Page 167 of 329

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:32 pm
by tenebrousluminary
In post 4145, Eyes without a face wrote:@tene: Please help me see why Scorpious is so town to you.

This is something like the 5th time I've been asked this. Here you go:
In post 2665, tenebrousluminary wrote:I feel that at this point Scorp's continued line of posting is not survivalistic at all. It seems calculated to annoy others into voting him, if anything, so I think he may be town.
In post 2749, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 2746, MathBlade wrote:
In post 2744, tenebrousluminary wrote:It feels like at least one of VP and Yeet is scum in this interaction.
Maybe. What are your thoughts on Scorpious?
I gave an opinion on him a few posts ago. Light town because I think scum would stop the line of posting he's made upon observing that no one likes it.
In post 2942, tenebrousluminary wrote:My guess on Scorp's alignment is looking pretty good right now.
This one benefits from context.
In post 2958, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 2956, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2954, tenebrousluminary wrote:And to boot, I don't think he knows Math is a mason.
This is going to make heads explode, and then I have to commute...

How would I know if anyone is a Mason? was it said? is it implied?

Did i just miss it in the 50 pages i missed?

be back later
It has been said repeatedly and at length, yes. And if you were scum, you'd have read it in your scum thread. You're not aware of it because you're town.

Q: A scum scorp would benefit from a strong roleclaim. So why does he claim VT at E-6?
A: He doesn't.
In post 2996, tenebrousluminary wrote:It is easier to push nobodies than established players, and many of you clearly know each other. That is my latest theory for why we are seeing a push as lame as the one against Scorp, and said push persisting in spite of his townie reaction.
In post 3012, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 3011, Scorpious wrote:Tene. You’ve been the most “acceptant” of my content…

I felt your string of posts on the page where you were calling the attack against you random read as very genuine. I also don't think you were faking not knowing that math is confirmed town.
In post 3014, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 2937, Scorpious wrote:
In post 2935, MathBlade wrote:Pressure sometimes works for affecting people but sometimes it’s more about people’s reactions to it.
yup, and I can see you setting your trap. If I don't respond I'm avoiding.

If I do I'm overreacting...

Not my first rodeo homie..
In post 2944, Scorpious wrote:again, I've been down this road. When a hyper posting heavy hitting hyper poster starts promoting wagons they usually go through, so just take note of the posts that will ultimately end up in my mislim and use the knowledge from there.. I already know where this is heading..
These ones looked good to me for example.

I also son't see much benefit to your outing as VT if you were scum.
In post 3772, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
If I may contribute another reason to my case for Scorp town, I do not think as scum he would have reacted to my defending him by questioning my motives. He needed allies at that time and I think he would have just taken it.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:36 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 4148, Titus wrote:
In post 4142, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 4139, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 4135, tenebrousluminary wrote:Oh jesus that "decently likely" thing? That was such weak shit. I'm actually laughing irl that that's your brilliant case.

I won't deny that I am absolutely arguing in bad faith here. You're scum and others need to see it.
Yeah, if town, you're very bad at this game, but I keep trying, so...
Neg me harder.
This type of attitude from VP is annoying.
Thanks for the birthday wishes.

As far as my attitude, that's NAI. I dont play soft with people who are intentionally acting with bad faith toward me and taking cheap shots for dozens of pages. I'm sure out of context, I look like the asshole here, but I assure you it has been earned.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:54 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4052, DeasVail wrote:A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum

Pretty sure one of you commented about the inverse of this, that it was odd I was specifically talking about STD read from ones I'm suspicious of, which directly would contradict this statement. It might have been Fire. I'll go check who said that.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:55 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4152, April Ludgate wrote:
In post 4052, DeasVail wrote:A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum

Pretty sure one of you commented about the inverse of this, that it was odd I was specifically talking about STD read from ones I'm suspicious of, which directly would contradict this statement. It might have been Fire. I'll go check who said that.

At the same time, you are also voting VPB, someone I don't think is scum, and have been trying to defend.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:57 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4055, DeasVail wrote:
In post 4048, April Ludgate wrote:I'm really just feelin good vibes from yeet, eyes, and hell even Nero. I also think VPB and Tene are both town.

@Titus - I think DeasV and Fire likely have 1 scum in them, curious on your thoughts on those slots.
Why do you think VPB is town?

From what you've said so far, I would gather that it's a gamestate read/influenced by your scumread on Malcolm, but if there's more to it then I would like to know.
His play doesn't make sense coming from scum in this position. He's had multiple outs to get out of this, but he isn't really caring to change his reads too much, and have been pretty stagnant, which to me is coming across as town who's getting pushed, and has done a spider leap trying to hold themselves up between two walls to avoid falling after being thrown into an acid pit by his own townies.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 2:59 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4071, tenebrousluminary wrote:VP is only playing scummier under pressure yet he is still alive. Scorp is only a target because it's easy, no one actually thinks he is scum.

that's a sign of a townie not a scum.

Scorp was on my scum list, to be fair, but yeah, I definitely think that's the easy one too. Even more, STD voted there, which actually looks like a way to "offer one of my scum reads list" and get off of Malcolm, so I'm kinda back to Malcolm/STD again.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:03 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4129, Cape90 wrote:
In post 3823, MalcolmTucker wrote:But I genuinely need to know what the case against me is to be able to do so. I don't think you can compare me with VP. The current wagon against me has sort of materialised out of nowhere and doesn't feel particularly strong or logic-based. The main person behind it is April. April basically admitted they "shoot their shot" too early. What does this mean? It feels like mafia admitting they built a case on someone they had no evidence on, but they kept pursuing it anyway.
Literally this part would imply that April is mafia here like 10 times out of 10 no?
nah, he just rearranged what actually happened to fit a narrative.

Malcolm took a back seat and let a different scum guide things, whichever of the scum is in DV/Fire has been subtly guiding the past couple rl days.

Updated Scum Theory list:

Malcom, STD, 1 of DV/Fire, then one of the others, idk.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:07 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 3729, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3725, April Ludgate wrote:VP Baltar (7): Scorpious, tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, fireisredsir, MathBlade, Deasvail

Honestly, Fire and DeasVail stand out hard for me here. I don't think they're S/S, I said that earlier, but this might be enough for me to believe one of them are scum here.

For what it's worth, I think STD had some townie energy when they voted at me, just feels like mislead town not really being here, plus I semi trust the ones who said STD was town, but also noted Frog not seeing it either, so they still not in blue.

1 of DV/Fire, then 1 of Scorpious/Frog/Tene/Nero probably. And I town read 3 of that 4 pool.

My way too early prediction theory right now is:

Malcolm, Fire, Scorpius, Skitter slot
So you’re placing your trust in me/Fire in regards to STD whilst also hypothesising that one of must be scum? (As much as I am keeping Fire-scum in mind as a possibility I think it’s a logical fallacy that one of us must be scum due to our very similar movements)
In post 4052, DeasVail wrote:
In post 3964, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 3962, VP Baltar wrote:My point is that DV is saying it is a fact at least one of you is town. That's not true from April's perspective, so either DV is trying to bullshit, or is implying they have inside knowledge. Like I said, reading comprehension.
ignoring the part that you were objectively wrong about in order to pretend that you were right, nice, very cool.

if deas is town, it's a fact that he is town. here, I'll say it too: "it's a fact that at least one of me/VP is town". he did say April had to face that fact, so i won't die on that hill since i think it's ambiguous enough that your interpretation has some merit. but saying that he was saying one is definitely scum is just completely wrong
In reply to all this ridiculousness:

I was aware of the fact that it is not /fact/ from April-town's perspective that at least one of me/Fire is town, but that is the theory/assumption that April is making. A lot of April's posts imply dismissive of me/Fire's opinion based on the fact that one of us is scum, which ignores the fact that April thinks one of is town. There is also the added thing, as fire points out, of me knowing I'm town, so I know it is a fact that at least one of me/fire is town, and so I also know that statement to be correct and that April does need to face that fact.

I also agree with fire that it's a very strange thing to pick on from VP, and fire has said what I meant about the shift from VP initially seeming to have reasonable reads to no longer actually making sense. I am aware of the possibility that fire is aligning reads strongly to mine to have me townread them, but VP's nonsense arguments do not make me inclined to trust him over fire. And hey, even if this is some ridiculous pocket by fire, having a townread from me at the expense of attracting the suspicion of the rest of the game does... not seem worthwhile.

Ooo...contradicting takes on how I'm taking in your reads. Interesting.

@Fire - If VPB flipped town, what would your read on Malcom be?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:39 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 4157, April Ludgate wrote:@Fire - If VPB flipped town, what would your read on Malcom be?
i think vpb town/malc scum is more likely than vpb scum/malc scum, although as i said earlier i think it's still v possible that they are partners. so vpb flipping town would increase my suspicion of malcolm (and deas, since i think in that case your narrative would make some sense. still don't think it's dragons tho). but i also think vpb scum/malc town is more likely than vpb town/malc scum, which is why I'm voting vp.

i also don't really agree that vp's reads have been stagnant. he started out the day on cape , then goes even harder on cape for a while after cape's case on him, then tried out a push on frogster in that had a few followers but didn't get that far. at this point i try to get him to actually list who he thinks is scum (which takes 3 tries before he answers me) and he gives them as cape/frog/tene top tier, then skitter/yeet/eyes below that. next he tried tene in , then went back to frogster when it looked more likely to work in . then he shifted his reads to start attacking his attackers. he acts like nero is confscum from his pov in . starts focusing on me in and after i switch to malcolm. he's now p much ignoring cape and is focused on me and frog.

that doesn't look stagnant to me. that looks like a lot of positioning himself early on to try to push in whatever the most popular wagon at the time was, and when that didn't work he decided to just go on an all-out blitz against the people attacking him

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:44 pm
by Titus
Yeet, why did your read change on VP?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:45 pm
by fireisredsir
i probs phrased that first part confusingly but basically:

1) given vpb scum, malc sus goes down slightly.
2) given vpb town, malc sus goes up slightly.
3) rn i think vpb scum is much more likely than vpb town
4) i also think vpb scum is more likely than malc scum

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:48 pm
by Cape90
In post 4145, Eyes without a face wrote:@Everyone voting VP please help me see what you see as scummy in his play.
@tene: Please help me see why Scorpious is so town to you.
@Anyone not voting or vanity voting: Whassup?
Why is Malcolm disclosed here?

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:54 pm
by Titus
I feel that VPB is a decent choice if testing the theory that scum are sheeping wagons. It's a valid theory to test given the rapid rise and fall of wagons. I feel Scorpious is a better elimination by play, but I'm not opposed to the VFB wagon. A lot of people have theorized on alignment's based on vfp's flip and I think that is helpful going forward, especially with a scumflip on VFB.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:05 pm
by Eyes without a face
In post 4161, Cape90 wrote:
In post 4145, Eyes without a face wrote:@Everyone voting VP please help me see what you see as scummy in his play.
@tene: Please help me see why Scorpious is so town to you.
@Anyone not voting or vanity voting: Whassup?
Why is Malcolm disclosed here?
I am voting Malcolm myself. I am trying to understand others perspectives not my own.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:08 pm
by MathBlade
Where’s Galron?

Oh and if Scorpio is town then people would be climbing all over themselves to agree with me.

Kinda feeling Galron or Scorpio.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:37 pm
by tenebrousluminary
In post 4164, MathBlade wrote:Where’s Galron?

Oh and if Scorpio is town then people would be climbing all over themselves to agree with me.

Kinda feeling Galron or Scorpio.
Quick count, but 10 players posted since your vote. About half of them are either voting Scorp or telegraphing they would do so (Cape, Eyes, Nero, Enchant).

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:38 pm
by Titus
I feel like the social groups of this game are weird. The game has devolved into camps, which likely isn't good.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:40 pm
by MathBlade
In post 4165, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 4164, MathBlade wrote:Where’s Galron?

Oh and if Scorpio is town then people would be climbing all over themselves to agree with me.

Kinda feeling Galron or Scorpio.
Quick count, but 10 players posted since your vote. About half of them are either voting Scorp or telegraphing they would do so (Cape, Eyes, Nero, Enchant).
Yet they don’t because…?

Usually when I am town and wrong the wagon happens.

But here it’s nothing. It is weird.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:43 pm
by tenebrousluminary
In post 4167, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4165, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 4164, MathBlade wrote:Where’s Galron?

Oh and if Scorpio is town then people would be climbing all over themselves to agree with me.

Kinda feeling Galron or Scorpio.
Quick count, but 10 players posted since your vote. About half of them are either voting Scorp or telegraphing they would do so (Cape, Eyes, Nero, Enchant).
Yet they don’t because…?

Usually when I am town and wrong the wagon happens.

But here it’s nothing. It is weird.
They want it to look natural? If we have a right wagon right now, this day and the optics thereof are pretty dangerous for them long term.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:43 pm
by Titus
In post 4167, MathBlade wrote:
In post 4165, tenebrousluminary wrote:
In post 4164, MathBlade wrote:Where’s Galron?

Oh and if Scorpio is town then people would be climbing all over themselves to agree with me.

Kinda feeling Galron or Scorpio.
Quick count, but 10 players posted since your vote. About half of them are either voting Scorp or telegraphing they would do so (Cape, Eyes, Nero, Enchant).
Yet they don’t because…?

Usually when I am town and wrong the wagon happens.

But here it’s nothing. It is weird.
You tend to get resistence either way. Scum tend to cave sooner.

Here, wagoning anyone would get resistance.

VFB voters complain that any counter is because its right.
Malcom voters say ignored because scum.
People resist Scorpious because of LHF personality. Provoters say he's scum here.

No one's happy unless their choice goes through and we can't appease everyone.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:46 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 4166, Titus wrote:I feel like the social groups of this game are weird. The game has devolved into camps, which likely isn't good.
I agree with this.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:48 pm
by MathBlade
I guess if I have to be in a camp I am a “not VP” camp.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:52 pm
by the worst

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:52 pm
by the worst
If a player successfully picks up the black stick, known as the “Master Stick,” the player may use the “Master Stick” to move the sticks around in the playing area, separating sticks that are close together and isolating sticks so they are easier to pick up. No other stick can be used in this way.


Official Votecount 2.13VP Baltar (5): tenebrousluminary, Nero Cain, Frogsterking, DeasVail, fireisredsir

Scorpious (4): Cape90, Save the Dragons, Titus, MathBlade
MalcolmTucker (3): April Ludgate, Eyes without a face, Yeet
Enchant (1): Galron
Galron (1): Enchant
fireisredsir (1): VP Baltar
Yeet (1): MalcolmTucker
Nero Cain (1): Scorpious

Not Voting (0):

With 17 players alive, it takes 9 votes to achieve an elimination.

Day 2 will end in (expired on 2022-03-16 09:20:00).

click here for joined mod iso.

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:55 pm
by MathBlade
In post 3987, Mizzytastic wrote:
has replaced
has replaced
VOTE: Galron

Maybe here? Skitter was in a lot of scum pools and Galron tends to be a lurker as scum.
It was a problem in Calculasia?