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Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:55 pm
by MathBlade
In post 4025, Titus wrote:That moment when I FoS myself lol
Why Fua on VCs?

And I agree you’re sus based on VCs.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:56 pm
by MathBlade
In post 4040, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4032, Nero Cain wrote:scum do post during RVS so it's possible to find scum during "RVS"

can we kill VP now?
I'm worried shinier topics are going to distract from the VP wagon.
In post 4030, Titus wrote:
In post 4027, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4021, Titus wrote:*sees inanity of page 1*

*bolts to VCs*
In post 4022, Yeet wrote:
In post 4021, Titus wrote:*sees inanity of page 1*

*bolts to VCs*
Why even read page one we all knew you were just gonna do that anyway :P
Yeah it's potentially a LAMIST statement to make with a built in excuse to not share thoughts.

I think luminary suggested the first 60 pages and then skipping to when April becomes active which I'd like because Titus' slot is one I really need to sort.

An alternative approach, not really reading at all and providing fresh reads as they come, could be helpful for scum hunting but would be more difficult for us to read Titus' slot itself.
Ooh fresh meat.

I'm not an easy player to read. I just think differently. I feel I'm pretty transparent but I'm the only one who feels this way.

I try to read people by what they do as opposed to what they say. I care more about why than the what. So early pregame RVS generally makes my eyes bleed. Occasionally I do try, but that try is legit NAI.
This post is fair because I wasn't asking any questions in so Titus is like mirroring me which makes me think town a little bit (or a deliberate pocketing attempt.)
In post 4031, Titus wrote:
In post 4028, Frogsterking wrote:
In post 4024, Titus wrote:Using a quick view of the VCs, I would look at Datisi and fua closer. Not superb reasoning but developing reads on those two would give reads on the whole.

My current theory is that scum were sheeping people to punish controversy and just placing easy votes. While it's possible, it's rare for scum to be aggressive when they don't need to be.

Math's prior poster likely provoked a scum vote or two not because of his opinions but what he was saying. Such callousness would make me want to vote him out if he wasn't a mason.
Can you explain why your analysis is implicating Datisi and fua?

Also does your method of VCA become more helpful the more slots are flipped?
They're major wagons at various gamestates. Knowing the options scum have suggests where they might want to be on the wagon.

Absolutely yes. I'm using it now to just get feet wet. The more we know about options, the more we can tell about an agenda.

For instance, assuming Math is a mason, then why would scum shoot monkey over Math? What does that say? Votes can and do tell a similar story.
Okay so you think Datisi and fua seem scummy because they were viable mislim targets who weren't being pushed very much?

As for HEM and Math I was looking at that earlier and the only difference that really stood out to me was that HEM was pretty vocal about sortng Yeet and even joined my vanity wagon for a little while and Math wasn't vocal about investigating Yeet.

Are you good at reading your sister?
If by good you mean absolutely atrocious then yes I am the best.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:49 pm
by DeasVail
In post 3964, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3962, VP Baltar wrote:My point is that DV is saying it is a fact at least one of you is town. That's not true from April's perspective, so either DV is trying to bullshit, or is implying they have inside knowledge. Like I said, reading comprehension.
ignoring the part that you were objectively wrong about in order to pretend that you were right, nice, very cool.

if deas is town, it's a fact that he is town. here, I'll say it too: "it's a fact that at least one of me/VP is town". he did say April had to face that fact, so i won't die on that hill since i think it's ambiguous enough that your interpretation has some merit. but saying that he was saying one is definitely scum is just completely wrong
In reply to all this ridiculousness:

I was aware of the fact that it is not /fact/ from April-town's perspective that at least one of me/Fire is town, but that is the theory/assumption that April is making. A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum, which ignores the fact that April thinks one of is town. There is also the added thing, as fire points out, of me knowing I'm town, so I know it is a fact that at least one of me/fire is town, and so I also know that statement to be correct and that April does need to face that fact.

I also agree with fire that it's a very strange thing to pick on from VP, and fire has said what I meant about the shift from VP initially seeming to have reasonable reads to no longer actually making sense. I am aware of the possibility that fire is aligning reads strongly to mine to have me townread them, but VP's nonsense arguments do not make me inclined to trust him over fire. And hey, even if this is some ridiculous pocket by fire, having a townread from me at the expense of attracting the suspicion of the rest of the game does... not seem worthwhile.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 11:51 pm
by DeasVail
In post 3962, VP Baltar wrote:so either DV is trying to bullshit, or is implying they have inside knowledge
you also don't actually think I'm scum so this is bs

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:11 am
by DeasVail
In regards to the VP read, it is something that I am constantly reevaluating and constantly checking myself on to make sure I'm not losing sight of what I should be townreading and what I should be scumreading. I had to catch myself going too hard on tene, who I am now pretty sure is town.

At this point though, I really struggle to see VP as town. I don't know why I am reading things so similar to how fire is reading things (and as much as VP will say that fire's pocketing me, there are many things that fire has said before me, which I have also strongly agreed with), but I am completely with fire in thinking that VP's play earlier did not at all match his stated approach of accepting his elimination and working out how to leave things in the best position for the town. Instead, VP's been slinging chaos and confusion around, and I don't believe that town-VP would see this as a helpful place to leave town in if he thought he was going to be eliminated. An example of the "nonsense" I refer to is where he implies that fire as town cannot think that VP is "decently likely scum" and also be "unsure", using that as the basis for an attack. This is not town thinking carefully about what they leave behind after they're eliminated. similarly is something that I highly doubt VP actually believes, based on his play earlier in the game.

In regards to VP's scumread on fire and the belief that fire is pocketing me, he posts snarky comments about how this is the case, but where are the actual attempts to convince me (someone who he believes is town and being pocketed by fire) of this? Instead it's just snark and focus on engaging with the people VP sees as his allies. If VP is town, I believe he would expect that ultimately I would come to see this. But the dismissal of me and lack of attempt to show me the light does not match with this. I think VP is playing more like scum, who has written me off as someone who will continue scumreading him, and is focusing on maintaining his existing allies for survival.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:30 am
by DeasVail
In post 4048, April Ludgate wrote:I'm really just feelin good vibes from yeet, eyes, and hell even Nero. I also think VPB and Tene are both town.

@Titus - I think DeasV and Fire likely have 1 scum in them, curious on your thoughts on those slots.
Why do you think VPB is town?

From what you've said so far, I would gather that it's a gamestate read/influenced by your scumread on Malcolm, but if there's more to it then I would like to know.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:51 am
by Nero Cain
What id, we voted out VP as a birthday present?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:16 am
by VP Baltar
In post 4054, DeasVail wrote:If VP is town, I believe he would expect that ultimately I would come to see this. But the dismissal of me and lack of attempt to show me the light does not match with this. I think VP is playing more like scum, who has written me off as someone who will continue scumreading him, and is focusing on maintaining his existing allies for survival.
Nah, I'm not trying to convince you right now. You made it clear long ago that you've hitched your wagon to fire. That's fine, not my problem. I'm not going to try to convince you you're wrong when everything I say, both of you come in to defend the other.

Town will flip fire eventually and then you can explain.

As far as survival, hardly. If anything I've leaned into my lim. I know what my flip is and I know by directly attacking the scummiest people on my wagon to get them to slip up (as happened with fire), that my flip becomes much more powerful for town. If I happen to live today, it's not because I'm out here begging and pleading to not be yeeted, it's because town can recognize what I'm doing. The arguments for my wagon have always been weak and amorphous, but scum want to ride that shit into the dirt I guess.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:37 am
by VP Baltar
In post 4056, Nero Cain wrote:What id, we voted out VP as a birthday present?
Luv u bb

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:46 am
by Cape90
In post 4024, Titus wrote:I would look at Datisi and fua closer
I mean... you are Datisi.

Your slot was suspicious of the fua slot (which is now Enchant). They claimed some sort of vigilante day 1.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:54 am
by Cape90
VOTE: Scorpius

Meh, slot has not been towny still and people got off this, meanwhile when VP towned up more people went on them.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:28 am
by Scorpious
In post 4060, Cape90 wrote:VOTE: Scorpius

Meh, slot has not been towny still and people got off this, meanwhile when VP towned up more people went on them.
So lazy,

At least I admit to being behind and not really having a good grasp.

My vote is still up for sale..

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:52 am
by Save The Dragons
VOTE: scorpius

I dont really listen to music when high I should try that usually I'm watching tv or playing video games

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:11 am
by Titus
In post 4037, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 4031, Titus wrote:assuming Math is a mason
In post 4031, Titus wrote:then why would scum shoot monkey over Math?
its Math...
In post 4034, Titus wrote:I didn't get a staunch read either way yet. Why?
So you read him? If so why did you not talk about him. If your post wasn't about VP then I have no clue what you are on about.
I have no reads yet. I was hoping your answer would narrow things down.

Second, Math is capable of being competent Nero. Logically monkey dying over Math fypov suggests that money has better reads, scum used a strongman, or monkey can better rally people or a combination. Answering this helps us.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:12 am
by Scorpious
VOTE: Nero

Basics. Scum flooding the game to hide and make it impossible to case.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:15 am
by Scorpious
I’m just looking at wagons and votes.

Based on the VP wagon I can see a possible scum Deas as well..

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:19 am
by Titus
In post 4040, Frogsterking wrote:Okay so you think Datisi and fua seem scummy because they were viable mislim targets who weren't being pushed very much?
No direct opinion aside from mech. I know Datisi's town and Enchant is very unlikely group scum and probably town. Could they have been acting scummy? Sure. However, given we had at least three non group scum wagoned most likely, scum are either the aggressors or merely sheeping the wagons that are on town and isolating those who are correct.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:25 am
by Titus
In post 4064, Scorpious wrote:VOTE: Nero

Basics. Scum flooding the game to hide and make it impossible to case.
In post 4065, Scorpious wrote:I’m just looking at wagons and votes.

Based on the VP wagon I can see a possible scum Deas as well..

VOTE: Scorpious

I just looked at the four highest posters.

First is Nero. Ok maybe.
Second by 7 posts is VP.
Then Math.
Then Datisi.

Datisi by definition cannot be spamming to block out cases.
Math isn't spamming to block out cases
VP wouldn't be spamming to freeze the gamestate.
Nero, while being the most active poster, hasn't spammed since I've been here.

That position is just utterly divorced from reality.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:31 am
by Nero Cain
In post 4058, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4056, Nero Cain wrote:What id, we voted out VP as a birthday present?
Luv u bb
no u don't. lim all liars!
In post 4064, Scorpious wrote:VOTE: Nero

Basics. Scum flooding the game to hide and make it impossible to case.
clearly! I wouldn't call my a spam/shitposter...maybe a hyperposter but even then I don't feel like that's very apt just b/c hyper has a bit of a slight negative connotation to me. Engaged is more like it. I'm always pretty active as town and I don't see why you think my game play is any different than all those other games I have a high post count in.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:33 am
by tenebrousluminary
Scorp is town. Please stop getting distracted. We have at least one in VP/Malcolm.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:42 am
by Nero Cain
day is dragging now and I didn't realize that there are only 3 days left on the clock so not in a rush but we should start thinking about how the day is going to end instead of a last min elimination.

VP Baltar

should all be shot from a cannon for being useless with their votes.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:43 am
by tenebrousluminary
VP is only playing scummier under pressure yet he is still alive. Scorp is only a target because it's easy, no one actually thinks he is scum.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:49 am
by Titus
I do. Scorpious struggles with content as scum and gets protected because he's adorable. He still wound up dying eventually but we won that game.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:52 am
by tenebrousluminary
In post 4072, Titus wrote:I do. Scorpious struggles with content as scum and gets protected because he's adorable. He still wound up dying eventually but we won that game.
He has not been adorable this game and I've provided several reasons I think he is town based on game actions. I do not blame you as much as you probably have not read my posts to that effect, but it really feels like we have scum on the ropes right now so I'm pretty sus of the motives of these sudden votes on not just a lurker, when we have some actually legit leads to pursue, but the towniest lurker.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 7:52 am
by Titus
Mini Theme 2255 | UPick a Normal | Endgame

That's the game.