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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:18 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 3847, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3790, fireisredsir wrote:i didn't think you were that likely to be elimmed
If you're town!fire, and you see scum!vp at fucking E-2, do you ditch that wagon and then say "lol, this lim wasn't going to happen"?

That's insane! You barely have to do any kind of convincing to finish my lim at that point. Fire doesn't believe in what they are saying. These are votes of convenience and popularity. Fire is going with the flow and using other people's suspicions to drive his own, as I stated in my wagon analysis.
huh? why do you think I'm convinced that you're scum? it's day 2 I'm not convinced of anything. there's enough things that you've done that i think are scummy that i would like to see you elimmed, but there's enough things you've done that are towny that I'm ok going another direction

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:19 pm
by the worst
The Card Czar shuffles all of the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Czar should usually re-read the Black Card before presenting each answer. The Card Czar then picks a favorite, and whoever played that answer keeps the Black Card as one Awesome Point. After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar and everyone draws back up to ten White Cards.


Official Votecount 2.9VP Baltar (6): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, MathBlade, DeasVail

MalcolmTucker (4): April Ludgate, Eyes without a face, Yeet, fireisredsir
tenebrousluminary (1): MalcolmTucker
Enchant (1): skitter30
skitter30 (1): Enchant
Cape90 (1): Datisi
April Ludgate (1): Save the Dragons
fireisredsir (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (1): Cape90

With 17 players alive, it takes 9 votes to achieve an elimination.

Day 2 will end in (expired on 2022-03-16 09:20:00).

click here for joined mod iso.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:20 pm
by fireisredsir
me saying that you weren't that likely to be elimmed wasn't a reason for my switch, it was a reason for why at first I was kinda skeptical of your final words post. but then i reconsidered and i think it's a decently towny post

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:21 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3850, fireisredsir wrote:why do you think I'm convinced that you're scum? it's day 2 I'm not convinced of anything. there's enough things that you've done that i think are scummy that i would like to see you elimmed, but there's enough things you've done that are towny that I'm ok going another direction
You were plenty hot to trot on my wagon. You haven't pushed anywhere else since it became cool to push me. Then April comes in and pushes elsewhere and you're suddenly switching? Nah dawg, you're trying to get off a townie flip at the last min and didn't think it through.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:25 pm
by fireisredsir
that doesn't make any sense if you think about it for more than 2 seconds but okay

if im hard committed to you as scum there is zero reason for me to peel off especially when you specifically called out beforehand that scum would do that

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:25 pm
by fireisredsir
but as town idc what you think, the malc wagon sounds more fun and you might be town so im switching

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:28 pm
by Nero Cain
In post 3689, Eyes without a face wrote:How am I letting VP get yeeted when I am not only not voting him but hve actively said I TR him over and over again? An
Well, you see a player is eliminated when they get the required number of majority votes. The way to stop that is to make sure that someone else gets the required number of majority votes first. The way to do that is vote. Thank you for your interest in learning how to play mafia.
In post 3732, Eyes without a face wrote:because traditionally he hardly gets anything right when he's town. That means that if Nero is town you have much better odds going against his wishes
I would argue the "hardly gets anything right" isn't an accurate portrait of town me but even if that was true, so what? I'm hardly the sole pusher of VP so you're are trying to discredit the wagon on VP by trying to discredit one of his attackers rather than the case(s) on him.
In post 3760, MalcolmTucker wrote:Eyes TR'd me the other day. What has particularly changed?
VP got wagoned

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:28 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3470, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3456, DeasVail wrote:I think I have gotten myself into a tunnel and after a reassessment I am no longer sure of this read.

UNVOTE: Tenebro

Reading through tenebro’ Iso again, I am more inclined to think that the dismissive nature is an unhelpful way of communicating, but I don’t actually think it lines up with the scum-tenebro image that I had created for myself. If I thought that tenebro was scum trying to blend in and appease, then their approach to suspicion in fact does the opposite.

I am happy to discuss with anyone regarding this, and would particularly be interested if anyone thinks I am making a mistake in backing off this, but I think it’s more likely that tenebro-scum was a world I wanted to be true rather than one that actually is true.
yea ive been starting to feel this way as well. i wanted to keep the tene wagon leading to see if anyone would try to push it in, but eh might as well switch now. eyes is p much as good as voting there, with a townread on VP and a scumread on tene.

VOTE: VP Baltar
In post 3608, fireisredsir wrote:yeah, again, this is where VP's insinuations don't match what he's actually saying. when asked to commit to some actual individual scumreads, he lists 6 people () and none of them are nero, but here he's discrediting nero in a way that can only imply that he thinks nero is scum. it's just shade for the sake of shade and he doesn't actually believe it. i don't know why anyone would do that unless they're maf
In post 3630, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3628, VP Baltar wrote:This us an incredible misrep. I did push there. It was how I spent the first half of my day. People are obviously not eager to join a cape wagon. I understand to some degree that there isn't a slam dunk case there, so I can only point out what I see. I'm not going to act belligerent about getting my way if I'm not managing to convince people with the facts I've pointed out repeatedly.
eh i think your iso tells a different story. the key word there is "earnest". you pushed him a little about his hammer, then he wallposted you, then you talked about how the wallpost was bad for a while, then a bit more about his hammer, then you moved on to other things. but anyway the main point is about your reasons, not about whether you pushed or not. when asked about it later you said he was your top scumread but that it was for how he acted around the hammer and that he had done nothing today. that's weak, and i don't believe that you believe that.

when you were arguing back against his wallpost, you were implying that he was scummy for it. but later, that apparently didn't factor into your scumread. i think that's because you know he's town, you know the case looks towny even if it's not very good, and so you didn't want to list it as a reason. you wanted to stick to the scummy actions of his, just like you're telling other people to do, those are safe and objective. that doesn't feel honest, doesn't feel like town
In post 3628, VP Baltar wrote:As far as Nero and do I call out his case as being BS reasons and a smear campaign even if I think he might be town? yes! Of course I do. Some town players do this and act as honorary scum, as previously stated. Pointing out how bunk what he is saying actually is does not reflect poorly on me, and you saying it does is kind of bullshit.
that's not what im talking about. you are obv allowed and expected to point out when a case made against you is bad even if he might be town. your mistake was in . that's not pointing out BS reasons. that's creating a scum narrative for his play. and you and i both know that you don't really believe he's scum, so why did you do it? maf has motivation to appeal to the crowd and discredit his case, they don't have to be honest about how they feel. why would you do it as town?
In post 3757, fireisredsir wrote:considering i had eyes and yeet as top picks for VP partners idk if i can really endorse this

but maybe im wrong, idk
In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:also it took great effort to overcome my urges and not go with my initial instinct of "im obvtown so anyone suspecting me is confscum gg lock em up"

oh and i still think VP/malc is decently likely
In post 3780, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3776, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:also it took great effort to overcome my urges and not go with my initial instinct of "im obvtown so anyone suspecting me is confscum gg lock em up"

oh and i still think VP/malc is decently likely
Interesting. I hadn't really thought about that pairing, but I can see some cases for it.

Malcolm hasnt hopped onto the VPB wagon, and VPB has shied away from Malcolm.

I'll keep it in the back of my mind, not necessarily feeling it, but it's something I'll think about.

I really liked VPB's last hurrah post.
when you first brought up malcolm, him and VP as a pairing was my first thought. i think it makes sense with the tene wagon, and some of the interactions early. but that's from the perspective of thinking VP is the scummier one, so idk if it's as clear of a connection in the other direction
Lol this guy says he isn't arguing I'm scum. Very unsure!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:30 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3854, fireisredsir wrote:if im hard committed to you as scum there is zero reason for me to peel off especially when you specifically called out beforehand that scum would do that
Yep, you fucked up. Sorry.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:31 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:oh and i still think VP/malc is
decently likely
Totally off hand comment and he thinks I'm possibly town!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:33 pm
by DeasVail
VP do you actually believe what you’re saying?

It almost feels like you’re trolling at this point.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:35 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3860, DeasVail wrote:VP do you actually believe what you’re saying?

It almost feels like you’re trolling at this point.
I vote where I believe. Stop being a fire stan and think about what you're doing this game.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:35 pm
by MathBlade
In post 3851, the worst wrote:
The Card Czar shuffles all of the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Czar should usually re-read the Black Card before presenting each answer. The Card Czar then picks a favorite, and whoever played that answer keeps the Black Card as one Awesome Point. After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar and everyone draws back up to ten White Cards.


Official Votecount 2.9VP Baltar (6): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, MathBlade, DeasVail

MalcolmTucker (4): April Ludgate, Eyes without a face, Yeet, fireisredsir
tenebrousluminary (1): MalcolmTucker
Enchant (1): skitter30
skitter30 (1): Enchant
Cape90 (1): Datisi
April Ludgate (1): Save the Dragons
fireisredsir (1): VP Baltar

Not Voting (1): Cape90

With 17 players alive, it takes 9 votes to achieve an elimination.

Day 2 will end in (expired on 2022-03-16 09:20:00).

click here for joined mod iso.
I can stay on a wagon that’s got my scumreads that was on a TR
Or I can swap to a wagon that’s a TR

VOTE: Unvote

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:36 pm
by VP Baltar
Fire is stunlocked

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:36 pm
by MathBlade
In post 3863, VP Baltar wrote:Fire is stunlocked
What does that mean?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:37 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 3857, VP Baltar wrote:Lol this guy says he isn't arguing I'm scum. Very unsure!
didn't say that lol. obv i was arguing you were scum before. but i wasn't convinced, i never am

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:37 pm
by tenebrousluminary
In post 3838, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3836, MalcolmTucker wrote:Look through my ISO and analyse all my mentions of VP if you want. It is fundamentally not the ISO of teammates, there is no need for me to so consistently suspect them at this point in the game.
Your intense focus on the viability of a you-VP mafia team is very curious!
It matches up with his desire for concrete points to rebut.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:37 pm
by fireisredsir
fire is eating dinner, relax

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:38 pm
by Nero Cain
Boon is prob town and scum are sheeping him on Malcolm.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:39 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3864, MathBlade wrote:
In post 3863, VP Baltar wrote:Fire is stunlocked
What does that mean?
He went quiet and doesn't have an actual reply to all the times he called me scum and yet bails off my wagon at the cusp of my green flip

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:39 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 3859, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:oh and i still think VP/malc is
decently likely
Totally off hand comment and he thinks I'm possibly town!
.......yes? that is accurate what's your point

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:40 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3865, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3857, VP Baltar wrote:Lol this guy says he isn't arguing I'm scum. Very unsure!
didn't say that lol. obv i was arguing you were scum before. but i wasn't convinced, i never am
So you always argue people are scum up to e-2 that you're unsure about? How unsure were you?

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:40 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 3869, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3864, MathBlade wrote:
In post 3863, VP Baltar wrote:Fire is stunlocked
What does that mean?
He went quiet and doesn't have an actual reply to all the times he called me scum and yet bails off my wagon at the cusp of my green flip
i did respond, but you're arguing against something that isn't reality. i thought you were likely scum before. i think you're likely scum now, although i was starting to doubt it (but your current line of attack is so silly that you're starting to convince me again). malc wagon seemed more fun

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:41 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 3870, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3859, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3774, fireisredsir wrote:oh and i still think VP/malc is
decently likely
Totally off hand comment and he thinks I'm possibly town!
.......yes? that is accurate what's your point
I can't both be decently likely scum and you being unsure.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:41 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 3871, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 3865, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3857, VP Baltar wrote:Lol this guy says he isn't arguing I'm scum. Very unsure!
didn't say that lol. obv i was arguing you were scum before. but i wasn't convinced, i never am
So you always argue people are scum up to e-2 that you're unsure about? How unsure were you?
what kind of a question is this lmao? yes??? that's how mafia works?? everyone is always unsure