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Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:52 pm
by Benmage
I'd say yes... but even taking one game at a time.. I don't feel right if I pull a scum role, and there's a chance I not post ("content") for 5 days... it isn't fair....

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:54 pm
by Benmage
I'm sure I'll return when things settle.. my new position at work has me nutsly busy, 9+ hours a day, after school events open houses etc.. (admin in school is bussssy)... (I moved during that week before my trip too)... Looking to buy a house.. now planning a wedding... RL of simply working out/rugby/ friends.

When things calm down, we'll see.. maybe come the fall.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:54 pm
by camn
In post 3444, DeasVail wrote:I'm just sorry I wasn't more town.
You weren't so bad!
I just reread you three times, and you were pretty good.

But you practically claimed scum at a couple key points. >headdesk<

Seriously, though.. I couldn't/still can't see you killing kuribo- why would you have, as scum?

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:55 pm
by Benmage
I'll note to NK you n1 should this happen :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:58 pm
by DeasVail
Yeah, that sounds like a lot to handle.

PEdit: Because the only reason I would have kept him alive was because he thought I was town, so as scum I would have thought that him being alive was only because I was scum, so if people thought about things logically, then things would point straight to me.

I don't know if it would have been a good decision, but that's how I would have felt.

Also, I'd have to convince Kuribo that Benmage/Camn left him alive to make him paranoid about me and that kind of thing doesn't happen usually.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:00 pm
by Benmage
I wish abstas didnt die as soon as he did... we had some promise I think.

I'd link the scumqt, but that might be overkill before faraday comes in.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:06 pm
by camn
I gotta go drink.

Hate you both.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:13 pm
by Benmage
Make it a double... Jason gets to record this as a win... :facepalm:

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 5:32 pm
by camn
I don't even record wins.
Jason gets to record this as dying at my hands once again :)

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:13 am
by The Baltimore Sun
Day 7, Votecount 2

Deasvail (2) - Benmage, camn
Benmage (1) - Deasvail

Not voting (1) :

DeasVail has been lynched.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:22 am
by The Baltimore Sun

Well because camn killed ya!

Deasvail -
- 1-shot Bodyguard/Daytalk Enabler - aligned with the
Barksdale Organization
was lynched Day 7.

Benmage took his handcuffs out.

camn -
- Goon - aligned with the
Barksdale Organization
was endgamed (arrested) Day 7.

Benmage -
Shakima "Kima" Greggs
- Handler - for the
survived and won Day 7!

Faction have fullfilled their win condition and won the game.


TheGreatestAmericanHero -
Reginald "Bubbles" Cousins
- 2-shot Modified Rolecop and traitor to the
won the game!
absta101 -
Lester Freamon
- Even Night Tracker for the
won the game!
JasonT1981 -
Jimmy McNulty
- Informed Officer - for the
won the game!
Benmage -
Shakima "Kima" Greggs
- Handler - for the
survived and won the game!
Nostredeus -
Omar Little
- Lyncher who was
Self Aligned
won the game on Day 3!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:40 am
by The Baltimore Sun
Role Pm's - Barksale Organization
Spoiler: Vig

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Cerulean. You are
Roland "Wee-Bey" Brice
, 3-Shot Vigilante and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

You an ice-cold soldier. No one gonna mess with you, Wee-Bey. Fuck, man, you a straight up killer. Only thing you care about is your crew and your fish. And you really love them fish. Who'd look after them if you ever got sent inside? Shit, that's reason enough to keep yourself as clean as you can be. Still, you'll get your hands dirty if need be. If someone needs murderin' you more than able to do it.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Cleaning Up
- On three nights during the game, you may attempt to kill one player. Should your action be successful, your target will die. Your kill flavour is 'Murdered'.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: JOAT

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, SafetyDance. You are
Ronnie Mo
, Jack of all Trades and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Man, you got Tower 851 to run. This a step up from the damn pit, but you deserve it. Gonna prove you a real gangsta.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Keeping an eye out
- You have a 1-shot Voyeur ability. One night during the game, if you are not also using "Watch them strippers dance" or "Locked in Tower 815," you may target a player. You will learn the nature (e.g. protective/investigative/blocking/killing/support/miscellaneous) of any abilities apart from your own that targeted them that night. Your results will be in the form of "X/Y abilities targeted PlayerX," "No Abilities targeted PlayerX," or "No Result" if something interferes with your result.

Watch them strippers dance
- You have a 1-shot Follower ability. One night during the game, if you are not also using "Keeping an eye out" or "Locked in Tower 815," you may target a player. If your action is successful, you will learn the nature (e.g. protective/investigative/blocking/killing/support/miscellaneous) of any actions they took that night. Your results will be in the form of 'PlayerX used an X action', 'PlayerX used no action,' or 'No result' if something should interfere.

Locked in Tower 851
- You have a 1-shot Roleblock ability. One night during the game, if you are not also using "Keeping an eye out" or "Watch them strippers dance," you may target a player. If nothing interferes with your action, then you will prevent him from performing any actions that night. Your action resolves first in a roleblocker conflict.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: Friendly Neighbour

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, McStab. You are
, Friendly "Limping" Neighbour and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

You are a warrior. Look at that damn gun shot you survived. Damn, that's a story to be able to tell. Ain't no one going to doubt your credentials.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Yo, I got shot, man
- Each night, you may PM me the name of a player you wish to show off your wound to. Your limp is easily recognizable. If your action is successful, your target will receive the following message: "'You know that McStab is Sterling (look at his limp!) and aligned with the Barksdale Organization."

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: 1-shot Kill Immune

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, The Mini-Librarian. You are
Avon Barksdale
, 1-Shot Kill Immune and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Fuckin' cops want to catch you? Bunch of bitches. You ain't harmin' no one who hasn't had it coming. Between the Police, that faggot Omar, some of your boys goin' soft, and the East Side bitches, you got enough to deal with. Fuck 'em. You got the cash and the contacts to make it work. People gonna remember Avon Barksdale.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

- You will survive the first attempt on your life. You will not be informed if your immunity has been used up.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: Neighbouriser

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, petapan. You are
Wendell "Orlando" Blocker
, 3-Shot Neighbourizer and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Ask no questions and you won't have to lie. Let them boys run whatever business they want, while you stay clean, keep outta trouble, and maybe try and earn a little something on the side, if you know what I mean. Don't be tellin' any of them Barksdale boys, though. They go running to Avon or Stringer and you'll get your ass beat. Can't be havin' that, so just keep it small.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Come into my club
- On three nights in the game, you may attempt to neighbourize a player of your choice. If your action succeeds, you will be provided a quicktopic where you can talk to him or her at all times. Anyone else you neighbourize will be added to the same neighbourhood. However, should you die, the QT will be locked immediately.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

[spoiler="Expensive Doc]

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Baby Spice. You are
Maurice Levy
, Expensive Doctor and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Keeping these assholes out of jail is a full time job; I'm surprised you have time for any non-Barksdale cases. Of course, you're more than happy to represent them when they're paying you for the privilege. Besides, they're innocent until proven guilty. Your clients are just the victims because the police are looking for someone to blame. This harassment is really something you must look into; the Baltimore Police Department can't think they're above the law.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Defence Attorney
- Each night, you may PM me the name of a player other than yourself. You will protect them from all kill attempts that night. However, since your clients can only afford to hire you once,
you may only protect each player slot in the game once
. (For example, if you protect Faraday night 1, you cannot protect him again for the rest of the game.)

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: Daytalker Enabler/BG

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, DeasVail. You are
, Daytalk Enabler/1-shot Bodyguard and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Come on, Wallace, man up. Don't be a pussy and rat out your friends. You know what you gotta do. Gotta be a man. Gotta keep it real.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

- While you are alive, anyone with the ability to converse in a quicktopic can do so at all times. Upon your death, daytalk will be disabled in all quicktopics.

Don't die, Wallace
- One night during the game, you may PM me the name of a player you wish to protect. If your action is successful and your target would have died without your interference, then you will die instead of that player.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: 7 x goons

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, ChannelDelibird. You are
Marquis "Bird" Hilton
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Fucking shit cunt bitch. Them fucking police step at you and you'll smack 'em down. Maybe fuck their bitches in all three holes after you done, too.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Vifam. You are
Savino Bratton
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

You remember the look on that prosecutor's face the day D'Angelo got off. A bunch of boys from West Baltimore came into his courtroom and beat a fuckin' murder rap. You're loyal, and you're a damn good enforcer even if you're not always up for getting your hands dirty. Who needs to if someone else can, anyway?

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Shadoweh. You are
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

You don't want any trouble. You're just making sure nobody who shouldn't comes into the funeral home. Then you go and get held up by some dumb fuck. Shit, can't a man deal drugs honestly now?

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Ser Arthur Dayne. You are
D'Angelo Barksdale
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Man, you tired of feeling like a screw up. You done everything that ever been asked of you, and the thanks you get? You get stuck in The Pit? Fuck that. Fuck anyone who thinks you deserve it. Man, they didn't have to kill him, though. The Judge threw the case out. What was William Gant gonna do, testify again? Send a message? What about his family? Maybe you should say something...maybe not. Keep your head down, and you might be back in the Tower in no time.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Plessiezarus. You are
Wintell "Little Man" Royce
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

You'll fuck up anyone who gets in your shit. You're a damn enforcer. Nobody better step up to you or they'll get their ass beat down. Or worse.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, camn. You are
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

You don't give a damn what them drug dealers be doing as long as you getting a cut of it. You got a baby to raise, and that takes a lot of money that you damn sure don't have. As well as that, you gotta live in a nice 'hood and dress well. Money don't grow on trees, so what it matter how a man (or woman?) earns it?

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, sottyrulez. You are
Anton "Stinkum" Artis
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Man, you believe it? Lieutenant now. Shit, that's gonna mean more cash for you. Gotta be careful, though. Don't wanna give the police a chance to bust your ass and throw it in jail. Still, you hear there's a territory gonna be yours soon. More responsibility is good--it means more money, man.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.


Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Nostredeus. You are
Omar Little
Self Aligned Lyncher

A man has got to have a code, no doubt. Well, it's time to follow the code, and in the process, gain some sweet vengeance. You know Avon's here, since you followed him. Them Barksdale boys can barely count, don't know the difference between eighteen and nineteen. I figure you can shine up your shotgun, 'cause you won't be needing it. Time to let Avon get a taste of his own medicine. He gonna get beaten to death by his own boys, and you're gonna be there along with them stompin' away. No doubt about it, Avon Barksdale's a dead man.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Yo, gimme a fakeclaim
- You know that Russell "Stringer" Bell is not in the game. You may request a fakeclaim at any point, and I will send you a sample PM for any character/role you wish. A Fake 'Goon' PM is attached for your convenience.

All in the game though, right?
- You know that Avon Barksdale (The Mini-Librarian) is in the game and is a 1-Shot Kill Proof Townie.

Win Condition: You win when Avon Barksdale has been lynched with you on the wagon. Should he die in any other way, you will lose and leave the game.

Spoiler: Lyncher Fake Claim

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Nostredeus. You are
Russell "Stringer" Bell
, Goon and aligned with the
Barksdale Organization

Police crawling all over you and your guys. Gotta make sure you keep your nose clean so they don't trump up some bullshit charge. But your operation is working for now and the money rolling in. As long as it continues, you'll continue to be a very rich man. Still, there's a ways to go. Police might not be your only troubles. Gotta keep an eye on everything. The game never stay still.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Win Condition: You win when all threats to the Barksdale Organization have been eliminated and at least 1 member of said organization is alive.

Spoiler: Handler

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, Benmage. You are
Shakima "Kima" Greggs
, Handler for the

Shit, girl. Daniels is working you harder than those girls down the docks work to pay the bills. These fucking Barksdale boys ain't easy to track down. Between them and all the other scum polluting the street, your detail is undermanned and damn sure not trained for this. Maybe Bubbles can help. He knows everything that goes down on the West Side. Surely he'd have heard about anything that's happening. For once, this detail might
achieve something.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Shitbird detail
- You may talk to your fellow Officers, Jimmy McNulty (jasonT1981) and Lester Freamon (absta101), here at all times (at least for now).

On orders from Daniels
- Your faction may eliminate someone from the game each night. One of your Officers must be selected to 'Arrest' someone. If your action is successful, the person will be removed from the game (as with a regular nightkill). Your kill flavour is 'Arrested'.

Get Bunk on the case
- Your faction has a 1-shot "Detain" ability. During
day phase, one of you may PM me to choose a player to lock up. A mod scene will announce that your target has been detained by the PO-lice. This will jailkeep them for that night, preventing them from being killed, but also preventing them from taking any actions. You may not jailkeep a member of your own faction.

Borrowing my disguise from Sydnor
- You know that Perry is not in the game. You may request a fakeclaim at any point, and I will send you a sample PM for any character/role you wish. A Fake 'Goon' PM is attached for your convenience.

Police Informant
- You know that you have a traitor in the game, Reginald "Bubbles" Cousins. You do not know his identity, although he knows all of you. Should he be targeted for a nightkill, he will be recruited into your faction.

From Bubbles with Love
- You know that Bubbles has a two-shot modified rolecop that can only detect active abilities. (For example, the result of an investigation on Lester Freamon would be "absta101 is an Even-Night Tracker," while an investigation on you would be "Benmage has no active abilities.") You and Bubbles will both receive his investigation results by PM. In the morning scene, I will announce the player investigated is wearing a
Red Hat
. I will not elaborate on what this does, but the player will also receive a PM telling them how nice their red hat looks.

Win Condition:
You win when you the
makes up at least half of the game and nothing can prevent that from changing.


Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, jasonT1981. You are
Jimmy McNulty
, Informed Officer for the

McNulty? Come see me in my office right now. What the
are you doing, going to Judge Phelan behind my back? You think you're hot shit, huh, McNulty? Bet you think I'm some stuck up Major.
Oh, Rawls can go fuck himself. I do real police work.
Is that it, McNulty? If you ever so much as fucking think about going around the chain of command again I'll have you bumped down to cleaning shit out of boats before you can so much as blink. You've got your detail. Go show the world what real
do, McNulty. Go catch me some fucking drug dealers.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Shitbird Detail
- You may talk to your fellow Officers, Shakima "Kima" Greggs (Benmage) and Lester Freamon (absta101), here at all times (at least for now).

On orders from Daniels
- Your faction may eliminate someone from the game each night. One of your Officers must be selected to "Arrest" someone. If your action is successful, the person will be removed from the game (as with a regular nightkill). Your kill flavour is 'Arrested'.

Get Bunk on the case
- Your faction has a 1-shot "Detain" ability. During
day phase, one of you may PM me to choose a player to lock up. A mod scene will announce that your target has been detained by the PO-lice. This will jailkeep them for that night, preventing them from being killed, but also preventing them from taking any actions. You may not jailkeep a member of your own faction.

Borrowing my disguise from Sydnor
- You know that Brianna Barksdale is not in the game. You may request a fakeclaim at any point, and I will send you a sample PM for any character/role you wish. A Fake 'Goon' PM is attached for your convenience.

Where the fuck is Wallace?
- You know that Wallace (DeasVail) is a member of the Barksdale Organization. He is also a daytalk enabler. While he lives, your faction may use the QT at all times; however, should he die, you will be restricted to using it during night phases.

Win Condition:
You win when you the
make up at least half of the game and nothing can prevent that from changing.

Spoiler: Tracker

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, absta101. You are
Lester Freamon
, Even-Night Tracker for the

It's about goddamn time
. This right here? This is REAL PO-LICE work. Not jacking off in the pawnshop unit for the past twenty years. Fuck that politics bullshit. Looks like they forgot, or forgave, and it's not a day too soon. Finally, a challenge. Barksdale and his boys know what they're doing. Stringer Bell is smart, too -- they're well schooled. These guys don't make many mistakes. But you'll wait patiently: they just need to make one.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Shitbird Detail
- You may talk to your fellow Officers, Jimmy McNulty (jasonT1981) and Shakima "Kima" Greggs (Benmage), here at all times (at least for now).

On orders from Daniels
- Your faction may eliminate someone from the game each night. One of your Officers must be selected to 'Arrest' someone. If your action is successful, the person will be removed from the game (as with a regular nightkill). Your kill flavour is 'Arrested'.

Get Bunk on the case
- Your faction has a 1-shot "Detain" ability. During
day phase, one of you may PM me to choose a player to lock up. A mod scene will announce that your target has been detained by the PO-lice. This will jailkeep them for that night, preventing them from being killed, but also preventing them from taking any actions. You may not Jailkeep a member of your own faction.

Borrowing my disguise from Sydnor
- You know that Malik "Poot" Carr is not in the game. You may request a fakeclaim at any point, and I will send you a sample PM for any character/role you wish. A Fake 'Goon' PM is attached for your convenience.

Real PO-lice
- On even nights, you may select a player. If nothing interferes with your action, you will see who that player targeted, if anyone. Your results will be in the form of "PlayerX targeted PlayerY," "PlayerX targeted no one," or "No Result" if something should interfere. You may use your factional nightkill and track someone in the same night.

Win Condition:
You win when you the
make up at least half of the game and nothing can prevent that from changing.

Spoiler: Traitor

Welcome to
The Wire, Season 1 Mafia
, TheGreatestAmericanHero. You are
Reginald "Bubbles" Cousins
, 2-Shot Modified Rolecop and Traitor to the

Man, life is tough. Livin' on these streets ain't easy. Especially for you, Bubbles. You always bring trouble even if you a gentle soul. Still, you don't like what the Barksdale Organisation has been doing. The PO-lice never caused you any trouble -- you're willing to help them.

You have the following abilities:

This America, man
- You may vote as described in the rules.

Baltimore's Finest
- You know the Baltimore PO-lice are Jimmy McNulty (jasonT1981), Informed Officer; Shakima "Kima" Greggs (Benmage), Handler; and Lester Freamon (absta101), Even-Night Tracker.

Borrowing my disguise from Sydnor
- You know that Preston "Bodie" Broadus is not in the game. You may request a fakeclaim at any point, and I will send you a sample PM for any character/role you wish. A Fake 'Goon' PM is attached for your convenience.

Yo, man, it's just a little something
- You know the PO-lice faction have a factional nightkill. If you are targeted by it, you will be recruited into their faction and gain access to their QT.

From Bubbles with Love
- You have a modified rolecop ability that only works on active abilities. (For example, if you investigated yourself, you'd get, "TheGreatestAmericanHero is a 2-Shot Modified Rolecop". If you investigated a player with only factional and/or passive abilities, you'd get "PlayerX has no active abilities." If something interfered with your action, you'd get "No result.") Two nights in the game, you may attempt to investigate a player (other than yourself). If your action is successful, both you
Kima Greggs will be sent their role name. However, in the morning scene, I will announce the player is wearing a
Red Hat
. I will not elaborate on what this does, but the player will also get a PM telling them how nice their red hat looks.

Win Condition:
You win when you the
makes up at least half of the game and nothing can prevent that from changing.

The Safeclaims for the scum aren't listed - the pm's are just generic pms.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:42 am
by The Baltimore Sun

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:45 am
by The Baltimore Sun
I'll give thoughts on stuff later - suffice to say I think Benmage played well, despite him maybe not thinking so.

Town did play well but were just unlucky in the end and DV's "weird" claim didn't help.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 6:57 am
by Faraday
Thanks to Mina/Av/UT for reviewing and Mina for back-up modding.

Well played Benmage and Nost for the scums - although TGAH set up Jason nicely, I think. On the town side of things eh a lot of people had 1/2 of the scum but no one really "nailed" the whole team late game. Still don't think anyone played badly - Ben just played well and looked genuine in his Ben interaction

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:09 am
by Benmage
Thanks Faraday...

So were you rooting for scum this game?

Explain to me the point of the traitor role?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:17 am
by Oversoul
I like the ingenuity of Deas's role and Ben's role but I don't think the mafia should have been informed of those specific player identities.

Crumbing the name of the character to each other would have sufficed?

More reason to kill Benmage in LyLo. Isn't this how he won Scummies Winvitational?

Also, what happened with Jason that was so horrible a lot of people are calling for him to be blacklisted?

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:19 am
by Zachrulez
I think it was him getting away with lurking for so long? I don't know...

The only real complaint I have is with Kise's play. I can live with everything else that happened.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:21 am
by Benmage
In post 3466, Oversoul wrote: Also, what happened with Jason that was so horrible a lot of people are calling for him to be blacklisted?
He did nothing all game but lurk, and go v/la... pathetic for scum.

You need people to CONTRIBUTE to the game to read them... that's the point of this game.. lurking is pathetic.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:23 am
by Konowa
Waaaaay too much time was spent meta analyzing the traitor role and whether or not it's typical for him to bus. If you had looked at Jason's D1 play aside from our slot's interaction I feel Town should've lynched him.

Had fun telling Dead QT. Thanks for modding Faraday.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:24 am
by Faraday
In post 3466, Oversoul wrote:I like the ingenuity of Deas's role and Ben's role but I don't think the mafia should have been informed of those specific player identities.
Why not? (Also what player specific identities? Just DV's, presumably - I can't work out what else you're talking about)
DV's bodyguard gave him a chance to die without specifically being the kill AND it meant scum would have a dilemma if DV was owning the game, on whether to kill him and hurt themselves.

Not letting them know just kind of makes it pot luck.

If you mean Ben finding the role cop target...well he'd see the red hat, on the player anyway? (Check the way the rolecop worked) so it makes no practical difference.
Explain to me the point of the traitor role?
To weaken the scumteam slightly. But seeing as his recruitable it's only slightly.

19 players. If the lyncher gets a lynch it's basically a free kill for scum so like 16. 12:4 is "conventionally" balanced - but if you look at the big increase in scum/difficulty to lynch 4 scum from 10:3 then it's weird and I don't think it is particularly balanced.

Town had some protective role - but a) they're all weak, the BP is a lynchee, the doctor's weaker than a regular doc and the BG is 1-shot. (Also, DV your pm wording should make it clear the doctor and you couldn't cross protect, I think.)

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:26 am
by Faraday
(And yes, the red hat flavour would be obviously tied to bubbles for anyone watching the show so by not saying it - it's still obvious)

I really like the setup as a whole and the way it worked, tbh.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:29 am
by Zachrulez
In post 3469, Konowa wrote:Waaaaay too much time was spent meta analyzing the traitor role and whether or not it's typical for him to bus. If you had looked at Jason's D1 play aside from our slot's interaction I feel Town should've lynched him.

Had fun telling Dead QT. Thanks for modding Faraday.
I feel somewhat guilty for misreading Jason here... but us dying as we wavered on him should have been a clue.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:30 am
by Benmage
I think the manner of some of the town roles, made them very OBV town roles.. could be a bias stand point..

doc seems obv town. The Neighbor, all the protective roles... if you're looking at a massclaim, there's not a lot of room imo for scum creativity.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 7:32 am
by Faraday
If you look at massclaim you guys have the 1-shot dayblock. Also neighbour and JOAT and bulletproof are 3/7 roles that don't give any indication of alignment, here. The friendly neighbour, and the vig were confirmable and the doc too. But DV's role might have helped get him lynched.

Kuribo made his slot unlynchable, you can't play his role for that. He was very town.