Page 178 of 305

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:01 pm
by ulyana
In post 4422, Taly wrote:Hence the "I'm not going to explain further yet". Like... we are going in circles here.
because you are refusing to explain when the answer is not an apparent or intuitive one and it feels like you are just doing things to do things not to solve game

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:01 pm
by skitter30
In post 4422, Taly wrote:I still don't quite follow your progression on me.
i don't quite folow your progression in the pink pt on me or infinity, or why you kept trying to make ydra happen, and your interactions with dwlee feel weird

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:02 pm
by Morning Tweet
"Perfect Balance"

Statuses 5.0.2
Safely Across [0]
Crossing [0]:

Uncrossed [12]
petapan, ulyana, Ydrasse, Harley Quinn, SirCakez, skitter30, Gypyx, Toogeloo, Gammagooey, Dwlee99, Taly, Gamma Emerald

The game will end once 4 uncrossed remain.
Decision 5.0.2
Taly [1]

Dwlee99 [1]

Not Voting [10]
petapan, ulyana, Ydrasse, Harley Quinn, SirCakez, skitter30, Gypyx, Toogeloo, Gamma Emerald, Dwlee99

With 12 contestants, it takes 7 to send someone across! You may only vote for uncrossed players.

If a decision is not made by deadline, plurality is in effect, broken by seniority. The deadline is in:
(expired on 2021-11-01 18:51:22)

Now playing..

Gangs of Youth - Achilles Come Down

▶ ❚❚ ─●───────────────────────────── 0:10 / 7:02

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:03 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 4423, skitter30 wrote:i'm feeling the best abt gammaemerald ydra and dwlee presently, and they definitely should cross
Dwlee was pushing you+infinity? Mostly infinity but you were also part of that (prolly because of your history)

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:04 pm
by petapan
In post 4423, skitter30 wrote:i'm feeling the best abt gammaemerald ydra and dwlee presently, and they definitely should cross
i'm confused about the two non gamma people there, from your pov

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:14 pm
by Taly
, I don't think your assessment is fair. I just don't play the way you would solve here.

, I've felt that I've been very consistent in being pro-
before the PT occurred. I instinctively trusted their POV of the game at the time beyond the rest of the PT when I otherwise was doubting my own perception of pink team being all town. I figured their tunnel on
was an invisible strategy to take as scum because that only harms their credibility by pushing known misims OR if they were a partner of either of you, it would be odd to bus when nobody bit onto the read at the time.

I don't know the context of you and
history well, so when I read the moment
saw you two as potential partners (around the moment you suspected
for their tone), it made me rethink your slots because
has been tonally different than town games I've seen before, and I had difficulty parsing your progression as well as your push for
in the PT when you acknowledged that
was T/S.

My vote on
was largely motivated to consolidate with
when I wasn't convinced of
, began to lose trust in my read on both of you, and didn't think
was a slot people entertained.

Granted, I'm annoyed at my play here because I spent half the PT just replying to people to justify my suspicion of
, and got frustrated when I felt like people were just dismissing me by staring that
alignment was obvious when it wasn't to me.

And that helped my confbias into a potential
Ydra+Infinity and/or Skitter
mentality at the time.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:15 pm
by Taly
In post 4430, Taly wrote:invisible strategy
Inviaible. I hate phoneposting dkshsksmbsb

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:16 pm
by Taly

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:21 pm
by skitter30
In post 4424, Gammagooey wrote:
In post 3958, Gammagooey wrote:
In post 3465, Gammagooey wrote: SKITTER can you give me like a timeline/summary of who you were suspecting and how strongly through events 1-3? (also I might just call them days 1 and 2 later because that feels correct to me)
I still want this when you have time btw. I don't really understand your read progression on either of peta or infinity at the moment and going through some of your thoughts about them (and any other strong reads) from previous days would help me out a lot with that
basically day1 i was mostly suspicious of your slot (the galron iteration) - he wanted to flip gamma without having a read there and wasn't really trying to solve, and felt just generally lacking as compared to radiobuzz . i didn't like unwnd's entrance, felt like he was trying to make cakez flippable, and felt like his approach to solving to the game didn't make much sense from a town-him's pov. i didn't really see the posting in the blue pt that people are raving about but your iteration seems a little bit better from what i've seen here.

infinity i was kinda suspicious of early game for not really trying to read me. in prior games they would make it a priority to try to solve me and would read me off of how i was trying to read them but that whole interaction/dance wasn't really happening this game, which made me somewhat suspicious because i thougth town-them would almost always do that, while scum-them would be a little too gun-shy to do that
i started feeling better abt her ~mid-day2 iirc because they were just kinda making good observations at the right time, and seemed to be trying to solve, and trying to help other people solve
and ultimately i don't think they end up on dunn eod there, i don't think they cast that vote to put a partner in the duel there

the other gamma is fairly obviously town from how he went about his decision in the chair phase.

cakez i've liked for most of the game despite a whole bunch of people trying to flip him earlier. his thinking was admittedly ~shallow~ but i think it was genuine and more a product of being busy he was irl - i liked how open he was about his thought processes, about how annoyed he was about how fast the game was moving, and he was just very guileless overall

peta i didn't really have thoughts on for most of day1, the phase where dunn got nommed i really didn't like his cakez push because i felt like he ought to have been townreading cakez by that point, and i didn't like how he dropped it in favor of dunn at the time that he did. i may have gotten a little tunneled, i realized over the night.

ydra i don't think interacts responds to unwnd's push on her the way she did as scum. there's no reason there for her to really have such an aggressive emotional response as scum, but i think it makes sense if she felt wrongly pushed as town and was annoyed

saber's slot has just kinda been around and just making kinda polished observations without follow-through and without really having an underlying thought process. kinda reminds me of scum-lilith in that way tbh. harley's entrance was focusing on the wrong things and was kinda scummy in that i think it's easier for scum to focus on mechancis in a game like this than figure out what their reads ought to be

i think those are some of the big ones

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:22 pm
by skitter30
In post 4428, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 4423, skitter30 wrote:i'm feeling the best abt gammaemerald ydra and dwlee presently, and they definitely should cross
Dwlee was pushing you+infinity? Mostly infinity but you were also part of that (prolly because of your history)
i think they're absurdly tunneled and haven't gotten over a read they made on like p10. they're posting and solving has been good otherwise

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:22 pm
by ulyana
In post 4430, Taly wrote:Ulya, I don't think your assessment is fair. I just don't play the way you would solve here.
okay but you see i am trying to understand the way you would solve here if you are town and you are refusing to answer questions so how am i supposed to assess that other than how i am currently

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:27 pm
by skitter30
In post 4429, petapan wrote:
In post 4423, skitter30 wrote:i'm feeling the best abt gammaemerald ydra and dwlee presently, and they definitely should cross
i'm confused about the two non gamma people there, from your pov
i think i mentioned them both above and i'm not sure i understand 'confused' here but:

i don't think that scum-ydra reacts the way she did to unwnd's push on her. yes she can fake the emotional stuff etc but i don't think there's a reason for scum-her to feel the need to get emotional there at all, i think it makes a lot more sense that she was town who get annoyed at him

i think dwlee's pov of the game is really backwards and that they get tunneled too easily, but even though their pov is *wrong* it's carrying through their posts and motivates how they're approachign and solving the game.

also i realized i forgot about cakez when i wrote this, cakez should cross too

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:28 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 4434, skitter30 wrote:
In post 4428, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 4423, skitter30 wrote:i'm feeling the best abt gammaemerald ydra and dwlee presently, and they definitely should cross
Dwlee was pushing you+infinity? Mostly infinity but you were also part of that (prolly because of your history)
i think they're absurdly tunneled and haven't gotten over a read they made on like p10. they're posting and solving has been good otherwise
If Dwlee is scum I most certainly don’t wanna reward “tunneling” two slots I sorted as town quite early on and outside of a concern on you via being in a spot I thought scum would be more likely to populate, have continued to be town for me

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:29 pm
by ulyana
In post 4435, ulyana wrote:
In post 4430, Taly wrote:Ulya, I don't think your assessment is fair. I just don't play the way you would solve here.
okay but you see i am trying to understand the way you would solve here if you are town and you are refusing to answer questions so how am i supposed to assess that other than how i am currently
like yeah i get that everyone is not me and i am not them et cetera but how am i supposed to possibly assess whether what you're doing is solving or not if your response is 'i'm not you and i'm not going to answer any questions'

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:30 pm
by ulyana
In post 4438, ulyana wrote:
In post 4435, ulyana wrote:
In post 4430, Taly wrote:Ulya, I don't think your assessment is fair. I just don't play the way you would solve here.
okay but you see i am trying to understand the way you would solve here if you are town and you are refusing to answer questions so how am i supposed to assess that other than how i am currently
like yeah i get that everyone is not me and i am not them et cetera but how am i supposed to possibly assess whether what you're doing is solving or not if your response is 'i'm not you and i'm not going to answer any questions'
town's have a reason for the things they do across the board anyway so i'm not even sure how applicable the differences in our play really are anyway since all i was asking was the reasoning for what you were doing

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:31 pm
by Dwlee99
Yea to be clear that post was not something I copied from infinity or anyone. I just typed it. I have nothing against infinity and I like them as a person, I just thought they were scum here for tonal reasons which I guess I was wrong about but I'm not gloating about it by trying to make posts like that and I'm a little annoyed that you think I would do that to disrespect someone

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:33 pm
by ulyana
In post 4440, Dwlee99 wrote:Yea to be clear that post was not something I copied from infinity or anyone. I just typed it. I have nothing against infinity and I like them as a person, I just thought they were scum here for tonal reasons which I guess I was wrong about but I'm not gloating about it by trying to make posts like that and I'm a little annoyed that you think I would do that to disrespect someone
oh i wasn't noting it for the reasons that gamma emerald expanded on i just thought it was noteworthy that you were saying something that infinity had said there not speculating on reasoning for i got distracted by other things before i even got that far

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:33 pm
by skitter30
In post 4430, Taly wrote:Skitter, I've felt that I've been very consistent in being pro-Dwlee before the PT occurred. I instinctively trusted their POV of the game at the time beyond the rest of the PT when I otherwise was doubting my own perception of pink team being all town. I figured their tunnel on you/Skitter was an invisible strategy to take as scum because that only harms their credibility by pushing known misims OR if they were a partner of either of you, it would be odd to bus when nobody bit onto the read at the time.

I don't know the context of you and Infinity's history well, so when I read the moment Dwlee saw you two as potential partners (around the moment you suspected Infinity for their tone), it made me rethink your slots because Infinity has been tonally different than town games I've seen before, and I had difficulty parsing your progression as well as your push for Peta in the PT when you acknowledged that Cakez/Unwnd was T/S.

My vote on Ydra was largely motivated to consolidate with Dwlee when I wasn't convinced of peta, began to lose trust in my read on both of you, and didn't think Cakez was a slot people entertained.

Granted, I'm annoyed at my play here because I spent half the PT just replying to people to justify my suspicion of Ydra, and got frustrated when I felt like people were just dismissing me by staring that Ydra's alignment was obvious when it wasn't to me.

And that helped my confbias into a potential Ydra+Infinity and/or Skitter mentality at the time.
i guess the part that i'm having trouble with is why you're kinda molding your pov of the game off of dwlee's here
like that's the bit that i'm not understanding

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:34 pm
by Dwlee99
In post 4441, ulyana wrote:oh i wasn't noting it for the reasons that gamma emerald expanded on i just thought it was noteworthy that you were saying something that infinity had said there not speculating on reasoning for i got distracted by other things before i even got that far
The you wasn't directed at you, I didn't think you were implying that

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:34 pm
by skitter30
In post 4437, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 4434, skitter30 wrote:
In post 4428, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 4423, skitter30 wrote:i'm feeling the best abt gammaemerald ydra and dwlee presently, and they definitely should cross
Dwlee was pushing you+infinity? Mostly infinity but you were also part of that (prolly because of your history)
i think they're absurdly tunneled and haven't gotten over a read they made on like p10. they're posting and solving has been good otherwise
If Dwlee is scum I most certainly don’t wanna reward “tunneling” two slots I sorted as town quite early on and outside of a concern on you via being in a spot I thought scum would be more likely to populate, have continued to be town for me
i'm sorry i don't know if i follow this, can you say it again?

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:35 pm
by skitter30
In post 4440, Dwlee99 wrote:Yea to be clear that post was not something I copied from infinity or anyone. I just typed it. I have nothing against infinity and I like them as a person, I just thought they were scum here for tonal reasons which I guess I was wrong about but I'm not gloating about it by trying to make posts like that and I'm a little annoyed that you think I would do that to disrespect someone
i don't *think* this is directed at me either but if so, sorry, didn't mean to imply that if that's what you got from my posts

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:38 pm
by Dwlee99
It's at gamma who specifically said I was doing that

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:39 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 4444, skitter30 wrote:i'm sorry i don't know if i follow this, can you say it again?
I feel like I’m more inclined to fall back on my earlier read on you rn (partly because I feel like peta has a point) which makes me feel very-not-good about Dwlee

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:54 pm
by Gamma Emerald
In post 970, Dwlee99 wrote:





Infinity 324




Question mark means it's like okay to kill them but I'm leaning towards not
In post 2556, Dwlee99 wrote:


Infinity 324



Here's a list of people I'd be cool shooting each other today. I vaguely remember townreading the other people the last time I was actually thinking about the game, but I don't feel super confident in this poe.
Hrm, I notice an interesting pattern here when combined with one of my theories from the previous event

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:57 pm
by Gamma Emerald
Dwlee can you link a bunch of scumgames of yours?
I’ll probably egosearch you as well but any links you can immediately provide would be appreciated