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Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:51 pm
by Glory and Mel
In post 4348, Flavor Leaf wrote:he claimed supersaint. I dont see that as a scum move tbh.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:51 pm
by skitter30
lunar and unwnd are probably both town
idk if those are popular takes but i've been sayign those for forever

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:51 pm
by Flavor Leaf
In post 4350, Glory and Mel wrote:
In post 4348, Flavor Leaf wrote:he claimed supersaint. I dont see that as a scum move tbh.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:52 pm
by skitter30
In post 4347, Morning Tweet wrote:in a way being inconsistent is a great method for showing im town, cause id never dare to do it as scum. Of course maybe if that ever became a solid strategy for me as town, then it wouldnt be so daring anymore, then id be comfortable with it as scum.. but as it is no this prolly wouldnt happen

Maybe ill get a better sense of why Chara seemed town yesterday and make better judgments
idk i feel like this convo is +town for u

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:54 pm
by Glory and Mel

This is a small thing, but putting early doubt on the miller claim with 67, I feel like when there is an early negative utility claim (e.g. miller, ascetic), scum try to put doubt on it because they don't want someone getting a townpass off a claim.

So, I felt like the townread on me in 76 was a bit premature, and when I asked him about it, he just reversed it in 89, I didn't really get what was going on there, and the explanation in 98 didn't really clear things up. I also think the rabbit hole he's going down of speculating on roles that work bassed on player list positioning there and in 122 feels like the sort of baseless spec a scum player might slip into to give the appearance of producing content without doing actual solving because it doesn't go anywhere.

The "don't kill me n1" comment in 79 is a bit performative too, I'm not sure why he'd ever expect to get nightkilled n1 particularly when he's remarking on how amazing the playerlist is. Feels more like something someone attempting to towntell says than a real thought.

Response to skitter in 150 looks kind of gut towny on tone, though.

After that breaks into filler talk for a while. I don't understand the Ydrasse read in 550 (to me nothing she's done leaves an impression), or how me being sassy equates to me being probably town. Other posts are meh. I could see this as scum on a gut level in that his posts are "off" but I probably couldn't make a real case on him.
Anyone wanna guess what alignment writes this post?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:55 pm
by unwnd
In post 4354, Glory and Mel wrote:

This is a small thing, but putting early doubt on the miller claim with 67, I feel like when there is an early negative utility claim (e.g. miller, ascetic), scum try to put doubt on it because they don't want someone getting a townpass off a claim.

So, I felt like the townread on me in 76 was a bit premature, and when I asked him about it, he just reversed it in 89, I didn't really get what was going on there, and the explanation in 98 didn't really clear things up. I also think the rabbit hole he's going down of speculating on roles that work bassed on player list positioning there and in 122 feels like the sort of baseless spec a scum player might slip into to give the appearance of producing content without doing actual solving because it doesn't go anywhere.

The "don't kill me n1" comment in 79 is a bit performative too, I'm not sure why he'd ever expect to get nightkilled n1 particularly when he's remarking on how amazing the playerlist is. Feels more like something someone attempting to towntell says than a real thought.

Response to skitter in 150 looks kind of gut towny on tone, though.

After that breaks into filler talk for a while. I don't understand the Ydrasse read in 550 (to me nothing she's done leaves an impression), or how me being sassy equates to me being probably town. Other posts are meh. I could see this as scum on a gut level in that his posts are "off" but I probably couldn't make a real case on him.
Anyone wanna guess what alignment writes this post?
Scum because I'm pretty sure that's Dannflor's post

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:56 pm
by unwnd
If not Dannflor post maybe a Skitter post

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:57 pm
by Morning Tweet
In post 4351, skitter30 wrote:lunar and unwnd are probably both town
idk if those are popular takes but i've been sayign those for forever
ye i was at least pretty strong on lunar being town from never getting drafted as well as reaction to the hood bs a while back

them not having a particular sounds probably right ali, although i guess they can be drifty scum, im thinking less likely

unwnd i think has been pretty strong at sounding towny, apparently is playing unlike how they usually do, the claim of course, probably more likely town than not but i guess if they have a good scumrange it is possible

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:57 pm
by skitter30
probalby town
was that unwnd?

pedit wasn't me lol
thought it was you

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:58 pm
by unwnd
Nah I don't make posts like that, not even exclusive to this game

Well shit..was it catboi?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:58 pm
by unwnd
Actually yeah that's a catboi post

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:59 pm
by Glory and Mel
ya its catboi

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:59 pm
by skitter30
this is a fun game lol
i couuld write like that but i haven't this game

it has like capitlization and everything

well i'm townreading catboi

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:59 pm
by unwnd
Sweet do I win a million dollars?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:00 pm
by Glory and Mel
tho I can see some evidence pointing towards that slot being town, there are things that ping me here.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:01 pm
by Glory and Mel
that post being one of those things

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:02 pm
by Glory and Mel
In post 2848, catboi wrote:Not to kill the funtime vibes, but I went through Dannflor's ISO to scrape for any sort of interactions, and this is what I came away with. My theory is that Dann made a few posts when the ame was in an RVS-ish state, fell behind, and came back realizing he was under pressure and in trouble, and so deliberately started forcing interactions. I also think scum are more likely to have voteparked Dann rather than defend him after FL publicly voiced suspicion, it's too risky to have moved off. I'm not saying Dann interacted with all of his teammates, In fact I'd say for sure there's a scum in the people he didn't really interact with at all, but right now it's easier for me to look at the info on people he DID interact with.

Dannflor/Morning Tweet:

Out of all the votes on him, Dann makes a particular point of calling out Tweet's vote on, asking her to explain it (). He says her posting is "nice, a little fence-sitty, and fairly thorough" but doesn't make a conclusion on her and continues to want to ask her about her vote: "curious to know the thought process behind it" () and asks her what caused her to unvote gamma (). He later soft defends Tweet, saying "That seems like a strange slot for a top scum read" () In 1969 he defends her by saying "I'm interested in scum reads on Morning Tweet because I don't really see anything that sticks out as not within town!Tweet's MO" but then votes her with his last post in , in a move that doesn't really make much sense.

This was what grabbed my attention when I looking back at his posts overnight, the way he seemed to particularly put attention on tweet out of the people voting him, but didn't seem to really want to push her, making these small defenses of her even as he was trying to question her. The last minute votepark looks like a desperation move rather than any wago he thought might actually go through.

Dannflor/Venus Mars and Pluto:

Dann banters with Auro a little in , Auro says if he's scum he'll catch him, Dann asks him what's going on. He later asks Auro if he has a read on anyone (). Says Nancy shouldn't be town reading him but doesn't say she's suspicious for it, which is a weird comment to make? But maybe less likely to call a partner's read on him out in this way.

I don't think any of this is inherently clearing but don't think Nancy makes such an impassioned defense of Dann when FL's mind is set, as I said above.


Dann asks RCE about his early little readflip on me ( ), then says he likes RCE's setup spec theorizing about skitter's claim and scum roles based around positioning (). He writes a long post defending RCE as town based on tone and saying his fluff posting isn't scummy ().

I could go either way here. I don't have any strong conclusions to draw based on this.


Dannflor immediately jumping on Gamma's entrance post (241 + 250) and questioning me when I said the speed of the viotes was too fast (277) is way more likely to be non-partner behavior. He later justifies this by saying "his entrance was awkward" and he wanted to see what he'd do after in 1577. He then walks the read back in 1581 by saying Gamma's posting is good and he didn't overreact.

I'm pretty sure Gamma is just town based on this, him giving the townread seems to be bowing to thread consensus as much as anything.


Early game Dann asks about why skitter finds pooky scummy, saying he "has not disliked their posting so far" () but then flips it and votes him just a short while later in . I don't see what prompted this flip, Starcrossed only made 1 post in between speculating about who Hectic would draft.

This on itself isn't much but it does feel slightly anti-partnery, I don't think he decides to shift his opinion on a teammate so readily in the early game.


Dannflor naked votes unwnd in . He asks him what his read on the Venus/Pluto slot is () and says the way he's treating the slot isn't genuine () and that the way he engages with Nancy is LAMIST (). He continues to argue with him about this in , unwnd says Dann is making assumptions based on one or two instances of dialogue when there's more to it, Dann argues with him more about how to read Nancy. He continues to discuss how to read Nancy with unwnd in .

This was probably the most sustained interaction Dann had with anyone, if I squinted really hard I could see it as potential distancing but unwnd was maybe he most viable push of the people voting him, and the way they get sidetracked into debating a read over VMP doesn't feel like the route teammates would take in arguing. I individually townread unwnd overall because I think he wouldn't pull this weird pseudo-jester act as scum so I'd say this reinforces that read.


skitter asks Dann how he's reading her, he says he doesn't have one (). Later he says he had her as possible scum based on her read of RCEnigma () and then says he went to her iso to "look who to vote for" by sheeping her (). In he says "I just know you to be skilled as both alignments and I usually treat slots that I view as better than me with more caution than I normally would". Tonally, doesn't feel like how he talks to a partner, there's a little bit of timidity in how he reacts to her voting him, he doesn't question her or attack her on it, like he's wary of getting on her bad side.

I think from these actions he was trying to subtly get skitter to stop suspecting him, and it worked, which makes me think skitter is unlikely to be a partner.


After his extended absence from hyperposting, the first person Dann mentions is Titus, saying "Titus is freaking me out a little bit but that's not quite a read yet" (). He comments on her reads list in , criticizing it and again saying it "freaks him out" and puts suspicion on her for it. Also disputes her saying he had a strong start. Later says he wants to vote Titus ().

There's not a lot to go off here, but similar to Tweet, the attention toward her in particular feels unusual and it could be a desperate attempt to force interaction after he came under pressure, the lack of follow-through makes it suspect, I think.
Somethings in here also pinged me here.

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:02 pm
by unwnd
So I'm gonna take this time to say one thing that annoys me about this setup

I have to check with daddy boon for everything. I can't just say 'let's lim here' because boon will come out all haughty and then I back down and just go with something like Titus cause da boon said so and it's like

Really dependent on the town stump having a good lead, or being able to see who's just sheeping their leads

Unfortunately you just never know with boon, so that's been a game in itself lol

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:04 pm
by Glory and Mel
how much of a slog was it to kill Dann btw?
Like how many people voted it until it seemed stuck

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:05 pm
by unwnd
In post 4368, Glory and Mel wrote:how much of a slog was it to kill Dann btw?
Like how many people voted it until it seemed stuck
It was extremely easily

Dann just laid down and took the death

Very likely some bussers and I should probably think about this

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:05 pm
by Glory and Mel
I'll stop just skirting around Skitter and chara slots now and look at those

pedit: was the Dann wagon like ever stuck at like 7 or 8 votes or something?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:06 pm
by unwnd
No almost never, we all just said yep let's kill Dann

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:06 pm
by Glory and Mel
but yes most d1 scum flips are usually a result of scum voting scum

pedit: wow

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:06 pm
by Glory and Mel
ya ima look for bussing before chara skitter then look at those 2 if i need to

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:06 pm
by Glory and Mel
catboi come across as a busser tho