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Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:20 am
by armlx
The deadline was September 10th, but is now going to be
September 6th at around 4:30 PM EST
. That gives you 1 week.

Vote Count

Ygg- 2 (Bot, Stewie)
No Lynch- 1 (Ygg)
Stewie- 1 (Meme)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:07 pm
by Yggdrasil
My main suspicion of Stewie is based on the fact that if there is an SK, he must be it. However, my only evidence of an SK lies in the mod's description of Nai's death. Since I'm always one to argue against trying to outguess the mod, I will go with there being no SK. Which means, MeMe is mafia and by lynching me, we win. Hopefully, I'm right. If not, I apologize to the town for making the right decision and for getting myself lynched.

unvote: No lynch, vote: Yggdrasil

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:31 am
by MeMe
Yggdrasil. :(

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:43 am
by MeMe
~hopes against hope~

: Do self-votes count?

If not, we could switch things around quickly and end the day with votes spread in a
tie: MeMe - 1, Stewie - 1, Yggdrasil - 1 -- leaving CoolBot alive to win it for the town. Or, at this point, I'd be willing to be two-for-one-lynched with Stewie as, unless Yggdrasil already asked the mod about self-votes and knows they don't count (doubtful), he's not the guilty one.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:36 am
by armlx
Self Votes do count.

Day 4 Final Vote Count
Ygg- 3 (Ygg, Bot, Stewie)
Stewie- 1 (Meme)

The town argues on about what the right choice is, but Ygg offers himself for the good of the town. Yggdrasil was

Night 5 ends September 6th or whenever I have all the choices in.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:46 pm
by armlx
Stewie quietly crept towards Meme's house. In the bushes outside he waited for what seemed like hours. Finally, she emerged. She put up a struggle, but Stewie easily knocked her out and killed her. Wiping his knife off, he set off to his house, thinking his job was done. A gun shot ran through the darkness and Stewie was dead before he hit the ground.

Meme, Mafia died Night 5
Stewie, SK died night 5

Town wins!

Roles to come very soon.

(Note to Meme: I ended night before your choice since Stewie RB'ed you)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:04 pm
by armlx
Stewie- SK with 10 points to start
Additional Abilities
Skip a Night Kill: +3 Points
Gain abilities of your victims: 13 Points

Meme, Nai, Meme- Mafia with 20 points to start (Group counted as one person)
Additional Abilities
Skip a Night Kill: +3 Points
Investigation Immunity: 10 Points
1 Night Unstoppable Night Kill: 6 Points

Someone- Town with 10 points
SpeedyKQ- Town with 10 points
Mlaker- Town with 7 points
Mr Stoofer- Town with 5 points
TradaPIB- Town with 5 Points
Thesp- Town with 3 Points
Coolbot- Town with 3 points
Ygg- Town with 3 points

Night Choices in 1 second.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:05 pm
by MeMe
That's cool, armlx (though denying me my earned points today was NOT cool :x !)

Beautiful job, town.

I truly thought I was the only baddie left and spent much of this last day very very distressed -- thinking that no-lynch was my only hope of if Yggdrasil was lynched, Stewie would know I was scum and block me & if Stewie was lynched, Yggdrasil would know I was scum and probably
to vig me despite my bogus claim of being unkillable at night. When armlx said that a lynch would take precedence over no-lynch in a tie I had to just walk away from the computer or my monitor was about to get a fist through it. I thought "all my hard work...both Stewie and Ygg willing to do it..." Tore me up. In my opinion, changing the "usual" way of doing things is fine -- but only when there's advance warning. My whole day had been building to "hey -- what about no-lynch?" and just when I'm finally working it, the option became a lot less easy to achieve. I'm guessing that Stewie picked himself up an "unstoppable kill" or he'd probably have attempted to kill CoolBot last I right? And CoolBot, did you double up on the 3-point penalties? Or did you start out with more points than you claimed? Or both?

Couple of things, though
--Did CoolBot actually get a result that said I didn't go out N3? Because, since I purchased uninvestigatable," I thought that cop & watch should've gotten "no result" (or something like) which
be translated as a block
--Did CoolBot receive the message that he'd been "blocked" N4? That seems rather unbalancing as it confirmed Stewie's claimed ability
--And what the heck was up with the roleblocker being almighty?? Doctors only protect from one kill and I think it's just way too strong for roleblockers to block more than one action. That was insurmountable! Despite the fact I didn't have much to block, no one

This was a really fun game mechanic, though. I had a horrible blast playing it -- and spent more time on this game than any other in my mafiascum history. I truly thought we scum had a chance of pulling this off.

armlx -- I'd also love to see all night choices if you've got 'em!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:13 pm
by MeMe
Oh -- wait.

Did CoolBot lie about his ability? Was he actually a vigilante??

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:02 pm
by Stewie
Apparently. I knew I should have taken a disability, bought one shot vigi, and killed them both. This sucks, I thought I had pulled it off, and then this.

It was an interesting game, and I certainly spent quite a bit of time on it. I generally enjoy playing SK so that was a bonus. However, I feel that the town has a slight advantage over the scum and the sk. Since you can choose the roles, the town would generaly have an advantage (most roles are more useful for the town than scum, and even more so for the sk, since doc roles are useless).

It was close, but that play by coolbot screwed me over. Good Game everyone.

PS: I would like to know why ygg didn't die the night before last when I targetted him.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:05 pm
by Stewie
As for the roleblock, I had understood that you could only use one role each night, so that would not make a difference.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:19 pm
by armlx
At the end of the game, Coolbot had a 1 shot vig and watcher, Ygg had 1 shot vig, Stewie had RB and the role stealing thing, and you were investigation immune.

The real reason I denied you points was in case of a end game tie the most points left would win. Giving you points would end up in a potential tie which I really dislike. Sorry about the lynch thing too.

Bot got 2 three point disabilities. The first was the 3 post thing for 2 days, and the second was it again for the rest of the game.

As for RB blocking all choices: Thats just how I felt the role should be played. The thing is the only person it mattered for didn't even buy it (Stewie stole it from Someone)

Note: The mafia could communicate in the day. Not sure if that was posted anywhere.

SK got a point for voting for any person when they were lynched.

N1 Choices
Someone- Buys Roleblocker, nitices mistake, and 1 point disability (Unvoting costs 1 point for a day), 5 points left
SpeedyKQ- No action
Mlaker- No action
Mr. Stoofer- Get Vote counts as 2, 0 points left
Ygg- Notices mistake, 4 points left

Stewie- Skip Kill, mistake, 14 points total

Nai- Kill Stoofer
Meme- Takes 3 point disability (Smiles, FOS'es, & votes only for 2 days or until mafia is lynched, could FOS/vote people not in game), gets invest immunity, 13 points left

Mafia- notices 2 mistakes in votes, Meme and Pheobus voting for Mlaker at lynch, 17 points left

Stewie- Lynches Mlaker, 15 points total

SpeedyKQ- 3 points from mistake / mayor thing, buys backup cop, becomes cop (sane) with Mlakers death, takes 2 point disadvantage (rhymes for rest of game) and gets night kill immunity, 0 points left
Mlaker- Gets 3 point disability and cop (sane) before lynch (didnt give disability as he was dead by the time I could)

(Note- Speedy investigating Nai had no effect on the lynch as Trada was killed, so the confusion didnt cause a major problem I think)


Phoebus- Unstoppable kill on Speedy, confusion with modding cause kill to not work but mafia regains ability, I think I gave them 3 points for no night kill here
Nai- 1 shot vig on Someone, 9 points left with unstoppable kill free next night

Stewie- Gets role steal and kills Someone, gets RB ability, 2 points left

Someone- Blocks Meme
Coolbot- Takes 3 point disability (3 words per post)
SpeedyKQ- Investigates Nai and finds anti-town
Thesp- +2 disability (must use stage directions in brackets in each post), buys backup doc, becomes doc due to mix up but it doesn't matter ayways, 1 point left

+2 points for TradaPIB lynch

Stewie- +1 point for lynch, 3 total

Nai- Uses unstoppable kill on Speedy.

Stewie- Kill Nai

Coolbot- Watcher, watches Meme (sees no action), renew restriction, 4 points
Thesp- Protects Speedy, but unstoppable kill pwns :roll:

Phoebus- gets doc, 1 point left

Bot- 1 point for lynch, 2 total
Thesp- 1 point for lynch???
Ygg- 1 point for lynch, 5 total

(Note: Phoebus's lynch would have triggered Thesp's backup doc, which would have outed Phoebus's claim I think, so it was irrelevant.)

Meme- Kill Thesp

Stewie- Block Coolbot, Kill Ygg

Thesp- Protect Ygg
Coolbot- Watch Thesp??? (might have been Ygg), buy 1 shot vig

(Note: Had Bot not been blocked, he would have seen Thesp stop Stewie's kill on Ygg then see Thesp be killed by Meme if he watched Thesp. That would have been huge, but Stewie RBed him)

Day 4
Ygg- Buy 1 shot vig

Night 5

Meme- Blocked!

Stewie- Block Meme, kill Meme

Coolbot- Kill Stewie

And thats the game.

More notes-

Second cop would be paranoid
Second doc would be incompetant

Despite several mistakes, nothing turned out horribly disturbed (besides the mayor thing). The game went well for my first mod IMO. Thanks again to Crola for co-modding such a scketchy game (I swear I thought it all made sense....).

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:22 pm
by Yggdrasil
Wow, it looks like I was completely wrong and completely correct at the same time. I'm glad to know that I wasn't completely crazy thinking that there were two scum left (Stewie and MeMe had me second-guessing myself way too much that last day). I'm glad it worked out for the town in the end.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:23 pm
by armlx
Yeah, the town had an advantage, but it turned out interesting. 1 shot vig was way too powerful in the end game and mayor, well....... Still, I think it was relativalely balanced. I think more secret abilities could help to balance that out.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:31 pm
by CoolBot
I had taken two 3-point restrictions. The first limited my posts to 3 words for one day, and the second limited my posts to 4 words for two days. I didn't see any reason to let scum know I took two restrictions. It's surprising how often just one more word is needed, though.

I really did not believe there was a SK. And I was taken in by MeMe; I was nearly certain she was town. Even with my theory that taking restrictions would've been a lightening rod for scum kills.

MeMe, I was told you did nothing of notice N2. For N3, I was pretty much told I was blocked by a poke in the back of my neck.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:47 pm
by Mr Stoofer
Yay!!! We win! :D

I just want to thank you guys for helping me win it for the town. Getting myself killed night 1 was what won it, I believe. :wink:

Serisouly, though, GG everyone. I enjoyed reading this as it unfolded.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:23 am
by MeMe
armlx wrote:The real reason I denied you points was in case of a end game tie the most points left would win. Giving you points would end up in a potential tie which I really dislike.
If this had been the game decider, I'd have been super-mad...but we got beat fair and square.
armlx wrote:Sorry about the lynch thing too.
Don't be. I only bother with rants after games I really enjoy. I'll be second-guessing for weeks.
armlx wrote:
Note: The mafia could communicate in the day. Not sure if that was posted anywhere.
When I saw this in my role I thought "what a LUXURY," but it's truly horrible. When I play scum, I play it straight. I do my best to forget about who my partners are and just go after whoever looks most suspicious. It was IMPOSSIBLE in this game because the "what should we do??" and "quit voting me" emails were nearly constant. All told, we ended up with more than 200 emails back and forth. It was time-consuming and really difficult to play naturally. I think I'll include it as a balancer to weaken scum in my next game... ;)
armlx wrote:
SK got a point for voting for any person when they were lynched.
Wow. Stealing roles, gaining points for lulling the town into the belief there was no SK by not killing...AND free points for just placing a vote? You had it all, Stewie, including the wording in the opening post making both me and CoolBot pretty sure you didn't exist. Does that sound like sour grapes? You're hearing me right, then. :lol:
armlx wrote:I think I gave them 3 points for no night kill here
Nope. But Crola was modding at that point, not you.

Thanks SO MUCH for the game armlx. Truly a fantastic idea -- I'm hoping you'll tweak and run Points 2.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:39 am
by SpeedyKQ
Good game all. I have to admit I was REALLY peeved when I spent 10 points on immunity to nightkill and was shortly thereafter nightkilled. I am however honored by the sheer quantity of effort the bad guys apparantly had to expend to take me out.

But I understand it was a pretty ambitious setup, and the immunity/unstoppable thing was an oversight.

Very interesting idea though. I'd glady play this type of game again.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:45 am
by Stewie
MeMe wrote:
armlx wrote:
SK got a point for voting for any person when they were lynched.
Wow. Stealing roles, gaining points for lulling the town into the belief there was no SK by not killing...AND free points for just placing a vote? You had it all, Stewie, including the wording in the opening post making both me and CoolBot pretty sure you didn't exist. Does that sound like sour grapes? You're hearing me right, then. :lol:
The only reason I got a point is because any lynch would have been the right lynch. You guys had the same advantage, exept that you can't get points from voting each other. As for the role stealing, I still don't undestand the role very well, but it wasn't a big help, since I only stole one role (Someones) and had I just bought the roleblocker role (which I would have had I not had the assimilation role) I would have also been able to buy unkillable at night. I guess all I'm doing now is bitching because I was so close but didn't quite get there. :(

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:47 am
by Thesp
Phenomenal game. Thanks all. Way to go town, pulling out a very difficult win in the end!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:48 am
by MeMe
Stewie wrote:I guess all I'm doing now is bitching because I was so close but didn't quite get there. :(
EXACTLY how I feel. I keep thinking "If Stewie had just targeted

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:39 am
by armlx
The role steal thing is actually an ability I saw in the first 2 games I played in, where got sorta rediculous. I think it was mainly because of the 20 people in the game, meaning it went on longer, but it seemed like an interesting idea.

I think a lot of fine abilities went underused here. Most likely this was because doc/cop simply being better. When I first started making this game I was trying to find ways to limit the amount of an ability availible to be bought, but every way I thought of ended up revealing too much info.

I think I'll sign up to do Points 2 soon, but I have to tweak things a little. I think next time each person will have a personal list of abilities they can buy, some people having more or less.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:57 am
by Phoebus

Well MeMe, maybe you can take heart from the fact that the constant communication with you probably taught Nai and myself a few things... :)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:39 am
by MeMe
Like how short-tempered I can be... :shock:

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:58 am
by Phoebus
Teaching v. Learning v. Finding out v. Getting to know. ;)

It was a compliment. I'd take it if I were you. ;)