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Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:38 pm
by April Ludgate
Learn to adapt and reevaluate. Otherwise, you’ll just stay a weakling saibaman the rest of your mafia career

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:40 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4224, DrDolittle wrote:
In post 3891, mastina wrote:April's displayed TMI in the same way Gamma did, faked a no-risk high-reward investigation on Titus, claims a role I have setup reasons to believe isn't in the game while thinking it is a role that would fit in the game, and uses a strategy which I am pretty sure he used before, of trying to claim a motion detector role in a game with a town (dis)loyal role.
hmm flavor leaf is right this does does not check out
Morning Mage and I are part of the townie. And Titus and Mastina are the alien invaders who come to us and try to act like they’re gods and they know what’s best for us, but they’re eating fancy meals and we’re left with the bread scraps!!!

They tell us what’s good for us, but they lock us behind walls!

We are the townies, don’t let them speak for you any longer!

I wanna hear you, I wanna hear the townies speak! I may be a bit rough around the edges, but at least you know that I’m coming from the same place as you.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:43 pm
by DrDolittle
idk man at least her (mastina's) story is consistent throughout what she has been saying, so im willing to hear more.

plus menal says she had big town energy and i have to respect the dead

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:45 pm
by April Ludgate
Mastina also played a scum game with me where not only did I come up with my own claim, I also gave our partner Day 1 a convoluted fake claim that assisted my eventual claim, so Day 2 I BUSSED and fake claimed a guilty on my partner.

Motion Detecter has no strong holds, no strong grounds in the game. This is not a fake claim that I use.

On top of that, they pushed me as fake claiming Titus, but Titus had a confirmed motion, which I explained why Titus was my target. They tried to make me target Super Bowl, and they were going against Morning Mage, and I didn’t like it.

Mastina is fluffing the game up because I am the biggest threat to her existence if she is scum.

I half don’t even believe that they are confirmed to each other.

I was scum in a game where Elsa Jay was my partner, Mastina was town, and Mastina convinced Elsa Jay to go along with a mason plan.

We won that game and broke Mastina into glitch mode that game.

Mastina can be town lying about this, but that’s the minimum.

At most, she’s lying, and as claimed 3rd party, by no means should anyone take them seriously.

If they say they are with us on a town wincon level, then they can share the same trust that they expect us to go along with.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:46 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4227, DrDolittle wrote:idk man at least her (mastina's) story is consistent throughout what she has been saying, so im willing to hear more.

plus menal says she had big town energy and i have to respect the dead
Mastina pocketed Menalque. She posted that Menalque was lock town.

I said this Day 1 that that was happening.

And Mastina is always town read when she is scum, why is that any different?

ScumMastina is super consistent.

I’m not even necessarily calling her scum.

I just know for a fact she’s full of it because I’m town.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:48 pm
by April Ludgate
Like sorry if you don’t like hearing this, but I don’t end up in this situation as scum.

I just don’t.

I barely defended Gamma. I afk’d after that section, and came back in twilight.

Like, that’s just trash.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:52 pm
by April Ludgate
Something Smart, someone who I would say is probably the best at reading my alignment, has stated he’s slightly seeing light town.

That, in addition to both Titus and Mastina having misread townMe almost every single time I’ve been town against them, and when I am scum, Mastina usually town reads me.

In fact, Mastina once was “positive” I was town and lying while in a 1v1 with me, when I was just scum.

That’s how Mastina reads me when I am scum.

Mastina is lying to chop any momentum I might have because I was starting to rally some troops.

We were a giant town army, and we were strong enough to be the forerunners for this town.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:54 pm
by April Ludgate
Both Mastina and Titus treated the accurate Motion Detect claim as an implied guilty, but I did no such thing.

In fact, I even specifically mentioned that it wasn’t a guilty or anything.

I wanted to mix my action with Plus’ action because I believe they can be used in synergy together, and I feel they are threatened, so they have to push a way to get me faded and then be able to brush it off later.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 12:56 pm
by April Ludgate
Oh, boo hoo, did you expect me to not care if people tried to misfade me?

You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that.

And you know what, it might happen. And the only way it might happen is because I am town, because I assure you, as scum, there would be zero possibility of me being in this scenario.

Menalque was making incredibly weak logic reasoning, and I was able to discuss with them nicely, if I were scum, I would have eventually pocketed this game, just like I did in PFUP.

So I just avoid taking out heavy hitters here if I am scum?

Yeah, right.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:06 pm
by April Ludgate
You know what, I might even be willing to sacrifice myself and start a full on Messiah Savior gimmick from this, so I can be the proof of why townies shouldn’t be the sheep they are, and get controlled by people trying to hold them down, plus it would prove me town.

And it might end up net positive on a game level, but I’ll have to think it through.

In theory, I can end game solve like *snap*, but if I can trust some other people to get to that point of end game solve, I might be willing to sacrifice. I just need to have trust in some townies here to do it, which I don’t know if I have at the moment.

My people will likely getting torn without the strength we have in numbers, and honestly, me going down probably makes obvtown Morning Mage go down later too, so actually it kind of isn’t the best idea yet.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:15 pm
by Nero Cain
Are we like sure that Math isn't just scum b/c complaining about us is a great way to not hunt scum.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:16 pm
by April Ludgate
It would require him to be both white knighting me and antagonizing me over my claim, so I find that incredibly weird if they are scum.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:19 pm
by Nero Cain
I mean, FL you def light defended Gamma and it makes you look suspicious. I'm also pretty sure that you have used the "I don't defend my buddies anymore" as an excuse when you were scum b4 so...

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:21 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4237, Nero Cain wrote:I mean, FL you def light defended Gamma and it makes you look suspicious. I'm also pretty sure that you have used the "I don't defend my buddies anymore" as an excuse when you were scum b4 so...
Exactly, Nero, light defended.

And quote it.

I don’t believe I have.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:22 pm
by April Ludgate
I think I have used it as scum on a townie before, but I don’t believe I’ve said that Scum/Scum since after doing it in my final scum game of 2019, which is what made me wanna stop doing it for good.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:24 pm
by April Ludgate
I don’t give a damn about looking suspicious, I’m fine with that.

If Titus and Mastina were pushing that, it would be far more acceptable.

They’re straight up lying to try to get me faded and misrepping.

Titus also trashed on Morning Mage when Morning Mage was completely in the right for seeing a pairing in Titus/Mastina.

That doesn’t add up.

Also, I never once claimed or implied my result on Titus was a guilty, which also got blown out of proportion.

What are your thoughts on that?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:25 pm
by April Ludgate
@Nero - you know for a fact they share your alignment? This isn’t just some Mastina or Titus fuckery?

Why would i claim Motion Detector in that scenario. You’ve seen me scum fake claim before, my claims are always obnoxiously able to delay me, here nothing of the sort happened.

That is strictly an anti scum move by me, and maybe you can push that’s why it was made, but Mastina also lied about me making that scum fake claim before, because I don’t believe I have.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:27 pm
by April Ludgate
I’ve also been misreading Gamma constantly, usually it’s I scum read him, and he’s town.

This was the first time I’ve seen him as scum in a while, and I stated a town read.

I don’t defend people when I’m town?

That’s bs. I defend people harder when I’m town, and much more pigheaded like. ScumMe can legit create reasons when I defend, and I did nothing of the sort here.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:28 pm
by April Ludgate
In post 4241, April Ludgate wrote:@Nero - you know for a fact they share your alignment? This isn’t just some Mastina or Titus fuckery?

Why would i claim Motion Detector in that scenario. You’ve seen me scum fake claim before, my claims are always obnoxiously able to delay me, here nothing of the sort happened.

That is strictly an anti scum move by me, and maybe you can push that’s why it was made, but Mastina also lied about me making that scum fake claim before, because I don’t believe I have.
I need an answer to the first part from Nero.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:28 pm
by Nero Cain
yes lol

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:29 pm
by April Ludgate
And the other stuff?

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:31 pm
by April Ludgate
You understand why town shouldn’t listen to you here, though, right? You are claimed 3rd party without letting us in on your alignment.

I understand the need to keep it secret on some levels, but they can’t expect us to trust them regarding that stuff, you guys have your own agenda, even if you can win with town.

Mastina is straight up lying and incorrectly pushing things to try to get me misfaded. Hell, maybe they actually think I am scum here, Mastina is one of the top 3 people who always incorrectly read me.

But I think you know they are lying.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:32 pm
by April Ludgate
I think you know they are lying, but because I light defended Gamma, you were more okay with it.

I was just straight up wrong. That’s impossible for you to see, though, right? The Great Flavor Leaf is wrong!! Must be scum! They’ve never been wrong on a read Day 1 before!

Like I said, you are aware Mastina is lying to the game in some fashion and are actively ignoring it.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:36 pm
by April Ludgate
At the end of the day, everyone’s gonna have to live with “Flavor was right” in some fashion or another.

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 1:39 pm
by Nero Cain
We are 3rd party, yes but we are anti kings army so for the purpose of this game we are far more town than we are scum and thus we are helping town to achieve their wincon.

I feel like scum is in a bad spot right now. You have 2 anti-scum factions working with town with several clears so scum have a small mis-lynch pool and I tend to think the majority if not all the scum are in the POE.