Page 132 of 227

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:51 pm
by Firebringer
murdercat will u be my subordinate today

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:51 pm
by flow trap
In post 3243, Raya36 wrote:Flow called his vote the worst on the wagon so probably not partners
Again, not me

VOTE: Anya

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:52 pm
by xofelf
In post 3264, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 3251, xofelf wrote:murderkitty, I'm made of sleepy and while I read all the things that you quoted, I'm gonna need you to explain to me like I'm 5 *why* those quotes lead you to your conclusion list please?
Ok I can write stuff up later about it
Well it's more like... xoffy brains say a quiet noooo at walls of text that are just quotes without explanations or reactions about what I'm supposed to be following in said quotes. I'm happy for the map, but where is the stupid key and scale so I can use it. That's all <3

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:53 pm
by Raya36
In post 3262, MURDERCAT wrote:
Spoiler: Kaz votes with VCs
In post 2322, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.34

Titus [8]
pooky, firebringer, flow trap, MURDERCAT, anya, Brave Heart Lion, unwnd, sircakez
NorwegianboyEE [8]
shiro, flea the magician, toadette, save the dragons, raya36, Ivyeo, andante, titus
Andante [2]
Nero Cain, kdowns
shiro [1]
anya [1]
raya36 [1]
Murdercat [1]
pookythemagicalbear [1]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2399, Kazyan wrote:Closing the tab did not help and it looks like if I step away for an hour, I will come back to another 10 pages jfc

I think Andante might be genuine here; if she were scum fighting this hard to save Titus and then Titus flipped red, Andante would get yeeted on Day 2 or maybe vigged during the night. That would be too risky of a play, I think

Titus and Andante are either in two different scum teams, or are both town.

In post 2434, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.35

NorwegianboyEE [8]
shiro, flea the magician, toadette, save the dragons, raya36, Ivyeo, titus, kazyan
Titus [6]
pooky, firebringer, MURDERCAT, anya, Brave Heart Lion, unwnd
shiro [2]
sircakez, farkran
Andante [2]
Nero Cain, kdowns
anya [1]
raya36 [1]
Kazyan [1]
flow trap [1]
Dwlee99 [1]
flow trap

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2492, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.36

NorwegianboyEE [8]
shiro, flea the magician, toadette, save the dragons, raya36, Ivyeo, kazyan, nero cain
Titus [6]
pooky, firebringer, MURDERCAT, anya, Brave Heart Lion, unwnd
shiro [2]
sircakez, farkran
anya [2]
dwlee99, titus
raya36 [1]
Kazyan [1]
flow trap [1]
Dwlee99 [1]
flow trap
pookythemagicalbear [1]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2525, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.37

NorwegianboyEE [6]
shiro, flea the magician, raya36, Ivyeo, kazyan, nero cain
Murdercat [6]
Save the dragons, farkran, andante, pooky, toadette, unwnd
Titus [4]
firebringer, MURDERCAT, anya, Brave Heart Lion
anya [2]
dwlee99, titus
shiro [1]
raya36 [1]
flow trap [1]
Dwlee99 [1]
flow trap
pookythemagicalbear [1]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2531, Kazyan wrote:VOTE: Anya to make this sporting
In post 2532, unwnd wrote:
In post 2531, Kazyan wrote:VOTE: Anya to make this sporting
Kaz help end the day not divide it
In post 2533, Kazyan wrote:Fiiiiine

VOTE: Murdercat
In post 2550, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.38

Murdercat [9]
Save the dragons, farkran, andante, pooky, toadette, unwnd, firebringer, kazyan, sircakez
NorwegianboyEE [5]
shiro, flea the magician, raya36, Ivyeo, nero cain
Titus [3]
MURDERCAT, anya, Brave Heart Lion
anya [2]
dwlee99, titus
raya36 [1]
flow trap [1]
Dwlee99 [1]
flow trap
pookythemagicalbear [1]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2820, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.41

Murdercat [ 9 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, kazyan, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, unwnd, ivyeo
Titus [ 4 ]
anya, toadette, flow trap, flea the magician
firebringer [ 4 ]
andante, titus, save the dragons, MURDERCAT
NorwegianboyEE [ 3 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]
flow trap [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2875, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.43

Murdercat [ 8 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, unwnd, ivyeo
firebringer [ 4 ]
andante, titus, save the dragons, MURDERCAT
NorwegianboyEE [ 4 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, flow trap
Titus [ 3 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician
anya [ 2 ]
dwlee99, kazyan,
raya36 [ 1 ]
flow trap [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2892, Kazyan wrote:VOTE: NBEE
In post 2950, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.46

Murdercat [ 10 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, ivyeo, norwegianboyEE, kazyan, flow trap
NorwegianboyEE [ 4 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, save the dragons
Titus [ 4 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician, unwnd
firebringer [ 2 ]
andante, titus
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 2 ]

xofelf, murdercat

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 3112, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.50

Murdercat [ 10 ]
farkran, pooky, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, norwegianboyEE, kazyan, flow trap, unwnd, andante
NorwegianboyEE [ 8 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, save the dragons, anya, firebringer, ivyeo, MURDERCAT
Titus [ 2 ]
toadette, flea the magician
firebringer [ 1 ]
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 3145, Kazyan wrote:
In post 3120, Save The Dragons wrote:kazyan you've voted norway before, why is murdercat a better option?
Oh, it's definitely not. NBEE is tied for the leading wagon now, so now I won't get chewed out for lack of commitment! VOTE: NBEE
In post 3129, unwnd wrote:What's norwee at? I will absolutely Not_Mafia style hammer

Also if Norwee is scum Fark is scum with him, sentiment still applies!
Dooooo it
I think 1.43 of the ones you quoted is interesting because Anya wasn't even close to the most viable counterwagon.
In 1.35 Kazy was on Norway when Titus was viable
In 1.44 went to Norway when Murdercat was viable although did move to MC, and ended up moving back to Norway

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:54 pm
Spoiler: flow quotes involving norwee
In post 599, flow trap wrote:
In post 299, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Btw i will NOT be as hyperposty as usual, because i am working an 9 to 5 job weekly. Before i had a lot more time for mafia.
Or is it because you don't want to be sus :eek:
In post 949, flow trap wrote:
In post 761, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 717, Andante wrote:
In post 715, unwnd wrote:I don't want to play hero or seem like I need to defend people but Andante being called scum is baffling. I think people are really annoyed about her spam and think maybe she just has nothing to say, yet I see a lot of method into it. You could even compare and contrast this thought as to why I didn't like Kaz. Andante sees something she doesn't like and much like a dog starts barking at trouble. Kaz however sits back and uses opposable thumbs to make Pro/Anti lists that generate no purpose beyond discussing a potential what-if topic. What if scum are anti-posters? What if town are pro-posters? Who knows. Even he himself initially said 'will this help anyone? probably not'

Humans are the enemy
this is a very towny post
Just because they defend you?
Why do you assume that?
In post 951, flow trap wrote:
In post 774, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Andante
I see nothing wrong with this :good:
In post 973, flow trap wrote:VOTE: norwegianboyEE
In post 1114, flow trap wrote:
In post 1110, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Btw @Flow Trap
How is my vote the worst on the wagon? I literally explained why i didn’t like and voted Andante. And just because i found one of the votes on Andante scummy doesn’t mean Andante is not scum either. For all we know this could be multiball with this many players and the theme.
Where did I say that?
In post 1119, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Ivyeo

Yeah, Norwee's vote isn't that bad looking at it

I don't like it but not as in scummy
In post 1312, flow trap wrote:
In post 1311, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I mean if i was scum and i had someone like Beeboy as scum partner i would just buss him and say everyone who didn't vote him is scum.
That's kind of silly
In post 2412, flow trap wrote:
In post 2410, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2382, flow trap wrote:
In post 2380, Andante wrote:
In post 2370, SirCakez wrote:
In post 2367, Andante wrote:GUYS. YOU ARE LITERALLY ONLY VOTING TITUS BECAUSE OF THE BEEBOY "META" step back for 1 second and consider this being town.
not after the claim
And I'm telling all of you, based on my role pm, I 100% believe Titus. And I'm certain someone here has to also have this info, unless I'm just informed, which could work, idk. I'm not outing stuff. I believe Titus.
I like this VOTE: Dwlee
Why Dwlee btw? They haven't pinged me as scummy.
Spontanious decision
In post 2432, flow trap wrote:
In post 2430, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 2422, flow trap wrote:Would you say I have an informed perspective?
What is this question??
Maybe it's a breadcrumb?
In post 2681, flow trap wrote:
In post 2668, NorwegianboyEE wrote:If given the ultimate choice i'd execute Flow Trap atm. I feel they have highest chance of flipping scum in all of my reads.
I have a 100% chance of flipping town if you shoot me day 1
In post 2730, flow trap wrote:
In post 2725, Shiro wrote:Anya join me on norwey, fkow and toad do so as well. We can be heroes and kill scum instead of letting animal abuse continue.
VOTE: Norwee

Sus gang!
In post 2748, flow trap wrote:Did norwee peace out ._.
In post 2864, flow trap wrote:VOTE: NorwegianboyEE
In post 3125, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Norwee

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:54 pm
by Raya36
In post 3265, Chara wrote:Raya: my opinion on Cakes does have to do with finding him very town by play. same with Dwlee actually.
I don't have a strong read based on play. I just think he's the most likely based on what I did last night. I'll iso him tomorrow night

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:55 pm
In post 3275, Firebringer wrote:murdercat will u be my subordinate today
Sure as long as you make good decisions :D

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:55 pm
In post 3277, xofelf wrote:Well it's more like... xoffy brains say a quiet noooo at walls of text that are just quotes without explanations or reactions about what I'm supposed to be following in said quotes. I'm happy for the map, but where is the stupid key and scale so I can use it. That's all <3
Honestly, I quote the posts so they are easy to look at for me moreso than anyone else, they aren't required reading <3

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:56 pm
by Chara
In post 769, NorwegianboyEE wrote:
In post 755, Save The Dragons wrote:VOTE: Andante
This blind vote on a rising wagon is concerning me.
In post 774, NorwegianboyEE wrote:VOTE: Andante
In post 1015, NorwegianboyEE wrote:Andante has very wolfy confidence with how they're saying we need to keep up their votes on them.
on further consideration, i actually don't think Norwee's ISO indicates he isn't scum with Andante.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:57 pm
by Firebringer
In post 3281, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 3275, Firebringer wrote:murdercat will u be my subordinate today
Sure as long as you make good decisions :D
good news i make the best decisions

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:57 pm
by Chara
the wagon discredit + hop-on is still weird and aside from 1015 Norwee doesn't really push Andante besides that.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:57 pm
by Raya36
In post 3269, Chara wrote:
In post 3261, Raya36 wrote:
In post 3255, SirCakez wrote:If we're doing NKA Nero kill points to Andante
Why is that? Andante for other reasons feels very town to me right now
can you talk about this? i know why Fire TRs Andante but i'm having a hard time with the read.

in hindsight the Shiro read from her feels very "oh i need to do some actual hunting, let me give One Read that i can back up".
i'd dearly like to go over Andante's ISO and confirm this feeling but i do love myself. maybe later.
Well part of the read is still backed by how bad I found the wagon. But my actual townread started when she was vouching for Titus. That's how Andante acts as town from what I have seen and unless Titus and Andante are scum together I don't see the motivation behind it if scum.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:57 pm
by Toadette
In post 3233, xofelf wrote:
In post 3229, Toadette wrote:I'm actually not really gimmicking this alt at all besides the truthful and forthright assertions of my rightful species identification.

I don't know if maybe I'm playing just a smidge different cause of the tone the avi and name sets but I'm definitely not making much of a conscious effort to roleplay.
Okay, you weren't really around long in... was it Haunted Village I'm sleepy, and I wouldn't say I'd count Flying Scumsman for much given the hydra aspect there among other things. I've just found you weird this whole game and assumed it was RPing of some kind.
Are you trying to say you want me to roleplay, but you're being shy about it

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:58 pm
by xofelf
In post 3282, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 3277, xofelf wrote:Well it's more like... xoffy brains say a quiet noooo at walls of text that are just quotes without explanations or reactions about what I'm supposed to be following in said quotes. I'm happy for the map, but where is the stupid key and scale so I can use it. That's all <3
Honestly, I quote the posts so they are easy to look at for me moreso than anyone else, they aren't required reading <3
Fair, but you put them behind a spoiler, and spoilers mean oooo click! But really, it does organize a lot of stuff real well so I do like it. I think I've seen you do this before, is this sort of your thing?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:58 pm
by Chara
In post 3273, Firebringer wrote:ty. what should i listen to u about
i would like you to read Andante's ISO from the vote on you near the end of the day and onward.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:58 pm
by Raya36
In post 3271, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 3256, Raya36 wrote:Why don't you think cakez is with norway again?
I think is a pocket attempt, not a partner
Idk that's kind of weak for pocketing?

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 2:59 pm
by Firebringer
In post 3289, Chara wrote:
In post 3273, Firebringer wrote:ty. what should i listen to u about
i would like you to read Andante's ISO from the vote on you near the end of the day and onward.
i feel like i will only give u a very biased answer after rereading

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:00 pm
by xofelf
In post 3287, Toadette wrote:
In post 3233, xofelf wrote:
In post 3229, Toadette wrote:I'm actually not really gimmicking this alt at all besides the truthful and forthright assertions of my rightful species identification.

I don't know if maybe I'm playing just a smidge different cause of the tone the avi and name sets but I'm definitely not making much of a conscious effort to roleplay.
Okay, you weren't really around long in... was it Haunted Village I'm sleepy, and I wouldn't say I'd count Flying Scumsman for much given the hydra aspect there among other things. I've just found you weird this whole game and assumed it was RPing of some kind.
Are you trying to say you want me to roleplay, but you're being shy about it
You know I would just straight up tell you if that was the case, miss. <3

But okay, I think I get it now. Just every time you post I get confused clown horns in reaction instead of sortable pings and that's grumpymaking. But it probably doesn't mean anything.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:02 pm
by Firebringer
all this nonsense just sounds like dumb young firebringer:
Spoiler: andante
In post 2813, Andante wrote:VOTE: Firebringer

The FB ISO has convinced me
In post 2815, Andante wrote:FB hasn't actually done anything this game, just following whatever wagon and saying they're sheeping me, like.. if they were town I feel like there's be a touch of "I'm trying to find scum" in the iso
In post 2819, Andante wrote:lol I feel like I have so much power this game!!!I love this feeling
In post 2822, Andante wrote:hey pooky, I think Firebringer should be the yeet here
In post 2835, Andante wrote:FB's iso is bad
In post 2838, Andante wrote:
In post 2837, Nero Cain wrote:I kinda think that MC is town.
yeah same
In post 2840, Andante wrote:fire kinda stopped doing anything after initial meme ing phase was over
In post 3032, Andante wrote:ok, I guess murdercat goes. VOTE: murdercat
In post 3051, Andante wrote:we're not yeeting titus
In post 3061, Andante wrote:
In post 3059, Anya wrote:
In post 3053, Firebringer wrote:We should yeet Titus
can you vote for Titus then

VOTE: Titus

Why are you against murdercat who is e-1?
In post 3062, Andante wrote:titus yeet is literally not happening
In post 3065, Andante wrote:
In post 3064, MURDERCAT wrote:
In post 3061, Andante wrote:Why are you against murdercat who is e-1?
Can you justify your vote on me?
I'm not yeeting titus, and apparantly you're the only yeet we can get who isn't titus
In post 3068, Andante wrote:If I could pick the yeet here, I'd pick Firebringer. FB is flipping scum, and honestly at this rate probably Anya too
In post 3069, Andante wrote:
In post 3067, MURDERCAT wrote:so no, ok 3/3 for people voting me with no (or wrong) reasoning
I LITEREALLY TRIED FLIPPING IT TO FB So I'm not even going there
In post 3078, Andante wrote:I'm not voting titus with yall
In post 3079, Andante wrote:I'm telling you to leave Titus alone for now
In post 3084, Andante wrote:Titus is not scum here, just trust me

its like reading old essays of mine and gives me so much cringe

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:02 pm
by Chara
In post 3286, Raya36 wrote:Well part of the read is still backed by how bad I found the wagon. But my actual townread started when she was vouching for Titus. That's how Andante acts as town from what I have seen and unless Titus and Andante are scum together I don't see the motivation behind it if scum.
i also think the wagon wasn't very strong, but i don't think that necessarily makes Andante less likely to be scum, especially given it's multiball so scum are going to have less power to get the wagons they want. (right?)

the Titus thing does give me pause, but that's why i disagreed with Fire that they were necessarily unaligned. it's a super weird thing to do, but Andante's only town for it if Titus is telling the truth and Aliens are a thing, and i'm thinking Aliens aren't a thing. and murdercat made a good point about it being very strange she was allowed to get a result.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:03 pm
by Toadette
I feel like I dunno what xofelf is but I think they're never third party

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:04 pm
by Firebringer
if chara keeps disagreeing with me im gonna have to call it a butthead :>

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:05 pm
by Chara
you can call me a butthead, i don't mind.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:05 pm
by Firebringer
ur too nice for ur own good.

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 3:06 pm
Spoiler: FT votes with VCs
In post 950, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.14

Andante [6]
Nero Cain, norwegianboyEE, dwlee99, save the dragons, sircakez, farkran
Kazyan [2]
raya36, anya
xofelf [2]
MURDERCAT, toadette
toadette [2]
flea, flow trap
Farkran [2]
unwnd, chara
Nero Cain [1]
Beeboy [1]
sircakez [1]
kdowns [1]
anya [1]
Ivyeo [1]

Not Voting [4]

Beeboy, Brave Heart Lion, kdowns, xofelf

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 958, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Kazyan
In post 959, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Ivyeo
In post 973, flow trap wrote:VOTE: norwegianboyEE
In post 1119, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Ivyeo

Yeah, Norwee's vote isn't that bad looking at it

I don't like it but not as in scummy
In post 1125, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.15

Andante [6]
Nero Cain, norwegianboyEE, dwlee99, save the dragons, sircakez, farkran
Kazyan [3]
raya36, brave heart lion, murdercat
Beeboy [2]
pooky, unwnd
Farkran [2]
chara, anya
xofelf [1]
kdowns [1]
NorwegianboyEE [1]
flow trap [1]
anya [1]
Ivyeo [1]
flow trap
toadette [1]

Not Voting [4]

Beeboy, kdowns, xofelf, ivyeo

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)

In post 1051, Farkran wrote:By the way my current opinion is that the kazyan wagon is scumdriven, i cannot believe for a second that he is being scumread for trying to organize the thread

Out of all the possible reasons to vote anyone, choosing to vote for busywork is terrible, and the wagon growing so high is opportunistic at best

Can we have a vc?
Mod note: I'm pretty nifty with regular vote counts, but not usually at 4 am while I am asleep.
In post 1281, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Beeboy
In post 1286, flow trap wrote:UNVOTE: Beeboy

I don't trust you Anda :?
In post 1301, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Save the Dragons

In post 1351, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.20

Andante [4]
Nero Cain, dwlee99, farkran, kdowns
Kazyan [4]
raya36, brave heart lion, murdercat, sircakez
Beeboy [4]
pooky, unwnd, kazyan, andante
NorwegianboyEE [3]
shiro, save the dragons, flea
Save the Dragons [2]
norwegianboyee, flow trap
Farkran [1]
xofelf [1]
anya [1]
raya36 [1]

Not Voting [3]

Beeboy, xofelf, ivyeo

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 1921, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Beeboy
In post 1925, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.30

NorwegianboyEE [6]
shiro, flea the magician, toadette, anya, save the dragons, raya36
Beeboy [5]
pooky, unwnd, kazyan, firebringer, flow trap
shiro [4]
farkran, andante, sircakez, norwegianboyEE
Andante [3]
Nero Cain, dwlee99, kdowns
Kazyan [3]
brave heart lion, murdercat
raya36 [1]

Not Voting [ 3 ]

Beeboy, xofelf, ivyeo

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2343, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Andante
In post 2368, flow trap wrote:
In post 2367, Andante wrote:GUYS. YOU ARE LITERALLY ONLY VOTING TITUS BECAUSE OF THE BEEBOY "META" step back for 1 second and consider this being town.

VOTE: Andate
In post 2382, flow trap wrote:
In post 2380, Andante wrote:
In post 2370, SirCakez wrote:
In post 2367, Andante wrote:GUYS. YOU ARE LITERALLY ONLY VOTING TITUS BECAUSE OF THE BEEBOY "META" step back for 1 second and consider this being town.
not after the claim
And I'm telling all of you, based on my role pm, I 100% believe Titus. And I'm certain someone here has to also have this info, unless I'm just informed, which could work, idk. I'm not outing stuff. I believe Titus.
I like this VOTE: Dwlee
In post 2575, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.39

Murdercat [9]
Save the dragons, farkran, andante, pooky, toadette, unwnd, firebringer, kazyan, sircakez
NorwegianboyEE [5]
shiro, flea the magician, raya36, Ivyeo, nero cain
Titus [2]
anya, Brave Heart Lion
anya [2]
dwlee99, titus
raya36 [1]
flow trap [1]
Dwlee99 [1]
flow trap
pookythemagicalbear [1]
toadette [1]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2730, flow trap wrote:
In post 2725, Shiro wrote:Anya join me on norwey, fkow and toad do so as well. We can be heroes and kill scum instead of letting animal abuse continue.
VOTE: Norwee

Sus gang!
In post 2759, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Titus
In post 2787, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.40

Murdercat [9]
Save the dragons, farkran, andante, pooky, firebringer, kazyan, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns
Titus [6]
anya, toadette, murdercat, flow trap, flea the magician, unwnd
NorwegianboyEE [3]
shiro, raya36, nero cain
anya [2]
dwlee99, titus
raya36 [1]
flow trap [1]

Not Voting [ 2 ]

xofelf, ivyeo

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2824, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Anya
In post 2850, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.42

Murdercat [ 8 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, unwnd, ivyeo
firebringer [ 4 ]
andante, titus, save the dragons, MURDERCAT
Titus [ 3 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician
NorwegianboyEE [ 3 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain
anya [ 3 ]
dwlee99, kazyan, flow trap
raya36 [ 1 ]
flow trap [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2864, flow trap wrote:VOTE: NorwegianboyEE
In post 2875, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.43

Murdercat [ 8 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, unwnd, ivyeo
firebringer [ 4 ]
andante, titus, save the dragons, MURDERCAT
NorwegianboyEE [ 4 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, flow trap
Titus [ 3 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician
anya [ 2 ]
dwlee99, kazyan,
raya36 [ 1 ]
flow trap [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2912, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Murdercat

Edit: E-2, I believe
In post 2930, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.45

Murdercat [ 11 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, unwnd, ivyeo, norwegianboyEE, kazyan, flow trap
NorwegianboyEE [ 4 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, save the dragons
Titus [ 3 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician
firebringer [ 2 ]
andante, titus
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 2 ]

xofelf, murdercat

With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2970, flow trap wrote:VOTE: FB
In post 2975, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.47

Murdercat [ 9 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, ivyeo, norwegianboyEE, kazyan
Titus [ 5 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician, unwnd, MURDERCAT
NorwegianboyEE [ 4 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, save the dragons
firebringer [ 3 ]
andante, titus, flow trap
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 2999, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Murdercat
In post 3000, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.48

Murdercat [ 10 ]
farkran, pooky, firebringer, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, ivyeo, norwegianboyEE, kazyan, flow trap
Titus [ 5 ]
anya, toadette, flea the magician, unwnd, MURDERCAT
firebringer [ 3 ]
andante, titus, save the dragons
NorwegianboyEE [ 3 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 3112, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.50

Murdercat [ 10 ]
farkran, pooky, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, norwegianboyEE, kazyan, flow trap, unwnd, andante
NorwegianboyEE [ 8 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, save the dragons, anya, firebringer, ivyeo, MURDERCAT
Titus [ 2 ]
toadette, flea the magician
firebringer [ 1 ]
anya [ 1 ]
raya36 [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)
In post 3125, flow trap wrote:VOTE: Norwee
In post 3152, Thestatusquo wrote:
VoteCount 1.51

NorwegianboyEE [ 11 ]
shiro, raya36, nero cain, save the dragons, anya, firebringer, ivyeo, MURDERCAT, flow trap, kazyan, chara
Murdercat [ 8 ]
farkran, pooky, sircakez, brave heart lion, kdowns, norwegianboyEE, unwnd, andante
Titus [ 2 ]
toadette, flea the magician
firebringer [ 1 ]
anya [ 1 ]

Not Voting [ 1 ]


With 24 alive it takes 13 votes to be executed.

Countdown to deadline: (expired on 2021-05-17 20:33:31)

This vc has been edited to fix an incorrect total of votes on NorwegianboyEE. It originally said 12.