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Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:15 pm
by DrippingGoofball

XX4698015 - DrippingGoofball [crypto] [Online.]
CY3601025 - Toogeloo [Online.]
OS7326311 - Magister Ludi [Online.]
DZ2705139 - Furcolow [Online.]
KD4483656 - springlullaby [Online.]
FY2944752 - implosion [Online.]
VP7633971 - MagnaofIllusion [Online.]
WE5874016 - Sinestro [Online.]
TI1875313 - SlySly [Online.]
YN9933507 - warriormode [Online.]
ED5235621 - projectmatt [Online.]


QN3377293 - EtherealCookie [Online.]
NV9891464 - RedCoyote [Online.]
ZO1739422 - FourseenCircumstance [Online.]
RX3447924 - wazzatron [Online.]
BT1357719 - Stringer Bell [Online.]


UG9095648 - whispersilk [Online.]
PZ5915512 - diddin [Online.]
AB3817120 - Drunken Piper [Online.]
GH8479717 - PeregrineV [Online.]
LV1086665 - Workdawg [Online.]
HI9210223 - Bunnylover [Online.]


IW8573414 - Junpei [Online.]
SN5795818 - Kdub [Online.]
JW2804010 - nopointinactingup [Online.]

Note: I read backwards to page 9. Subject to change.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 4:59 pm
by projectmatt
Town reads: Crypto, Toog, Furco, town lean on Magna, town lean on Dripping.

I'm basically prod-dodging. I've been busy lately but I should be back tomorrow with actual contribution.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:12 pm
by Stringer Bell
I've been busy this weekend, but I should be able to get some game content up tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:23 pm
by Junpei
Is quarantined files leaning scum or null? what about running programs?

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:46 pm
by nopointinactingup
I find the reasoning of Ludi and those who talk about how there's 0% fourseen is scum by the fast wagonning bullshit. It's just appeal to probability. Please show evidence that he's not scum instead. If Fourseen flips scum those will be my number 1 suspects.

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:43 pm
by Magister Ludi
Appeal to probability? What are you talking about. What if fourseen flips town?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:13 am
by DrippingGoofball
Junpei wrote:Is quarantined files leaning scum or null? what about running programs?

Quarantined files - Leaning scum.

Running programs - Leaning town.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:14 am
by DrippingGoofball
nopointinactingup wrote:I find the reasoning of Ludi and those who talk about how there's 0% fourseen is scum by the fast wagonning bullshit. It's just appeal to probability. Please show evidence that he's not scum instead. If Fourseen flips scum those will be my number 1 suspects.

Hi scum.

You're better than this word macaroni salad when you're town.

VOTE: nopointunactingup

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:35 am
by implosion
I actually like the fourseen wagon.

Saying that a wagon is bad sheerly because the people on it haven't explained themselves in-depth (or in some cases at all) is wrong. The speed of a wagon has almost nothing to do with the alignment of the bandwagonee.

Fourseen's crypto vote and unvote don't feel genuine. He votes crypto as an information list in the same post that he calls the case on crypto really weak. He unvotes because crypto was being useful. He voted diddin...
for not giving reasoning in a rvs vote.


And then in the post where he votes diddin, he says "lets kill him" referring to warriormode. Then he votes diddin with the above reasoning.

He also contradicts himself:

post 304 wrote:The reason why I was originally voting for crypto wasn't becasue he was super active it was more on the basis that he was being over zealous in the early stages of the day. I have found that in my history of games the over zealous players day 1 tend to be scum....

post 186 wrote:Crypto, your counter case against Diddin fairly weak,
but the case on you is even weaker.
hmm ponder.....

But looking at the plan from Magna....... It seems like the case be...... you are likely a good target at least not a good informational lynch for town.

unvote. Vote: Crypto

Says he was voting crypto for being scummy, yet called the case on crypto weak, and never actually mentioned his reasoning when he voted, while simultaneously criticizing diddin for not giving his reasoning while voting.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:50 am
by The Eruci
:: VoteCount 1x10 ::

FourseenCircumstance (9) -
Junpei, Stringer Bell, Bunnylover, implosion, nopointinactingup, Kdub, wazzatron, EtherealCookie, Sinestro

warriormode (5)
Magister Ludi, Drunken Piper, projectmatt, Workdawg, Toogeloo

Stringer Bell (3) -
RedCoyote, MagnaofIllusion, PeregrineV

Junpei (3) -
SlySly, springlullaby, diddin

Toogeloo (1) -

diddin (1) -

nopointinactingup (1) -

Not Voting (2) -
whispersilk, Furcolow

With 25 Alive, it takes 13 to lynch.

Deadline for Day One is in (expired on 2011-11-08 23:07:02).

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:01 am
by Furcolow
I am a warrior sent to here from another land in order to maintain everything just in this scenario
I will not be deterred in my mission.
I am the Keanu Reeves character.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:43 am
by Junpei
Furcolow what does that even mean. Post content next time you prod dodge please.

DrippingGoofBall, post analysis please, your proclamations mean nothing to me without anything to back them up.

Whisper, get in here and post please.

Toogeloo wrote:
Junpei wrote:
Toogeloo wrote:The manner in which crypto exited the game suggests as such.

So you're practically clearing the slot as town because of something which is pure WIFOM?

I am. Doesn't mean you have to accept it.

This is a bad post, admits he has no grounds to call crypto town (pure wifom) but does it anyway.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:51 am
by DrippingGoofball
Junpei wrote:DrippingGoofBall, post analysis please, your proclamations mean nothing to me without anything to back them up.

You're scum, but I'll entertain player-specific requests. I'm not justifying each one of my reads individually, it would take too long.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:57 am
by Junpei
So you don't want to put work into the game, very well. Explain your town read on SlySly.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:06 pm
by DrippingGoofball
No on else does, but I find him scummy, ergo, he's town.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:07 pm
by Junpei
Okay... so DrippingGoofball has no actual reads, and is instead just putting up a list to give the appearance of scumhunting, got it. Can't wait to campaign for your lynch tomorrow.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:16 pm
by DrippingGoofball
You won't have to campaign for my lynch tomorrow, your team will NK me.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:17 pm
by DrippingGoofball
Also, my SlySly read is completely valid. I read him like a book.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:54 pm
by Furcolow
I'm sad to see Crypto having gone from omgusing to flailing
vote: crypto's replacement

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:56 pm
by DrippingGoofball
Furcolow wrote:I'm sad to see Crypto having gone from omgusing to flailing
vote: crypto's replacement

Show me the flailing, and I'll vote him too.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:56 pm
by DrippingGoofball

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:04 pm
by Furcolow
DrippingGoofball wrote:Hello.

Will read game tonight, if not, on Monday.

Just on the content of this page, though,
Toogie is town.

"player a is town" not might be or reasoning
nice look into too much information on post 1

DrippingGoofball wrote:Magister Ludi is also town.

I agree with this one, but the fact that town wouldn't want to be wrong is glaring
another easy read for scum, town, or whatever
this doesnt tell me shit for a 2nd post replacing in
you'd know that as scum

DrippingGoofball wrote:Hello SlySly

Page 14, and no one is voting you?

You must be scum!

joke to get the heat off
Don't let DGB scum get comfortable, guys

DrippingGoofball wrote:

XX4698015 - DrippingGoofball [crypto] [Online.]
CY3601025 - Toogeloo [Online.] <- town
OS7326311 - Magister Ludi [Online.] <- town
DZ2705139 - Furcolow [Online.] <- town
KD4483656 - springlullaby [Online.] <- maybe scumbuddy in middle of list
FY2944752 - implosion [Online.] <- scumbuddy in middle of list
VP7633971 - MagnaofIllusion [Online.] <- maybe scumbuddy in middle of list
WE5874016 - Sinestro [Online.]
TI1875313 - SlySly [Online.] <- im guessing here through interaction from previous quote
YN9933507 - warriormode [Online.] < i doubt warriormode is scum with them
ED5235621 - projectmatt [Online.]


QN3377293 - EtherealCookie [Online.]
NV9891464 - RedCoyote [Online.] <- look into these
ZO1739422 - FourseenCircumstance [Online.] <- another scumbuddy in middle of list? crypto bussing? not sure
RX3447924 - wazzatron [Online.] <- look into these
BT1357719 - Stringer Bell [Online.]


UG9095648 - whispersilk [Online.]
PZ5915512 - diddin [Online.] <- not scum with
AB3817120 - Drunken Piper [Online.]
GH8479717 - PeregrineV [Online.]
LV1086665 - Workdawg [Online.]
HI9210223 - Bunnylover [Online.]


IW8573414 - Junpei [Online.] <- scumbuddy
SN5795818 - Kdub [Online.]
JW2804010 - nopointinactingup [Online.]

Note: I read backwards to page 9. Subject to change.

DGB+implosion+junpei+slysly+possibly one of red/wazza or magna/spring and one of whispersilk/drunken piper/peregrinev/workdawg/bunnylover those are the six scum from my take on my scumread on crypto (i have meta) and the subsequent reads from scum DGB's list

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:04 pm
by Furcolow
DGB I have meta on your slot, sorry. I know you're scum.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:09 pm
by DrippingGoofball
Furcolow wrote:DGB I have meta on your slot, sorry. I know you're scum.

I know you're wrong, so you don't have a meta.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 2:22 pm
by Junpei
six scum? Why six?