Hmmm, I've never assumed that a block means that you were unable to leave your house, just that your action itself is blocked. If being blocked means you should never show up at your location at all, then you have a point.
DOS, did you ever investigate an SK? What result did you get? I wish you had investigated me at some point now just so we could know what result you would get.
As far as the moves last night, I
visit DOS last night, so if Al_ko didnt track me, once again he got lucky and guessed. I stated already that I've not gotten a message back at all at night, and my targets have all been alive the next day.
Dahen could have said he roleblocked me because I made no secret that I'm not able to kill and suspected being roleblocked.
Also something I just realized. Isn't c_d a doc? If he targeted DOS last night, then Dahen didn't need to block me at all (assuming I can kill and have been very unlucky). So actually Skruffs, you are right. I didn't get a message last night, which makes me think I wasn't blocked, but more likely that my target didn't die because the Doc saved his life.
There is a missing kill somewhere, I thought I could prove who did it, but you are right, there is still some ambiguity there...
I have a degree in bullshit. I have patents on entire lines of bullshit. So don't sit here and feed me a line of bullshit and think that I'm not going to recognize it as one.
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