At the end of the game, Coolbot had a 1 shot vig and watcher, Ygg had 1 shot vig, Stewie had RB and the role stealing thing, and you were investigation immune.
The real reason I denied you points was in case of a end game tie the most points left would win. Giving you points would end up in a potential tie which I really dislike. Sorry about the lynch thing too.
Bot got 2 three point disabilities. The first was the 3 post thing for 2 days, and the second was it again for the rest of the game.
As for RB blocking all choices: Thats just how I felt the role should be played. The thing is the only person it mattered for didn't even buy it (Stewie stole it from Someone)
Note: The mafia could communicate in the day. Not sure if that was posted anywhere.
SK got a point for voting for any person when they were lynched.
N1 Choices
Someone- Buys Roleblocker, nitices mistake, and 1 point disability (Unvoting costs 1 point for a day), 5 points left
SpeedyKQ- No action
Mlaker- No action
Mr. Stoofer- Get Vote counts as 2, 0 points left
Ygg- Notices mistake, 4 points left
Stewie- Skip Kill, mistake, 14 points total
Nai- Kill Stoofer
Meme- Takes 3 point disability (Smiles, FOS'es, & votes only for 2 days or until mafia is lynched, could FOS/vote people not in game), gets invest immunity, 13 points left
Mafia- notices 2 mistakes in votes, Meme and Pheobus voting for Mlaker at lynch, 17 points left
Stewie- Lynches Mlaker, 15 points total
SpeedyKQ- 3 points from mistake / mayor thing, buys backup cop, becomes cop (sane) with Mlakers death, takes 2 point disadvantage (rhymes for rest of game) and gets night kill immunity, 0 points left
Mlaker- Gets 3 point disability and cop (sane) before lynch (didnt give disability as he was dead by the time I could)
(Note- Speedy investigating Nai had no effect on the lynch as Trada was killed, so the confusion didnt cause a major problem I think)
Phoebus- Unstoppable kill on Speedy, confusion with modding cause kill to not work but mafia regains ability, I think I gave them 3 points for no night kill here
Nai- 1 shot vig on Someone, 9 points left with unstoppable kill free next night
Stewie- Gets role steal and kills Someone, gets RB ability, 2 points left
Someone- Blocks Meme
Coolbot- Takes 3 point disability (3 words per post)
SpeedyKQ- Investigates Nai and finds anti-town
Thesp- +2 disability (must use stage directions in brackets in each post), buys backup doc, becomes doc due to mix up but it doesn't matter ayways, 1 point left
+2 points for TradaPIB lynch
Stewie- +1 point for lynch, 3 total
Nai- Uses unstoppable kill on Speedy.
Stewie- Kill Nai
Coolbot- Watcher, watches Meme (sees no action), renew restriction, 4 points
Thesp- Protects Speedy, but unstoppable kill pwns
Phoebus- gets doc, 1 point left
Bot- 1 point for lynch, 2 total
Thesp- 1 point for lynch???
Ygg- 1 point for lynch, 5 total
(Note: Phoebus's lynch would have triggered Thesp's backup doc, which would have outed Phoebus's claim I think, so it was irrelevant.)
Meme- Kill Thesp
Stewie- Block Coolbot, Kill Ygg
Thesp- Protect Ygg
Coolbot- Watch Thesp??? (might have been Ygg), buy 1 shot vig
(Note: Had Bot not been blocked, he would have seen Thesp stop Stewie's kill on Ygg then see Thesp be killed by Meme if he watched Thesp. That would have been huge, but Stewie RBed him)
Day 4
Ygg- Buy 1 shot vig
Night 5
Meme- Blocked!
Stewie- Block Meme, kill Meme
Coolbot- Kill Stewie
And thats the game.
More notes-
Second cop would be paranoid
Second doc would be incompetant
Despite several mistakes, nothing turned out horribly disturbed (besides the mayor thing). The game went well for my first mod IMO. Thanks again to Crola for co-modding such a scketchy game (I swear I thought it all made sense....).