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Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:32 am
by Nancy Drew 39
In post 473, Purrcocet wrote:
In post 448, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:
In post 438, Wisdom wrote:Katsuki, Moment, Purr, Hebi, Gingie

Is there any reason I should be townreading any of those
In post 439, Kaede Akamatsu wrote:
In post 438, Wisdom wrote:Katsuki, Moment, Purr, Hebi, Gingie
No, Maybe, No, No and No
What about Purr objecting to my wagon? What is the scum motivation for that? You could obviously argue towncred but I don’t see that.

arguing vs mislynches might be the easiest thing to do as scum

i would like to vote moment or maybe hebi tho
I don’t like hebi’s vote on Mastina but could his vote possibly be a case of TWTBAW? IOW, was his vote so over the top scummy, it probably came from town type of thing. I certainly open to arguments on her but I’m getting mega scum vibes from moment at the moment (pun intended XD). I don’t care if he keeps his vote on me, it’s the whole scummy way he backtracked. He’ll look elsewhere for now but he’s coming after me later. I can’t see how that’s a town mindset at all.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:33 am
by Nancy Drew 39
UNVOTE: Katsuki

VOTE: moment

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:34 am
by zMuffinMan
people who have played one game with you are not "familiar with your meta", and no, there was nothing unvillagerious about that post

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:34 am
by Moment
In post 474, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:How do you figure that? And why are so quick to discount anyone who is familiar with my meta? Do you really think that they are all wearing blinders and you are the only one who sees the light? Or are you just digging in your heels brcause you have more to lose because you’re the one who initially pushed this wagon and put so much effort into it?

This post doesn’t read villagery to me at all. It sounds like you want to file me away as a possible mislynch for later. While Brian was asking lots of questions and honestly trying to sort me, this post strikes me as agenday. You aren’t even considering anyone’s arguments against this. I’m getting really bad vibes from this post. It almost reads to me as if you have some investment in me being scum rather than caring about the truth. Muffin at least tried to push me but you can’t even be bothered with that.
1) How do I figure what?

2) Please point out to me where you see me discounting people familiar with your meta. I'm hesitant to trust meta reads myself in the first place, but even then I distinctly recall myself seeing the people who said that becoming obviously town was in your meta and taking that into account; doesn't seem like "discounting" at all. In fact, it seems exactly the opposite of discounting people familiar with your meta.

2.5) I really didn't put much effort at all into your wagon; it was just the one post.

3) "It sounds like you want to file me away as a possible mislynch for later" - Or, perhaps the truth is that I still don't townread you. Is there something specific you see that would imply me trying to mislynch you later as opposed to the truth of me just not townreading you?

4) What exactly do you mean when you say "you aren't even considering anyone's arguments against this"? If you mean that I'm not considering anyone's arguments for you being town, first I would like you to quote for me the posts where people argue
you are town; as far as I can recall, the only things people have said with regards to you being town is declaring you obvious town from your posting. There isn't much to consider or respond to there, now, is there?

5) "Muffin at least tried to push me but you can't even be bothered with that" - Erm, what's your point here? Is this meant to be a reason for me being scum? If so, I don't follow.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:41 am
by Moment
In post 370, Kaede Akamatsu wrote:Anyway I think for a townie the natural reaction to getting suddenly wagoned like that is to assume there's scum on their wagon and you're already working on finding said scum, so maybe im wrong here.
This is the one post I could find that gave a reason for thinking that you're town, and I think what I already said with regards to scum getting townread for just lashing out responds to this.

Actually, looking more, this one also applies, but I don't consider "townish word choice" to be an argument worth responding to.

In post 374, Ginngie wrote:tbh my take on it would be more townish than not.

I wouldn't call it fence sitting because that is a pool of suspects that nancy is interested in.

Then with that kinda of language, I can think of it as if someone is jumbling thoughts in their head, that they are not sure about things and are just typing away.

To relate this, there will be times where I'll have a stream of consciousness sorting going on in a post.

Who left:

is how I do my reads and I'll usually break it down and kinda ponder on how my mind is solving a puzzle, if you will.

So word choice like that makes me think, hey this person is like thinking about stuff, isn't sure, and ultimately uniformed about what's going on.

As for the rest, like I said: it's mostly just people declaring you "fine" or "town", without much reasoning to actually respond to.

In post 413, Kaede Akamatsu wrote:I think nancy is bleeding town and that muffin is being nitpicky.
In post 414, Wisdom wrote:^agreed
In post 415, Human Sequencer wrote: i dont think i could go for nancy today
i like for the most part
is super wrong but i don't think its scum
Nancy Drew
, are you an alt?

gin could be scum
In post 425, Dunnstral wrote:Alright, I'll concede that Nancy is fine, i don't agree with what she's saying but whatever, also have no clue what Brian's problem with me is, or why everyone wants to vote Kaede (she's towny to me)

VOTE: Katsuki

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:44 am
by zMuffinMan
In post 475, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:He’ll look elsewhere for now but he’s coming after me later. I can’t see how that’s a town mindset at all.
because vanity wagons are a sin in the eyes of the mafia gods

the mafia gods want blood

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:50 am
by Moment
In post 475, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:I don’t like hebi’s vote on Mastina but could his vote possibly be a case of TWTBAW? IOW, was his vote so over the top scummy, it probably came from town type of thing. I certainly open to arguments on her but I’m getting mega scum vibes from moment at the moment (pun intended XD). I don’t care if he keeps his vote on me, it’s the whole scummy way he backtracked. He’ll look elsewhere for now but he’s coming after me later. I can’t see how that’s a town mindset at all.
(Seems like I missed this)

In the first place I haven't backtracked anything. My thoughts remain unchanged; what changed was my focus. I'm not particularly interested in bashing my skull against a wall and dragging the rest of our short time left in this day out in an extended discussion over how obviously town you are or aren't. I think that people are snap townreading your response to being pushed and, given time where you're not being pushed, either I will be proven wrong myself or those people who were townreading you will realize that it
simply your reaction to being pushed that made you look town.

I'm a little confused at how choosing to focus on one scum suspect and come back to another one later is somehow inconceivable as a town mindset to you. I can't imagine why.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:56 am
by zMuffinMan
-----LYNCH BELOW THIS LINE----- <-- i want to move this line a couple notches down but i can't in good faith


Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:58 am
by Wisdom
Nothing is "natural" about hebi's opening
If you mean the joking, she did the same thing as scum

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:59 am
by Purrcocet
In post 475, Nancy Drew 39 wrote:
I don’t like hebi’s vote on Mastina but could his vote possibly be a case of TWTBAW? IOW, was his vote so over the top scummy, it probably came from town type of thing. I certainly open to arguments on her but I’m getting mega scum vibes from moment at the moment (pun intended XD). I don’t care if he keeps his vote on me, it’s the whole scummy way he backtracked. He’ll look elsewhere for now but he’s coming after me later. I can’t see how that’s a town mindset at all.

i don't think too wolf to be wolf is a thing
i thought her mastina vote was fine it was the wisdom one that made me feel iffy

my thing with moment is 325 seems like it was padded to scumread you assuming you're town

VOTE: Moment

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 12:59 am
by Wisdom
Muffin why is Moment town?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:02 am
by zMuffinMan
dunno, seems pretty transparently town to me. i legit don't even see where the scum reads are coming from

why is nancy town? ill expand on my read if you expand on yours

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:03 am
by Moment
In post 483, Wisdom wrote:Nothing is "natural" about hebi's opening
If you mean the joking, she did the same thing as scum
It appears we simply interpreted it differently, then. Are you trying to convince me that she's scum? I don't really see where your line of questioning is going.

In post 484, Purrcocet wrote: my thing with moment is 325 seems like it was padded to scumread you assuming you're town

VOTE: Moment
Mind elaborating?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:05 am
by zMuffinMan
i suppose it also helps that i agree with a lot of moment's thoughts (i.e. re: nancy and ginngie)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:05 am
by Wisdom
No im showing your hebi read is bs
Since youre the next im lynching after she flips red

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:06 am
by Wisdom
In post 486, zMuffinMan wrote:dunno, seems pretty transparently town to me. i legit don't even see where the scum reads are coming from

why is nancy town? ill expand on my read if you expand on yours
Youre mistaking wallposting for towniness
Theres no real town motivation in anythinf hes done

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:07 am
by Wisdom
nancy is pretty obvtown
Read the first 5 pages of the game I linked

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:07 am
by Purrcocet
you made that vote when Nancy had made two posts

You could say those posts were icky or NaI but it's kind of a reach to call them scumposts and I definitely don't think they warranted the votes

I think you padded a little to make it look like she was scummy

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:07 am
by Moment
In post 489, Wisdom wrote:No im showing your hebi read is bs
Since youre the next im lynching after she flips red
Well, consider me "shown".

(If the sarcasm in this post isn't loudly audible through your computer monitor, this is me spelling it out for you.)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:11 am
by Moment
In post 491, Wisdom wrote:nancy is pretty obvtown
Read the first 5 pages of the game I linked
Ah yes, a meta read... off of 5 pages... from a single game...


In post 492, Purrcocet wrote:you made that vote when Nancy had made two posts

You could say those posts were icky or NaI but it's kind of a reach to call them scumposts and I definitely don't think they warranted the votes

I think you padded a little to make it look like she was scummy
I explained my thoughts and reasoning pretty clearly. If you're going to call it a reach, I would appreciate if you responded to my points specifically, i.e. which points seem like padding or like reaching to you. I'm also interested in why you think as scum I would choose someone to build my padded case on who people specifically mentioned had a meta for becoming obviously town.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:13 am
by Wisdom
VOTE: moment

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:14 am
by Moment
In post 494, Moment wrote:Ah yes, a meta read... off of 5 pages... from a single game...

Just for the record and because I get the feeling that someone will probably say it: this is not me disregarding meta reads in their entirety, nor me disregarding
Nancy Drew's
meta entirely; this is me being incredibly doubtful that Nancy can truly be called obviously town based off of 5 pages of a single game.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:17 am
by Wisdom
Did you read them?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:21 am
by Moment
In post 497, Wisdom wrote:Did you read them?

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:22 am
by Wisdom
then get lynched