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Post Post #400 (ISO) » Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:05 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

I'm also a hedgewitch, a vanillia townie. And yeah, I'd like to hear any remaining details of Elmo's claim.
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Post Post #401 (ISO) » Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:00 pm

Post by Elmo »

Elmo wrote:I'm vanilla.
I said I was vanilla. I am but a simple hedgewitch, role PM on page 1. No remaining details, no nadda.

I can't think of a persuasive reason the mafia would No Kill, and we know Setael was alive last night. I also seriously doubt the possibility of at least her missing the night action deadline.

So. My vague sketch of a NK-immune SK is coming back to haunt me. Precisely what happened last night?
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Post Post #402 (ISO) » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:34 pm

Post by chaotic_diablo »

Bookitty wrote:Are you immune to NKs?

What are the conditions under which you could kill at night, that don't involve a daykill? (I don't see a reason to keep this secret now.)
I'm a one-shot kill immunity. After the immunity disappears, I lose my ability to kill in subsequent nights, but I gain an "additional" mandatory kill during the same night I was targetted. In otherwords, I'm informed if my immunity is gone in order to perform the kill.
"Miracles of Science" or "Freaks of Nature"?

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Post Post #403 (ISO) » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:36 pm

Post by Elmo »

ibaesha, in 147 wrote:
During the night
The Fonz was stabbity stabbed. Right in the neck. Ick! What a bloody mess!

In the early morning hours
, as you began to gather for the day's activities, Ether became violently ill. Needless to say, what was inside her is now outside her. Strangely enough, on her hand was a tiny little scratch...

Ether, Hedgewitch, died from a nasty little scratch
ibaesha, in the first post wrote:
No longer Practicing
  • Antithesis,
    , killed by a nasty little scratch Day 1

  • Ether,
    , killed by a nasty little scratch
    Day 2

  • Setael
    rp Kate
    Sister of the Blood
    , killed by a nasty little scratch Day 3
Guys. As I read it, all the tiny scratch kills have been daykills.
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Post Post #404 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:18 am

Post by Elmo »

Okay, c_d is a daykilling SK. That ties in with a bunch of stuff I thought earlier. I'm trying to work out what optimal play for him is like if we've got a mafia member left. I wonder what a no lynch looks like?

The setup is now certainly weaponsmith + masons vs. 2-3 mafia vs. daykilling-only SK, the only question being if we've got two or three mafia. I am still somewhat worried that Bookitty is mafia #3... maybe I'm paranoid, but if we don't have another mafia member, we'll walk the rest of the game anyway.
, how confidant are you that she's town? You seem to base that on her having "good pro-town reasoning" and that she unvoted on your wagon. The first one, she's mighty good at sounding pro-town regardless, and the latter seems kind of weak to base it on alone. I still think you should reread me, Setael, Bookitty and Farside, if you're of the opinion I'm likely mafia with Farside.

Setael is getting into me from pretty much when I accused her d2. She follows you into voting me near the deadline in 227... she says she'd much prefer I was lynched in 230. Etc. It's not just today, she was pushing me yesterday. I unvote you and say my first preference is to lynch Setael (still) in 240. That doesn't seem like distancing, to me, indeed you say in 298 that "Elmo and Setael have fought against each other with a really single minded focus that makes me think that they are not scum together". I really think my case on Setael should factor in more here, albeit you dislike how I went about it.
Bookitty wrote:I'm willing to lynch Elmo as the most likely SK. I'm not willing to lynch C_D at this time.
Bookitty needs to explain why on earth I am/was the most likely SK. Also my list of stuff, especially why she's treated Setael as town all the time and the implicit defences of her against me. I really fail to see how I'm a likely SK at all, let alone the most likely.
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Post Post #405 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:03 am

Post by Bookitty »

I entered the game, and one of the first things that happened was Antithesis's death.

Elmo says this:
Elmo wrote:Wow. A daykill. You would have to be insane to dayvig a claimed investigative role, and the flavour ("cursed") implies it's a scum kill. So, uh, scum can daykill. Once per game day? Once per x realtime days? The latter would be more in tune with the theme of getting things done quickly, I imagine. This is going to make our lives interesting.
Which is more or less ruling out an SK, BEFORE I had any reaction to the daykill. Setael says:
Setael wrote:Hi. Not sure what to think about the day kill. Unlikely it was a protown player since his claim could've been tested. However, a lot of people were still voicing suspicion of him so I could possibly see a protown vig seeing him as a distraction that needed to be offed. More likely it was a scum SK who would probably be a one-shot. Assuming scum get a NK every night, it would be overpowered for a daily kill as well.
Then the Fonz says:
The Fonz wrote:On the anti situation: HAS to be a scumkill (not ruling out day SK): proving exactly why his 'I know, people should claim, and then THAT'LL get the game moving' comment was one that no sane townie would have made. Turns the player in question was 'not-sane' rather than 'not-town,' oh well.
I thought about this, and since I have NEVER seen scum with a daykill (and if you have counterexamples, I'd surely appreciate seeing them) I assumed at that point that it was an SK or a vig, and I said this:
Bookitty wrote:Skitzer, our suspicions are on you, because you aren't paying any attention to the game, and you're not posting anything of any use to the game.


He was vigged or killed by a serial killer. He was NOT LYNCHED.

I have no idea why you keep referring to it this way. A vig or SK does not care how many votes you have. Someone killed Antithesis. The town did not lynch him. He did not have enough votes to be lynched. He was vigged or an SK got him. I don't see how I can be any clearer on this point.
And ever since that post, you have been taking it out of context, even though you at the time said this:
Elmo wrote:NO IT WAS NOT A MODKILL IT'S OBVIOUSLY A DAYKILL READ THE FLAVOUR GRUMBLE SNARF RARGH. (Mod, can we have this made abundantly obvious, please?)
Which is equally certain in its way and based on assumptions you were making. (Reasonable ones, I felt, and ones not dissimilar to mine.) I have explained this before, and nothing has changed, Elmo. The reasons are still the same. And your odd omission of the possibility of an SK in your first post, while later questioning me about why I thought that was possible, though I've seen daykilling SKs more frequently than daykilling scum (as in, never on the latter)? That was strange, in my view.

The defences of Setael against you were because you made a bad case. I misread Setael badly, I'll admit to that. But your case was pretty flimsy, especially compared to the case I made on Farside which you defended her against. You misread Farside badly. Your defence of Farside was far more consistent than mine. Neither of us were right, but that doesn't exactly give you the high ground to criticise either.

That said, the daykill comment is pretty much bulletproof, given that Ibby would know what C_D's ability was, and since we've had three day kills and zero night kills, in contrast to C_D's claim. And the fact that you caught that, when none of the rest of us did, seems to indicate that you probably are not the SK. I think C_D is.

I'm willing to lynch C_D. I think that will win us the game. I really don't think there is a third scum out there, given the size of the game, but if I'm wrong, I would still rather lynch C_D and know for sure.
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
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Post Post #406 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:45 am

Post by Elmo »

MafiaWiki wrote:Scum is a catch-all term for any member of an informed minority, such as Serial Killers and Mafia goons. During a day phase, everybody is seemingly trying to locate and eliminate these roles.
for starters. So, no, it's hardly ruling out an SK. You even quote Setael saying it's "More likely it was a scum SK".

You say that he was vigged or killed by a serial killer multiple times. That's the important bit. I'm not sure how I can take that out of context, unless you're going to argue you didn't say that. It's important because only the mafia and the SK know it's not a mafia daykill.

It was obviously a daykill because Ibaesha wrote pageful of flavour text, and stated "Antithesis, Neophyte, has died from a nasty little scratch." which is nothing like a modkill. Yes, I am certain it wasn't a modkill. That's in no way comparable to being certain it was not a mafia daykill.

My problem with you and Setael is not that you misread her (and I am not criticising you for doing so), it's that I have difficulty finding anywhere where you seem to seriously suspect her, and there are a couple places where you seem to give her townie brownies for no particularly good reason.
Bookitty wrote:That would make Elmo and Setael scumbuddies, which is a possibility, but not a likelihood considering that Setael IMMEDIATELY jumped in and trashed his logic. I think scum would wait for someone else to do that first.
Where do you think she trashed my logic? That seems an odd way to describe someone reacting to a "non-case", for starters.
Bookitty wrote:Setael: Her responses seem about the same as mine would be, so I think she's probably town.
If I'm making a non-case, as you say, it would surely be pretty easy to look town while responding to it? I mean, if it's a non-case, there's literally nothing behind it, so it's the easiest possible thing to respond to; how awful does her play as scum have to be to give off major tells from it, right? (She did, but that's kind of beside the point; believing that she
is a null tell, and nothing like a reason to believe she's town.)
Bookitty wrote:Setael still looks like town in this scenario, because she spotted a connection (actively scumhunting) that wasn't all that obvious, but now we know exists whether they are scum or town.
I really think this is quite dubious as a reason to believe someone's town. If the mafia feel they're able to draw a fake connection between people they suspect independently (and she apparently did for a while) then so much the better.
Elmo, 78 wrote:
: Eh. As soon as I saw your name in watched threads, I said to myself, "I bet this is going to be a defense of Samruc with similarly shoddy logic and vague mudslinging." How's about that.
Elmo, 254 wrote:Day 1 is coming back to me, now; Porochaz popping up to support Samruc against me, saying he greatly believes Samruc's town; Samruc not mentioning Porochaz AT ALL (literally) apart from preferring the Farside wagon to his... there's gotta be a connection between those two.
I'm not sure about the timing of this, but I also said there was a connection, although I can't remember if it was before or after Setael said it (I think it was before) because I can't find the place she points out the connection. Certainly I had an inkling on page 4, a long while before anyone else, but I didn't follow it up. Do you think I'm town for that?
Elmo, 122 wrote:Farside gives me bad vibes for a while now. I agree with Ether that especially 103 is bad, for the same reasons. On the other hand, she's relatively new and writes in that slightly hyperbolic way that makes my whiskers twitch a little. She's also probably the easiest target going, after skitzer. I really don't quite know right now, but I do think she needs more scrutiny, and I think I could live with a farside lynch.
Elmo, 133 wrote:Lynches of farside or Porochaz I can kinda live with. I get both newbtown vibes and weird scum vibes from farside, so that could go either way.
Elmo, 161 wrote:Farside's exaggerated response is interesting, yea, hmm. I'm still up in the air about her. I don't feel very good about lynching her today, anyway. Hmm.
Elmo, 168 wrote:I'm now like 90% certain Setael is scum.
. I'm also pretty sure about Yosarian, but I think Setael is safest. I think number three is probably either Porochaz or Farside; I couldn't really say which, at the moment. I don't know what Setael's doing with respect to Porochaz.
Elmo, 202 wrote:I reckon Farside's town. I'm not too confidant, because I find her kinda hard to read, but that's what I think. I had exactly the same response as her to Setael's reaction, actually; I've said before, I think people sometimes underestimate her.
Elmo, 211 wrote:We're getting near the deadline. I suggest everyone post a list of people who they can live with being lynched. Mine are Setael, Yosarian, Porochaz, and Farside, in that order (yes, I still weakly feel that Farside's town, but I'm not very confident). I prefer the first two, obv, although I'll vote someone else for the sake of getting a lynch, if needs be. We should try and get a lynch done by roughly the 8th, imo.
Elmo, 233 wrote:farside: I think she's town. I also think people underestimate her, iirc she's pegged 4/4 of the dead people correctly.
So, yeah, I got caught out by distancing - Setael
scummy, and she did react pretty much the way Farside describes. I consider a lot of the stuff from before null or difficult to interpret; for example, I think you describe her reaction to the daykill as "overly emotional", but we now know was genuine. I also underestimated her, as I warned other people about doing; I thought she wouldn't be near as good in general, and specifically at distancing with (as it turns out) Setael as she was. (There's not a timewarp going on there, btw.) I also I got bitten by the "this person agrees with me, so they must be town" thing with respect to Setael, possibly because I was annoyed that it was unlikely I was going to get Setael lynched. But ultimately, no, I don't think I've been consistent in defending her, and I think you've been far more consistently linked to Setael than me to Farside; certainly, I still have no idea
why you thought she was town
, and you've never evidenced suspicion of her that I can see.

I have to say, if neither of us are scum, I'll laugh my ass off after the game, but I'm having the heebie jeebies right now. I'm not sure if lynching c_d today is the right move, actually, even though he's obviously the SK. It depends on what he will do with his daykill.
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Post Post #407 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:01 am

Post by Bookitty »


Do you think it likely that there is a three person scum team and an SK in a twelve person game?

The reason I didn't have suspicion of Setael is basically the same reason I didn't have a lot of suspicion of you until Farside's behaviour and following you onto your very flimsy case on Setael made me think you two were scumbuddies... because she usually looks town to me.

Why did you think Farside was town? I made a valid case against her, and you ignored that; you made a crap case against Setael, and I ignored that. I think my behaviour was a little more reasonable than yours, in that regard.

What are the possible advantages of not lynching C_D today, Elmo?
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Post Post #408 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:55 pm

Post by Elmo »

Three mafia? I don't know, maybe - I don't have a great sense of how to balance games, and Yos seems to think there might possibly be. I think it's certainly something I want to consider for the moment.

I don't think I've ever said I had a problem with you not following my case on Setael. I don't think the case in 233 is crap; beyond that, from my point of view, I didn't post a case on her until then. If you think 233 is crap, please say why. Before then, I posted that I was 90% sure Setael was scum, and when she asked for reasons, I briefly gave them, I think it was a one-liner.

I didn't ignore your case, I posted the somewhat long 279 saying why I didn't buy the case on Farside. I thought she seemed to be genuinely prodding people and trying to put effort into figuring out who was scum, and I think the fact she agreed with me made it harder to see she was scum. I also thought she was inexperienced, and would probably drop more scumtells than she seems to have done if she were scum. I suppose it's a death of a thousand cuts, in some respects... lots of little things seemed to add up. In related news, now would be a great time for the confirmed innocents to be remotely useful.

With c_d.. it depends what's best from his point of view. It's possible that he would be useful to us tomorrow if there is a tomorrow. If we have a mafia member left, we could perhaps do something game-theoretical that benefits both us (ie the town) and him. (I remember a vague example involving Pooky, I can't remember but I think it was Lights Out 1). I'm not really sure if there is any kind of arrangement that would work, but I'm interested in the idea. To be entirely honest, I'm leaning towards lynching him and seeing if we win, though; the whole thing sounds like it would be too complicated to work well. We have to lynch him at some point, obviously, and it'd tell me for sure if I'm wrong about one of you.

It would be awesome if you would answer the questions above instead of just asking me questions in return.
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Post Post #409 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 9:43 pm

Post by Porochaz »

Okay, I think I've read enough...
vote c_d
mainly because I feel the claim is utter rubbish
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Post Post #410 (ISO) » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:51 pm

Post by Yosarian2 »

Bookitty wrote: Do you think it likely that there is a three person scum team and an SK in a twelve person game?
That wouldn't be unusual. That's a fairly common set-up.
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Post Post #411 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:11 am

Post by Bookitty »


What questions of yours do you feel I have not answered?

And what's wrong with asking you questions in return?

vote chaotic_diablo
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Post Post #412 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:53 am

Post by Elmo »

"I thought Setael was town because she always looks town to me" is not a particularly great response; I still have no idea why she looked town to you. It would seem amazingly basic that if someone always looks town to you, then you're going to have problems reading them, and you shouldn't assume they're town. I find this a disturbing departure from your usual scrutiny - in fact, since you compare me to her, I remember you saying before that you might be biased towards me and trying to take that into account. So that still seems inconsistent to me. If you finished this and went into another game as a townie that had Setael in it, how would you try and figure out if she was scum or not?

From at least my list in 392, I don't think you've adequately answered anything except point #2. Especially your reply to vig/SK in 101 seems like handwaving.

I said "It would be awesome if you would answer the questions above instead of just asking me questions in return." - there's nothing wrong with asking me questions in return, but when you seem to ignore my questions and ask questions that move the focus back onto me and Farside, it seems like you're trying to deflect my questions, which I don't like.

Eh. Any objections to lynching the SK and seeing what happens? (Yos?) I can't think of anything useful, and we need to lynch him sometime.
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Post Post #413 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:28 am

Post by Bookitty »


I have NEVER seen a game that had the scum (Mafia) able to daykill.

NEVER. NOT ONCE. So it's not going to be something that occurred to me. Not as a first thought, not as a second thought, and I didn't think it was possible, so I didn't consider it as a possibility.

Why would a vig have killed Antithesis? So yeah, damn right I was pointing out it was likely an SK.

By making a case that consisted of Setael misreading something, and blowing that out of proportion, you actually helped Setael look like town. Yes, she generally looks townie to me, because quite often her reasoning is close to mine. But when you make a crap case (and pretty much everyone agrees it was a crap case, except Farside, who was my TOP suspect), then the person you make it on looks more town in contrast. You can see that this is so, yes?

Farside agreeing with you might be scum buddying up to town. You deciding she was town is something else again, and that made you both look scummy since I thought she was scum. Clear enough?

How many cases do I have to make on Farside, before and after her death, before you accept that she DID flip scum? This whole argument about how I didn't prove her to be scum before is just ridiculous. Basically my whole GAME has been saying she was scum. Show me why she's town, then, Elmo, since that was your argument and you now want to know why I thought she was scum.

I thought I made a pretty good case on Farside, and you somehow decided that her mistakes and scumtells made her more likely to be town, despite that fact. So yes, at this point, I DO feel like I've answered all your questions. If you want more answers, you need to restate them, because at this point I feel like I'm repeating myself and ... what, justifying my cases on FARSIDE, at this point?

So tell me, Elmo, why exactly was Setael scum?
"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
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Post Post #414 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:36 am

Post by Elmo »


Farside was scum, obviously. What I was getting at was trying to separate the method and the result; I don't think you were wrong. If you're not town, then you're mafia, and it is quite difficult to differentiate between observant town making a good case, and scum bussing; town has figured out the details, and scum can see them particularly well by virtue of knowing what's going on. I thought at minimum it would be educational if you showed me how I was wrong in my post saying why I didn't agree, since I obviously didn't entirely follow it.

The thing with Setael was not that she mixed up the names. She implied that Porochaz was scum because he "oddly, even though his vote is on deepthought, confirm votes the Fonz". From her point of view (because she mixed up), deepthought and Fonz are different people. Confirm voting someone that Porochaz's vote is not on would mean that Porochaz forgot where his vote was, or something; it's not a scumtell at all. That is not the good stuff; that is someone trying to pull a case out of thin air and get a townie lynched when they're already under suspicion.

Setael was scum because of, uh, that long post on her Porochaz case. Whole post reeked. I would have dayvigged her for that. :P

Eh, I reckon the kitty's town.. I just figured there was no harm asking a few more questions, since you're the only person I wasn't somewhat confidant is town, and I've kind of left you alone up until now. I'll be kind of surprised if this isn't the end of the game.
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Post Post #415 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:52 am

Post by Yosarian2 »

Elmo: Lynching the SK would be fine...if we were sure we knew who he was.

Oh...just realized I made a major brain fart a few days ago...
Yosarian2 wrote:I'm also a hedgewitch, a vanillia townie. And yeah, I'd like to hear any remaining details of Elmo's claim.
Should have said "...any remaining details of Chaotic Diablo's claim.

Anyway, it's looking like we've had exactally one "nasty little scratch" kill each day, and I would tend to think that all 3 are the same person. CD claimed one of them and denied the other two; that's not totally impossible, but it dosn't seem likely. Besides which, I've thought him kind of scummy for a while, and it was only his vig claim that stopped him from getting lynched yesterday. So, OK, I'm willing to lynch Chaotic Diablo.

vote:Chaotic Diablo
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Post Post #416 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:18 am

Post by Elmo »

^oic wrt remaining details. Okay.

He specifically said he killed Ether at night, and that his role PM said he had a counter-part who killed in the day. Ether was (iirc) the person most suspicious of him, saying his posts were mostly generic theory. The timing of the daykill was done deliberately such that it appeared to be a nightkill. So, yeah, I'm going with SK :)
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Post Post #417 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:44 pm

Post by petroleumjelly »

End of Day Vote Count

chaotic_diablo (4): Porochaz, Bookitty, Elmo, Yosarian2

Elmo (1): Samruc

Not Voting: chaotic_diablo

6 alive, 4 to lynch.


The coven stands in silence, as the moon's rays dip into the glen. Webs in the trees glisten, strands of silk casting long silhouettes in the shadows. Leaves scintillate mystery.

chaotic_diablo backs away slowly from the rest of you.

"You - you've been murdering your own sisters!"
"No - I've murdered but once, and that was only on the condition that-"

"Lies! We have been dying each day!"
"There is more than one spider! I am the
Spider, my abilities only allow me to-"

"Your abilities allow you to kill us with 'nasty little scratches'!"
"Think about it! We have two 'Sisters of the Blood' who were Mafia, and two 'Sisters of the Blood' who are Masons! The nature of magic is
purposefully misleading
so as to get you to doubt us! To get you doubt me! You certainly cannot-"

"You are dying this night, sister, and that is that."

chaotic_diablo stops her protests. Her eyes close, and her black lips curl upwards, every so slightly, and ever so slowly. A magical wind whips through the area, and her hair dances wildly. When she reopens her eyes, they dance wildly as well.

"You may think I am dying tonight. But there is something you must know. I am a Mistress of Poisons. Blood, flesh... even the soul. I have power over death. Ridding my essence from this world will be no easy task for a Coven of simple hedgewidges like yourselves."

With a laugh, she conjures a broom from seemingly nowhere and begins to rocket into the sky. The five of you think quickly - allowing your magic to intertwine with each other, you are able to stun her from flight, and watch as she plummets back into the trees, through the branches, and onto the ground in a broken heap. You quickly ensorcel her into a state of relative tranquility.

Slowly and surely, you gather around her fragile frame. With a soft chant, you ritually cut her throat with a magical blade. Her eyes flutter in malice one final time before closing, and her fist clenches despite the multiple enchantments. A ring falls from her grasp into the grass.

chaotic_diablo, Black Widow, Day Serial Killer, has been lynched!

The town wins! Roles and and night-choices coming right up.
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Post Post #418 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:56 pm

Post by petroleumjelly »

Town Roles

Hedgewitch, skitzer and The Fonz and Ether and Elmo and Bookitty and Yosarian2 wrote:
You are a Hedgewitch. You deal in herbs, simples and minor charms. As far as witches go, you're nothing special, so all you have is your wit and your vote. Your success will be found in eliminating all who present a threat to the Coven.
Sister of the Blood, Samruc and Porochaz wrote:
You are a Sister of the Blood. You have a lineage that can be traced back to the inception of the Coven. You were Born of Magic, Raised in Ritual, and Bonded in Blood with your twin,
. Your deep attunement with your twin allows you to communicate with her in the night. Also, there is nothing hidden between you, therefore you are absolutely sure that your sister is no threat to the Coven. Your success will be found in eliminating all who present a threat to the Coven.
Neophyte, Antithesis wrote:
<<<I do not currently have this role PM, but essentially the role acted as a Weaponsmith. I do not completely recall what results this role would get for each player, but I
say it was meant to be a weaker than the average investigative role>>>
Mafia Roles

Sister of the Blood, Farside22 and Setael wrote:
You are a Sister of the Blood. You have a lineage that can be traced back to the inception of the Coven. You were Born of Magic, Raised in Ritual, and Bonded in Blood with your twin,
. Dabbling in dark arts that have long been banned from use, your sister and you have a gained a deep desire to return to the ways of the past, as secretly passed onto you in a grimoire left by your late grandmother, written by the matriarch of your line. The last page of the grimoire has one simple phrase scribbled into it.

"The Blood of the Present will give birth to the Past."

Each night, you and your sister may discuss amongst yourselves which member of the Coven will 'donate' their blood to your cause and send me your decision. Your success will be found when there is no more blood to let, and at least one of you is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).

*You may be assured that there are none within the Coven who are called 'Priestess', but you can claim to be one if you wish.
Day Serial Killer

Black Widow, chaotic_diablo wrote:
You are a Black Widow. Among the most powerful of the Coven, you are a Mistress of Poisons. Poisons of the blood, the flesh, and even of the soul are all a part of your repertoire. However, recently, the Coven has begun to show a distain for your talents. Considered a threat and a danger, you have been banned from passing along your knowledge. As the only, and perhaps the last Black Widow of the Coven, you find this unacceptable and have vowed to prove that ignorance is the most dangerous poison of all. Each day you may send me the name of a Coven member that you wish to poison. The poison you use is fast-acting and your intended victim will die shortly after administration. Also, you like your sleep and your room is superbly warded against intruders with harmful intent in their minds. However, it takes a long time to reset the wards, so you will not have time to reset them after they have been triggered once. Your success will be found when you are the only member of the Coven left alive, and nothing can prevent the same.

* Your knowledge of poisons will prevent you from being able to poison yourself.
* You are allowed to send a choice of someone you would like to poison at night. They will die instantaneously after day begins. However, should they already be dead, poisoning them won't do you much good.
* For daysent choices I will use timestamps from your PMs to determine when (exactly) the poisoning took place.
* You may be assured there is no Apothecary available to the Coven and you may claim to be one if you wish.
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Post Post #419 (ISO) » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:01 pm

Post by petroleumjelly »

Day One

Black Widow kills Antithesis, Neophyte
Town lynches skitzer, Hedgewitch

Night One

Mafia kills The Fonz, Hedgewitch
Black Widow kills Ether, Hedgewitch (dies next morning)

Day Two

Town lynches FarSide22, Sister of the Blood, Mafia

Night Two

Mafia kills chaotic_diablo, Black Widow (fails due to 1-Shot immunity)

Day Three

Black Widow kills Setael, Sister of the Blood, Mafia
Town lynches chaotic_diablo, Black Widow, Day Serial Killer
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Post Post #420 (ISO) » Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:54 am

Post by Bookitty »

Very happy we won this.

I'm sorry I suspected you for a while there, Elmo. Still, it turned out well.

Very tricky setup though. I'm surprised none of the scum used their safe-claims.
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Post Post #421 (ISO) » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:26 am

Post by Porochaz »

Yes, I am glad, it was a good game even though I didnt play the best. Thanks everyone.
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Post Post #422 (ISO) » Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:51 am

Post by Ether »

Sweet. Not so short from where I was sitting, though. :P

I was a lot more worried about Farside and Setael than about C_D; the actual timeline was surprising. The crosskills were lucky--C_D, were you aiming for mafia when you hit Setael?

Ibby didn't give Fonz and me dramatic enough death scenes.
As I move my vote
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Post Post #423 (ISO) » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:25 am

Post by Elmo »

*dances for joy*

Why'd c_d kill Setael? Ironically, I played up how town she looked to me in my about-to-be-lynched post, I think I was actually aiming for him to nightkill her (there's little more I can do at that point), but I can't really remember. :P The sister of the blood thing made me utterly go wtf. Also, why did the mafia kill Fonz?

Bookitty: No, no problem, I mean I would probably have lynched me; I figured if I was alive day 4 I'd be pretty much automatically endgamed. You should probably be taking it as a compliment I still thought you might be mafia at that point 8-)

This was an odd one. I think the time/posting limit actually
to some degree, c_d stood out by a mile. The flavour was rawk. Also, HI SETAELSCUM! :P <3
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Post Post #424 (ISO) » Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:42 am

Post by Samruc »

Claiming mason with Porochaz was so funny :P

We were going down fast, and I had no idea how to time it optimally. Luckily, it was enough to swing the game to town's advantage, even though some didn't believe us. ;) I would never have dared to play as I did if it weren't for the confirmable claim...

Good job everyone who nailed C_D in the end. I still wasn't sure... :)
I think I was actually aiming for him to nightkill her
If this affected C_D's choice, lots of cred to Elmo!