↑ Cabd wrote: ↑ Cabd wrote:I'll check my owned champ pool when I get back then you guys should give me suggestions for which ones from each role to learn along with a basic idea of how to build them itemization wise? That would be really helpful.
(I bought one of the bundles that was crazy on sale)
headbutt-pulverize combo, ult when you have a ton of hp, nice roaming/ganking potential.
[I think R>W>Q>E but don't quote me on that]
top triforce>shiv
support targons>SS>whatever you need
jungle mobi boots>whatever the f else
hard to play, bait with egg, insane waveclear, abuse long range + high damage + good waveclear but control your mana.
use walls WITH the existing terrain to create unpassable places/hit double-hit Qs/you can E first then R below them to proc the double damage on E/laugh at the spellcrit text if you have that on/get used to the slow and long AA animation. generally just shut up and farm
[QEQEQR, get wall 7-9, generally follow R>3Q>E>5Q>W]
mid tear>roa>archangels>dcap
low elo with less goldflow roa>dcap or athenes>dcap
ez stun, ez spells, good chunk of defense from e when you time it right, fdrqw or fdwrq and smile. get used to slow and long AA animation
look for roaming when you can
support fqc>SS>dfg/other ap items
mid roa>dcap or dfg>dcap, matter of preference
good hard engage on eca, rather strong laning phase if you can take advantage of passive and somewhat high W damage early
adc (with lifesteal runes) 2xdorans>boots>IE>shiv/pd
(w/o) dorans>boots>bilgewater>IE>botrk
you're going to get bork/IE/LW/pd/GA/boots lategame anyways but you want lifesteal
LOLGRAB. HIT IT OR MISS IT. If engaging W and just close the distance for E by moving in, Q only when they try to escape. Only if you can though.
support targons or coin (probably coin, synergy with W)>SS>w.e the hell you need
boom boom pew pew. shred armor with gattling gun and remember that you need to FACE THEM. poke with Q/R, constantly use R in teamfights to proc triforce, W to escape. note slow slow windup on W.
adc triforce>take it from here
does as he pleases. I...don't play mundo.
caw caw caw caw. Umm...
I don't play fiddle either
eat oranges to sustain in lane and to remove CC. versatile build. early on farm AND harass with Q. farm to be bankplank. ult whenever andn whereever necessary.
critplank triforce>shiv>ie>more crit.
tankplank gauntlet/triforce>tank items.
zeusplank [R>W>Q>E] (i think) build annoying shit like shiv/fm and do what dyrus does when he plays singed (spam /laugh)
DEMACIA. spin2win. Q, run up and hit, E. Run back. If you're hurt, go stand in a bush and heal. If they're low, press R. Do not steal kills with R. Press W to become tanky.
[R>Q>E>W] (I think? Don't quote me on that. Might be E>Q>W)
toplane brutalizer>tank items>turn brut into bc later.
I have never played heimerdinger.
Counter Strike is like a global fear. stay safe early and farm up to become lategame monster. Make sure you aren't getting destroyed hard enough so that there is no more lategame monster.
[R>W>Q>E] (I think, you can go 3E first too)
top bilge>triforce>bork>tank items
jungle lizard>hydra>tank items (for lulz)
or wriggles>triforce>tank items
KAARRTHUS. Farm with Q and horridly slow AA and play very very safe. You get kills with R without really doing anything.
[R>Q>E>W] Take exhaust/flash.
mid archangels+roa>dcap
low elo low gold flow archangels>dcap
note: do not jungle or top.
ex-Mid King. I don't play Kassadin.
Try your hardest to win lane with Q-E-W run back or Q-run up-W-E back harass, if that's not possible, try not to die while farming and roam a lot at 6. Throw CS out and try to get fed off kills (you have insane base damage on R)
mid boots4>(mejais)>dfg/dcap/void staff
hextech is not worth it.
note: do not top or jungle.
Master Yi
Farm farm farm the jungle. You can gank but you ganking is just you running faster than someone so idk how that'll work out for you.
[R>E>Q>W]? Don't quote me on that either
jungle wriggles>your favorite damage items [bork/IE/shiv]
Cabd you rock
eat jungle mobs. max Q for early dragon if necessary. gank with snowball. take advantage of passive. bloodboil your adc. ult in bush. (people outside the bush can't see the ult)
jungle jungleItem>w.e I don't play nunu (max Q for early solo dragon)
[R>E>W>Q] or [R>W>E>Q]
support targon>SS>w.e
snowball enemy adc, bloodboil yours
Q to chunk. Always R a low damage target. Try to hit E stuns but most of the time just use it as a gap closer.
lane triforce>whatever the f else
jungle jungleItem(lizard pref, but spellvamp+ap aren't bad stats for jungle poppy)>triforce
damage scales off mana. try to safely farm and transition from weak early to late strong. you can also handle bruisers quite well. Q is main damage spell. W E R lowers CD of Q so combo Q>spell>Q like Q>R>W>Q>E>Q>etc, and don't forget to orbwalk. Q>AA early not bad.
[R>Q>W>E] or E>W I don't know
top tear>mana items (ROA+FH. roa first pref but buy parts of fh if up against high ad damage)
mid laners eat you alive. don't go mid.
ask fakegod
farm wave with W. Stun with Q, walk up, pop W. AP sion ofc. 1:1 ratio on E and Q.
mid/top APitems. dfg/dcap/zhonyas+lichbane-voidstaff at some point. gank a lot.
can farm waves with Q-W. Try to hit isolated targets with Q. Eat spells with E to maintain mana. R to help your teammates and yourself kill things/not get killed. Concentrate very hard on CSing and harassing/not taking harass at the same time.
adc brut>youmuus>IE>shiv or just simply IE>shiv>lw or triforce>Lw idk I haven't played her recently.
Try to stay in the bushes out of sight and poke with (AA)-Q-Powerchord when needed. And care that you are caster minion and die very very easily. don't be afraid to ult early. or use a low-impact ult. try to get as many people in your auras when you turn them on.
support fqc>SS>censer/mikaels
stand behind adc most of the time take hits when you have to. heal adc or self. give mana to adc. ult to help teammates globally or collect 2+ assists.
support fqc or coin>SS>censer/mikaels
OUTTRAAGEOUS. get tanky. point-and-click-targetted-stun OP. heal adc, and buff him with armor.
support targon>SS>get tanky, prioritize armor
bye bye common ban. early game is a bit shitty, so farm up till late. remember W resets to get out of sticky situations, never W into the fray in teamfights, your primary goal is to stay safe. you can use your ult as a damage tool but only if you won't need it to save your ass.
adc shiv>IE>bork>LW (vamp scepter first if no LS runes)
Twisted Fate
don't play this guy pre-30. just don't
sneaky sneaky. E hurts a lot with a lot of poison stacks. normally, just farm, but when engaging, sneak up with Q, use W, hit them four times then E. simple. ult in teamfights, try to catch a lot of people with ult. about ult: if first hit crits, they all crit.
adc bilge>IE>bork>other damage items
Q to recover hp. hit somehting to recover hp. W to recover hp faster. E to run after/run away from low hp enemies. R to lock someone down. When ganking, if you can approach enemy and start Q>W>AA before they run too far, just walk up and hit them and use ult once they start putting distance between you and them (e.g. flash/ghost)
top dringx2>AS item>tank
jungle wriggles>tank
(And around 5k IP so i could easily pick up another)
Jarvan IV, Wukong, Leona.
Fizz maybe if you want to kill stuff easily.
Ezreal if you feel like exploring.