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Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 10:51 am
by Mizzytastic
The second rule of go is the suicide rule. You cannot play in a position that reduces the liberties of one of your groups to zero, resulting in it being captured.


Official Votecount 1.3GeneralWu (4): Nero Cain, fua, VP Baltar, tenebrousluminary

Datisi (3): skitter30, Yeet, humaneatingmonkey
tenebrousluminary (2): fireisredsir, Save The Dragons
humaneatingmonkey (2): Aristeia, Cape90
skitter30 (1): Datisi
Yeet (1): Frogsterking

Not Voting (6): Scorpious, DeasVail, MalcolmTucker, Eyes without a face, Nordom, GeneralWu

With 19 players alive, it takes 10 votes to achieve an eliminaton.

Day 1 will end in (expired on 2022-03-12 05:15:00).

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:15 am
by fireisredsir
In post 450, Nero Cain wrote:as a more serious response, at the time Wu and Monkey were my top scumreads, and it's who I wanted dead and I can only tunnel one at a time. Mine was said in mostly jet but Ari's was a serious request. Also was not a fan of your deflect
i know it was in jest but i don't see how that makes it any different. actually, i think i would, as a rule, generally see a "i want to do this thing but haha I'm joking about it" as more scummy than "I want to do this thing and I'm serious about it". in this situation i don't really see either as scummy but you calling out ari for it reminded me that you had expressed what looked like a similar attitude, so it was weird to me that you would call that out.

what do you think i was deflecting?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:19 am
by fireisredsir
In post 451, Datisi wrote:wait no i rember
In post 446, skitter30 wrote:I'm saying that it looked like a snap-reaction to a vote on him that he has no good reasoning for, yes
this is like, again, ignoring the basics of how i play scum and how much i plan things through and how much i value having an explainable thought process about my posts and votes and etc

so like the idea that i would snap vote someone because lol haha omgus and not have a reason read why i'm voting them and then go back later on to try to retcon it is like bonkers, and i don't believe skitter like, actually believes that's how i play lol
this is what i was seeing w.r.t. skitter making that point about you. like... really? i both thought that skitter was better than that and also that they would think that you are better than that. so idk where i land on this situation, but it's weird

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:37 am
by GeneralWu
In post 421, Nero Cain wrote:Wu is not a real wagon she says.

Even if you disagree with it its the leading wagon (I presume)

just let things form organicly
In post 422, Aristeia wrote:why would i not push for the people i think are scummy to be wagoned rather than "let things form organicly"?
I'm starting to feel that attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:39 am
by GeneralWu
Also to be serious: nero's pushing me to let things form "organicly," but that's suspicious to be honest.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:42 am
by GeneralWu
In post 428, Nero Cain wrote:
In post 31, GeneralWu wrote:
In post 26, T3 wrote:I played a few games on Epicmafia, then swotched to another, then MU, then webDiplomacy, then here.
Remember when Epicmafia was still a thing?
It got shut down. :(
In post 98, GeneralWu wrote:
In post 92, Yeet wrote:Yes, I have played mafia before. I played a little bit on EpicMafia when that was still a thing, and a couple games on this site on different accounts. I also occasionally play Avalon with my friends.
Dang I remember EpicMafia.
I'm actually quite sad that it got shut down, even though I used to troll on EM a lot.
talk about epicmafia check
In post 59, GeneralWu wrote:This has nothing to do with the game; but for the people with anime avatars, what are the names of the characters in your avatars? I'm really curious.
In post 163, GeneralWu wrote:@fireisredsir, @Datisi, @Aristeia what are the names of the anime characters in your profile pictures? :D

ask about anime avatars check

Does this guy have like a checklist of what to post?

I don't, but I just sorta end up talking about the same things a lot. It's parallelism. :o

Honestly, I talk about this stuff even when I'm not in a game.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:47 am
by GeneralWu
In post 437, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 426, Aristeia wrote:because I want to kill bad people
Same same.

But killing baddies AND getting info to kill more baddies is where it is at, imo.

Consolidation on two wagons for pressure when done right is more powerful than a single target and lots of scattered mini wagons
I agree. It's sorta like how a political system with two large parties is better than one with a single large party or many small parties.

However, I shouldn't be one of the wagons. :good:

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:54 am
by Nero Cain
Who should be the wagons?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:55 am
by GeneralWu
Probably you and Yeet.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 11:56 am
by Nordom
Not even 6 hours into the game and we're at twenty pages. Is this some sort of sick joke?

Re-reading in a bit.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:03 pm
by Nero Cain
In post 479, GeneralWu wrote:nero's pushing me to let things form "organicly," but that's suspicious to be honest.
my push on you is suspicious? tell me more.

I was/am pushing you b/c I think you are scum. That's like my job as town. What I was saying or trying to say is that: just let ppl play ya know? it's 9 days till deadline. I mean maybe in a week we need to start thinking consolidation but lets just see what happens and let the votes fall where they fall.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:16 pm
by Eyes without a face
GOOD GOD. Twenty pages already?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:17 pm
by fua
In post 484, Nordom wrote:Not even 6 hours into the game and we're at twenty pages. Is this some sort of sick joke?

Re-reading in a bit.
Actually it's 18. But still.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:18 pm
by fua
In post 479, GeneralWu wrote:Also to be serious: nero's pushing me to let things form "organicly," but that's suspicious to be honest.
Why is it suspicious?

I don't even think the push on you is to let things form naturally-- he was just arguing against Ari's suggestion of deciding to focus on a wagon.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:25 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
So Datisi makes no attempt to pressure my slot even though he admits it's scummy, and didn't attempt to parse even further when prompted by Nero. No hot takes and no solves, just unproductive questions thus far.
Ari frames her narrative that she "forced" her readslist and pretends it's the scummiest thing to notice that it's bullshit and OMGUSes me.

I don't see how these slots could be town.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:26 pm
by Yeet
In post 179, Yeet wrote:
In post 169, Datisi wrote:
In post 165, Yeet wrote:
In post 120, Datisi wrote:i have Thoughts but i should probably let skitt speak first before saying anything
skitter has spoken so I would like to hear what your T h o u g h t s were here
mostly that your case was nothing because she did not say she townread me and the "you are projecting that we know datisi therefore you are scum!?!?" was a huge stretch
It’s a mindset slip. I’m not saying she’s projecting that we know you.

But I’m not that interested in my old case anymore. If she insists that her common phrasing means something other than what I think it would more commonly mean, I will drop it for now because I don’t think she would lie about that as scum.

Which means, my vote goes back to you
Vote: Datisi
, I am voting for Datisi.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:28 pm
by Eyes without a face
In post 199, Yeet wrote:I am also leaving. I was about to go to sleep when I saw the day start and got excited. I have stayed past my bedtime for this and hope I don’t regret it.

From top to bottom:

Save the Dragons

everyone else
Wu, skitter, tenebro
Cavernous sea of nothing
You must be the best player that ever played this game. 10 reads on page 8? Are you serious?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:28 pm
by Yeet
In post 483, GeneralWu wrote:Probably you and Yeet.
Why do you think I am scum again?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:29 pm
by Nordom
Alright, this wagon on Wu feels pretty weak. You can argue that "Well, they haven't really scumhunted, they've lurked, and yadda yadda yadda", but I mean it hasn't even been 24 hours since this game skyrocketed into an absurd twenty pages. Not to mention, I'm getting some opportunistic vibes going on with these votes.

VOTE: Daitisi

Content to just push on players who are getting attention thrown their way and I haven't really gotten the impression that it's a town tell of "Pressuring for information" from them.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:29 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 348, Datisi wrote:*blinks*

like, this is what i mean when i say specifically looking for scum motivation in my posts. it feels like latching on to whatever i say in order to try to force a contradiction out. do i seem concerned? why wouldn't i dismiss it by saying something about it?

206 makes me like fire and dislike frogs, mostly the townread on generalwu for those posts is questionable

the second part of 207 feels like something that noob!scum says because they took a post too literally. but, i don't think it necessarily makes deasvail scum, since i think i recall someone calling him good at scum in that tm2021 game, and good scum isn't prone to such cognitive-overload mistakes
why is it not noob town trying to scumhunt?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:29 pm
by Yeet
In post 491, Eyes without a face wrote:
In post 199, Yeet wrote:I am also leaving. I was about to go to sleep when I saw the day start and got excited. I have stayed past my bedtime for this and hope I don’t regret it.

From top to bottom:

Save the Dragons

everyone else
Wu, skitter, tenebro
Cavernous sea of nothing
You must be the best player that ever played this game. 10 reads on page 8? Are you serious?
I don't feel that this was abnormal. You can check other people's readslists and see that they had similar opinions as well. I am very far from the best player in this game, these were simply my hunches at the time.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:30 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 493, Nordom wrote:Content to just push on players who are getting attention thrown their way and I haven't really gotten the impression that it's a town tell of "Pressuring for information" from them.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:31 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 490, Yeet wrote:
, I am voting for Datisi.
use [ ] vote tags and it won't get missed

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:31 pm
by Mizzytastic
In post 490, Yeet wrote:
In post 179, Yeet wrote:
In post 169, Datisi wrote:
In post 165, Yeet wrote:
In post 120, Datisi wrote:i have Thoughts but i should probably let skitt speak first before saying anything
skitter has spoken so I would like to hear what your T h o u g h t s were here
mostly that your case was nothing because she did not say she townread me and the "you are projecting that we know datisi therefore you are scum!?!?" was a huge stretch
It’s a mindset slip. I’m not saying she’s projecting that we know you.

But I’m not that interested in my old case anymore. If she insists that her common phrasing means something other than what I think it would more commonly mean, I will drop it for now because I don’t think she would lie about that as scum.

Which means, my vote goes back to you
Vote: Datisi
, I am voting for Datisi.
I'll just go fix it. Could you use vote tags instead of bold tags in future, it makes it easier for me to spot when skimming the thread.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2022 12:32 pm
by Yeet
In post 348, Datisi wrote:the second part of 207 feels like something that noob!scum says because they took a post too literally. but, i don't think it necessarily makes deasvail scum, since i think i recall someone calling him good at scum in that tm2021 game, and good scum isn't prone to such cognitive-overload mistakes
I've seen you use the "I don't think scum would do something as bad as X" a few times because you think they are "good" as scum. If you are town, I would caution against such logic personally. There is no objective standard for what is good or bad scumplay and ruling someone out as scum because of that leads to all sorts of wifom/considerations you're unaware of that they are/good scum can make mistakes too because townies don't actually know how to scumhunt as well as they think they do.

That's just my opinion.

@Mizzy I apologize, I will use the vote tags from now on.