Page 1357 of 2016

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:02 pm
by PJ.
He didn't? He was trying to get his role so he could try and win, and you wanted to first pick mid even though it is a notably weak role for you so you cried about it.

Also, i don't even see a talon question by you? I see a couple Jayce questions, but still when given the answer you fucking dispute it instead of saying "oh okay guy 2-3 tiers above on a server with people on it opposed to one filled with kangaroos and other assorted field mice, I'll give your advice a try before makign an opinion about it"

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:07 pm
by Iecerint
RayFrost wrote:I had the most fun when I played in bronze.


If this is Bronze, you did that, then Fizz got a triple kill, then Janna killed Fizz, and then the remaining players died in the jungle.

Objectives taken: 0!

Rinse and repeat!

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:11 pm
by Maestro
Could I just
OCE on a smurf? I'm wondering how godawful my ping would be but I kinda wanna play with Jason...

Because I feel like helping somebody instead of shouting them out in-thread for posting about their play experience (which we
do, from time to time, positively and negatively). Idk guys, I don't know how this shit works, that's just what I'm feelin' here.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:12 pm
by Maestro
Like, I don't even know what ELO hell is, I guess. I'm not sure I know tons more about the game than Bronze ppl but in Silver I don't feel too out of my league so I guess I belong somewhere in between Bronze and SIII like I currently am? I dunno. I just know I learn a little something every Ranked game and I neither feel like a complete dead weight nor consistently carry.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:20 pm
by PJ.
Elo Hell mostly doesn't exist. The definition i've heard that I most like is, "When you are a dwarf among gnomes but in order to win you need to be an ogre." But that doesn't exist anymore, because lol what's snowballing.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:24 pm
by JasonWazza
JasonWazza wrote:
EDIT: Also question, what are decent picks against a talon?

Talon question

And i'm not berating Lil G i'm just pointing out that i don't see how the problem is his Rake (and it's not only me saying that)

And i asked questions about the matchup, not like i am berating everything that is said (all i have berated is Essence Reaver because it is a pretty awful item).

Maestro wrote:Could I just
OCE on a smurf? I'm wondering how godawful my ping would be but I kinda wanna play with Jason...

Because I feel like helping somebody instead of shouting them out in-thread for posting about their play experience (which we
do, from time to time, positively and negatively). Idk guys, I don't know how this shit works, that's just what I'm feelin' here.

If your ping isn't completely unplayable i'd be happy to play with you :P

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:29 pm
by Maestro
Smurf created! Gonna try a bot game in a minute - would that be able to give me an idea of ping? EDIT: ISOed you and found your IGN is same as on here... but, really, somebody should contact a skittle and wrestle control of the OP so we can actually update it... :shifty:

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:30 pm
by JasonWazza
JasonWazza same as my IGN for most things.

And i think a bot game should give you an idea of the ping.

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:34 pm
by Maestro
P.S. While I wait to see the horror that will be the loading screen on my first OCE game, I'm reminded that I get a noticeable lower ping on the PBE. Is that normal for NA people?

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:35 pm
by Maestro
Ping hovering around 300...and I'll admit I don't know what that'll be like in-game till I see it but doesn't sound TOO awful. Still has a green bubble next to it so I guess that's a good sign. :P

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:40 pm
by Iecerint
Maestro wrote:Smurf created! Gonna try a bot game in a minute - would that be able to give me an idea of ping? EDIT: ISOed you and found your IGN is same as on here... but, really, somebody should contact a skittle and wrestle control of the OP so we can actually update it... :shifty:

They did this for me and the SC2 thread, so I'm sure a moderator will oblige if you ask the right person.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:02 am
by PJ.
They won't, we've been asking for either a definite new thread or front post powers for i want to say 2 years

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:06 am
by chamber
I don't believe there is any active will against it. The plan 2ish years ago when I was actually involved in the backend was for hito to create a season 3 thread and go from there, hito created the thread but then more or less flaked before season 3 actually started so it remained locked.

I'm sure if you ask again they'll oblige in some way.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:30 am
by quadz08
got promoted from Bronze III to Bronze I, being consistently matched with silvers

let me support for you, low-ELO ADCs, I will win your games

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:06 am
by dramonic
Aren't you silver?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:23 am
by Saki
PJ. wrote:Complains about solo queue

I thought this was the purpose of this thread.
You're guilty of this, I'm guilty of this, everyone's guilty of this.
I don't see your reasoning behind singling out Jason on this.

PJ. wrote:he asks for advice and then shoots it down, which is ridiculously retarded.

PJ. wrote:asks for help than shouts down the help

I'm sorry, I thought 'advice' was something that you could take or leave.
If it's shitty advice then you should really ignore it.
"Saki, Quinn is a godawful champion and she's never played in LCS so you shouldn't be playing her at all"
Yeah well one day I hope that I'll meet you on the enemy team in a ranked game. Oh wait, that day's never going to come.

PJ. wrote:Elo Hell mostly doesn't exist. The definition i've heard that I most like is, "When you are a dwarf among gnomes but in order to win you need to be an ogre." But that doesn't exist anymore, because lol what's snowballing.

It exists.
"Elo hell" defines a variety of things.

When your MMR begins to tank a lot compared to your tier, then you're stuck in a situation where winning gets you 6-12LP while losing takes away 20-25.
You're going to be in a situation where your MMR decreases very hard while your tier is either a) static (tier 5) or b) decreasing at a slower pace than your MMR and it's going to get you on a perpetual loss of MMR and LP unless by some divine intervention you get matched with 5-6+ teams in a row that give you a role that you can carry with and are half-decent, AND you manage to not throw and win all of those games to restore yourself to your normal MMR.

People also tend to call the tier5/4s of each division "elo hell" because tier5/4 is where all of the people that got lucky/boosted/ended up at a higher tier where they don't belong and have the tier5 cushion so that they don't fall reside. There's a big discrepancy between player skill in tier5/4 from player to player. To be demoted from gold5 to silver, your MMR must be lower than silver 5, which means that the gold5 on your team may play as bad as a silver5 or be normal or even better, someone who's climbing their way through ranked (either a smurf, or a experienced player).

And the last promotion series from tier1 to the next division's tier5 is typically very very hard. I remember last season knowing a person that was plat1 and had 99LP, then won 6 straight games with 0LP gain and getting his series on the seventh. My progression from Silver to Gold early last season had me winning 7-8 points per game and losing 20 each game every time I moved past 70LP in Silver 1.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:49 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
I think I had the first situation saki describes happen to me last season. Ended with me playing bronze 3 people while remaining silver 5.

I think they said they removed the tier progression difficulty this season though.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:09 am
by quadz08
dramonic wrote:Aren't you silver?

No. I look silver cause I'm on a silver ranked team

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:37 am
by theelkspeaks
elk here! I've been checking out that factions thing, and I think I'm going to declare for Bilgewater, but I'm not sure how to join - the link on the site for joining appears to still point to the last arc.

Summoner name is also "theelkspeaks", on NA, Bronze II mid main, but hoping to play mostly ADC in factions (former ADC main, MF was one of my main ADCs then, and Graves is currently my go-to ADC when someone else takes mid).

Also, looking for a good "easy" jungle champ to play when I end up jungling in SoloQ - it's my weakest role right now, and I'd just like to add a champ or two who's rarely banned/picked by the other team, doesn't have hard counter matchups (at low elo) and isn't mechanically intense. Basically, a jungler who's there to let his team carry him while contributing in some way. I've been jungling Yi or Tiger Udyr (as Feral Farmers), and I used to jungle Shen, Malphite, and Vi (as tanky junglers). Not sure how strong any of those are at the moment. I play some Maokai top when not picked/banned, but I don't know how to jungle as him. Any suggestions?

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:40 am
by quadz08
The signups aren't up yet for the next arc. Guy-in-charge is busy with RL stuff.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:40 am
by quadz08
I'm probably going to join Freljord.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:59 am
by PJ.
Saki wrote:It exists.
"Elo hell" defines a variety of things.

When your MMR begins to tank a lot compared to your tier, then you're stuck in a situation where winning gets you 6-12LP while losing takes away 20-25.
You're going to be in a situation where your MMR decreases very hard while your tier is either a) static (tier 5) or b) decreasing at a slower pace than your MMR and it's going to get you on a perpetual loss of MMR and LP unless by some divine intervention you get matched with 5-6+ teams in a row that give you a role that you can carry with and are half-decent, AND you manage to not throw and win all of those games to restore yourself to your normal MMR.

People also tend to call the tier5/4s of each division "elo hell" because tier5/4 is where all of the people that got lucky/boosted/ended up at a higher tier where they don't belong and have the tier5 cushion so that they don't fall reside. There's a big discrepancy between player skill in tier5/4 from player to player. To be demoted from gold5 to silver, your MMR must be lower than silver 5, which means that the gold5 on your team may play as bad as a silver5 or be normal or even better, someone who's climbing their way through ranked (either a smurf, or a experienced player).

And the last promotion series from tier1 to the next division's tier5 is typically very very hard. I remember last season knowing a person that was plat1 and had 99LP, then won 6 straight games with 0LP gain and getting his series on the seventh. My progression from Silver to Gold early last season had me winning 7-8 points per game and losing 20 each game every time I moved past 70LP in Silver 1.

@saki, I had a big mostly reasonable post to you but I lost it cause i'm an idiot, so I'm gonna just answer the elo hell bit because i didn't write that bit and it's more important than responding to the first two bits

Situation 1 happens a lot less than it used to because the lp gains are much more reasonable, mostly because they removed the mmr clamping because you can(technically) lose out of divisions, they don't clamp when you are moving out(which means situation 3 no longer exists at all).

Situation 2 is definitely tricky and does exist, lots of people not trying not caring because of how impossible it is to lose out of a tier. It definitely makes games a lot more swingy, especially because they removed the snowball mechanics, but typically if you stuck somewhere, you belong there.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:23 am
by animorpherv1
Oh man, it's so much fun to stomp silly a level 28 Viktor as Fizz, then stomp two plat adcs (Jungle Twitch & Jinx), afterwards with your Mejai's. I even won a 1v1 with Mundo.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:10 am
by Iecerint
chamber wrote:I don't believe there is any active will against it. The plan 2ish years ago when I was actually involved in the backend was for hito to create a season 3 thread and go from there, hito created the thread but then more or less flaked before season 3 actually started so it remained locked.

I'm sure if you ask again they'll oblige in some way.

I want to say chamber was the one who gave me the SC2 frontpage.

The context was that I asked if a mod could edit ReaperCharlie OP and they were like "nah, you do it."

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 7:13 am
by BROseidon
Elo hell is when you get a string of bad teams, which makes you go on tilt so you lose more and end up having to climb up about 100-200 mmr.

It happens, but then gets replaced by elo heaven where you are a god.