idea how Vi stays under the radar, she is extremely powerful in all phases of the game: high damage early, decent clear, great mobility, transitions well into tank. She has an unavoidable initiation suppress ult. She is very easy to use. As a midlaner there is nothing scarier than Vi.
2nd choice Jarvan. Still a crazy badass dunkathon. Absurd damage early into unkillable tank. Flash flag+drag ult still covers more screen than anyone else in the game. His downside is that he's a little on the boring side since everything he does revolves around EQ. If you think dunking guys is boring.
Everyone wants to play Lee but those 2 are way better than him.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:17 am
by Nexus
Isn't Vi's high ult cooldown a big reason for her not being played? It feels like FOREVER when you play as her and your ult is on cooldown.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:29 am
by BROseidon
Vi and Zac can initiate from further out than Jarvan. Zac's initiation is bullshit.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:26 am
by Papa Zito
When I play Zyra support I almost always do the most damage to champs on my team by the end of the game.
I also almost always have the highest number of deaths.
So that's where Zyra is right now.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:38 am
by JasonWazza
↑ Nexus wrote:Isn't Vi's high ult cooldown a big reason for her not being played? It feels like FOREVER when you play as her and your ult is on cooldown.
It's a decent sized cooldown at 6, but it is up every team fight late game (150/115/80)
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:14 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
The issue with lee is he's as good as the person playing him.
And most people who play the game are crap. That's why they're not challenger.
And vi is pretty easy yeah... she's not under the radar in my games though. She gets banned about 20-30% of the time I think.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:59 am
by animorpherv1
Vi's ban rate is 7.59% right now - to compare, Evelynn's the highest banned jungler (and 6th most banned champ) at 33.32%.
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:09 pm
by RayFrost
I ban vi when I am first pick
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 12:20 pm
by Saki
↑ Nexus wrote:Isn't Vi's high ult cooldown a big reason for her not being played? It feels like FOREVER when you play as her and your ult is on cooldown.
Play 40% CDR Vi and no it's not short at all
Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 2:43 pm
by Oman
↑ BROseidon wrote:It really doesnt matter that much what you play, unless you're playing stuff that's waaaaaaaaaaay undertuned
I disagree. I think you almost need to pick tanky supports and top laners in solo queue because everyony else picks high damage, no cc carries, so you really need to bring in the tanky initiation or peel.
Just what I've seen though, could be wrong.