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Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:30 pm
by AngryPidgeon
In post 373, RachMarie wrote:You seem SO sure though AP what are you gonna do iffen on the off chance he flps town? Not saying he will just saying IF?
Some of my reads are influenced by my opinion of them.
Yates is not scum with them. Neither is Fu.
I don't really want to think about that too much atm because they are going to flip scum. Orci's posting was fake as hell.
Empking and Aafter are very weak reads actually, but I didn't want to make a 3rd category in my pretty list.
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:18 pm
by Shadi1337
In post 371, AngryPidgeon wrote:I'm all caught up.
Yates, get back over here. Selkies is scum I guarantee it. Also please don't replace out, part of the reason I joined was cause I saw your name. ^^
Shadi/Torcinator are town though. They don't care about how their posts come off and its obvious as hell. The real-life updates from Torc are hilariously town. Shadi getting pissy about being called a noob is too. Scum way more often than not will fall back on the newb card. Shadi is doing the opposite, lol. Also Selkies is aggressively trying to ML that slot.
Fu feels town and I doubt that Fu and Yates are scum since they seem to share scum selkies reads by and large.
Town-Motivated Posters
Probable Town
PoE Scum?
@RM: Could you summarize your reads for me?
Basically I'm going to be incredibly disappointed in all of you if someone other than selkies is lynched today. Sucks for Doc Holiday, but its a scum slot. A lot of my opinions are based on this slot being scum and I really am not ok with lynching anyone else until I see this mafia flip.
Your reason on some of your reads? Rach and Sel (you said that Sel is trying to ML that slot, ML means?) and what about Rach did I miss a post?
I know I'm constantly digging my own grave by saying this but I wouldn't act different to that whether I'm scum or town. I don't intend to use my meta as an advantage to trick or use players with or against me. It's like allowing private messages between players; why let all matters out of this thread count as matters?
Also it's nice with a reads post
In post 373, RachMarie wrote:
You seem SO sure though AP what are you gonna do iffen on the off chance he flps town? Not saying he will just saying IF?
Cause you may be missing the bigger picture because of your tunneling
Yes, I feel like questioning your confidence as well. It would be hard to keep up if 1-2 of them flip villager.
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:24 pm
by RachMarie
ML is mislynch
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:30 pm
by Shadi1337
Also since you have 2 scum suspects that you are at least /somewhat/ sure of. Could you maybe point out where these 2 have a relation in the game and why you believe it's possible for them two to be together in a team? Or is the case simply that you feel like they are just both acting scummy but not together? It seems like you are mostly up for a Sel lynch; is this true?
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:31 pm
by Shadi1337
^ Post directed @ AP (in case that would confuse anyone)
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:26 pm
by AngryPidgeon
I dont feel strongly about anyone other than selk for scum.
Im not interested in lynching RM today.
Its selk +(emp, rm, aaft)
Of those, I think emp is most likely town. He feels less sleazy than normal.
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:28 pm
by RachMarie
umm could you clarify what you mean by less sleazy? Emp is one I had on my watch closely list cause I know he is a very good player.
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:09 pm
by AngryPidgeon
Hes not actively trying to look town / posturing. Hes not playing like ive ever seen him play and ive seen him as scum 3/3 times.
But he hasn't posted anything that makes want to position his townieness from the mountains
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:10 pm
by AngryPidgeon
Proclaim his townieness**
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:21 pm
by AngryPidgeon
Is the dl still 5/30?
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:13 pm
by RachMarie
In post 372, Jake from State Farm wrote:
AngryPigeon -
FuDuzn -
Doc Holiday - AngryPigeon (L-4)
Empking - FuDuzn (L-4)
RachMarie -
Torcinator - Selkies (L-4)
Shadi1337 - RachMarie, Empking (L-3)
Not Voting - Mac, Yates, Aafter, Shadi
With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch
***Please note the new deadline***
deadline is in
(expired on 2013-06-04 09:23:39)
On my kindle fire so it is hard to post. Here is the post by the mod about the new deadline.
What does it say about my kindle that so many mafiascum terms pop up on my kindle fire?
Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 7:16 pm
by AngryPidgeon
I know. I was phoneposting and swype recognized 'townieness' as a word. I was like 'that can't be a good sign, lol'.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:19 am
by Jake from State Farm
sorry, deadline is the 4th of June. My daughters birthday
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:03 am
by Yates
I believe you.
VOTE: Doc Holiday
Also, hello. <3
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:48 am
by AngryPidgeon
Torcinator's stream-of-thought updates feel genuine. I really don't see scum posting things like
this and
this. Because its contentless posting which is only going to draw suspicion and its very subtly pro-town since hes kind of auditing his own actions, lol. It feels honest.
Shadi is likely town for drawing attention to himself with posts like
P14 and
Also I doubt this is from scum:
No, you'd be disappointed in the result of lynching me
At the risk of starting more shit, AtE like this is generally from town, ESPECIALLY from players new to the site.
FuDuzn. Part of this I can't comment on, but I feel like we are on a similar wavelength as I read. The double unvote felt genuine too; scum are usually more aware of where their vote is than town. In general, he doesn't feel like he cares how his posts are read.
Already commented on Empking. I'd like Empking's condensed opinions on RM and aafter.
Yates's apathy backandforth with Selkies does not feel like bussing. His not voting in 297 felt town too. Also, gut. Doesn't feel like Yates from HPATPL.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:49 am
by AngryPidgeon
^ Wooo, counterwagon gogo
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 10:27 am
by Torcinator
I'm back.
3 replacements?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:12 pm
by Jake from State Farm
FUDuzn, Aafter, & Empking have all been prodded
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:15 pm
by Empking
A after no feeling. RM, mildly scummy.
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:30 pm
by FuDuzn
But I just posted yesterday? *shakes fist angrily*
timestamp doesn't lie wrote:Post #352 (isolation #36) ยป Mon May 27, 2013 7:53 pm
I guess I needed that kick in the ass though. And Welcome HappyDove, and yes presuming that you are town then we are aligned on the same team yet again.
My way too quick sum up of the time I was gone.
Rach needs to do something, Torc needs to do something, AP undertsands me, I like the cut of AP's jib, Seal Team 6 is scum(aka Doc Holiday).......I sheep Yates.
VOTE: Doc Holiday
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:50 am
by Yates
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:00 pm
by Torcinator
Two at a time, every single time!
Nobody got that reference...
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:19 pm
by Jake from State Farm
AngryPigeon -
FuDuzn -
Doc Holiday - AngryPigeon, Yates, FuDuzn (L-2)
Empking -
RachMarie -
Torcinator - Selkies (L-4)
Shadi1337 - RachMarie, Empking (L-3)
Not Voting - Mac, Aafter, Shadi
With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch
***Please note the new deadline***
deadline is in
(expired on 2013-06-04 09:23:39)
It has been 24 hours since my prod of Aafter
Shadi & Doc Holiday have been prodded.
I almost prodded Mac
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:25 pm
by RachMarie
Will do an ISO on Selkies and I can provide them as town for meta iffen someone wants it we were in a game together and that game is definitely long since completed.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:03 pm
by Shadi1337
@Mod I am checking the thread daily but not sure what to type at this moment. There haven't been more than 18 posts from approx 3 players.
Last thing I felt needed to have a response on or react to was already answered in post 389.. but yeah