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Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:16 pm
by Noraa
In post 3594, JacksonVirgo wrote:Where did Watcher come from? did you just slip.
I dont know and no that was not a fucking scumslip.
my point is that ascetic cancels out everything except vig. It makes sense that the ascetic goon claims RBer. It cancels out all investigations and can only be caught be a watcher or killed by vig.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:16 pm
by JacksonVirgo
DGB I don't need these comments from you, I get it they're scum to you. You are scum to them. This is public knowledge I am trying to solve and this is actually frustrating the hell out of me

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:16 pm
by JacksonVirgo
In post 3600, Noraa wrote:
In post 3594, JacksonVirgo wrote:Where did Watcher come from? did you just slip.
I dont know and no that was not a fucking scumslip.
my point is that ascetic cancels out everything except vig. It makes sense that the ascetic goon claims RBer. It cancels out all investigations and can only be caught be a watcher or killed by vig.
I never said scum-slip. I just said slip. I was lowkey hoping you were gonna claim Watcher here lmfaoo

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:17 pm
by Noraa
In post 3599, JacksonVirgo wrote:MAKE YOUR CASE ON MARK. I don't really care about anything else you are constantly posting so much shit when you can stop wasting time and just make the goddamn case.

If you expect me to eliminate the one person that has a clear + mechanical reasons to be Town you're insane.
gah why are you so frustrating?
Im about to go sleep. Don't even know why I bothered reasoning with you. You're just tunneled as hell and I think this is a town loss 100% and solely because of you.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:18 pm
by Noraa
In post 3602, JacksonVirgo wrote:
In post 3600, Noraa wrote:
In post 3594, JacksonVirgo wrote:Where did Watcher come from? did you just slip.
I dont know and no that was not a fucking scumslip.
my point is that ascetic cancels out everything except vig. It makes sense that the ascetic goon claims RBer. It cancels out all investigations and can only be caught be a watcher or killed by vig.
I never said scum-slip. I just said slip. I was lowkey hoping you were gonna claim Watcher here lmfaoo
no I'm not a fucking pr otherwise I would've outed long ago.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:19 pm
by Noraa
In post 3601, JacksonVirgo wrote:This is public knowledge I am trying to solve and this is actually frustrating the hell out of me
wtf do u mean?
ur trying to tunnel is a much more accurate description.
You literally refute every point I make before I even get to say shit about them.
"DGB is mech clear therefore no argument u make matters"
thats been ur stance all night and its stupid as hell.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:20 pm
by Noraa
I am so much more frustrated than you and you aren't even listening to me.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:20 pm
by Infinity 324
Sorry JV, I kinda want to lim DGB without you and find the partner tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:22 pm
by Noraa
If we lose this game, it is your fault. I'm going to sleep and I'm not casing anyone until I feel like it again. If you decide to stupidly vote me out today, its entirely on you because I've been efforting and providing reasons.

My thought process has been transparent and towny.

I haven't thought twice about survival and this is hands down too far out of my scum range.

You don't see it not are you willing to untunnel. We will talk postgame or when you stop tunneling.


Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:26 pm
by Noraa
I'm sorry that went too far. I love you Jacko but you are frustrating me way too much rn. I'll case DGB and Mark tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:30 pm
by JacksonVirgo
I’m giving this game a break for a while. Sorry for getting heated

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:31 pm
by JacksonVirgo
Look at it from my perspective though, everyone attacking who I have cleared and have thought of like a mason buddy since like D3. I always hate endgame

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:41 pm
by JacksonVirgo
I've cleared my head I think

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:44 pm
by JacksonVirgo
I'm going to say this as blunt as I can, if you take it as an insult then I apologize but I'm not going to beat around the bush as this is my thoughts. If anyone expects me to eliminate my clear simply because you have a conspiracy theory that they're an Ascetic just because an Ascetic would fit thematically you are literally insane. Actually, I just remembered that the Motion Detector got a positive result on them, meaning they simply aren't.

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:55 pm
by Marky Mark
Morning all :)

I swear at this point, you are just waiting for me to go to bed so that you can churn out ~10 pages in my absence :P

I'm just about to tune in to virtual church (does this count as LAMIST?) but will catch up etc afterwards

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 11:59 pm
by JacksonVirgo
Howdy Mark I was starting to get lonely, just a forewarning the thread turned to shit near the end

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:41 am
by Marky Mark
Right, I've had a bit of a read up - the weak visitor claim from JV is certainly a plot twist :O

The DGB/JV Theory

-The weak visitor claim cements the strong associatives between JV and DGB
--I had already explained that if DGB is scum then JV is the likely partner and claimed the N1 vig to explain away the kill on toog, as the alternative is that they No-Killed N1
--But now, added to this, if DGB is scum then they would have to be asetic or JV is lying about their visitor night action
--Looking the other way around, if JV is scum then DGB is probably scum too because otherwise why would JV fight so hard to save a townie in ELO?

-/ are JV trying to keep their options open for an elim or me or infin today, despite the general consensus seeming to be that either Noraa or DGB is scum. This logic only makes sense if JV feels there is a feasible chance of me and infin being the scumteam, which isn't really a vibe I'm getting from them.

-I can see how JV might feel that Noraa was stretching a bit over DGB not mentioning the gating of its RB role in as that particular post was relating to the nature of their RB action, but in a more general sense it is weird that they didn't mention the gated side of it until after it came into effect. This has very similar overtones of Flavour Leaf magically reinventing his FN fakeclaim in the recent Bending mini, which 4/5 of the current plist will remember.

The Noraa + 1 other theory

-As others have said, the unvote in is odd if Noraa believes that DGB must be scum
-I get the flip-flopping of reads in ELO as it is natural to be a little bit paranoid, but repeatedly using Mom's reads as a crutch without justifying them with their own logic is sus here. If you SR me Noraa then why not make a quick 2 minute case with a couple of rough bullet points, so that the rest of the town can decide whether they think you have a point, and I can respond to you? :) I mean, based on my not-too-great townplay this game, I could literally make a case on myself in 2 minutes, so it ought not to be too hard for someone who allegedly thinks that I am scum :P

Key questions

I'm gonna mull over these, but please feel free to chip in:
-Why does JV sit on the weak visitor info until today?
-Why does DGB neglect to mention the gated aspect of her role until after the event?
- sets out JV's theory on why DGB can't be scum due to setup spec. I need to go back over this and fathom how reasonable this seems
-I think we can all agree that scum either no-killed N2 or cross-killed flea to make sure the PGO did its work but which theory does this fact make more sense with?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:43 am
by Marky Mark
Spotted this gem when catching up too :lol:
In post 3441, Noraa wrote:
In post 3431, Marky Mark wrote:The quickhammer was v sus at the end of yesterday from Noraa, but I was still slightly leaning towards DGB/JV being the solve, especially as JV seemed to overeact somewhat when I raised the theory yesterday. After seeing Noraa try to sheep Mom to push DGB/me today rather than owning her suspicions, I am less sure of myself.
good. handing out free town passes is a very bad scum strategy.
Lolwhat? Are you trying to shade me here for saying that you quickhammering yesterday is sus?

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:50 am
by Marky Mark
My current thoughts on SRs and probable scumteams

So DGB makes a very good point that people do seem to have a tendency to look past Noraa's sus behaviour. Noraa is definitely a very cutesy player (and I like that about her!) but she is also very capable, which is why I can ABSOLUTELY see the quickhammer yesterday as coming from scum as her cutesy persona gives her more license to get away with it

If Noraa hadn't quickhammered yesterday, I would've voted DGB by now, as that theory makes way more sense to me in terms of fitting the facts of the game (eg, consider infin's excellent point of the risk of scum!noraa no-killing n2 - the only player who benefits from no-killing n2 is the claimed RB, as they can then use this to paint a guilty on someone who they know is town).

As it stands, I am bamboozled. This discussion is healthy though so we should definitely let it run its course before putting votes down anywhere. In particular, I am keen to think thorough the setup spec stuff more and also hear from JV and DGB on why they late-claimed their full roles.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 2:59 am
by Marky Mark
Tbqh I'm leaning slightly towards DGB/JV being the solve because it just seems so risky for a noraa + 1 other to no kill N2 and hope that DGB targets someone that they can then frame. If Noraa is town here, they have made this choice significantly harder because I will be kicking myself if I don't vote someone who openly quickhammered yesterday and they turn out to be scum.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:17 am
by Marky Mark
@JV - I've been thinking through some of your setup spec logic -> Some of it makes sense, but a fair chunk may sense fypov if you are town here, but doesn't hold up when looking at it as a third party as I don't know that you are town, and hence cannot rely on your vig claim being legit. I've added some thoughts below - let me know what you think :)
In post 3452, JacksonVirgo wrote:Why DGB is mechnically Town.
  • If a protective were to claim, Roleblocker would be a scum-claim yet there is no protective meaning that Roleblocker makes perfect sense as the "protective" and also weakening the powers of the Masons pre-claim.
    I agree that there is an element of risk to this - due to the order that people claimed in, there was a low chance of a RB CC from another player as most people had claimed iirc, but yeah if there was a doc that had claimed VT then this would not be a direct CC but would put DGB in hot water

  • Claiming Roleblocker D2 is almost never coming from a scum!Roleblocker. And in the case of a bus, why would scum no-kill or claim Roleblocker knowing that one either ALREADY EXISTS and blocked their buddy or a protective exists and claiming roleblocker destroys the utility for their role and also creates a 1v1 with the Town PR.
    FMPOV, if DGB is scum then it is likely with you, so this doesn't hold up as if you NKed pig then there is no missing kill

  • What Monrangal said, a gambit there from that early on is so impractical it's likely never even a possibility to begin with. They would have needed there be no protective/roleblocker, somehow a reason for Town to think that it's happened via a Town/Scum interaction (aka roleblock) and then claim the perfect role in order to fit into the PR claims that haven't even happened yet. The ONLY advocation for scum!DGB is they killed Toogoloo N1 alongside myself and that's just stupid.
    Again, fmpov, they do not need to have cross-killed toog if you are scum with them and NKed toog then fakeclaimed vig to explain it

    As a sidenote, if you and DGB are town here then that is 6 TPRs of 10 townies, which seems like a lot. Is 6 TPRs common in mini themes? I haven't played enough to know how realistic that is
In other words. Anyone within Infinity/MarkyPoo/Noraa should know the other two are scum. And Noraa is almost confirmed scum at this point meaning Mark/Infinity are at a TvS.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:11 am
by DrippingGoofball
I am working on my case. Give me a couple of hours.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:11 am
by DrippingGoofball
I got this, Yellowstone family.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:18 am
by Nero Cain
no, I GOT this.

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:18 am
by Nero Cain