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Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:41 am
by Dunnstral
Hey grapes, I have a proposal, once you decide to start the voting, can the first vote you place be on yourself, followed up by you switching to your real vote?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:43 am
by Andriod18
In post 38, Human Sequencer wrote:we can't vote yet

hello is anybody home
Yes but it's about making a statement on who we scumread.
In post 39, Kaede Akamatsu wrote:
In post 37, Andriod18 wrote:Why did you ask about only #9? I think your #9 and overall play is very at ease and natural.
#8 has a psuedo vote which is in fact some sort of content, #9 doesnt have anything of the sort, it is true that im playing at ease and natural tho i think #9 is very easy for me to do as scum. So I was wondering why you mentioned it gave you town vibes.
I agree that post 9 is easy to make as scum, but number 8 to number 9 in a short time is what made me want to townread you. It felt like a natural flow in posting.
In post 40, Human Sequencer wrote:if I could vote right now it'd be on kaede
inconsistent tone, floating between calm/floundering
having difficulties reading why

a18, how is hebichan scummy for calling me town when you did the same in ?
Your justification was weak and shallow, I don't see how his lack of justification is any better
Hebi to me is scummy for
commenting on you and making a joke post. The lack of justification doesn't have much to do with it because it is so early in the game it's expected to not have justification for everything. I'm more so scum reading Hebi for not commenting on the events that were happening around her. People calling me scum for trying too hard for one. I wanted her to give her 2 cents but she didn't do that and that is the base of my scumread. I have the opposite outlook on Kaede and would like you to go into more detail on this.
In post 41, zMuffinMan wrote:
In post 12, Andriod18 wrote:The grapes announcement isn't something that needs to be debated on nor should it be.
light townread for post and
can be town for While the post itself is very bland stating obvious facts any mafia player should know I like the tone and approach that makes it feel towny to me.
thank you for including links btw. i didnt want to have to trawl through the thread to find the posts youre referencing. youre very conscientious for an andriod
I feel it helps get my point across thank you.
In post 42, Wisdom wrote:
In post 37, Andriod18 wrote:Wisdom Why do you think and I quote 'trying too hard' is AI is scummy in this case. I understand the logic behind scum trying too hard to look towny but do you think it's so unbelievable for town to be this way as well?
scum want to look towny
town dont want to look towny
sadly, there are some town who try to look towny, but fortunately it's not that often
so following the probabilities trying too hard most likely comes from scum
I think you're being simple minded. This is the base logic behind mafia yes mafia do want to look towny but 'towny' does not have a definition of what towny play and scummy play is or mafia would be much harder. The thought I get here is you would townread players who act bad and scumread people who act towny. I simply disagree with your outlook and going more into this would be useless theory talk and noise.
In post 44, Wisdom wrote:
In post 37, Andriod18 wrote:What do you find scummy about Kaede? Do you think older games could be clouding your judgment and making you have paranoia about her?
i dont really have any kind of read on kaede
i have an extensive history with her and i was making a reference to it
My mistake post felt like you had a scumread on Kaede

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:45 am
by Brian Skies
In post 38, Human Sequencer wrote:we can't vote yet

hello is anybody home
Limitations only exist if you let them.

Also, nobody claimed this, so...?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:46 am
by Human Sequencer
there's no more detail to my kaede read, a18
if I had more to say on the slot I would have said it

Dunn, why is wisdom scummy
muffin, why is hebi potentially scummy

pedit: read rules
we can't vote till grapes does

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:48 am
by Brian Skies
In post 53, Human Sequencer wrote:pedit: read rules
we can't vote till grapes does
I see.

But how does this stop the rest of us from voting?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:52 am
by zMuffinMan

tbh didn't even check the setup, was assuming this was a standard alice game

still not happy with the disturbing lack of cupcake votes though

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:55 am
by Human Sequencer
i guess we can vote but i don't really see the point
just makes a potential mess when all of our votes suddenly do get counted

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:55 am
by Dunnstral
In post 53, Human Sequencer wrote:there's no more detail to my kaede read, a18
if I had more to say on the slot I would have said it

Dunn, why is wisdom scummy
muffin, why is hebi potentially scummy

pedit: read rules
we can't vote till grapes does
I didn't like his opening and posting around andriod

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:57 am
by Brian Skies
In post 56, Human Sequencer wrote:i guess we can vote but i don't really see the point
just makes a potential mess when all of our votes suddenly do get counted
It's a minor setback.

We will just have to revote. Since the original votes didn't count anyway, how does it become a mess?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:59 am
by mastina
Dance with me, Ginngie

You invited me to the dance, you dance with me. It's the rules. :P

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:00 am
by zMuffinMan
In post 53, Human Sequencer wrote:muffin, why is hebi potentially scummy
just seems less town than everyone else. what the andriod said about hebi seems about half right but kinda missing the bigger picture

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:00 am
by Human Sequencer
I'm assuming all of our votes that weren't counted will suddenly become counted when he does vote.
If they aren't then I don't see the point of it even more

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:02 am
by Brian Skies
In post 61, Human Sequencer wrote:I'm assuming all of our votes that weren't counted will suddenly become counted when he does vote.
If they aren't then I don't see the point of it even more
I don't understand this.

If the original votes do end up being counted, then how does this make voting
right now

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:05 am
by Human Sequencer
the only mechanical purpose of a vote is to achieve lynch
there are other non-mechanical meanings that have become connotated to it, like pressure and suspicion, but they all rely on the lynch being present in the horizon

before grapes votes, we can't lynch
so votes lose all of that purpose and in my eyes don't rly do anything

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:07 am
by zMuffinMan
i see literally no downside to voting cupcake though

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:10 am
by Brian Skies
I assume Grapes will hold off on voting for the next 5 days, probably for his hypothetical ability.

If he holds our ability to lynch hostage and we end up No Lynching today, the game will proceed as normal starting Day 2 anyway. In the event this happens, there is a non-zero chance that we have the Roleblocking Vigilante in the sample PM and it can make him pay for his foolish transgressions.

So, what is your issue again?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:10 am
by Wisdom
In post 46, Dunnstral wrote:Seems like scum wisdom so far
what is your idea of scum wisdom?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:15 am
by zMuffinMan
i guess kaede could be scum

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:17 am
by Human Sequencer
i don't really see the relevancy of what you're saying to what I'm saying, but it brings up things I hadn't considered

firstly grapes =/= kochiki
secondly when you ask "what is your issue again" you assume I have an issue
could you elaborate on what that "issue" is?
issue with other people voting? if so, I was under the impression people were voting as muffinman was, who hadn't read the rule and were assuming their votes were being counted
if people are aware their votes aren't being counted, I don't really care nor do I have an issue

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:19 am
by zMuffinMan
man, this conversation is going nowhere fast

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:20 am
by Brian Skies
In post 68, Human Sequencer wrote:i don't really see the relevancy of what you're saying to what I'm saying, but it brings up things I hadn't considered

firstly grapes =/= kochiki
secondly when you ask "what is your issue again" you assume I have an issue
could you elaborate on what that "issue" is?
issue with other people voting? if so, I was under the impression people were voting as muffinman was, who hadn't read the rule and were assuming their votes were being counted
if people are aware their votes aren't being counted, I don't really care nor do I have an issue
You clearly do have an issue, since you're trying to argue that you think voting right now is pointless.

I guess I had Grapes and Kochiki merged for w/e reason. I still don't see how Grapes holding our lynch hostage is that big of a deal.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:23 am
by Human Sequencer
im not trying to argue at all
im clarifying my thought process to you by directly responding to the questions you're asking me

its not a big deal
thats the point
you're assuming I have an issue or problem with things I don't
stop assuming things and start reading what I'm writing

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:29 am
by Brian Skies
In post 71, Human Sequencer wrote:you're assuming I have an issue or problem with things I don't
Just to be clear, I never said you were making a big deal about it.

An issue, by definition, just means a personal problem or difficulty.

Which I do believe you have (or had).

Your personal hangup on voting is Grapes. I don't think he matters that much.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:30 am
by Brian Skies
In post 50, Dunnstral wrote:Hey grapes, I have a proposal, once you decide to start the voting, can the first vote you place be on yourself, followed up by you switching to your real vote?
What is the point to having him selfvote for you?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:36 am
by Brian Skies
Pretend this post was full of scumhunting and towniness.