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Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:09 am
by Empking
Just that I want to know why nobody is posting.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:28 am
by Max
I'm going to mass prod. And search for replacements. But unless the pace picks up I will declare the game dead.
Tonight a NK took place
Skruffs, Town, Was NKd in Nebraska
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:50 am
by Skruffs
I am dead in both games so I can't post, but I Would be if I could.
Don't abandon the game.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:12 pm
by killa seven
um i wasnt posting because im dead in that game right?
ill replace back in tho
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 11:51 pm
by WeyounsLastClone
I'd hate to see this game abandoned, because I love the concept. As for suspects, I'd have to take a better look at previous day, but the lack of input kinda makes it hard. But with two reveales scum, some information should be available.
Mod, could you please update the first page with who is dead in which game? It certainly would help in keeping track of this game. I also found the links to 'start of day 1', etc., you did at the start of the game quite useful, but I understand if you don't feel like it, because we're not really putting an effort in this game.
I do hope it gets picked up, and we got some eager replacements.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:16 am
by Empking
I really don't want this game to die it seems like a really great idea.
I don't think its likely that the scum will kill tonight shall we just no lynch?
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:44 pm
by VanDamien
I dunno, the idea is great, the execution, not so much. On all sides.
If we're dead, we're dead.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:25 pm
by kabenon007
Likewise, dead in his game, work kicking my ass during the othe game.
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:51 pm
by WeyounsLastClone
Empking wrote:
I don't think its likely that the scum will kill tonight shall we just no lynch?
I think we should at least try a lynch, otherwise we're just at a loss on who to use our NK, if we still have one. A lynch, or a try at one, might at least give us information.
With one scum left, you're probably right that scum won't kill to night. Either he already used the shot, or wants to keep it for endgame. Problem is, when reading the two revealed scum, I don't see much links to other players, and with one scum left we won't get that much information anymore.
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:35 am
by WeyounsLastClone
Okay, to get things back on trail, here’s an overview of what happened.
Mafia has a nightkill in Nebraska, one-shots in Oklahoma
First, the kills and lynched that happened in Oklahoma.
Day 1.
Page 5, post 115:
Lynch angelmouse, town (Korts, VanDamien, skitzer now Empking, Glotnot, Skruffs, J-Man, kabenon)
Night 1.
Page 8, post 191:
Zombieslayer, town, nightkilled
Glotnot, town, nightkilled
Day 2.
Page 10, post 229:
No lynch.
Night 2.
Page 12, post 262:
No nightkills.
Day 3.
Page 13, post 311:
Lynch Korts, town (kabenon, Empking, killaseven, VanDamien, WeyounsLastClone)
Night 3.
Page 14, post 343:
Skruffs, mafia, nightkilled.
Killa7, town, nightkilled.
Day 4.
Page 15, post 351:
No lynch.
Angelmouse, town
Zombieslayer, town
Glotnot, town
Korts, town
Skruffs, mafia
Killa seven, town
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 2:52 am
by WeyounsLastClone
Day 1.
Page 8, post 190:
No lynch
Night 1.
Page 10, post 230:
Korts, town, nightkilled
Glotnot, mafia, nightkilled
Day 2.
Page 12, post 261:
No lynch
Night 2.
Page 13, post 314:
Kabenon007, mafia, nightkilled
Day 3.
Page 14, post 342:
No lynch
Night 3.
Page 15, post 351:
Skruffs, town, nightkilled
Killa seven
Korts, town
Glotnot, mafia
Kabenon007, mafia
Skruffs, town
Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:12 am
by Empking
Van damien are you sure you're dead?
Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:09 am
by WeyounsLastClone
Come on people, we need input!!! Mod, did people respond to prods? Could we get replacements for people who haven't posted for weeks?
Rereading I noticed that the scum do have a nightkill every night in Nebraska. Empking, why o why is a no lynch a good idea in that situation, and why do you think the mafia would choose not to kill? Why would mafia waste their nightkill?
Unvote. Vote Empking.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:36 am
by Max
Skruffs - DEAD
ZombieSlayer54 - DEAD
Glotnot - DEAD
WeyounsLastClone - DEAD
angelmouse - DEAD
Skruffs vigged WeyounsLastClone N3
Killa Seven vigged Skruffs N3
Korts vigged Zombie N1
VanDamien vigged GlotNot N1
Nebraska Justice
Glotnot - DEAD
Kabenon007 - DEAD
Korts - DEAD
VanDamien killed kabenon N2
Skruffs killed Korts N1
GlotNot hid behind Korts N1 (so died)
Unfortunately this game did not work as well as hoped. Due to several ingame circumstances this game will be declared void.
Reason 1:
The method to the game. The way this game has worked meant people weren't sure whether they are alive or Dead.
Mass PM's at the beginning of each rotation.
Reason 2:
The Player Controlled Prods. People didn't request players to be prodded. Which meant they didn't request for players to be replaced.
Make players read the CHANGED RULES. Possibly by typing in all caps. Or possibly by ensuring that players know the rules.
Reason 3:
Lack of Activity. Very little activity took place. With players often not posting at all. And the most active players were lynched quickly
Make a rule enforcing more frequent posts
The whole game was completely messed up. The idea although originally well thought out was not very well executed. In a similar way to Mith's game with Sub Games. Mods cannot know how players will react. This is one of those games. I think complicated games are not well executed and should be considered more carefully in the future.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 4:40 am
by Korts
So the whole series is cancelled? Shame.
I really liked the idea, it was just more than a little bit confusing seperating the two ongoing games mentally.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 10:10 am
by Skruffs
I think that having two different threads and locking one and opening the other would have been MUCH more effective and less time consuming. The idea was nice, I Was looking forward to other games in the series as well.
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:32 pm
by WeyounsLastClone
Yeah, thanks for modding any way, loved the idea.
Maybe two week windows would work better?
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:12 am
by Max
Skruffs wrote:I think that having two different threads and locking one and opening the other would have been MUCH more effective and less time consuming. The idea was nice, I Was looking forward to other games in the series as well.
This is by no means dead the whole thing will be run again, possibly, but I have a few shorter games to run before then.
I will do that next time. Possibly a new thread for each game, and they are independent of each other not working on the same time scale.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:55 pm
by killa seven
atleast i killed a scumbag, who shot me?
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:34 am
by MeMe
last post