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Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:12 pm
by Yosarian2
You are Godzilla
If there are no other Movie Monsters in the game, you are a SK, and must kill everyone else in order to win.
If there is one other Movie Monster in the game, you are pro-town, and in order for you to win the game must end in a town win with at least 4 other pro-town people left alive.
Each night, you may either nightkill a player, do nothing, or attack Tokyo.
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:33 pm
by Mirth
NabakovNabakov wrote:
You are
. You may never make a post in your own voice, all posts must come from one of the following narrators. Depending on which one you post in the most, different powers and win conditions apply:
Humbert Humbert: You have no special powers and win with the town. 1/10 of your posting must be in French and 2/5 must be adjectives. You are a lover with any player who has "Goon" or "Townsperson" in their title.
I'm frankly disapointed in you.
No superfluous references to "Annabell Lee" ? That should be one of his post restrictions.
A few more into the fray:
You are
William Shakespeare
(assuming, of course, you're a real person and not a psuedonym, but we won't get into conspiracy theories here for the time being at least). All of your posts must make references to crossdressing and be in iambic pentameter and invoke the name of some Greek diety or Italian city. You are lovers with Players XXXX nd YYYY, only they're cheating on your with each other, so you have to write emo love poetry bout them in every 5th post. (In sonnet format, of course.) It must be original (or at least plagarized from a source the mod is not aware of) and not too depressing because if either of them dies, you die (this is not reciprocal, however, since they don't care about you one whit). Additionally, all of your posts most feature sexual innuendo and bad puns. And if anyone start quoting Hamlet's "to be or not to be" speech or the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene, you will be modkilled because the mod is sick of hearing them.
You are
Charlotte Bronte
and you need to be beaten senseless for writing that Jane Eyre crap. Because you're an idiot in the ways of romance, every night, you must send the mod the name of another player to have an affair with. This person will be your lover until the next night when you are to send in a new choice. If your choice dies, you die along with them, but their death is not contingent on yours since they obviously have a wife located somewhere up in the attic already.
You are
Thomas Mann
and you somehow don't realize you're gay. Really really gay. All of your posts must have homoerotic undertones...or blatantly homoerotic because undertones just don't cut it. Any time someone trys to make you come out of the closet, you must vote them. You win if you survive the game while denying your sexuality.
You are
Oscar Wilde
and, frankly, Thomas Mann's sexual repression bothers you. Its your job to try and get him to come out of the closet. Bt becareful, don't try too hard or those pesky sodomy laws will get you. You're only allowed to post in epigrams. Your win condition is when Thomas Mann admits he's gay.
Mod note: Oscar Wilde has 10% of being post restricted for the rest of the day every time he tries to force Thomas Mann out of the closet due to sodomy laws.
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:42 pm
by Glork
Mirth, you need to turn this into a full-blown game.
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:20 pm
by Mirth
I'm not qualified to mod yet, I don't think.
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:01 pm
by Mirth
My last bit of insanity for the night, since I just realized Nabakov's Hemmingway PM is missing a few imporant pieces of bastard moddery.
NabakovNabokov wrote:You are Hemingway. No more than 5 words per sentence, 3 sentences per post. (Not counting votes/unvotes). Violation will result in a Modkill. You are a Survivor, have one NK immunity, but will commit suicide N5 if the game is not over.
You are also the original crazy cat lady, so, at least once a day, you have to be distracted from your writing and feed the buggers why cursing profanely at them in a drunken stupor. Failure to feed your many-toed kitties will result in them scratching you to death. Additionally, you very presence in the game will force other players to wish to impersonate you or eat Key Lime Pie...heck...I have a hankering for key lime pie now...
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:26 pm
by Zindaras
I've been thinking about modding a collection of roles from this thread at some point.
Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:08 pm
by Adel
this role could fill an important niche in a lot of really bad theme games. if your setup isn't swingy
, throw in a hairdresser.
Each day you talk to each player, and they all tell you who they targeted the night before. Since they tell you while you are in Gossip mode, you don't realize what you heard until the following night. I'll PM you a list of names of players and the players they targeted.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:37 am
by Mirth
Adel wrote:this role could fill an important niche in a lot of really bad theme games. if your setup isn't swingy
, throw in a hairdresser.
Each day you talk to each player, and they all tell you who they targeted the night before. Since they tell you while you are in Gossip mode, you don't realize what you heard until the following night. I'll PM you a list of names of players and the players they targeted.
The bastard mod version of this: You are also Edward Scissorhands, so you can't talk. With anyone. At all. Ever. Beause if you do a mob will form and hunt you down. But don't worry, I'm sure there are some people out there who don't believe in lynching lurkers. Somewhere...
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:13 am
by Mr. Flay
pete d sent me some roles by PM that I won't be using, but others might find interesting (clearing out my Inbox):
Mafia Evil Extra Vote(s?):
Their extra vote(s?) will be made personally by the mod.
The Prestige:
Modified lyncher, chooses a target to make disappear, then has to get them lynched once they reappear (Or possibly appears dead at some point, but is then "resurrected" a short time later and becomes a normal lyncher).
Mafia ESP:
Can send anonymous ESP messages to other players via the mod anytime (both day and night). However, the other players cannot respond.
Mod notes: delusional, just a normal goon
Mafia Death Death Miller:
Comes up as Death Miller upon death. Investigates as "fish".
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:36 am
by skitzer
Here are some mafia roles I created while in school. Some of them are strange, but I like the way they turned out.
Poet-may only use meaningful versed rhyme when posting.
Dyslexiac-all posts must be written backwards.
White Chicken-If they receive a vote, their vote is nullified for the rest of the Day phase.
Bookkeeper-After Day 5, they may reflect on the actions of a selected Night phase each Night.
Gambler-all votes must be based on dice rolls.
Bourgeoisie-is not able to be night killed unless they cast a vote.
Interrogator-during the Night phase, they may ask a question of their choice to another player, which must be answered in-thread by the selected player the following day. Their answer does not have to be truthful.
Organized Citizen-they must include a list of all players, from most to least suspicious, within each post.
Hippie-is not able to vote unless they are voting for someone who has been confirmed as Mafia.
Army Veteran-if a player votes for them during the Day phase, they will immediately Day-kill that player. This can only happen once.
Musician-may only use the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G when posting.
White Fox-The first vote that is cast on them is nullified.
Aromatherapist-they can choose one player during the Night phase to disable from making FoS's the following Day.
White Turkey-may nullify a players vote, but nullifies another players vote as well.
Immigrant-must post in a different language. Language must be confirmed with Moderator.
Sandman-can choose a player during the Night phase to "sleep" through the Day phase, preventing him from posting and voting.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 11:52 am
by Nocmen
Many of those are pretty good roles...I would like to maybe use the Organized Citizen or the white ones. But some dont work - like Hippie...wouldnt it break the game?
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:47 pm
by NabakovNabakov
Mirth wrote:
I'm frankly disapointed in you. No superfluous references to "Annabell Lee" ? That should be one of his post restrictions.
Maybe they can use that as an explanation for why they are choosing their random vote target.
Some of these author roles are absoultely insane, but if you trimmed out some of the craziness, you could probably make an interesting game out of it. Because I would absoutley demand that all players post in character, I would probably make the role
open, but keep powers and allignments secret. Kind of like Calvin and Hobbes mafia but with a point.
You are
Sinclair Lewis
. You may
vote for players on the largest bandwagon. The only thing you may accuse them of is bandwagoning and "going along with the crowd." You are also under prohibition and will be arrested/modkilled if you are caught posting drunk. You win with the town.
Sie sind
. Nur Deustch bitte. Sie sprechen Duesch nichts? Das ist aber schade. Sie erlangen mit dem Stadt.
You are
. Post over 5,000 words in a day and you can decide a "twist" at night. In other words, you can make any two players you want lovers or masons. You win with the town.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:33 pm
by Mirth
NabakovNabakov wrote:Mirth wrote:
I'm frankly disapointed in you. No superfluous references to "Annabell Lee" ? That should be one of his post restrictions.
Maybe they can use that as an explanation for why they are choosing their random vote target.
Nah, that whole book is one giant "Annabell Lee" reference. If my copy of it wasn't stolen, I'd totally go through and find all of them.
Sie sind
. Nur Deustch bitte. Sie sprechen Duesch nichts? Das ist aber schade. Sie erlangen mit dem Stadt.
Das ist nicht genug. Nur deutsche Lyrik. Um Leibe und Geister und vielleicht den Teufel. Und die musst natuerlich reimen.
You are
. Post over 5,000 words in a day and you can decide a "twist" at night. In other words, you can make any two players you want lovers or masons.
You win with the town.
You win when at least 3 players commit suicide because your posting is depressing them to death. But don't worry, the Mod doesn't hate you. After all, you wrote Sydney Carton into being, so you can't be all bad. This is why you only have to mortally depress three players and not the whole town.
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:04 am
by Twomz
Musician-may only use the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G when posting.
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 8:35 pm
by Andycyca
You are an
You can only post whining about you and quote sad songs lyrics. You'll commit suicide on D1
skitzer wrote:Sandman-can choose a player during the Night phase to "sleep" through the Day phase, preventing him from posting and voting.
This isn't bad to me. Looks VERY interesting...
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:13 pm
by Dragon Phoenix
The Sandman role has been around for a long time.
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:19 am
by Roach
Can't really think of any bad role ideas...
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:56 am
by Tarhalindur
Mirth wrote:<snip>
Sie sind
. Nur Deustch bitte. Sie sprechen Duesch nichts? Das ist aber schade. Sie erlangen mit dem Stadt.
Das ist nicht genug. Nur deutsche Lyrik. Um Leibe und Geister und vielleicht den Teufel. Und die musst natuerlich reimen.
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:32 am
by Twomz
Roach wrote:Hm...
Can't really think of any bad role ideas...
Useless Poster - Post Uselessly.
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:42 am
by Roach
Twomz wrote:Roach wrote:Hm...
Can't really think of any bad role ideas...
Useless Poster - Post Uselessly.
Well, I believe my 'Red Shirt Scum/Townie' role might fit here...check out the thread titled 'New Role Idea: Red Shirt Scum/Townie' for more info.
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:09 am
by Mirth
Tarhalindur wrote:Mirth wrote:<snip>
Sie sind
. Nur Deustch bitte. Sie sprechen Duesch nichts? Das ist aber schade. Sie erlangen mit dem Stadt.
Das ist nicht genug. Nur deutsche Lyrik. Um Leibe und Geister und vielleicht den Teufel. Und die musst natuerlich reimen.
Danke schoen.
And to make this post feel less spammy:
You are a
. One of the other players here is your brother Abel, and as much as he tends to bother you and be a little glory hog, you need to make sure that he lives, or (g/m)od will kill your for either promoting his death by voting or night-killing, or if someone else kills him first, you will commit suicide because you didn't get the chance to do away with that annoying snot-nosed brat. Oh, and you're a forced-kill night vigilante. Role-claiming gets you mod-killed. You win if you stay alive. Good luck!
Mod note: This role could also be called Seperated at Birth if you tell both parties this. But, just to be a super horrible bad evil bastard mod on this one: don't give anyone the Abel pm. Have Cain be a psychotic SK-type who's paranoid about killing anyone just to watch him sweat ^_^
Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:53 pm
by ChannelDelibird
Dammit, we
a game from this thread.
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:33 am
by Andycyca
Right now I can't moderate anything yet, but second the idea.
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:48 am
by bird1111
I'd love to co-mod a game from this, I just can't be bothered to pick the roles.
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:54 am
by Glork
...we could probably run an entire series of these games. I think it'd be hilarious, personally.