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Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:45 am
by Frozen Angel
kaintepes last post was saying he will suicide and he never came back to MS

I'm so worried about his health :(

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:46 am
by Ircher
I am too.

This is what I said back then regarding Kain's /in to my mini:
Subject: Normal Game Queue (Players and Moderators)
Ircher wrote:
In post 1798, KainTepes wrote:Into Ircher, please, he is nice.
Just so everyone is clear on my stance regarding this /in:

I have
intentions of rejecting this /in. Kein is not imo a troll, and I feel that we are being rude by not allowing him to play just because he had a an aggressive and obnoxious playstyle that was inherited from playing Town of Salem. He is willing to try to play in a way that is less aggravating, and I strongly suggest reconsidering if you plan on not joining simply because Kein is in the game.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:48 am
by Ircher
In post 475, Frozen Angel wrote:kaintepes last post was saying he will suicide and he never came back to MS

I'm so worried about his health :(
Speaking of which....

This is a prime example of why you should be careful as to what you do or say. Those who were around at the time know that part of this was cuz people didnt accept Kain due to a more.... annoying.... playstyle inherited from Town of Salem.

How would things have been different if KainTepes was never WOTC'd or WOTM?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:49 am
by Yume
In post 474, Ircher wrote:I remember when KainTepes was on this site...... Lots of mods & players wotm'd or wotc'd KainTepes which was understandable.

But do you know what the prob. w/ the system is?
If a player cant play, they cant improve
. This was the philosophy I took by allowing KainTepes to play in the first game I modded on this site.

The same, imo, should apply to all players, including yume.
hear hear

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:58 am
by Gamma Emerald
Once I start modding, if I implement WOTC, I'll allow people to play anyway if they have been WOTCed for five games without playing many others(Newbie games do not count as games played in this situation, due to the complete lack of WOTC in the Newbie queue.)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:59 am
by Ircher
On another note though, I disagree with the assertion that a WoTC should be made in public or the mod should announce who WOTC'd a player.

Like the report system example, it makes people less likely to do somethinwhen they should because of fear of revenge. It's like the victim of a bully who doesn't say anything cuz they are intimidated and fearful of what happens.

Saying who WoTC'd a player is like tattling and really isn't necessary.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:01 am
by Frozen Angel
WOTC is a judgement method. You can't judge fair without hearing the both sides

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:04 am
by Ircher
With the way WoTC is implemented here; that's generally not the case. WoTM on the pther hand generally does consider both sides but wotc generally applies to some threshold and therefore doesn't consider everything.

Yes, both sides should work it out, but if a player doesn't want to let another player know who wotc'd them, then they deserve the right. They are entitled to anonymity but that doesn't mean they should wotc just cuz; the mod and the person wotc'd are not only entitled to, but SHOULD be able to hear the reason for the wotc.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:08 am
by Frozen Angel
although you might argue that judging others before the crime is not fair in first place

pedit : your getting it vise versa ...

This is a modocracy. when a mod out a player ; the player has litterally nothing to claim as game is mod's property but wotc is calling democracy demand in the matter. democracy is not fair if not public

now if its not that and its going to be hidden ; exactly like a courthouse mods ask players to bring their issues to him and trust him as a judge. Now if it happens completely secret its not fair

applying treshholds has meaning if ITS totally private means No one is even notifies there is a wotc in place so they are expressing their opinions not biased.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:10 am
by Frozen Angel
I do agreethe whole thing is absoloutly lame for a "game" in first place though but is ok.

I'm arguing about its fairness

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:16 am
by Ircher
In post 427, pieguyn wrote:
In post 425, Ircher wrote:(but probably means players can request for a certain player to be banned from playing or something like that.)
WOT1 = Wisdom of the One, meaning if you have a problem with a certain player in the player list you can PM me and I'll see if I can do anything about it. I can't guarantee anything since I do it on a case-by-case basis, but obviously I try to be as objective about it as possible.
This^ is basically how WoTC should work imo.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:18 am
by Frozen Angel
thats the judgemental thing I said above

you need to talk with the accused as well as you considered yourself as a judge or its not fair

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:21 am
by kraska77
Okay I didn't read the thread so I'm sorry if what I say is redundant
But after seeing an attempt to implement wotc in frozen's sign ups, I agree that it's really in bad taste

If you have a problem with someone's play well...that's your problem. If someone's behaviour is abusive, the mods will take care of them so I'm obviously not talking about those. Yume's presence in games isn't even that toxic. I think she only gets really toxic/spammy when people egg her on. don't see why she gets wotc'ed when there are people seriously nauseating to play with who conversly get applauded for their play and are hailed as strong players

Yume's like a snarkysnowman...doesn't hold much influence over the game, barely interacts with anyone, rather lurkish etc I don't really care if she improves her play or not, I just agree with varsoon that variety makes games interesting and I don't really see how her presence is more deterimental to games than many other people I can think of rn

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:19 am
by Vampirate
The problem is with/without wotm/wotc, someone isn't going to be happy.

If half the people or more do not want to play with a specific person for whatever reason the mod faces a tough decision as ultimately the mod might have to replace half/more than half of the player base. If wot whatever is taken place the person who people have issues with won't be happy. It's kinda a lose/lose proposition either way.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:32 am
by KuroiXHF
I hadn't expect this post of mine to grow so extensively.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:52 pm
by Aristophanes
In post 421, Yume wrote:Hey, House. Here's a google form binding you. Select 'yes' and we're good to go ... gN47r9VoWk
I signed it :)

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 1:37 pm
by Titus
I'm taking the stance that unless you enjoy insulting people, speak in gibberish, or mafia is bad for mental health, I think players can improve. Just try to cool off from people giving hassles.

I think, if given time, Yume can be good or great.

She's really good at detecting Elyse, which no one else is.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:37 pm
by Psyche
of course
is the first md thread in ages to break 20 pages

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:04 pm
by House
In post 492, Psyche wrote:of course
is the first md thread in ages to break 20 pages
Aren't you proud? :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:56 am
by GuyInFreezer
So I forgot what this thread was for originally.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:57 am
by GuyInFreezer
Oh, right.

Image of the crowd.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:57 am
by Wisdom
what are all wotc threads for?

pedit: lol

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:59 am
by GuyInFreezer
I used to not do Image of the crowd because I thought kicking people out of the game felt evil.

Now I learned that Image of the crowd is like a forest fire prevention. Only you can stop the game drama by using Image of the crowd but Image of the crowd requires multiple people.

Now I use Image of the mod and Image of the one.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:00 am
by Frozen Angel
holy shit

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:01 am
by Frozen Angel
and wisdom of the one is just stupidly unfair tbh!

but I respect your decision