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Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:49 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
another one

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:50 pm
by Andante
can we please have a hood of me titus enchant? I'm dead serious

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:53 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
enchant doesn't even want to be an expert

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:54 pm
by Andante
I want enchant to be an expert though

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:54 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
that's what makes the meme really funny if we actually do it

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:55 pm
by VP Baltar
Can you sort pooky or enchant better?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:57 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
I don't get it, are you townreading Enchant now, Andante?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:58 pm
by Andante
In post 4106, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I don't get it, are you townreading Enchant now, Andante?
yes, where did I call enchant not town?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:58 pm
by Andante
are people opposed to this hood cause you know it's another all town hood... just like my first one? lol like, why is there a problem with an enchant me titus hood?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:59 pm
by Andante
cause I legit think me, enchant, titus is a great idea...

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:02 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
In post 4107, Andante wrote:
In post 4106, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:I don't get it, are you townreading Enchant now, Andante?
yes, where did I call enchant not town?
I don't remember you talking about him much at all, so this feels like it's materializing out of nothing

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:05 pm
by Andante
Well when I look at the list of names, cross off inelligible, who do I want in a hood with me and titus to solve. if I remember correctly catboi called enchant town, I've been loving talking to enchant today, so my ideal dream bomb squad is me titus enchant. legooooo your amount of concern feels weird to me...

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:07 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
In post 4111, Andante wrote:Well when I look at the list of names, cross off inelligible, who do I want in a hood with me and titus to solve. if I remember correctly catboi called enchant town, I've been loving talking to enchant today, so my ideal dream bomb squad is me titus enchant. legooooo your amount of concern feels weird to me...
I'm paranoid that you're picking two scummy people to be in the hood with you to blame them if something goes wrong

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:11 pm
by Andante
right... isn't that an issue for D5? you wait for me to come in here yelling the explosion death isn't my fault? Titus wants a hood to solve in, many people here are good with giving Titus a hood to solve in. The question is just "with who?" I'm totally good with solving with Titus. I need to reconsider my reads, I also would like to solve in a hood, so as long as titus isn't gonna be too busy with RL... I'm down!!! but we need a 3rd, and given my options, I prefer Enchant, enchant has some knowledge and wisdom I'd love to hear, so I really do want enchant as the third. I was literally having a good conversation with enchant here, not sure why you suddenly think I'm pulling names out of thin aire....

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:15 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
Titus is whatever since lots of people suggested it

But Enchant does feel like pulling a name out of thin air

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:28 pm
by Bell

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:31 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
whatever andante is probably still town

I'm rereading the beginning of today and Strange's dwlee push and remembered why I voted Strange in the first place. I'm okay ending there

If Titus has given up on catching during the day, are we waiting for anything else before EOD? Just sorting out heals?

Hi Bell

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:32 pm
by Andante
oh snap... you were doubting me being town? lol what?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:34 pm
by PookyTheMagicalBear
In post 4108, Andante wrote:are people opposed to this hood cause you know it's another all town hood... just like my first one? lol like, why is there a problem with an enchant me titus hood?
i can't possibly think of a single reason why your first hood was bad

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:34 pm
by Bell
I don't see much reason to get Titus in there. They've done nothing here and I doubt they'll do anything in the PT either. They're busy, with murder trials.
I want to respect Andante's initial "DOn't include me"

And I can only tolerate one goof ball per hood. If you want to include then the other two players have to be very townie or else it's just going to confuse things for me.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:35 pm
by Cat Scratch Fever
In post 4117, Andante wrote:oh snap... you were doubting me being town? lol what?
Doubting is probably too strong a word

But I was definitely taking a step back and trying to understand your thought process behind the Enchant heal

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:36 pm
by Bell
Basically, Enchant or titus.
Pick one, but not both.
Andante needs to wait for next round.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:36 pm
by Bell
I'm also good with none of those players being in there.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:41 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 4122, Bell wrote:I'm also good with none of those players being in there.
What's your ideal hood?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:42 pm
by Bell
Bell, Bell, Bell, with special guest bomb defuser: Bell.