Vellee Sedai, the Amyrlin Seat
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Bound by the Oath Rod:
All Aes Sedai, before they can claim the title, are bound to the three oaths. These oaths are taken on the Oath Rod, a powerful ter’angreal (magical artifact) which binds the oaths to the person’s very being. They can not break any oaths from the oath rod in just the same way that a man cannot fly. They are literally unable to do so.
These are the three oaths that you are bound to:
• Under the Light, I vow to speak no word that is not true.
• Under the Light, I vow never to make a weapon for one man to kill another.
• Under the Light, I vow not to use the One Power as a weapon, except against Shadowspawn, or in the last defense of my life, the life of my Warder, or that of another Sister.
In game terms, these are translated as such:
For the first oath, you cannot type a word that is not true. You can ‘lie’ by omission, or ask a question in such a way that you imply a false answer, but you cannot lie directly. You can also lie if you do not know what you are speaking is not true, however you can never represent something as true if you do not know for a fact (or believe for a fact) is true. (For Example, many people believe god exists, and if an Aes Sedai who believes god exists is asked “Does God exist” they can answer yes. While an Aes Sedai who does not believe God exists can answer the same question as “No”. However you cannot say “I know (insert mafia player) is scum” unless you 100% believe it. You can say “I believe XXX is scum” as that would not be a lie. )
(If you have read the books you know that Aes Sedai are weavers of words, and the ‘truth’ you think you hear is not always the real truth. You also know that if an Aes Sedai says something is fact, that it is fact.)
If you break this rule you will lose the ability to use ANY One-Power ability at night. I will be the sole judge of this. I may give you a warning if I believe you have said an untruth. This does not mean you cannot deceive; just the no word you type is untrue. Learn to know the difference.
For the second oath, this means you cannot use an ability which will cause another person to die, even indirectly, unless that person is a dark friend or a creature of the shadow. An example of this would be role blocking a doctor who would save some one who is not a dark friend from dying. Even I do not know all the implications of this oath. If this happens, you will not be informed of it.
For the third oath you can only use One Power abilities that are classified as “Offensive” against darkfriends; when you, your warder, or another Aes Sedai is in mortal danger (Lynch-1 is considered mortal danger. Due to the way certain abilities resolve, they may provide a mortal danger clause. You may target these abilities regardless, however unless they meet the mortal danger clause AT THE TIME OF RESOLVING, the ability will not resolve and you will lose that action.)
I am the sole arbiter of your actions and if I feel you have violated an oath I will enforce any or all penalties at my own discretion. For flagrant violations I reserve the right to mod-kill you. You may PM me with a scenario if you feel it may fall into the Three Oaths, and I will tell you what effect the Oaths have on you.
Aes Sedai General Ability(s)
Detect Saidar: One Power - Passive: You will be able to detect when Saidar is used. However your ability to detect it is not flawless. When someone uses Saidar in the room you are in you will know which room was targeted. If someone targets the room you are in, you will know which room this came from.
Gentle: One Power - Active - You may use this ability on a man who channels Saidin. This ability will immediately cut them off from the source and they will lose all abilities which have the ‘One Power’ modifier. At least three women, working in concert, must use Gentle on the target for this ability to work. Some men are even more powerful than that, and more Aes Sedai may be needed. This power is irreversible. Once someone is cut off from the source they can never use the One Power again.
Still: One Power – Active - You may use this ability on a woman who can channel Saidar. This ability will immediately cut them off from the source. This power is irreversible. Although men are more powerful than women, it is still difficult to cut them off from the power. At least two women, working in concert, must use Still on the target for this ability to work. Once someone is cut off from the source they can never use the One Power again.
Contact: Passive – fuzzylightning, Lohe Sedai, The Keeper of the Chronicles is your contact in this mission. You know that there may be other Aes Sedai here as well, but you were only told about this one. You may speak with her privately at your quick topic: "" You may not speak with anyone else privately unless you are told so.
Amyrlin Seat Ability(s)
Detection: One Power – Active – Once per day you may target a player. If they are tied to the pattern in some way you can sometimes learn secrets about them.
Shielding: One Power - Active - Red – Twilight - You create a shielding around target player. That player is unable to use the One Power or attempt any actions while being shielded. (This effect works like a role-block)
Win Condition(s)
Town: You win the game when all threats to the town are eliminated.