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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:18 pm
by xvart
Oh. I was looking at Feysal's grave rob plan.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:03 pm
by Iecerint
VP Baltar wrote:I think you need to be looking at play, and as far as I'm concerned, Feysal looks much more protown than Nacho or NPAU ever did.
This is scummy. The only way that NP's slot can be scum is if he's scum with the player who claimed Commune on him. This is highly unlikely.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:08 pm
by Triglav
Iecerint wrote:This is scummy. The only way that NP's slot can be scum is if he's scum with the player who claimed Commune on him. This is highly unlikely.
Well, actually Nacho could still be scum - just scum who didn't have insanities when we checked him.
Which, incidentally, holds true for Feysal as well - since he recommended the plan scum or town he had 0 insanities at that stage.
We consider their overall lack of insanities a town tell on both of them though - just not as absolute as you seem to suggest it is.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:13 pm
by Iecerint
Oh. Good point.

My mistake.

I will return to my cave.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:06 am
by VasudeVa
I was away for a while, and stuff still isn't happening. What are we waiting for again?

Also, V/LA this coming weekend.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 4:39 am
by Wraith
Hammer vote plz?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:11 am
by Triglav
We have everyone's night claims.
We have graverob plan.
We have stabby death awesome plan.
We have list o' actions thing.
Aren't we still waiting on 'Stupid town read this' guide for night actions?

We are available to help with lynch (which is L-2, yes?)
If VV is V/LA we foresee great potential with hammer this weekend ;)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:43 am
by VP Baltar
Is Wraith stalking tonight? Also, his call for the hammer before hito finishes the reference is noted. Ben, can you repost the finalized stalk plan, thanks.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:53 am
by Benmage
Final Rob Grave Plan:
El G: Benmage, Plum
Furclow: Xvart, Plum
Wickedstjr: VPB, AV
SpyreX: Benmage, AV

Let's get a "Yes/agree" or "Understand" from all involved.

Obviously I agree.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:00 am
by hitogoroshi
Yeah, I'd like Benmage's final weigh-in on stalkers and targets too (and I think he should add Andrius to the list, but it's ultimately his call).

Otherwise the reference is pretty much good to go! The Bloodline Champions Open Beta just started, so I'm happy the game will be in night while I'm playing that and going home for the holidays :D

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:01 am
by AurorusVox
^I agree

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:15 am
by Wraith
Well sorry if I'm getting impatient. This is dragging out like anything that DMV-related. Meaning fucking forever.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 9:56 am
by Seacore
I agree with the plan

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:32 am
by VP Baltar
Still agree with the plan. Please post the stalk list so there is no confusion about that.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:42 pm
by Plum
Benmage wrote:Final Rob Grave Plan:
El G: Benmage, Plum
Furclow: Xvart, Plum
Wickedstjr: VPB, AV
SpyreX: Benmage, AV
I agree.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:01 pm
by Benmage
VP Baltar wrote:Is Wraith stalking tonight? Also, his call for the hammer before hito finishes the reference is noted. Ben, can you repost the finalized stalk plan, thanks.
I'm not at a computer but it will remain the same with the addition of Andrius as someone able to be stalked and killed. None will be removed from the list.

you are stalking/killing.

need you to confirm grave rob plan and we're good to go.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:18 pm
by xvart
I agree to rob Furcolow's grave tonight.
I've recopied Benmages stalk/kill plan below (with the Andrius addition).

N4 Stalk Plan
Our Killers for tonight:

VP Baltar

Those who need to die:

Baby Spice

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:33 pm
by Wraith
I'm in for the plan.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:47 pm
by Benmage
Let's do this!
Kill em all let the morg sort em out.

Gogo votes.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:30 pm
by Seacore
Go Go hammer

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:43 pm
by hitogoroshi

Welcome to the Investigator’s Reference, a guide to help you make the right decisions and get your information out in a way that’s easily readable for your fellow investigators. Because there are actions that would benefit cultists and murderers if they could get away with them,
ignorance of the law is no excuse
, so make sure you read it thoroughly! In particular,
pay special attention to the banned insanity list, and the listings for Ward and Stalk/Murder!

Spoiler: What action should I take tonight?
This is a terrible night to take
(unless you're bloody). Both of these will give you an insanity with no benefit. Remember, you must claim every action that gives you an insanity, so if you neglect to send in a night action and end up cowering, you must claim it in your first post or you will be lynched!

This is a mediocre night to
for equipment. It's better to use equipment rather than search for it, especially because rez kits might get lost by you turning bloody if you sit on them too long.

You should probably not ward tonight. Almost every player (Iecerint is an exception) has or could possibly have a fetish of themselves. If you do ward, it
be any player on this list:

Forbidden to Wardkunkstar7
Baby Spice

Warding any of the above players will be treated as a cult claim!

Do not take the
Rob Grave
option. The town will be selecting their graverobber or graverobbers in thread, and interfering will only get you a needless insanity. This is NOT a valid excuse for having a higher-than-expected insanity count, and it will most likely get you lynched, so don’t do it!

This is an excellent night to choose the
option. Every player (with the exception of Iecerint) is potentially in danger. However, you should not be rezzing anyone on our "do not ward" list, so here are the townies not on that list:

Acceptable Resuscitation TargetsBenmage
VP Baltar

Chose your town-reads from that list and protect one, preferably randomly to make it more difficult for the scum to plan their nk. Remember too that the scum have access to the
Greater Ritual
, so don’t worry about choosing a target because “someone else might pick them too.” Stacking Resuscitates can be useful. Regardless of your decision, do NOT announce it in thread before we go to night.

is a useful choice. While launder resolves before investigation, murderers and cultbags would love to get away with not wasting an action on laundering. Punish them for it!

Do not chose
, UNLESS you are a town approved stalker. The approved stalkers are:

Approved Stalkershitorogoshi
VP Baltar

All of these players
stalk, and
choose a target from the "forbidden to ward" list.

This is a good night to use
However, make sure to pick someone who SHOULD have less insanities then you. Here is the list of the claimed insanities that will be present at the time of N4 communes:

InsanitiesAndrius (3)
AurorusVox (2)
Baby Spice (1)
Benmage (6)
hitogoroshi (3)
Iecerint (1)
kunkstar7 (2)
Nicodemus (1)
Plum (2)
Seacore (3)
Triglav (1)
Trilobite (1)
VP Baltar (4)
Wraith (2)
xvart (4)

Spoiler: What happens if I get an Insanity?
Insanities happen. Maybe you were killed and resuscitated, maybe you got passed a fetish of yourself. Here are the insanities you are
from taking N4:

Unacceptable InsanitiesHallucination (least bad unacceptable insanity - if you have to choose one from this list, pick this one)

Having any of these insanities will be treated as a Cultist/Murderer claim, UNLESS you were forced by number to pick a banned insanity (in which case you must pick Hallucination). This exemption only applies to people who are taking their
fourth or greater

In addition, here are some insanities you are encouraged to take:

Encouraged InsanitiesTwitchy

Remember, you will be claiming any actions that gave you insanities, so
is a solid first insanity for you to take. Twitchy is only detrimental to those who wish to conceal their insanities – you have nothing to hide.

This list will likely be amended as the days pass. Voice ideas for insanity amendments in thread - but do it BEFORE night falls.

Spoiler: Who's robbing which graves?
The final graverobbing targets are these.

Grave RobbersEl G: Benmage, Plum
Furclow: Xvart, Plum
Wickedstjr: VPB, AV
SpyreX: Benmage, AV

Spoiler: What should be included in my first post of the day?
For your first post, copy and paste this code:

Code: Select all

[b]Did you Hear Noise?[/b]
[b]Did you Ward? If so, who?[/b]
[b]Did you gain Insanities, and if so, which ones and from what actions?[/b]
[b]List all of the insanities you currently have:[/b]
[b]Did you [u]successfully[/u] resuscitate? If so, who?[/b]
[b]Were you murdered?[/b]
[b]Did you Commune or Investigate? If so, who, and what result?[/b]
[b]Are you bloody?[/b]
[b]Did you Stalk? If so, on who, and was it successful?[/b]
[b]Vote: [Self] [/b] <--- Replace this with your username!
[b]Unvote, Vote: Benmage[/b]
[b]Unvote, Vote: Xvart[/b]
[b]Unvote, Vote: Benmage[/b]
[b]Unvote, Vote: Xvart[/b]


Which will give you this:


Did you Hear Noise?

Did you Ward? If so, who?

Did you gain Insanities, and if so, which ones and from what actions?

List all of the insanities you currently have:

Did you
resuscitate? If so, who?

Were you murdered?

Did you Commune or Investigate? If so, who, and what result?

Are you bloody?

Did you Stalk? If so, on who, and was it successful?


Vote: [Self]
<--- Replace this with your username!
Unvote, Vote: Benmage

Unvote, Vote: Xvart

Unvote, Vote: Benmage

Unvote, Vote: Xvart


Fill this out and include it in your first post of the day.

A few notes. The "CD5" means "Claims Day 5", and it is there to make it easier to find these posts using ctrl+f. Your username should be written exactly. A successful use of resuscitate is defined as one that leaves you bloody. If your target is targeted by multiple kill actions and dies, it was still a "successful" use because you blocked a kill. The voting is to test for voting insanities - remember to replace [self] with your username as written. The "twitch?" is there as a friendly reminder for those who took the Twitchy insanity. A reminder on the rules of Twitchy:
Twitchy - If you heard Noise the Night before, you are Bloody, gained an Insanity the Night before, or any combination of these, your first post in the thread for the Day must contain *twitch* or *twitches*.
Do not post *twitch* or *twitches* in your first post if you do not have the twitchy insanity or do not meet the prerequisites.
Yes, you can *twitch* even without the insanity, but all it does is create needless ambiguity about whether you have more insanities than claimed or not. This guide was written so we can lynch people who give us these kinds of dilemmas instead of having to play the "are they cult, murderer, or just trying to be cute?" game.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:06 pm
by Iecerint
It should be clear that, contrary to that chart, no one should Rez me tonight.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:09 pm
by hitogoroshi
ah shit, that's right!

Yeah I made it clear how I derived that list so people should be able to figure out the error is in the rez section, not the ward section. My bad brospeh. I had to completely change how the rez list worked and so I forgot to sub you out after making the new list.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:29 am
by xvart
Also, a quick question, are all the forbidden insanities still forbidden to me?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:40 am
by VP Baltar
Some of us are going to have to start diving into forbidden insanities soon, myself included. Hito is right that the first one you take from that list should be hallucination. I would also recommend that suicidal is the LAST thing you should consider taking.