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Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 2:34 pm
by Gustavo
In post 304, Garuga wrote:
In post 276, Srceenplay wrote:I’ll go ahead and announce the scum team.


We lynch Shoshin.
Vig Garuga
Cop brawl.
Your reads are dead-on BTW.
So what do we make of this? Is brawl the last scum?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 2:42 pm
by Srceenplay

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 3:03 pm
by Gustavo
VOTE: brawl

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:14 pm
by TwoInAMillion
Pretty sure that's a reactionary scum vote.

VOTE: Gustavo

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:28 pm
by Srceenplay
I really would like to vote brawl myself.

Would you guys believe me if I said I was a neighbor cop?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:34 pm
by Gustavo
In post 353, TwoInAMillion wrote:Pretty sure that's a reactionary scum vote.

VOTE: Gustavo

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:36 pm
by Gustavo
@screen. Nothing surprises me in mafia.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 4:42 pm
by TehBrawlGuy
In post 354, Srceenplay wrote:I really would like to vote brawl myself.

Would you guys believe me if I said I was a neighbor cop?
p. sure the combination of the two is non normal

also no because you would've copped me and know I'm town

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:12 pm
by BuJaber
Let's make it 3/3 guys.
I don't think it's brawl or screen because Garuga would not have mentioned PT if there were 2 scum in it.

TIAM is town. Gustavo likely town also.

Voyc I don't remember much about will re-read his stuff.
Knuflanto had me in her sights until after the neighborhood claim.
Hopkirk could be scum because I think town!hop is more engaged and comes up with ideas some of which are crazy and pushes with more conviction.
Byron would be my last suspect for the interactions with sho though I'd be really surprised if he flipped scum.

Saudade seemed sketchy to me and musicbox's entrance was pretty bad.
VOTE: musicbox

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:24 pm
by TwoInAMillion
In post 344, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Interesting.

Sho's other posts in the hood before shit broke down were early D1. They were asking what we thought of Gustavo, who posts sounded off to her, and saying she thought Garuga was scummy for sounding afraid in his posts around the start of Page 2.

Now that we know that whole thing was a bus, I'm a lot less gung-ho about ScreenScum. Especially weird is that Garuga seemed to originally be leaning towards ShoScum and then pivoted away from that to go onto Screen. That pivot makes a lot of sense if you're trying to force a ML, but a lot less so if you're just shifting from one scummate to another. With Garuga off Sho, that would imply to me that the other Scum was either on Sho, or going to join the wagon soon.

The final VC was:
Shoshin (7):Srceenplay, BuJaber, TehBrawlGuy, Hopkirk, Gustavo, Mumble, Garuga
and TiaM was on Sho until the last second when he pivoted to Garuga over the scumclaim.

Screen I trust more as stated above
BuJaber literally called the hood in thread, which I doubt Scum would do.
I'm town fmpov obv
Gustavo's vote came hella late on sho.
Mumble and Garuga are dead and flipped.

So to me, that means I'd wager one of Hopkirk/TiaM is scum, outside shot at Gustavo. I'm flipping back and forth on who I think it is between them, but I'm pretty sure Scum is in that pile.
I think as long as we keep the townblock of Me, Screen, Bujabar, and Byron together we'll win the game. I would probably throw Brawl in there too except he seems like the kind of the guy who can seem really town as scum. I would probably be willing to vote anyone not in the block.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:34 pm
by Gustavo
In post 358, BuJaber wrote:Saudade seemed sketchy to me and musicbox's entrance was pretty bad.
VOTE: musicbox
I could get behind that vote. He definitely could have replaced out knowing his chances of winning were fucked.

I’ll stick with brawl for now though. Omgus normally a scumtell but this one stands out as desperation

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:35 pm
by Gustavo
Normally isn’t a scumtell*

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:37 pm
by BuJaber
Actually nevermind knufkanto and voyc definitely can be scum here.

Voyc has 2 posts. TWO (in a million) :P

Doesn't make my point any less valid about saudade but like... look at the ISO of these 2.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:42 pm
by BuJaber
Saudade's ISO is terrible also..

I think we lynch these 3 in some order and we hit scum.

My RVS reads are on fire this game. Mumble town, shoshin and garuga scum. I now know what the veterans used to tell us newbies about its importance.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:45 pm
by BuJaber
Let's start with voyc. I don't want us to start reading too much into saudade's replace out. And it gives music box some time to maybe change our mind. Also if anyone has any experience with saudade -- is his personality always this... 'charming'?

VOTE: voyc

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:47 pm
by Gustavo
Why can’t we start with brawl? I mean he took issue with somebody else omgusing and they flipped scum. Now he’s doing the same thing.


Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:50 pm
by Gustavo
Plus he was acting like a dick yesterday and kind of today to me

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 5:57 pm
by BuJaber
What are you referring to?

But anyway brawl isn't in my scum pool. I highly highly doubt there are 2 scum in the neighborhood given garuga's antics. Plus the odds of that in a 3p neighborhood are very low.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 6:06 pm
by TwoInAMillion
In post 344, TehBrawlGuy wrote:Interesting.

Sho's other posts in the hood before shit broke down were early D1. They were asking what we thought of Gustavo, who posts sounded off to her, and saying she thought Garuga was scummy for sounding afraid in his posts around the start of Page 2.

Now that we know that whole thing was a bus, I'm a lot less gung-ho about ScreenScum. Especially weird is that Garuga seemed to originally be leaning towards ShoScum and then pivoted away from that to go onto Screen. That pivot makes a lot of sense if you're trying to force a ML, but a lot less so if you're just shifting from one scummate to another. With Garuga off Sho, that would imply to me that the other Scum was either on Sho, or going to join the wagon soon.

The final VC was:
Shoshin (7):Srceenplay, BuJaber, TehBrawlGuy, Hopkirk, Gustavo, Mumble, Garuga
and TiaM was on Sho until the last second when he pivoted to Garuga over the scumclaim.

Screen I trust more as stated above
BuJaber literally called the hood in thread, which I doubt Scum would do.
I'm town fmpov obv
Gustavo's vote came hella late on sho.
Mumble and Garuga are dead and flipped.

So to me, that means I'd wager one of Hopkirk/TiaM is scum, outside shot at Gustavo. I'm flipping back and forth on who I think it is between them, but I'm pretty sure Scum is in that pile.
That's true I keep on forgetting who was in the neighborhood.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 6:06 pm
by TwoInAMillion
I don't know why it keeps on quoting that.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 6:19 pm
by Srceenplay
Odds don’t really matter when you have no mod meta

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 6:23 pm
by TwoInAMillion
Not necessarily true. There is site mod meta as well as individual mod meta.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:18 pm
by BuJaber
I thought this was confirmed 10-3 also.. but mod didn't specify so I guess in theory we could have another scum in the neighborhood.

I still think it's best to start by sorting out and lynching within voyc/knuflanto/music.
You and brawl can continue to sort each other through the neighborbood and we can come back to it once the player count is smaller.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:18 pm
by BuJaber
In post 372, BuJaber wrote:I thought this was confirmed 10-3 also.. but mod didn't specify so I guess in theory we could have another scum in the neighborhood
If it's 9-4 *

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:53 pm
by TehBrawlGuy
FWIW I'm pretty sad people are just looking at ISOs and behavior in isolation to determine the last scum. We have 2 scumflips, go look at how your suspect pool interacted with the known Scum and vice versa and sort based on that. I don't think you'll be able to convince me to vote anywhere other than TiaM and Hopkirk today, so I may as well start on one of the two. VOTE: hopkirk.

In post 365, Gustavo wrote:Why can’t we start with brawl? I mean he took issue with somebody else omgusing and they flipped scum. Now he’s doing the same thing.

I'm not voting you - TiaM is voting you. Are you even paying attention?
In post 372, BuJaber wrote:I thought this was confirmed 10-3 also.. but mod didn't specify so I guess in theory we could have another scum in the neighborhood.

I still think it's best to start by sorting out and lynching within voyc/knuflanto/music.
You and brawl can continue to sort each other through the neighborbood and we can come back to it once the player count is smaller.
That would require him to post in the neighborhood. He's made one post since the 10th, which was him asking me if I was going to NK him.
I don't think I'm gonna get anywhere on that front.
In post 373, BuJaber wrote:
In post 372, BuJaber wrote:I thought this was confirmed 10-3 also.. but mod didn't specify so I guess in theory we could have another scum in the neighborhood
If it's 9-4 *
It's not. Mislynch D1 and misvig N1 would put us in MYLO on Day 2. There's absolutely zero way that's possible.