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Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:23 pm
by MonkeyMan576
You should be prepared for anything:). All I can say is that there could be non normal roles and alignment and role will be indicitive of playstyle. It will not be bastard though.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 10:39 pm
by Seanald
if there is still room, this game sounds like it could be really entertaining.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:06 am
by MonkeyMan576
Signups are closed unfortunately, but you can be a replacement.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 4:22 am
by MonkeyMan576
Ititial setup finished, waiting on feedback and approval from reviewer.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 6:33 am
by Venmar
OmNom is going to be a jester or some role with a loud post restriction. Calling it right now.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 10:16 am
by Mehdi2277
Jesters are generally considered bastard and the game isn't bastard. PRs for a person to play himself seem strange. Later I'll actually look at who loves town or scum to likely get that alignment.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 11:21 am
by MonkeyMan576
Please refrain from further discussion of the game until the game starts.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:34 am
by ArcAngel9
when this game going to start?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:43 am
by Seanald
just to confirm, id like to be a replacement please.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:50 am
by Nero Cain
ArcAngel9 wrote:when this game going to start?

MonkeyMan576 wrote:Ititial setup finished, waiting on feedback and approval from reviewer.

It depends on the reviewer(s) but I'd say atleast 2-3 days.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:37 pm
by Toogeloo
MonkeyMan576 wrote:19. Toogaloo

Why does everyone have trouble with my name lol.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:57 am
by MonkeyMan576
Game will probably start in the next couple of days. I am still talking to the reviwer and need to finish up my role pms.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:01 pm
by MonkeyMan576
The game layout has been approved, I just need to make the role pms look spiffy.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:48 pm
by MonkeyMan576
I just realized that I did not put Matt P on the player roster when he signed up. Since I am limited to 21 players, and Matt P signed up before Nobody Special, Nobody Special will not be able to play. My apologies.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:58 pm
by Bitmap
MonkeyMan576 wrote:I just realized that I did not put Matt P on the player roster when he signed up. Since I am limited to 21 players, and Matt P signed up before Nobody Special, Nobody Special will not be able to play. My apologies.


Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:11 pm
by Nobody Special

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:21 pm
by MattP
I super better not get a throwaway last second role cuz of that just sayin :B

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:33 am
by MonkeyMan576
Role PM's are going out soon!

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:39 am
by Nero Cain
Define soon please. Hours? Days?

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:43 am
by MonkeyMan576

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:48 am
by Nero Cain
Awesome. I'm just ancious to play so its not like I'm rushing you.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:01 am
by Benmage
Im curious what role I would have received, Monkey PM me?

How can some of these youngggg 012's have a meta game :?

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:07 am
by JacobSavage
/in to replace