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Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:47 am
by mole
shadyforce teleports back into the game to find that the other three players are going home.
"Welcome back!", says mathcam as he turns to leave, immediately after which he is struck twice from behind and collapses. He calls out for help, but everyone has already left for the forest, and perhaps some new pokémon.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 3:54 am
by mole
mathcam's pokémon:
Bulbasaur will prevent its target from capturing a pokémon that night.
Nidoran (female)
If you vote for someone, and a player who holds a Nidoran (male) also votes for that player, this count as 3 votes instead of 2.
Chansey acts as a regular doctor.
Diglett can, on any one night, protect a player of your choice.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:03 am
by mathcam
You bastards! Go town!
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:18 am
by shadyforce
What? It's day? Or is it just going into night and someone with a day kill just killed mathcam, or has two people simultaniously attacked mathcam? If it's 2 people then Stewie and Fletcher must have been the 2 mafia and that means the game should be over, so maybe one of them has a pro-town role with a kill and lied before, or maybe they have run out of kilols or something? I'm very confused.
Could you please confirm whether this is night or day.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:11 am
by Stewie
Vote: shadyforce
It's obiously day, but if you know of a pokemon that can kill, this would be a nice time to tell.
Btw, I protected mathcam yesterday, so chansey must be a placebo doctor.
Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 11:50 am
by Fletcher
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:18 am
by shadyforce
Stewie: Do you realise what you have just done. I assume you are town and Fletcher scum, from the past day/night's activities, and you have just given him the game because of your failure to listen to any explanation of the end situation.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 2:20 am
by shadyforce
Oh well, time to reveal and declare the winner(s).
I really am a trainer. I really have the pokémon I have. So whichever of you is scum (surely not both cos the game would have been over already) congratulations, and to the other... WHY?????
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:46 am
by mole
shadyforce once again releases his Abra in attempt to escape the other two players, but this time it has no effect. He is eliminated from the game.
So ends the career of the most successful pokémon trainer ever. He may have cheated right from the start, he may have been personally responible for half the injuries in the game, but there was no denying his greatness.
More importantly, Fletcher points out soon afterwards, he was the only person able to stop the might of Team Rocket. He throws a pokéball at Stewie, who summons his own Abra and flees, and calmly walks towards the stadium to claim his trophy.
Congratulations to Team Rocket!
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:53 am
by mole
shadyforce was Gary, the World's Best (and Most Amoral) Pokémon Trainer:
Well, you've made it to the Pokémon League,
, and nobody's gonna stop you from winning. Least of all the other players, or the rules of engagement...
The first one you've broken is the one restricting you to a single pokémon at the start of the game. You've picked three of your best unevolved pokémon and brought them here to train them up. PM me with your choices, or if you'd like me to provide you with a list to help.
Then there's the rule against not hospitalising the other players. What kind of a rule is that, anyway? Each night you will challenge someone to a battle, which you will win, and after which they will be in no condition to continue in the League. Not that you care, of course. I mean, if they really wanted to win the Pokémon League, they would have... I dunno, worn a helmet or something.
shadyforce's pokémon:
Abra will automatically teleport you away from the first sign of danger. The first time you are killed or lynched you will instead be removed from the game for one full game day.
Articuno has the one-shot ability to freeze a player, rendering them unable to post or vote, but also unable to be killed or lynched (in effect, removing them from the game). You may choose to unfreeze this player at any time by PMing me.
Gastly grants you a one-shot kill, provided nobody else targets the player you are killing.
Scyther automatically bypasses one protection on anyone you choose to kill (whether with a pokémon or via your own powers). If one person protects your target, they will still die, but if two or more protect your target they will live.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:58 am
by mole
Stewie's pokémon:
Kangaskhan will protect you the first time you are attacked at night.
Abra will automatically teleport you away from the first sign of danger. The first time you are killed or lynched you will instead be removed from the game for one full game day.
Chansey acts as a regular doctor.
Psyduck gives you a one-shot investigation.
You can choose from two attacks if you target someone with Drowzee:
a) Put a player to sleep. They will not do anything the night you put them to sleep.
b) Kill a player. This will only work if the target is also put to sleep that night.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:01 am
by mole
Fletcher was the Team Rocket Leader:
Psyduck gives you a one-shot investigation.
Jigglypuff can put someone to sleep, meaning they cannot take any actions that night.
Kabuto gives you the one-shot ability to negate all protections on someone, so they can be killed by one player attacking them.
Growlithe can identify the other players' pokémon. If you use his ability one night, you will receive a lit of all the pokémon that targetted you that night, and their owners.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:02 am
by mole
Fletcher spent the rest of the game trying to reclaim his partner's
, to give him an advantage in the voting. Unfortunately for him, mathcam kept blocking his captures.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:19 am
by MeMe
So - shady was an SK?
yay, Fletcher
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:29 am
by mathcam
mole wrote:Unfortunately for him, mathcam kept blocking his captures.
Mwa ha ha...oh wait, I lost.
Yeah, I was pretty confident that Stewie was good, and wasn't sure about Fletcher, so couldn't really lynch him. I'm curious about Shady SK, or just a gruff and violent townie?
Except for the lags, mole, this was a very fun game. Thanks a bunch.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:34 am
by mole
shadyforce was the SK. I thought he was going to win, actually, (he had much better pokémon than Fletcher) so I was really surprised to see him lynched instead.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:38 am
by mathcam
Then woohoo! You were evil!
So yeah, what was the doc situation? They never seemed to work. Was it that Chance really was totally useless? If so, then it wouldn't have mattered if Stewie and I lynched Fletcher yesterday, right? We probably couldn't have stopped shady from killing us. I'm just looking for a little consolation here.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:12 am
by mole
Chansey wasn't totally useless, though I guess he was practically useless by the endgame. Scyther was added to the list to balance the effects of everyone picking a doctor-type power early in the game, but by the end when there were only one or two players doing the protection he became far too powerful.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:23 am
by mathcam
I see, so Chansey was a regular doc, it just wasn't effective against Scyther. Okay. So what was up with the 3 kills on one night?
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:52 am
by shadyforce
That was me. As well as the rocket kill, I decided to take matters into my own hands and both kill with my serial killerness, and also use (for the first time) gastly to kill. I renaiged on using him earlier to hide the fact that there was a serial kiler. And it nearly worked!!!
Oh and I never lied in the game. I said I had 2 pokémon, and tried to captue Moltres (which I did), but I just didn't say I had 2 more
Also, unlike Rockets, I actually was a trainer
Ok so I lied abut Articuno's power, but I thought it would suit me well to follow along with Massive's lead.
Damn you rockets, and damn you Stewie... why, why, why did you let Rockets take over??? Surely even bad trainers are better than Rockets.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:54 am
by shadyforce
Mole: What's the deal with evolving pokémon?
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 6:01 am
by shadyforce
Sorry for the triple post but I have so much to ask:
Last night, I used my SKness to kill Mathcam, and I assume Fletcher also killed him, hence the very very dead in my result PM and the hit twice thingy in the news.
I also used Gastly again to kill Fletcher (who I was confident of being the remaining scum - read my dying post above) and even though combined with scyther (who may or may not have been used to help kill mathcam instead), didn't kill him... why?
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 6:52 am
by mathcam
I protected Fletcher (and Stewie) last night, if that helps.
Oh and I never lied in the game.
You never claimed to not be evil? I find that hard to believe.
Yeah, I feel a little silly for having completely dismissed the possibility of a serial killer. I would have bet it was either 3 independent rockets, 2 independent rockets, or a team of 2 or 3 rockets.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 8:44 am
by massive
Another reason mathcam's protection of me didn't work is because I used Growlithe ... I figured either (a) I would be protected and gain some valuable insight into who attacked me or (b) you guys would see Growlithe's ability and realize I used it to try and get more information. Neither happened.
Was a fun game. I had Fletcher nailed, mathcam had shadyforce nailed ... we just couldn't agree to both be right. *laugh*
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:19 am
by mlaker
Great job Rockets!
I really enjoyed the game mole!