I'm not sure where you are trying to go with this, chaotic_diablo. Yes, I did call out aioqwe for rolefishing. And yes, I did ask Armlx if he had any additional information about the game mechanics that he wanted to share with us. I wasn't asking for his role, nor was I intending to draw him out into revealing his role. I simply wanted to know if he had any knowledge of the game's mechanics that would help the town in any way. I don't see that as role-fishing, because I wasn't asking for him to give up his role--I was asking him to reveal any information that he might have received when he received his role. If doing so would reveal his role, I would have expected him to either lie, or evade the question. But my intent was not to expose him in any way, my intent was to gain information about the game's mechanics that could be utilized for the town's benefit.
However, since there was no information in the first place, one would presume that this would be a moot point. Obviously not.
At any rate...
DeanWinchester wrote:This game is already doomed to fail given that the activity is this bad.
If you are going to complain that there isn't any activity going on, at least have the initiative to say something about the game, rather than hiding your lurking behind content-less posts like this. What do you think about the game so far? Do you feel that the bandwagon on me has merit or not? What about Sarcastro's forgetfulness; do you feel it is a real excuse or a fake one? If you bother to contribute, maybe the activity you so desire will show up spontaneously.