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Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:33 pm
by Lukewarm
In post 227, Lukewarm wrote:Currently at:

Altro, Pav
Not_Mafia, Marci, Zyla
@Pav, my reads currently have not moved much from this. Zyla is sitting in Null for me. Maybe a full iso on her could change that, and I can do that if you want me to

I am actually growing a bit more suspicious of Not_Mafia as time moves on, because I am used to a bit more from him. Like, I know that he is not the active poster, but I think I am used to seeing more then this

I asked Val for a read list, because I thought it would help both of us talk about other things -- am surprised by his response (from either alignment tbh)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:34 pm
by Val89
In post 348, marcistar wrote:val seems a bit more aggressive rn imo
That's a fair assesment. We are approaching page 15, and I'm getting a little frustrated that everyone seems content to sit back and watch.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:38 pm
by Zyla
In post 351, Val89 wrote:
In post 348, marcistar wrote:val seems a bit more aggressive rn imo
That's a fair assesment. We are approaching page 15, and I'm getting a little frustrated that everyone seems content to sit back and watch.
I can't speak for everyone, but I'm recovering from something right now, and the harsh tone of the thread is making it harder for me to enjoy the game, and thus harder to play. It's not that I'm content to sit and watch as much as that I feel engaging with it too much isn't a good idea for me

I think we all need to take a step back and remember that we're doing this to have

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:43 pm
by Pavowski
In post 352, Zyla wrote:
In post 351, Val89 wrote:
In post 348, marcistar wrote:val seems a bit more aggressive rn imo
That's a fair assesment. We are approaching page 15, and I'm getting a little frustrated that everyone seems content to sit back and watch.
I can't speak for everyone, but I'm recovering from something right now, and the harsh tone of the thread is making it harder for me to enjoy the game, and thus harder to play. It's not that I'm content to sit and watch as much as that I feel engaging with it too much isn't a good idea for me

I think we all need to take a step back and remember that we're doing this to have
Sorry to hear that, Zyla. Do make sure you do what's best for you outside the game.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:43 pm
by Lukewarm
@Pav, I just did an iso on Zyla, and I would say that I am on a weak town lean there

I liked the way she did her iso read list -- it gave lots of things for people to latch on to / respond to. I think she put in a lot of work to try and pull the thread back into productive conversations -- I think it is probably my/val's fault that she did not spark several conversations all at once there.

Particularly liked the reach out to Not_Mafia

Although, I kinda disliked the Matci post. I feel like there should have been //something// there to respond to.

But over all, I liked it

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:45 pm
by alstroemerial
In post 351, Val89 wrote:
In post 348, marcistar wrote:val seems a bit more aggressive rn imo
That's a fair assesment. We are approaching page 15, and I'm getting a little frustrated that everyone seems content to sit back and watch.
While I agree that there's been a range of activity levels, I don't think it's fair to call everyone else coasting just because they aren't on as much. People have jobs, etc.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:46 pm
by marcistar
In post 351, Val89 wrote:That's a fair assesment. We are approaching page 15, and I'm getting a little frustrated that everyone seems content to sit back and watch.
im pretty sure people have taken stances, and more likely its
you. without you providing content on slots outside of luke, ur preventing ur chance to fix this before it gets too far.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:47 pm
by marcistar
In post 355, alstroemerial wrote:
In post 351, Val89 wrote:
In post 348, marcistar wrote:val seems a bit more aggressive rn imo
That's a fair assesment. We are approaching page 15, and I'm getting a little frustrated that everyone seems content to sit back and watch.
While I agree that there's been a range of activity levels, I don't think it's fair to call everyone else coasting just because they aren't on as much. People have jobs, etc.
thats true, post count shouldn't be what is looked at imo

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:52 pm
by Lukewarm
Just did an iso on Umlaut, and I am still leaning town there as well.

I found myself agreeing with most of the things he said, such as his takes on Zyla and Portia in 201

His read on you in 203

Liked his response to Val, in post 212

317 is good advice, and one that he would not be expected to give even if scum

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:56 pm
by Lukewarm
I have a strange paranoia towards marci, but if I put that away, I have a town lean there as well

So, I think I am now at

Umlaut, Pav

Alstro, Marci




Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 12:58 pm
by Val89
In post 355, alstroemerial wrote:While I agree that there's been a range of activity levels, I don't think it's fair to call everyone else coasting just because they aren't on as much. People have jobs, etc.
I have a job, too. I'm not calling people coasting for not being on as much, I'm frustrated because there is already a bunch of content to sort through; and all we seem to be getting out of it is variations on 'eh, seems TvT, or maybe of them is scum. Probably val, dunno'. The response has been to ask to the slots that have been posting out their earholes to post even more.
In post 356, marcistar wrote:im pretty sure people have taken stances, and more likely its against you. without you providing content on slots outside of luke, ur preventing ur chance to fix this before it gets too far.
Fair. But then why am I sat at 2 votes; and one of those I think is a left over from RVS?

You are giving scum space to hide.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:06 pm
by Val89
In post 358, Lukewarm wrote:317 is good advice, and one that he would not be expected to give even if scum
In post 317, Umlaut wrote:NM would make a good cop target assuming we have one.
Hard disagree. I almost commented on this earlier, but I don't know how to approach explaining it at this stage.

I think this is pretty damn scummy, but I don't really want to go into how until there's a few claims on the table; and I don't think now is a good time for that.

Remind me to circle back to it.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:17 pm
by Lukewarm
In post 361, Val89 wrote:
In post 358, Lukewarm wrote:317 is good advice, and one that he would not be expected to give even if scum
In post 317, Umlaut wrote:NM would make a good cop target assuming we have one.
Hard disagree. I almost commented on this earlier, but I don't know how to approach explaining it at this stage.

I think this is pretty damn scummy, but I don't really want to go into how until there's a few claims on the table; and I don't think now is a good time for that.

Remind me to circle back to it.
I am pretty sure that you can talk about a "hypothetical cop" without it revealing anything :? :?

It is my understanding that NM is a very hard player to sort (and a cop on him would deal with this).

Also, from my experience, when town!NM says "This is scum" he is right more often then not - so, not having to second guess any pushes he decides to make seem ++town from my PoV

So, I think that this is good advice coming from Umlaut

I also think that scum!Umlaut might avoid giving this advice, because he would expect to be able to push out town!NM as a miselim, and would not want a cop inno to stop that from occurring

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:19 pm
by Lukewarm
Can you please explain why you think that a cop investigate on Not_Mafia would be a bad play?

Can you also explain why scum!Umlaut, would want a cop inno on Not_Mafia?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:21 pm
by Val89
I'm not arguing that its bad advice in a hypothetical sense, I am disagreeing that Umlaut posted it with the intent of throwing out some hypothetical advice, I think he was fishing, and fishing for something very specific, whilst looking like he was giving advice.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:22 pm
by Val89
Now; you look like you are fishing.

No; you are not getting answers to those questions at this point. We will come back to it.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:37 pm
by marcistar
In post 360, Val89 wrote:
In post 356, marcistar wrote:im pretty sure people have taken stances, and more likely its against you. without you providing content on slots outside of luke, ur preventing ur chance to fix this before it gets too far.
Fair. But then why am I sat at 2 votes; and one of those I think is a left over from RVS?

You are giving scum space to hide.
are you
more votes?
In post 360, Val89 wrote:I'm frustrated because there is already a bunch of content to sort through; and all we seem to be getting out of it is variations on 'eh, seems TvT, or maybe of them is scum. Probably val, dunno'. The response has been to ask to the slots that have been posting out their earholes to post even more.
not everyones confident in being able to rip this stuff apart, its largely unreadable and people are starting to just gloss over it.

- :good: -

In post 338, Pavowski wrote:At the risk of derailing this conversation, I think we need to entertain other possibilities. Val points out that the Luke/Val extravaganza is allowing townies to coast, but there is at least 1 mafia out there coasting as well (unless these 2 are scum together, in which case I am quitting this site forever).
In post 346, Pavowski wrote:I am currently of the opinion that you and Luke are both town. Maybe not the most towniest, but town. If that's on the fence, I guess I can't argue with you, but I am not resigned to voting strictly between the two of you yet.
, i dont really see you explain this anywhere (i might be missing it tho), but what made you think tvt? also whos the coasting-scum then?
In post 309, Umlaut wrote:Gives me an elim pool of {Val98, Not_Mafia, Zyla, Portia}..
, has this changed..? i found a post of u showing something of portias you think is townie.
can u rank ur prefered order?
In post 359, Lukewarm wrote:So, I think I am now at

Umlaut, Pav

Alstro, Marci



, what makes umlaut more townie than pavowski/alstro?
In post 275, Portia wrote:I think pressure on more slots I the way to do. Right now I would pressure Astro if I had pressuring. Skill. Pablo did well enough to answer my first day questions. A
, does this still hold true..? if so, what makes alstro higher on ur priority list of pressuring?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:38 pm
by Lukewarm
You think, me and/or Umlaut saying: "If we have a cop, they should consider targeting Not_Mafia" is fishing?

Also, you appear to think that copping Not_Mafia is bad, but do not want to explain why until after out hypothetical cop would have to decide if they wanted to target him or not Night??

I cannot think any reason to be against it, even if I try to consider any/all set up combinations we could be in :dead:

Except, and sorry to say this will probably look like I am conf. biasing here, you are scum, and either 1)NM is your partner or 2) you want to be able to miselim NM later.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:45 pm
by Lukewarm
In post 366, marcistar wrote:
In post 359, Lukewarm wrote:So, I think I am now at

Umlaut, Pav

Alstro, Marci



, what makes umlaut more townie than pavowski/alstro?
I do not have him higher then Pav. If they are on the same line, they are the same level atm

Alstro is generally townie, but his shift to Portia seemed odd, because from what I can see in his iso, that read was pretty dependent on Val's flip - so he is just a little lower because I am unsure why he when there.

Why do you ask? Do you have Umlaut lower? Alstro higher?

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:45 pm
by Val89
In post 367, Lukewarm wrote:You think, me and/or Umlaut saying: "If we have a cop, they should consider targeting Not_Mafia" is fishing?
In post 367, Lukewarm wrote:Also, you appear to think that copping Not_Mafia is bad, but do not want to explain why until after out hypothetical cop would have to decide if they wanted to target him or not Night??
No comment.

I've said I will come back to it at the appropriate time, and I will do so. I don't see how a town player doesn't realise this line of question is either straight-up PR fishing, or least how it can appear so...

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:49 pm
by marcistar
In post 368, Lukewarm wrote:I do not have him higher then Pav. If they are on the same line, they are the same level atm

Alstro is generally townie, but his shift to Portia seemed odd, because from what I can see in his iso, that read was pretty dependent on Val's flip - so he is just a little lower because I am unsure why he when there.

Why do you ask? Do you have Umlaut lower? Alstro higher?
ahh misunderstood ur list then :cool: :cool:

im asking because i want clarity, alstro = umlaut or at least pretty similar in my eyes rn.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:49 pm
by Lukewarm
In post 369, Val89 wrote:I've said I will come back to it at the appropriate time, and I will do so. I don't see how a town player doesn't realise this line of question is either straight-up PR fishing, or least how it can appear so...
Because he posted in a way that would have earned a response from anyone, much less the actual cop?

Just stated: here is my opinion on who is a good target.

And that was it

I think that is very much in the realm of "Not Role Fishing" and if anything, is in the realm of "SEs giving pointers to potential newbie PRs"

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 1:51 pm
by Val89
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:01 pm
by alstroemerial
In post 368, Lukewarm wrote:Alstro is generally townie, but his shift to Portia seemed odd, because from what I can see in his iso, that read was pretty dependent on Val's flip - so he is just a little lower because I am unsure why he when there.
I haven't really liked Portia as early as 231 due to just generally being vague/unhelpful.

Also, I think Umlaut made the point and Val made the counterpoint and Luke responded and it's time to move on from the PR discussion; any more will just clog the thread and make people glaze over more rather than giving something new, I think. Even worse it just gives more info to scum.

Liking Marci more and more

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:02 pm
by Val89
In post 373, alstroemerial wrote:Even worse it just gives more info to scum.
Which is EXACTLY why I think Luke is continuing to push it.