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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:04 pm
by Menalque
In post 3819, petapan wrote:fwiw if i were to gambit with claims here i don't do one that ties me to my partner so obviously and i probably just claim cop with a guilty for the free elim?
maybe, but outing as scum makes you far more obvious and can lead to partner associations

If you’re going for a 7p win you have to create associations to defend your partners (sometimes even if all are v strong individually)

Whereas if you’re going for 5p then you can bus earlier (prob yesterday?)

But like this game feels like scum going for a 7p win which means taking those chances on being linked

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:04 pm
by Menalque
Also just generally makes me feel like you’re a v ballsy scumplayer who likes a little spice which is not the impression I had of you before

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:07 pm
by petapan
In post 3823, Menalque wrote:
In post 3821, petapan wrote:i've made somewhat gutsy plays as scum before but one like that just seems like -EV especially when it puts me in a thunderdome with people who are getting townread mean S_S/infinity of whom one is also quite mixed feelings?
idk, were they? my perception anyway is that no one really townread
as compared to all of you guys and i'd like to think if that is my perception currently as town it'd likely be the same if i was scum. i think not many people townread smart but people were kinda sheeping skitter there? even though there was never really an expressed reason for it. but i came into the day with a clear idea of what the mechanics around claims were and doing a watcher claim that ties me to dave is pretty much the worst one i could make

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:07 pm
by petapan
In post 3826, Menalque wrote:Also just generally makes me feel like you’re a v ballsy scumplayer who likes a little spice which is not the impression I had of you before
how would you feel if i told you i won best scum player in 2012

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:09 pm
by Menalque
In post 3820, Smoke and Mirrors wrote:
In post 3818, Menalque wrote:Peta is claiming that he went for 1s watcher, which Dave has claimed as a role

I was originally wondering if neither 1s watcher nor doc were in the game, and that’s why scum were hesitant to go for, for example, skitter in the early game — bc they only knew about the watcher not being present, not about the doc

Peta’s claim means that Dave (imo the obviously correct choice to flip on play out of the “possible redirector” slots) was safe, and it loved onto being between (me, S_S, infinity, him)

I was thinking my townflip would look v bad for Dave and peta here and the way they’re tied together would definitely sink the other if the one is scum, but if peta has made plays like that before then he probably is confident enough as scum to make a play like that and to try and win in 7

This might as well be written in French Mena.

Can you explain it like I'm 11?
>no cop claim but we know cop is in game
>cop slot must be in players above TGP, along with peta claiming cop
>lilith is confirmed not-it
>leaves (infinity, S_S, peta, dave)
>Dave is worst looking of those slots and prob the one to be flipped today without a claim
>Dave claims 1s watcher which I would normally totally flip
>peta claims he went for 1s watcher too and claimed he went for cop slot as a gambit
>this puts me back into the pool along with NM
>NM claims neighbouriser which we know exists and apparently can’t be scum because people love ignoring the problem of induction
>means the pool becomes (peta, me, infinity, S_S) as people no longer wanna kill Dave bc he can only be the 1s redirector (confirmed scum through not claiming during massclaim) if peta is lying about going for the 1s watcher

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:09 pm
by Menalque
In post 3828, petapan wrote:
In post 3826, Menalque wrote:Also just generally makes me feel like you’re a v ballsy scumplayer who likes a little spice which is not the impression I had of you before
how would you feel if i told you i won best scum player in 2012
not encouraged

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:09 pm
by Smoke and Mirrors
In post 3824, petapan wrote:pooky are you gonna hold the specter of that game over me for all time or are you gonna acually try to read me this game
It is certainly memorable for me Peta :3

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:11 pm
by Menalque
In post 3827, petapan wrote:
In post 3823, Menalque wrote:
In post 3821, petapan wrote:i've made somewhat gutsy plays as scum before but one like that just seems like -EV especially when it puts me in a thunderdome with people who are getting townread mean S_S/infinity of whom one is also quite mixed feelings?
idk, were they? my perception anyway is that no one really townread
as compared to all of you guys and i'd like to think if that is my perception currently as town it'd likely be the same if i was scum. i think not many people townread smart but people were kinda sheeping skitter there? even though there was never really an expressed reason for it. but i came into the day with a clear idea of what the mechanics around claims were and doing a watcher claim that ties me to dave is pretty much the worst one i could make
Yes but by the very nature of doing a gambit you then get to say “but would I do this gambit as scum” (which is what you’ve done, like every time you say “I would have just claimed cop and false guiltied”) and that makes you get TR more

I refuse to believe that if you won best scumplayer in 2012 that you don’t know that by tying yourself to someone like that it makes you look townier bc “would they really doom two slots like this if one of them is to flip?” logic

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:12 pm
by Smoke and Mirrors
In post 3828, petapan wrote:how would you feel if i told you i won best scum player in 2012
how would you feel if I told you I won best overall player in 2005. :3

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:12 pm
by Menalque
In post 3833, Smoke and Mirrors wrote:
In post 3828, petapan wrote:how would you feel if i told you i won best scum player in 2012
how would you feel if I told you I won best overall player in 2005. :3
Wasn’t the site like 10 people at that point :p

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:13 pm
by Menalque
Well what would you guys say if I told you I won rising star for 2019

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:13 pm
by Menalque
Sorry I thought we were just listing our awards

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:13 pm
by Smoke and Mirrors
In post 3829, Menalque wrote:>no cop claim but we know cop is in game
>cop slot must be in players above TGP, along with peta claiming cop
>lilith is confirmed not-it
>leaves (infinity, S_S, peta, dave)
>Dave is worst looking of those slots and prob the one to be flipped today without a claim
>Dave claims 1s watcher which I would normally totally flip
>peta claims he went for 1s watcher too and claimed he went for cop slot as a gambit
>this puts me back into the pool along with NM
>NM claims neighbouriser which we know exists and apparently can’t be scum because people love ignoring the problem of induction
>means the pool becomes (peta, me, infinity, S_S) as people no longer wanna kill Dave bc he can only be the 1s redirector (confirmed scum through not claiming during massclaim) if peta is lying about going for the 1s watcher
I should really read the rules huh.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:14 pm
by Smoke and Mirrors
In post 3835, Menalque wrote:Well what would you guys say if I told you I won rising star for 2019
mmm site player quality must've taken a dive or something :mrgreen:

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:15 pm
by Menalque
I won a prize for a poem for which I
borrowed some ideas from a book I was reading at the time (i was 10), and then won a small globe as a prize that I was meant to give back at the end of the school year so they could give it to someone else the following year but that I actually kept because fuck you man, that’s a really shitty way to give a prize

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:15 pm
by Menalque
In post 3838, Smoke and Mirrors wrote:
In post 3835, Menalque wrote:Well what would you guys say if I told you I won rising star for 2019
mmm site player quality must've taken a dive or something :mrgreen:
I am terrible, so

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:16 pm
by Menalque
Otoh it’s not like they’ll ever give me another one now I’ve started posting in US pol

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:16 pm
by petapan
In post 3830, Menalque wrote:
In post 3828, petapan wrote:
In post 3826, Menalque wrote:Also just generally makes me feel like you’re a v ballsy scumplayer who likes a little spice which is not the impression I had of you before
how would you feel if i told you i won best scum player in 2012
not encouraged
i won my games that year solo, though. was never much of a team player although i went back and revisted them and it's basically like a different game was being plaed. ballsiest play was, i think, fakeclaiming tracker with a report on the obvious SK. but i don't know. in theory that hostility that briefly made you think i was town is right in my wheelhouse but i haven't had to put it in practice in a long time and just because i have a reputation doesn't mean i'm scum, but the thing that makes me town i think is my struggle but that's not really meaningful to anyone who doesn't know me. i think fwiw the scum really aren't making the best move by no claiming but seeing as it's sent me on this downward spiral it might be working anyway

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:16 pm
by Smoke and Mirrors
In post 3840, Menalque wrote:I am terrible, so
You are a gentleman and one of the finest players I know.

Now tell me why you're actually good here :]

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:17 pm
by petapan
In post 3833, Smoke and Mirrors wrote:
In post 3828, petapan wrote:how would you feel if i told you i won best scum player in 2012
how would you feel if I told you I won best overall player in 2005. :3
really figured you'd mention the funniest role claim award first

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:22 pm
by Menalque
In post 3843, Smoke and Mirrors wrote:
In post 3840, Menalque wrote:I am terrible, so
You are a gentleman and one of the finest players I know.

Now tell me why you're actually good here :]

I mean, I also think I already have? Like, the amount of effort I’ve made is +town for me, I’ve been the person most engaged in trying to solve ever since I repped in, and again, the way the game has been going just doesn’t fit with how I play scum — if I think I’m a liability m, I tell my team to bus and bus hard and win for us as a collective rather than risk the game supporting me

Lastly, I don’t think I make the NK N1 if I’m scum *given skitt’s position in the table* i would expect that I would be quite a good equity track slot for her, and she was in the position where tracker was very much what I potentially put her on before D2 and Lilith outing

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:25 pm
by petapan
i'm still doing that iso

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:26 pm
by Menalque
In post 3842, petapan wrote:just because i have a reputation doesn't mean i'm scum,
That’s not what I’m saying tho

I’m saying more “I cleared you based on some assumptions that seem to be quite clearly false, and now that those assumptions are false I’m struggling to see why the thing of you/Dave is an implausible play for you to make as scum” especially when everyone has become incredibly resistant to guillotining Dave (whose posting today has been
) and you seem much more able to defend yourself — plus you only need 2 more to win, so yes, it would probably doom you if you’d made the link earlier game, but at this point I think it’s a reasonably worthwhile risk if you can just win immediately from it tomorrow, and if you think the third partner has a good chance of winning 3p even if it goes wrong

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:27 pm
by Menalque
Like, I would totally consider taking a risk on the day before lylo to try and win the game faster because the longer games run on the more chance something might fuck you up

Got to strike while t’iron’s hot

Also, I hate going to 3p and 1v1ing guaranteed but that is definitely a me thing

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 1:31 pm
by Menalque
Right well, class tomorrow so I’ll leave you all with this: