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Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:30 am
by Prism
In post 4196, fferyllt wrote:
In post 4179, Prism wrote:You posted the edit link for the dead PT ffery
fixed! Sometimes I c/p before the page fully refreshes :oops:
is it tho

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:30 am
by lilith2013
In post 4173, Infinity 324 wrote:
In post 4149, lilith2013 wrote:skitter carried
Tbh you did a great job of playing to your town meta, really helped solidify the TR on your slot through most of d3

And the mena interactions like that was some next level theater
the upside of not having daytalk was that I legitimately didn’t know if mena was faking being angry with me or was actually angry and I wasn’t prepared for that, so all of my emotions there were genuine.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:32 am
by fferyllt
There's something so poetic about this!

In 2013, the town team who turned this game into a 3 game-day stomp was nominated for best town (a scummie that no longer exists). I'm really happy to see a performance in this setup that is once again nom-worthy!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:32 am
by Ydrasse
also shout out to n_m, you funky cowman. keep it up

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:33 am
by Menalque
Hi, was napping due to not sleeping last night and then played a bit of guitar, but now I'm here there's a couple of things I'd like to say:

First and foremost, I sincerely apologise to cakez for what I said earlier. I know I already apologised but I'd like to reiterate the fact now the game is over and so that there's no confusion or belief that that was all fabricated for only in-game reasons. My initial bit in that posting was admittedly fake, but as I got more worked up writing it it degenerated into real upset that wasn't related to you and was much more to do with me, but I took it out on you and that was wrong and sorry. I hope that you'll still be willing to play with me in future games, and as always I will endeavour to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Secondly, this was the hardest game I've ever played bar none and I think town played really well. I'd like to quote a couple of things from discord with ydra after morning repped in
"Also, MT is killing it in our game
Idk if you're keeping up
But she's absolutely killing it
I'll still be upset if we lose but like, less so given how well she's done". I also think the rest of town played very well towards the latter phases of the game, and if it weren't for skitter this game would absolutely have been a town win. I'd like to shout out infinity in particular who I think was the Cassandra of this game yesterday and into today.

Which brings me onto my third point: skitt, you were incredible. I wish we'd had daytalk but like, holy shit. There was no way we could have done this without you. and thank you for the carry.

Lastly, thank you for modding, ffery.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:34 am
by Infinity 324
In post 4201, lilith2013 wrote:the upside of not having daytalk was that I legitimately didn’t know if mena was faking being angry with me or was actually angry and I wasn’t prepared for that, so all of my emotions there were genuine.
The part that stuck out to me most was you saying "I don't want to talk to you because you did something that offended me"

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:35 am
by Menalque
@ffery could we please have mod powers in our hydra PT to make any redactions/release if we want to?

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:35 am
by Prism
Literally Skitter was an artist but she was not the MVP, NM stared death in the face, told notscience and Kismet "If I just sit and do nothing you're going to shit your own pants, I don't have to do anything. Watch." and was successful

And then Day 4 his heavenly ghost picks up the crestfallen scumteam and gently carries them away to his bovine paradise

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:36 am
by Infinity 324
Mena you're amazing <3

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:39 am
by SirCakez
In post 4204, Menalque wrote:First and foremost, I sincerely apologise to cakez for what I said earlier. I know I already apologised but I'd like to reiterate the fact now the game is over and so that there's no confusion or belief that that was all fabricated for only in-game reasons. My initial bit in that posting was admittedly fake, but as I got more worked up writing it it degenerated into real upset that wasn't related to you and was much more to do with me, but I took it out on you and that was wrong and sorry. I hope that you'll still be willing to play with me in future games, and as always I will endeavour to make sure it doesn't happen again.
thank you <3


Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:39 am
by SirCakez
if Mena flames me HE IS SCUM
new meta tell

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:40 am
by fferyllt
In post 4206, Menalque wrote:@ffery could we please have mod powers in our hydra PT to make any redactions/release if we want to?
Sure, I'll give both hydra PTs mod powers. PTs for individual players were set up from the start with mod powers.

edit: done!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:40 am
by SirCakez
Morning Tweet is THE CAVE NIGHTMARE!!!

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:41 am
by Infinity 324
Yeah that

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:42 am
by Menalque
Thanks infinity, but I still feel quite guilty about this game because that's always something that happens when I let my emotions get the better of me. I talked it through with ydrasse but I felt like utter shit the other day directly after attacking cakez. One thing I hate about mafia in general, and this isn't really anyone's fault, is the fact that there is a lot of emotion that comes into things. And if you're scum and you repress that emotion the whole time, it becomes almost impossible to overturn people's gut feelings that others are town. But personally, and I can only speak for myself, I struggle to control it if I start letting myself get emotional and that's when I get toxic which is just... not nice for anyone. I'm taking a break from mafia again, I think. I also feel uh, morally dubious about self-metaing myself to try and argue that I should be cleared on the basis of that. That's something I think I've always avoided doing before but all of the stuff about feeling entirely responsible if we lost was genuine (just from the other alignment) and that pushed me into deciding to go for it. I just feel a bit gross about winning, I guess.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:42 am
by Menalque
Cakez, I'm really sincerely happy that you're willing to play with me again because I enjoy you a lot in basically every game we play together! You also killed it and trying to shake you off me since D1 was an absolute nightmare.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:43 am
by Prism
Also I forcereplaced myself because of what I said about unwnd, that wasn't anything to do with anyone else in the game or their posting ftr

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:45 am
by Menalque
In post 4186, fferyllt wrote:I'm curious to hear what people think about the balance issues and how to maintain them with daychat.
I can't tell if it was balanced because this felt incredibly town sided due to a really strong town but then also we had skitter which is like, almost cheating. But I just think day chat would have made the experience more fun and less of a horrendous slog even if it made it more scum sided. I think if I ever played a setup like this again I'd want to have day chat even if it skewed things in favour of scum just because if I rolled scum it's the only way I'd maybe be able to enjoy it.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:46 am
by SirCakez
In post 4215, Menalque wrote:Cakez, I'm really sincerely happy that you're willing to play with me again because I enjoy you a lot in basically every game we play together! You also killed it and trying to shake you off me since D1 was an absolute nightmare.
aww this is so sweet
let's move on from that series of posts its in the past
i only brought it back up because it was the primary reason I thought you couldn't be scum d3 and I wanted to break down why that was so I don't fall for it again

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:48 am
by Infinity 324
@mena Yeah it's definitely a tough spot to be in. You should definitely be proud of your victory but yeah you still need to work on keeping your emotions in check as both alignments and I'm glad you are working on it.

Did you believe the thing about it being wrong to hammer bulge? What you were saying seemed so wrong to me but I'd be impressed and the level of gaslighting if you didn't believe it

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:50 am
by Menalque
I'm happy to move on at this point, I just wanted clear that air and clarify that that wasn't a cynical play by me it was just me fucking up and getting too far into things. Thank you both for being kind.

@infinity, absolutely not lmao, I was gagging to vote bulge but couldn't figure out any way of doing it without it being a scumclaim and then the fucking legend ydrasse comes in and plops a vote down instead lol

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:51 am
by skitter30
In post 4160, Prism wrote:. Tweet's posting was absolutely bonkers, this bat is on steroids. Successfully indentified A) Who the scum were individually B) Why they were the scum collectively and what motivated moves & why C) Exactly why everyone else was town
I just want to requote this for emphasis, mt you were insane ^^^^^

Literally everything you said abt day3 was exactly right

If u rep in any earlier or this dragged on much longer i sincerely believe you could have pulled it out

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:52 am
by Menalque
like it did cost us in our towniness and I do think that from that perspective it was rough, but I don't think we would've had enough towncred from the lim to just sail through and notsci/bulge identifying each other was a real concern to me for the lategame

I think the problem was that if people looked back and saw it was a policy lim initially then it loses a lot of the cred it would get if it had been primarily based on being like "no, he's really scum for X, Y, Z reasons" which was stuff I only managed to make up later, and even then it was quite weak

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:53 am
by Menalque
In post 4221, skitter30 wrote:If u rep in any earlier or this dragged on much longer i sincerely believe you could have pulled it out
+1 on this it was terrifying which is why I doubled down on pushing you so hard

I figured that if the others slept on it too much or seriously reconsidered VFT then we were doomed bc everything you were saying was so spot on

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:53 am
by SirCakez
what killed me with Tweet was paranoia they were scum induced by scum