1) Provided us with a completely accurate list of (remaining) role names on Day 2. This included correctly identifying roles that wouldn't be expected, such as Barrin and possibly Urza (both now known scum), as well as correctly choosing which four of the MANY legends available were still in play (Squee, Braids, Kamahl, Gerrard).
2) Claims to have a win condition that involves Braids being dead. If scum, redundant; if town, an irritation to all invovled.
3) Also claims to be immune to nightkills and has volunteered to take shots tonight. If scum, of course he's not worried about dying tonight (because then Bamboo is telling the truth and can't get a second kill result).
5) As claimed, is highly unlikely to be responsible for a decapitation death.
Yes, he's probably still trying to get Babmoo killed with a no-lynch today, but that's the hand he was apparently dealt. If he's scum then we need Zu alive to prevent Brian's win tonight, but I simply can't reconcile his being the last scum standing with the decapitation last night.
If you both don't think that Brian is scum, would you and Zu be willing to go with my plan to both target me tonight? My theory is that if I'm blocked and killed in the same night then I die. As long as we're not expecitng Brian to mess with the results by beign scum, then I think it would reveal who the scum is once and for all, Brian's personal win condition be damned.