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Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:49 am
by Wisdom
every hood ive ever been in said it
Ive never seen a hidden member

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:50 am
by Shoshin
I have.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:51 am
by Shoshin
In general, the role PM says who is in the hood. Otherwise, you just don't know.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:57 am
by Shoshin
I did a quick search and quickly found an example of a game where you don't know who is in the neighborhood: ... ighborhood

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:12 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 4196, Wisdom wrote:well if game is not over after shoshin dies, tw is the other one
Well, no one knows Labrynth as well as him and he would be able to come up with the best fake claims but I think RC gave town such weak PRs because there are only 3 scum in this game.

At any rate, I should probably die next, since you can’t have the IC in 3 person LYLO but they might take the chance on my getting it wrong.

I have asked Shoshin not once not twice but three times now, whom she protected last night and she has yet to answer the question.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:13 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 4199, Shoshin wrote:@Nancy

If you cannot understand why I'm extremely frustrated and upset with you, then I don't know what to tell you. I had no intention of manipulating you to do anything because I'm not scum and if you can't see how that's obviously the case based on the facts/logic I've presented, then I'm just going to call you out for playing very poorly.
Good move.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:15 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 4203, Shoshin wrote:
In post 4201, Wisdom wrote:VOTE: shoshin
So you're scum with Random? Figures.
And you accuse me of not using logic. W/e.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:15 am
by Shoshin
Nancy, I already told you I protected you... are you reading my posts?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:16 am
by Shoshin
Nancy, did you mislynch Sajj? Yes. Did you mislynch Angel? Yes. Did I defend both of them? Yes. The results speak for themselves

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:18 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 4202, Shoshin wrote:
In post 4191, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:
In post 4181, Shoshin wrote:Nancy, stop telling me what I do as town.
I’m telling you that threatening not to play any more games with me is a cringeworthy bad argument to affect my vote. If you were paying any attention this game, you’d know that this kind of manipulation doesn’t work on me. Anything other than logic/cold hard facts will likely have the reverse effect on me that you’d like but feel free to ignore this.
I'm not trying to manipulate you, so stop assuming that everything I do is manipulative. I'm expressing how I actually feel about you and the way you're playing this game. You seem to have trouble accepting any sort of criticism and can't even admit when you were wrong about something. Like you're not even apologetic about lynching Sajj... and that infuriates me because I put so much work into saving her, I fought tooth and nail explaining exactly why she was town, and you just ignored all the work I did and nonchalantly lynched her without even trying to understand what I was saying, and then didn't even seem apologetic at all and now you're going after me.

You want to talk about the logic/cold hard facts? That's what I'm trying to use to show you that I'm town. I know that insulting you and getting upset with you isn't going to change your mind, so that's not what I'd do if I were scum. What I'd do as scum is tell you how awesome you are at this game, and buddy the shit out of you.

Let's talk aboutu the logic/cold hard facts and you can tell me where you disagree.

1. I claimed bodyguard on D2. I locked myself into that claim.

2. I used my role on N2 on Nico. This is proven by Reality's result.

3. Scum killed Nico on N2.

4. In general, if scum have a doctor, they don't protect the person they're nightkilling. It's a very unlikely gambit for scum to protect their nightkill. It's even more unlikely for scum to protect their nightkill onto a cop. I'd speculate that 9/10 scum don't protect their nightkill, and 99/100 scum don't protect their nightkill onto a cop.

5. I fought tooth and nail to save Sajj when nobody else thought she was town. I was the ONLY player who defended her, and I did so actively and aggressively in a way that scum wouldn't ever do.

6. Scum didn't kill Sajj or you on N4. The only plausible explanation for this is that scum wanted to let Sajj kill me and they didn't want to target you because they knew killing you might end up with me dying instead because that's how bodyguard works.

7. Scum killed Wheme, the one player who actually voiced a townread on me. If I'm scum, why would I kill Wheme over Random, Wisdom, the worst, or you?

These are the cold facts. They strongly suggest that I'm town. If you actually care about winning this game, please address them. Otherwise, I'll just assume you never had any intent to engage with me.
Now you’re blatantly lying. I said I wasn’t apologetic about Angel lynch, I never said I didn’t regret Sajj but not at all shocked to see you twist that. :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:19 am
by Shoshin
There's a difference between "never saying you don't regret something" and "actually being apologetic and admitting you fucked up."

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:20 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 4209, Shoshin wrote:
In post 4208, Wisdom wrote:no, its a fact they were neighbors, no matter how much you keep ignoring my answer on the matter, and scum neighbors is incredibly rare and unlikely in this case
You haven't actually explained why they're neighbors... like, not at all... if you look at Chick's flip, the mod hid the link to the neighborhood... why'd he do that? Our mod is a very lazy mod... he forgot to send Sajj the message from Nancy on N1... he doesn't do things without a reason... and yet he chose to hide the link in Chick's flip.... why?

What's rarer, scum doctor protecting the nightkill onto a cop, or scum neighbors?
The latter because it makes absolutely no sense.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:21 am
by Shoshin

Before lynching Sajj, you said you'd be shocked if she was town.

She was town.

Were you shocked?

Are you apologetic?

Do you admit that you were wrong to lynch her?

Do you admit that I called out exactly what made her town and tried to defend her?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:21 am
by Shoshin
Why wouldn't scum neighbors make sense?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:22 am
by the worst
I really don't see how Wisdom is actually townreading rando over me in any rational world

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:23 am
by Shoshin
It allows for a couple things - 1) two scum players can plot against their teammates without their teammates knowing what they're talking about (e.g. a traitor type situation) and 2) the appearance of town confirmation when one of them flips scum in the event of lynching.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:23 am
by Shoshin
In post 4239, the worst wrote:I really don't see how Wisdom is actually townreading rando over me in any rational world
You want to lynch Wisdom over Random?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:24 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 4213, Shoshin wrote:
In post 3655, RadiantCowbells wrote:Chickadee has been lynched! She was
Junk Lady, Mafia Identity Cop Neighbour

Spoiler: Role PM
Everything in the world you've ever cared about is all right here.


Welcome! You are the
Junk Lady, Mafia Identity Cop Neighbour

Junk Lady (Identity Cop): Each night you may peruse someone's garbage and determine their character in flavour.
Neighbour (Neighbour): You are in a neighbourhood that can be found here.

You win when the Goblins have sent all of the Town to the oubliette or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Your fakeclaim is as follows.

What? Okay? Alright.


Welcome! You are the
Hat, Town 1-Shot Identity Cop Neighbour

Hat (Identity Cop): Once during the game you may visit a person each night and discover their identity in flavour.
Neighbour (Neighbour): You are in a neighbourhood that can be found here.

You win when the Goblins have been sent to the oubliette.

Night 4 has begun and will end whenever I wake up wednesday morning, 7:00 AM EDT at the earliest.
Chick's role PM makes no mention of the supposed "Neighborhood 251" nor any mention of Random. It just says she is in a neighborhood, with no mention of who is in that neighborhood.
In post 4215, Shoshin wrote:
In post 3658, RadiantCowbells wrote:Reality Check has died! They were
Right Door Knocker, Town Even-Night Voyeur Neighbour

Spoiler: Role PM


Welcome! You are the
Right Door Knocker, Town Even-Night Voyeur Neighbour

One of Two (Even-Night): You are only one of the knockers and may only act on even nights.
Knocker (Voyeur): Each night you may target a player and determine what abilities, if any, targeted them.
Neighbour (Neighbour): You belong to a neighbourhood which can be found here.

You win when the Goblins have been sent to the oubliette.

Day 5 has begun!
Similarly, Reality's role PM makes no mention of Wheme nor any mention of who is in her hood. Like Chick's PM, it simply provides a link to the hood.
Thank you for clearing up one thing that was concerning me about random and proving that he told me the truth.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:24 am
by Shoshin
What'd Random tell you the truth about?

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:26 am
by the worst
Oh Yay if I stick around long enough my only possible scum partner is Shoshin who I'm obviously not scum with


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:27 am
by the worst
Wizzy you need to talk to me. The only reason I'm considering that you could be town here is because Anka townread you from your super brief interactions. Anka was then promptly killed.

Post Coalition I don't like you here.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:28 am
by Shoshin
the worst, I think the only hope of this town is if you use your gladiate ability today to save me.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:29 am
by the worst
That would be stupid af if we're in LyLo

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:30 am
by Shoshin
I wouldn't vote you if you did that.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 10:30 am
by Shoshin
If we're in LYLO and Nancy votes me, this game is over.