Samruc wrote:Elmo wrote:I think I was actually aiming for him to nightkill her
If this affected C_D's choice, lots of cred to Elmo!
Well, it was basically a last-ditch effort; the sheer hilarity of it actually
is only just sinking in, if it did. That would be so awesome if it actually worked; I was going to be lynched, but got the serial killer to daykill the last mafia member and then got the serial killer lynched, ahaha.
Setael wrote:I'm also surprised farside didn't use her safe claim.
I have, like, no idea why she didn't. I think she might have ended up lynched anyway, Priestess is quite a weak nameclaim, but it's certainly better than claiming vanilla and getting lynched for sure. Perhaps she figured you'd need it later, I don't know. I'm sceptical she would have survived to endgame, anyway.
I was pretty sure c_d was a SK from the point he claimed; I was just wracking my brains trying to figure out what his killing mechanics were, and how best to prove it. (I got bitten by the assumption that Serial Killers always kill at night for a while.) I was just staring at the list of kills on the front page for a while, then I noticed it; I thought it was a mod mistake at first! I don't think c_d would have survived day 4, I really don't, regardless of what happened. (I still have no idea why anyone bought his claim, but eh, no complaints.) We actually had some very good luck and very bad luck in role assignments.. if either of Samruc or Porochaz weren't masons, if Antithesis wasn't the weaponsmith, if Yos had been the SK, etc. Hrm, interesting.
Yea, I should probably have tried harder to get Setael lynched, I figured more people would see it. I suppose I had one of my ZOMG GUYZ CAN WE JUST LYNCH HER BECAUSE SHEZ SCUM PLZ moments. I was also worried about Yos being her partner, so I wanted him to comment on her first without knowing what I had on her.. I don't follow why he didn't, but I should probably have just made it and tried to figure out Yos later. Ironically, if I'd got Setael lynched that day, Bookitty'd probably have been in the same spot I was!
p.s. Bookitty, iirc, I never said anything about you not following my Setael case, she was good scum; I'm sorry if it came across like that <3. Hm, I think I managed to piss off pretty much everyone in this game at some point.