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Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:13 am
by bob3141
In post 4298, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 2118, bob3141 wrote:
In post 1956, teacher wrote:
In post 1944, shellyc wrote:i am *alright* with a kerset lim but at the same time I'm afraid they are actually doctor
Gated doc in a game that lasts at most 5 nights = pretty weak Pr.

We have two anti-town town roles claimed, implying that town must have some decently strong PRs including some kind of investigative (Miller)

If town has two strong PRa plus gated doc (the kind of power that would justify two antitown roles), then scum likely has at least gated rolestopper.

Given suspicions of Kerset, scum do not shoot but instead block (at least when town reads become sufficiently common that they are worried about overlap).

This is why I think town has to resolve the Kerset slot. I don’t think scum does it for us. And I don’t think waiting for later makes it easier to eliminate a claimed PR.

If ever scum roleblocker type role flips. Teachs scum equity goes up.

Why go straight to roleblocker. Why discount scum hvaing tracker/ rolecop type roles
Like right here.

key word equity. Did i ever say x would be scum if x is show to be in the game.

This is a normal thing to say as town.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:14 am
by bob3141
his later roleclaim just cam across as panicking scum trying to cover a scum slip.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:15 am
by bob3141
Over a post that was no more than mm could that be scum slip.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:17 am
by Andresvmb
But Bob I don’t understand your insistence in defending your positioning towards Teacher. You were wrong. Teacher was Town. And they did exactly what you expected them to do as an Informed Role. They crumbed it first, and when you attacked them for it, they just revealed that they had that information. Also I think because they misunderstood how the role worked and it was important in the context of a claimed Doctor.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:19 am
by Andresvmb
I never interpreted Teacher to be panicking to be honest. The reason you’re adopting this stance is simple in my head. You’re trying to make others dismiss Teacher’s concerns about your slot because otherwise you look Scummy in having pushed the Town (Loyal) Cop.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:23 am
by Andresvmb
I think there’s some good reasons you defended the Vengeful Claim as Scum too. Obviously you were trying to curry favor there either to not get shot or move the shot towards a Townie. If you’re as good at setup spec as you claim to be, you would have IMMEDIATELY cast doubt on the claim. I know I did. And I’m not nearly as good as I think you are in this particular department. It’s like you want others to believe that you would have always shot a Town PR N1 as Scum. But then you fall for a simple claim that was dubious in the context of the claims we have? I can’t square the two.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:37 am
by PlusJOYED
In post 4305, Andresvmb wrote:I think there’s some good reasons you defended the Vengeful Claim as Scum too. Obviously you were trying to curry favor there either to not get shot or move the shot towards a Townie. If you’re as good at setup spec as you claim to be, you would have IMMEDIATELY cast doubt on the claim. I know I did. And I’m not nearly as good as I think you are in this particular department. It’s like you want others to believe that you would have always shot a Town PR N1 as Scum. But then you fall for a simple claim that was dubious in the context of the claims we have? I can’t square the two.
exactly the point i was trying to make

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:38 am
by bob3141
In post 4305, Andresvmb wrote:I think there’s some good reasons you defended the Vengeful Claim as Scum too. Obviously you were trying to curry favor there either to not get shot or move the shot towards a Townie. If you’re as good at setup spec as you claim to be, you would have IMMEDIATELY cast doubt on the claim. I know I did. And I’m not nearly as good as I think you are in this particular department. It’s like you want others to believe that you would have always shot a Town PR N1 as Scum. But then you fall for a simple claim that was dubious in the context of the claims we have? I can’t square the two.
because there is hole in claimed town power. There is difference in knowing what inst possible and what is. And more importantly what is likely. Vengful was entirely possible unless there was more claims to town power

informed loyal cop
you role ( miller taht inst a flase guility, a role that is largely useless on its own. )

is no way on its own is that enough town power. Would never get past review.

The less town power roles. The stronger combined they have to be and thats why town power tends to be broken up in several roles.

What isnt a possible role informed on its own. With out some vital info that layer alone must know. Otherwise they dont get put in from design point of view. As it would be superfluous with games more often becoming semi open instead. see noms game i referenced.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:44 am
by bob3141
In post 4293, Andresvmb wrote:And why are you pairing me with Osuka in that wagon analysis? Honestly Bob, I think you’re Scummy Scum.
are you even reading my posts. As for you to come up with that.

Are your reads so bad that you cant see a step by step analysis. I go onto say of the two no way do i see you as scum. My analysis says there is one scum there. With the two players alive being you and osuka. I then cross your name out. Based on the next step.

You would have to be an alt of one of the stronger scum players to be scum.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:49 am
by bob3141
andre im done talking with you. Post game im happy to tell you were you have gone wrong if you dont flip scum. In which case i will say bravo to fooling me

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:51 am
by osuka
In post 4288, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 4048, bob3141 wrote:innocentvillager [5]: Kerset, osuka, Andresvmb, Tayl0r Swift, PlusJOYED

s, osuka, andre, t , t

Highly unlikely that both osuka and andre are town. And i rather think andre is townie. He has sew sawed between me and osuka in townie way. rather than flip flopping
I love games with this many slips.

lol fuck I didn’t even notice that

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:53 am
by osuka
Is it just me or does Bob sound like he just had a fucking breakdown

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:56 am
by bob3141
i get worked up when i see people making awful arguements.

This game is on par with the one where i almost quit. Where the watcher got the babysitter killed. Even though him being scum would leave a massive hole in town power.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:57 am
by Tayl0r Swift
ok i think my pool for today is plus and osuka.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 7:57 am
by Tayl0r Swift
i think my vote is still on bob, so
VOTE: plus

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:00 am
by PlusJOYED
what? how do you see that and think "yeah bob and andres are town"

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:00 am
by PlusJOYED
bob and andres is TvS af and im nearly positive andres is town

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:09 am
by Andresvmb
In post 4307, bob3141 wrote:
In post 4305, Andresvmb wrote:I think there’s some good reasons you defended the Vengeful Claim as Scum too. Obviously you were trying to curry favor there either to not get shot or move the shot towards a Townie. If you’re as good at setup spec as you claim to be, you would have IMMEDIATELY cast doubt on the claim. I know I did. And I’m not nearly as good as I think you are in this particular department. It’s like you want others to believe that you would have always shot a Town PR N1 as Scum. But then you fall for a simple claim that was dubious in the context of the claims we have? I can’t square the two.
because there is hole in claimed town power. There is difference in knowing what inst possible and what is. And more importantly what is likely. Vengful was entirely possible unless there was more claims to town power

informed loyal cop
you role ( miller taht inst a flase guility, a role that is largely useless on its own. )

is no way on its own is that enough town power. Would never get past review.

The less town power roles. The stronger combined they have to be and thats why town power tends to be broken up in several roles.

What isnt a possible role informed on its own. With out some vital info that layer alone must know. Otherwise they dont get put in from design point of view. As it would be superfluous with games more often becoming semi open instead. see noms game i referenced.
Why are you behaving as if it was completely unreasonable to Scum Read you? You defended Kerset. Hard. You pushed IV (as did I, no doubt). You didn’t vote for Kerset. You pushed Teacher. And you minimized Saudade’s doubt of Kerset. Like why am I an idiot because I don’t agree with you here?

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:12 am
by Andresvmb
And even though you did conclude that I was Town and Osuka was likely to be Scum based on your wagon analysis, you are still saying that there’s Scum amongst us two. So you are pairing me with Osuka. That doesn’t mean you’re arguing we’re both the Team. I don’t think I’m saying anything egregious.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:16 am
by Andresvmb
And why are you ignoring that I’m not just Miller, but also Town Checker?

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 8:54 am
by bob3141
In post 4317, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 4307, bob3141 wrote:
In post 4305, Andresvmb wrote:I think there’s some good reasons you defended the Vengeful Claim as Scum too. Obviously you were trying to curry favor there either to not get shot or move the shot towards a Townie. If you’re as good at setup spec as you claim to be, you would have IMMEDIATELY cast doubt on the claim. I know I did. And I’m not nearly as good as I think you are in this particular department. It’s like you want others to believe that you would have always shot a Town PR N1 as Scum. But then you fall for a simple claim that was dubious in the context of the claims we have? I can’t square the two.
because there is hole in claimed town power. There is difference in knowing what inst possible and what is. And more importantly what is likely. Vengful was entirely possible unless there was more claims to town power

informed loyal cop
you role ( miller taht inst a flase guility, a role that is largely useless on its own. )

is no way on its own is that enough town power. Would never get past review.

The less town power roles. The stronger combined they have to be and thats why town power tends to be broken up in several roles.

What isnt a possible role informed on its own. With out some vital info that layer alone must know. Otherwise they dont get put in from design point of view. As it would be superfluous with games more often becoming semi open instead. see noms game i referenced.
Why are you behaving as if it was completely unreasonable to Scum Read you? You defended Kerset. Hard. You pushed IV (as did I, no doubt). You didn’t vote for Kerset. You pushed Teacher. And you minimized Saudade’s doubt of Kerset. Like why am I an idiot because I don’t agree with you here?

im not calling you an idiot. There is difference between awful arguements and idiotic arguements. Your not bad at problem solving it just that you to often take the easy solutions. That are just never right.

argruement that i was against kerset after his roleclaim is resonable. As scum will do that hiding under the fact town will too. But the key thing is town will too. Even if i was in favour based on wagon comp. But thats not teh issue

I pushed Iv yes but in way i never felt it. If you look at the votes, I never voted IV and just ended up saying he was town that messed up. I thought at the end of the day it would of been clear that i was very much against IV. Now me pushing aginst iV kill at the same time inst reason to town read. Thats the bad argument. That you started day one that convinced me you were town.

The thing is i was going to vote kerset. I was just waiting for his answer on my question. But thats not the point. You never x was scum so all of it are scum. You need to look at the flow of votes. Who was pushign against and who although voting for was doing nothing. Take my 3rd scum game. based on votes you never would of thought i was town. I was on one sucm lynch and not one single town lynch. Even though I was the one driving them with back handers.

to be honest saud needed to be focused. Ive seen games be lost because town was split between two scum wagons. We didnt have the votes, so it was bet sauds vote was on something that wasnt IV. As we were on track, as did happen to kill IV.

The thing town does most often is push town. The thing is to look for scum trying to achieve something.

Half your arguments have been that you think ive made rookie mistakes.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:05 am
by bob3141
In post 4319, Andresvmb wrote:And why are you ignoring that I’m not just Miller, but also Town Checker?

town checker is weak role. The fact is even i wouldnt of though that role up.

Miller is just your informed. Miller gets you guility but the fact the cop gets guilty means your town. checker is just a little cross interaction with the cop.

its an odd claim that more likely to be true than fake. As it would certainly be an impressive fake claim if anyone came up with that.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:11 am
by bob3141
In post 4318, Andresvmb wrote:And even though you did conclude that I was Town and Osuka was likely to be Scum based on your wagon analysis, you are still saying that there’s Scum amongst us two. So you are pairing me with Osuka. That doesn’t mean you’re arguing we’re both the Team. I don’t think I’m saying anything egregious.

see this is one of the awful argeument. See im not syaing there is one scum among you im saying that for plus to be town. ouska has to be scum fullstop.

It is egregious. As you making yourself the centre of it. When arguing against that logic is the same as argueing that osuka is town. You missing the fact that the whole string of posts is about why are we not getting on with it. How is osuka not scum.

The only two players in teh first 4 votes. Is one confirmed town and one clear townie. After that its one role that had no town pr counter claim

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:23 am
by bob3141
In post 4292, Andresvmb wrote:My mistake was in checking NDMath. I should have checked a Role I SR. That would have been as good as a red check. I probably would have done Kerset anyway and not much would have changed to be totally honest.

It wasnt mistake as it was a reasonable play. You found for sure that dmath was ascetic which is useful during mass claim.

ascetic is potentially in this game a true miller. Now ascetic counts against teh town based on the number of town roles it blocks. As scum can still kill it.

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 9:25 am
by bob3141
ascetic with scumrolestopper has limited value. It could be guility or inno.

Does the same job as rolestopper. So if scum its role is to be a doc to a gunsmith. As the cop cant be sure if he was rolestopped if you say you checked him. It coudl also as i said earlier act like a town miller to the cop