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Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:19 am
by Datisi
vote count 4.02
  • with
    votes in play, it takes
    to make a decision.
  • day 4 ends in
    (expired on 2022-04-21 14:00:00)
  • 3
    players who have the most nominations will be bomb experts on n4.


StrangeMatter [3]:
Dwlee99, GuiltyLion, VP Baltar
Dwlee99 [1]:

not voting [9]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, Mistyx, Enchant, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, Menalque, Titus, Bell

bomb expert nominations:

Cephrir [3]:
GuiltyLion, VP Baltar, Dwlee99
Cat Scratch Fever [3]:
GuiltyLion, VP Baltar, Dwlee99
PookyTheMagicalBear [1]:
Menalque [1]:
Titus [1]:
Andante [1]:

not nominating [9]:
PookyTheMagicalBear, Andante, Mistyx, Cephrir, Cat Scratch Fever, Menalque, Titus, StrangeMatter, Bell

ineligible to be nominated:
Bell, Mistyx, GuiltyLion, VP Baltar, Dwlee99, StrangeMatter

mod notes:
  • Menalque v/la weekends.
  • Menalque v/la until thursday.
  • making vote counts is more fun than studying
  • the vote counter is acting weird and i'm counting votes by hand, let me know if i make any mistakes.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:19 am
by Dwlee99
Enchant is about to do the same thing as strange with the "well you breathe as scum so"

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:20 am
by Enchant
Dwlee99 just performed scummy inhale.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:30 am
by VP Baltar
In post 3592, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:Why did each person in the hood decide to save Andres?
I pressed andres reasonably hard about things in his play I found scummy and told him straight up that I went back and forth on whether I thought he should live. His responses were fairly AtE, but I could see them from a town perspective potentially and was leaning that way after the questions.

I also did some math on each of the scum win cons and how close they were to either, and decided that even if he was scum seeking their first defusal, it is about even for scum seeking either wincon at that point in terms of amount of days they have to play. So, I figured we get more info if we let him live than if we agreed to kill him.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:36 am
by Cat Scratch Fever
In post 3507, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 3504, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 3502, StrangeMatter wrote:As much as I would believe that, I literally explained in PT, why I thought that it wasn’t believing they were town, rather based on mechanics and an interaction that I noted.
Your thing was just you didn't think Andres/vpb was SvS but that's not exactly a hard to fabricate reason as scum
Do you seriously believe I would fabricate that as scum? And seriously, look at their interaction and tell me, yeah that is just a fabricated thought as scum.

You know why it matters because it could mean you gave the wrong info?
Why does "Andres + vpb are not SvS" make you want to defuse the bomb?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:37 am
by Cephrir
In post 3601, Dwlee99 wrote:Enchant is about to do the same thing as strange with the "well you breathe as scum so"
your posts being mad about this don't rly do you any favors tho

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:38 am
by Cephrir
mechanically it would make a ton of sense for scum vpb to blow up here just sayin

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:39 am
by Cat Scratch Fever
In post 3606, Cephrir wrote:mechanically it would make a ton of sense for scum vpb to blow up here just sayin
So we don't feel compelled to flip him?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:44 am
by StrangeMatter
In post 3598, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 3588, StrangeMatter wrote:Pretty much. I know for a fact I didn’t lie but no I’m scum and people just believe I would intentionally blow up Andres.
This is such a funny post
I wish I were funny but no. I don't care anymore if I die in this game, I'm just saying what I think so screw off.

Also my reason for thinking you're just scum setup is partially that gut feeling I get from reading half of your posts and read on me (It's a muted feel about your reads). It's also scumplay I have seen you done before, and from what you've pointed out in another game, I know for a fact, that you know I'm easy to eliminate (but in that game you didn't).

Explaining the Andres not SVS comes down to a simple idea. They were arguing a lot in the PT, I assumed they weren't SVS (They weren't), and I believed that there isn't 3 scum defuses (close to the wincon scum could go for but I don't know if they are) off of this. So it came down to if we defused this bomb, the defuses would be either 2, 1, or 0 scum defuses (I really don't want scum anywhere near that wincon at all), meaning it would likely be safe to defuse it that night.

Getting really tired of repeating myself there.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:49 am
by Cephrir
In post 3607, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:
In post 3606, Cephrir wrote:mechanically it would make a ton of sense for scum vpb to blow up here just sayin
So we don't feel compelled to flip him?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:50 am
by Cephrir
mala iso is 100% useless yep

i guess there are votes to look at

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:53 am
by Cephrir
In post 2821, Mistyx wrote:
In post 2810, Dwlee99 wrote:VOTE: mala

That was entertaining, let's lim scum now ty
In post 2811, Cephrir wrote:That works too

VOTE: Mala
In post 2812, VP Baltar wrote:VOTE: mala

Let's go.
In post 2813, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:VOTE: mala

I endorse this
In post 2814, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:VOTE: mala

oh man

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:54 am
by StrangeMatter
But anyways on townreads end, Cephrir to me is town, their recent string of posts I mostly agreed with what they were saying, and was kind of asking myself similar questions to me, which is a towntell to me.

I don't like how GL is interacting with Dwlee right now, but ehhh I don't believe them to be likely partners.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:55 am
by Cephrir
In post 2845, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 2843, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:No thoughts on mala?
I didn't originally have any thoughts on Malakittens (though skimming they give the same vibe as Cephrir where its a little scummy but I can't make much out of it, though that makes me wonder, why did this wagon suddenly come up?), though I feel like I'm just struggling to have reads on everyone, and the aforementioned people I just can't read.

But for now,

VOTE: Dwlee

Have some work I need to finish though.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:58 am
by StrangeMatter
In post 3612, StrangeMatter wrote:But anyways on townreads end, Cephrir to me is town, their recent string of posts I mostly agreed with what they were saying, and was kind of asking myself similar questions to me, which is a towntell to me.

I don't like how GL is interacting with Dwlee right now, but ehhh I don't believe them to be likely partners.
*Sorry, I meant from them on D3, I think Cephrir is town.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:00 am
by Cat Scratch Fever
In post 3608, StrangeMatter wrote: Explaining the Andres not SVS comes down to a simple idea. They were arguing a lot in the PT, I assumed they weren't SVS (They weren't), and I believed that there isn't 3 scum defuses (close to the wincon scum could go for but I don't know if they are) off of this. So it came down to if we defused this bomb, the defuses would be either 2, 1, or 0 scum defuses (I really don't want scum anywhere near that wincon at all), meaning it would likely be safe to defuse it that night.

Getting really tired of repeating myself there.
That just means it wouldn't have instalost us the game if you defused - that doesn't make defusing Andres the correct option there.

It's mostly just mind boggling that you don't have an independent read on Andres, even though you were in a hood with him and he was talked about a lot in the game thread

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:02 am
by Cephrir
In post 2848, Andante wrote:I may SR strange... but that's a read I can agree with (for some different reasoning though)

VOTE: Dwlee
In post 2854, Menalque wrote:my very brief thoughts are that Baltar probably needs to die today, and if scum flip then pooky definitely needs to die
In post 2862, Andante wrote:yeah umm VP having 2 bombs worries me tbh, and going "frog had value!!! must read into it!!" is not something I really want to deal with... frog just trolled around in the PT why are you implying all 3 of me greeting andres lied about what went on??

But I don't think VP is town, and that's why his groups keep successfully disarming bombs

In post 2909, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 2896, Dwlee99 wrote:
In post 2892, StrangeMatter wrote:
In post 2879, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 2873, StrangeMatter wrote:About the Dwlee TMI, it was mostly a gut feeling from reading their posts that feels very TMI-like but I can't really point to exactly why knowing the flips. Though I guess its also feeling of something similar to Dwlee!scum just constantly going with the consensus slots (Similar to where he sits there and allows people to just consensus onto wrong slots).
I would like you to cite actual posts please.
Not great at citing posts (or in general) but okay.

#1404 ... #p13316311

This part pinged my gut as a little TMI-like with the read on someone I don't feel like has been neither scummy nor really townie, even checking the slot before them doesn't really give me a lot to work with.
Where's the TMI unless I'm bussing mala here?
What I mean is with how my read is on them I don't understand the scumread on them. I really don't understand the scumread on it is where it smells TMI-ey. And your read on them is mentioned often but not explained to how you came to this conclusion. Although this is with most people on this wagon where its not explained to me why they're on Malakittens, it smells a little you have something, but looking back, I might just be completely wrong (Woo, potentially more really bad reads for this game) looking back at other posts.

Though I ask, what is your case on Malakittens?
In post 2912, StrangeMatter wrote:And so we chose to wagon, instead of maybe doing the more logical conclusion for any of the 5 people on Malakittens right now, to say actually squeeze or prod content out of them? Yeah, I'm not going anywhere near this wagon. If it flips scum, fine, but you can count me out of being on this wagon.
In post 3209, Andante wrote:Good talk!
VOTE: Dwlee
In post 3220, VP Baltar wrote:UNVOTE:
VOTE: titus

Post or die!
In post 3223, Enchant wrote:VOTE: Titus

In post 3232, Mistyx wrote:VOTE: CSF

HEAL: VP Baltar
HEAL: Dwlee99

not really a fan of strangematter getting healed what's up with that one
In post 3278, Andante wrote:VOTE: Titus

did someone say lim titus?
i didn't exhaustively look at trajectory but not one of these looks good to me

andante was really happy to vote like, literally anyone other than mala after getting sorta cornered into voting her for a minute

i think enchant's vote looks particularly terrible

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:03 am
by Cephrir
this needs more attention than i feel like giving right now

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:03 am
by StrangeMatter
And I mean by GL interaction, I mixed up what I meant, what I did mean was I just don't like how they're going about my push on Dwlee.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:04 am
by Enchant

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:04 am
by Enchant
So Ceph is Dwlee teammate.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:06 am
by Cephrir
hey dwlee meet me in the scum pt let's plan some theater

wait, i already made this joke this game

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:08 am
by Enchant
Please invite me as well

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:25 am
by GuiltyLion
In post 3618, StrangeMatter wrote:And I mean by GL interaction, I mixed up what I meant, what I did mean was I just don't like how they're going about my push on Dwlee.
Can you answer my question? Why do you think scum!Dwlee re-clarified their solve if they planned to give a fake one? Doesn't that serve no purpose other than risking making themself look suspicious?

I would imagine scum giving bad info would just do it cleanly, but you suggested Dwlee giving "two sets of instructions" was scummy and I don't follow that reasoning or why it's convincing to you. And maybe can you explain your read on VPB?

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:43 am
by StrangeMatter
In post 3623, GuiltyLion wrote:
In post 3618, StrangeMatter wrote:And I mean by GL interaction, I mixed up what I meant, what I did mean was I just don't like how they're going about my push on Dwlee.
Can you answer my question? Why do you think scum!Dwlee re-clarified their solve if they planned to give a fake one? Doesn't that serve no purpose other than risking making themself look suspicious?

I would imagine scum giving bad info would just do it cleanly, but you suggested Dwlee giving "two sets of instructions" was scummy and I don't follow that reasoning or why it's convincing to you. And maybe can you explain your read on VPB?
That's not at all what I was thinking, I was thinking that points towards that it makes more it was bad info initially and they wanted to correct it. I'll be honest this one is very tinfoily thought and probably completely wrong thinking about it. But still, I just feel like Dwlee did a scum setup and isn't town as I've said before.

My read on VPB is they seem townie from what I've seen, but at the same time I'm really not super sure about this slot enough like others.