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Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:16 am
by Junpei
For instance in this VC, a secret vote is on Saint.

Spring, I have played a large with just 1 scum group, is that your only reason for disliking the plan?

The reason I didn't state the plan until I was at my third post was because I didn't think to. That's really it. The plan is much less efficient now that there is scum-scum passing. What it also does is keep everything organized, and mafia will be hardpressed to lie. But yeah I see your point, I'll theory more about when I have time.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:36 am
by MagnaofIllusion
Finally started. I see the passing discussion has already started and we have input on it. Good. We still are going to do so because it brings information to Town that can be analyzed long term.

I very much doubt scum have an ability that eliminates the death clause in passing to a Partner. That would border on bastard modding. Also in Cyclical X01 the only player with any abilities other than a Factional Nightkill that was not cyclical was the Serial Killer. I can’t see scum having a non-cyclical power based on the set-up experience I have with Kunkstar’s game.

Much more likely we probably are facing two smaller Mafia factions as opposed to a single Mafia this game. It reduces PoE possibilies. That said the passing mechanic is too useful for Town to not do it.

Also we are not going to claim all Powers at the outset. No reason to until later in the game. Abilities can be reconstructed through the passing chain later. There may be exceptions to this (Treestump is one form the first game as it is a perfect Mafia test tool) but we will deal with those as the day goes on.

Official Passing Strategy

The Cyclic Claim process is a two step process.

Step 1 - The Day after you cycle a power at Night in your first post of the day you claim to have passed a power. You do NOT claim the Power or who you passed it to.

Step 2 - The second Day after you cycle a power at Night in your first post of the day you claim who you passed the power in Step 1 to. In the case of possessing multiple powers you claim every person you passed the to. You do NOT claim what the power was.

This process is ongoing and can result in multiple claims in any given day. For example -

Day 2 everyone claims if they passed a power Night 1.
Day 3 everyone claims who they passed their power to Night 1 and if they passed a power Night 2.
Day 4 everyone claims who they passed their power to Night 2 and if they passed a power Night 3.
And so forth.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:56 am
by Workdawg
Wowza, soo many posts over night.

First off, I tend to be pretty aggressive in calling people out on things that seem scummy and following up from there.

Second, I think the claiming idea makes a lot of sense. Not as effective as it seemed to be in x01 obviously, but still good. MOI speculated above that we might be dealing with two mafia factions, I wonder then if passing abilities between them would cause poison also? (Presumably they don't know who each other are.)

Initial impressions... cryptic is a spas. That's all that really stuck out to me.

Final note: mafiascum is blocked at work... I have a workaround for reading, but not really for posting (I'm on my phone right now). As such, most of my posts will come during the evening, CST. If I feel like something NEEDS to be said, I'll probably make a quick post from my phone, though.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:02 am
by MagnaofIllusion
On the outset the following players fall into my ‘Likely Lurker or VI” pool who I will not hesitate to vote for at a deadline if we need a lynch and they show no signs of playing in a more Pro-Town manner – EC, SlySly, Fourseen.

They have either proven to lurk as scum, lurk and provide no content regardless of alignment, or play in a manner that is borders on ‘Playing against Wincondition’.

I do like that the list is pretty short to start.

Also fair warning – Any player that sends a powerful Pro-Town ability (Doc / Investigation / Vig) out of play by ‘forgetting’ to send a cycling choice is to be lynched immediately. I put this out there so no-one can claim “oops, I forgot”.


– Is that a post restriction?

– If it is I now hate you :P


– Why did you specifically add claiming Powers to my plan from Cyclical X01 when it was not part of the original plan?

Implosion wrote:Anti-virus wound up being used kind of... awfully. Scum redirected it to theirself and killed an apathetic parama-doctor.

It was Anti-Town last game since Diddin publicly claimed it and allowed scum to hijack said ability. The ability itself is not inherently Anti-Town in the slightest.


Junpei wrote:It doesn't demand any claiming at the present so it is okay to tentatively agree
while we gametheory in private.

Please explain what you mean by the bolded.


Crypto wrote:plans are for the weak

vote: implosion

let's quick-lynch up in this bitch

Yes, why implement a plan that proved to be instrumental in Town winning the last game and likely will be very helpful this one … :roll:

VOTE: Crypto


– Of you list of Anti-Town abilities the only one that makes sense to immediately claim is Tree-stump and we can’t lynch said player. If the Virus makes another appearance it will most likely ‘take care of itsef’, so to speak.


Spring wrote:Am I right or am I missing something?

Scum being able to ‘track’ abilities isn’t really that much of a threat. We only claim who we passed to after the receiver has passed it themselves. Scum passing to Town and NKing them is a risk for them as the ability that passes to the Inactive Zone / Dead Zone (or whatever it is) very likely can be tracked back to them.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:52 am
by FourseenCircumstance
I don't know where you are going Diddin but carry on..

My personality is very dependent on the situation. At points I can be very aggresive and be crash and burn or I can be extremely analytical and cautious in my approaches and efforts.....

We'll see how this goes, I didn't play in the first cyclic experiment so I am understanding how this plays as we go.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:03 am
by crypto
wazzatron wrote:CRYPTO WTF seriously dude.

a) voted self
b) unvoted and voted someone due to trying to make a plan
c) basicly wanted a super quick lynch.
d) unvoted again and jumped onto another wagon.

so all i have to say is

vote crypto
so you've established that i move quickly and unpredictably. why are you voting me? do you actually think i am mafia or is this a policy-type vote? if you think i am mafia, then what do you think is the secret scum agenda driving my play?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:03 am
by Toogeloo
MagnaofIllusion wrote:
Is that a post restriction?
This isn't a Katsuki game, so I hope not.

I'm not big in the RVS/RQS stage of the game either. I tend to be more background Day 1 if I can, beginning my way of play of the game, though I do have a trait that will make me more vocal. I tend to be a very strong reader of motivation. I can often tell whether someone is bread crumbing power, or whether there is a town or scum motivated focus behind their posts. I tend to attack people who aren't getting the attention they deserve or defend players who look like easy scum mislynches if I trust myself on that front. My reads are generally pretty good, though I can be bamboozled from time to time.

I also typically give off a scummy vibe in my posts according to a lot of people I play with, apparently something about the way I talk. This is part of my real life personality probably because I don't typically think about feelings before I say something. I speak off the cuff. I don't build a case (right away), I give gut reactions to pretty much everything, sometimes without thinking it through. But this goes hand in hand with me being a good read of motivation.

Nothing really else to add. Discussion for the most part hasn't devolved from setup discussion and personality discussion. The votes out there are still more or less random, and not much discussion to promote moving out of the RVS yet.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:04 am
by crypto
crypto wrote:
Junpei wrote:Implosion, I read MoI's plan from x01, and I liked it a lot, and would like to go with it this game, at least for now. It doesn't demand any claiming at the present so it is okay to tentatively agree while we gametheory in private.
if you read the x01 plan then why did you only say this in your third post instead of using it to kickstart the convo in an earlier post
junpei, you didn't answer this

workdawg wrote:Initial impressions... cryptic is a spas. That's all that really stuck out to me.
it's amazing, the way dropping capitalization and minimizing punctuation can change the tone of your posts

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:04 am
by crypto
i quit quote tags.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:05 am
by crypto
vote: magnaofillusion

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:09 am
by Toogeloo
I should also state that I am a bit of a loose canon in games of organization. I like to do my own thing, and find that a little chaos tends to monkey wrench (and make more interesting) the game a bit. The main reason for this is that scum are already informed, so I don't like to aid that in any way. Sometimes it's fruitless, but other times it has worked to my advantage.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:14 am
by crypto
for a loose cannon you are awfully conservative with your vote

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:16 am
by Workdawg
Ahh, its crypto, not cryptic... sorry about that. Like I said, posting from my phone during the day. I'm not really sure what you're getting at with the punctuation thing, but the phone posting probably explains it.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:20 am
by Toogeloo
crypto wrote:for a loose cannon you are awfully conservative with your vote

Wrong type of loose canon. I don't just vote to vote, but I will withhold information, or manipulate, when information is trying to be organized. Check out my wiki on DEFCON 3.0 and Metropolis to see examples.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:21 am
by crypto
toogeloo, did you know that for a living i beat up people who misspell

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:24 am
by Toogeloo
I don't think about it if the little red squiggly doesn't show up underneath it.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:25 am
by crypto
that's because you're Gay

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:26 am
by Magister Ludi
No, its not a post restriction. Its hoopla's mythical rainbow vote.
Yes, I do want to lynch warriormatt.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:27 am
by Stringer Bell
wazzatron wrote:CRYPTO WTF seriously dude.

a) voted self
b) unvoted and voted someone due to trying to make a plan
c) basicly wanted a super quick lynch.
d) unvoted again and jumped onto another wagon.

so all i have to say is

vote crypto

I'm not an expert on crypto's play, I've never played with him before, but it certainly seems to me that a), b), and c) were all part of RVS, and therefore not really to be taken seriously. In d), he jumped on the warriormode "wagon", which consisted of Magistar Ludi and nobody else, because warrior's reasoning was nonexistent.

warriormode wrote:I like your plan implosion.
Should be very helpful.
And I doubt scum will pass each other abilities.
But if they do, all the easier I suppose.

Vote: crypto

If we go with the assertion that crypto voted warriormode because he failed to give a reason for his vote, then this unvote-vote onto MoI certainly needs some explaining:

crypto wrote:
vote: magnaofillusion

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:28 am
by Magister Ludi
so you've established that i move quickly and unpredictably. why are you voting me? do you actually think i am mafia or is this a policy-type vote? if you think i am mafia, then what do you think is the secret scum agenda driving my play?

I like to know why you voted Magna, for starts.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:29 am
by crypto
Magister Ludi wrote:Yes, I do want to lynch warriormatt.
why? (i happen to agree.)

Stringer Bell wrote:If we go with the assertion that crypto voted warriormode because he failed to give a reason for his vote, then this unvote-vote onto MoI certainly needs some explaining
i think magnaofillusion knows better than to vote me

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:30 am
by MagnaofIllusion
Toogeloo wrote:I also typically give off a scummy vibe in my posts according to a lot of people I play with, apparently something about the way I talk.

Indulge me here Toog – the only times I recall you getting significant pressure and getting lynched Day 1 you were scum. Do you have any Town games where that happened?

Toogeloo wrote:Wrong type of loose canon. I don't just vote to vote, but I will withhold information, or manipulate, when information is trying to be organized. Check out my wiki on DEFCON 3.0 and Metropolis to see examples.

I’d like you to specifically state whether you object to the claim passing or actively try to undermine it (by not being forthcoming or truthful) to make things “more interesting” as you put it.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:30 am
by crypto
Magister Ludi wrote:
so you've established that i move quickly and unpredictably. why are you voting me? do you actually think i am mafia or is this a policy-type vote? if you think i am mafia, then what do you think is the secret scum agenda driving my play?

I like to know why you voted Magna, for starts.
that was one of the weaker attempts at dodging questions i've seen in my time here.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:31 am
by Stringer Bell
crypto wrote:
Magister Ludi wrote:Yes, I do want to lynch warriormatt.
why? (i happen to agree.)

Are we talking warriormode or projectmatt?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 4:32 am
by PeregrineV
Vote: XX4698015

For having the only double letters at the start of their code.

I like the RVS or RQS or whatever stage. It's about the only post in the whole game where you have fun for fun's sake. After that, it's about winning.

I'm sure the claim strategies are fine. I'm also sure the mod won't allow the game to be broken by it, so while planning is good, I'm only for it as long as it helps town. If it ceases to help, or helps scum more, then we need to be adaptable to changing the strategy.

@Junpei- Personality? Well, I'm no slave to fashion, and no matter what it seems my posting style is scummy to a lot of people. I enjoy the use of sarcasm, but it tends to not always be received well. Otherwise, while I want the games to be mostly logic and analysis, I do recognize the signs of gut reads, and try to figure out where they stem from so as to explain them better.