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Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:02 am
by Prism
I'm being pushed to the limit here-my early progression around Spartan is completely indefensible, because it was never supposed to be. We're in really, really rough shape.

But as I said in the scum thread, I'm not in the charity business. I will not make this easy for them.

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:59 pm
by Prism
That was, that was a day. Wow. Spartan really swooped in at the 11th hour and killed it.

Biggest feeling is of relief. I think the NK choice is a lot tricker than it looks but I'm going to worry about it tomorrow.

If I don't get around to commentating, long story short, god, pulled out all the fucking stops to powertown enough to survive a floo miselim.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:26 am
by Prism
So nearly 70 posts happened in between my last explicit checkin, I'm definitely not annotating all of them.

Our problems Day 2 started with the powertowning/avoiding going more aggressive on Spartan that I described in 41/42 of this thread.
If you're just looking to powertown, posts like 1295 are explicitly taking my town meta and refashioning it to my own ends, which will come up again later.
I don't think powertowning and avoiding Spartan is the worst, but the entire point of maintaining the paranoia around me was to take up a lot of headspace. That gets removed if players feel they no longer have to worry about me, and they start looking elsewhere to Spartan. If I'm going to powertown, I need to be setting myself up for a Spartanflip by going more aggressive-instead I just got the worst of both worlds.

1322 is a funny post-I've reconciled with flow trap, and ask basics, but I point him towards working with others too. This might seem to contradict my "force conversation to go through me" playstyle atm, but I know it'll be a miracle if he follows up with me, let alone with another player.

Post 1346 blows this game open completely.
fairyprincess69 wrote: his analysis of Prism in #746 is also pretty interesting, in that it reads as a null or even scumnull conclusion. i'm expecting scum to just outright townread Prism here to avoid a confrontation. also interesting that Spartan completely ignores Prism's interactions with Frederick, or at least neglects to mention them. Spartan's man fos is Frederick, so i'd expect him to take these interactions seriously, as i think this is potentially some ammo for his scumread. wouldn't he also factor into his analysis of Prism the fact that Prism is pressing Fred pretty hard? This is Spartan's main fos afterall - weird how he doesn't mention it.
Spot on-it's not just my interactions with Spartan that can point to him, it's
his reactions to me
. They don't have the final step yet but this is too close for comfort and draws the N2 night kill. Suddenly, I can no longer afford to just set up Spartan nicely like I've been angling for all game long.

This is now extremely dangerous, and I am now pressured to either flip Spartan-and still be in danger-or watch it get flipped without me. There are ways for me to be off-wagon and still look good but this is
very, very bad
. I've done a bit more just because I wasn't sure how fairy would be as a player- eg.1328, where I point out that Spartan is noticeably panicking - but this is not going to be enough.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:54 am
by Prism
All throughout this I'm continuing to use very cooperative language and be diplomatic. This requires some texture, ex. at times being terse in feigned annoyance only to come back around a few minutes later.

Back to the main story.

Fairy winds up townreading Spartan but only briefly. This sequence is the start of me really starting to kick into gear:
I know I'm going to wind up voting Spartan
at the end of this, but I need to give a good, believable
. I also want to be lukewarm on it, me powertunneling it will be too obviously reactionary. Now that I can no longer rely on just dying and setting Spartan up, it's time for me to engineer townreads on me that are virtually bulletproof. This is hard to do with positioning re: Spartan, but I think I can make up for it with tonal/individually targeted posts.

A very important part of this will be that
I cannot let floo vote Spartan, ever
. If Spartan gets flipped with floo pushing it, this is 99% game losing. I will struggle to get one more elimination, two will be virtually impossible.
In post 1363, Prism wrote:Dart throw is no, but I'll review the slot since I know flow trap is there atm. Assuming you're neither of flow trap/Frederick we have the votes to vote it at deadline if you want.
In post 1364, Prism wrote:If the choice is between Spartan and quiet I'm 100% voting Spartan though lmao
The idea here is just to start out leaning no and work my way to leaning yes, without anyone forcing me. So I do that, I point out some problems w/ Spartan's quiet vote in 1368.
In post 1369, Prism wrote:
In post 1366, fairyprincess69 wrote:Sorry shadow slug is me. When is deadline? Spartan would be my hammer but I’m not fully caught up yet
Definitely have the votes for it if I'm onboard, will review the slot. Anything in particular you want to point out? I'll check out the post about him letting me go wild on Frederick before I ISO.
Earlier I touched on being afraid someone would make the connection between the vote counting I did for Enchant and me revoting later. Here I'm leveraging that same concept to emphasize that my vote on Spartan is crucial.
In post 1373, Prism wrote:Thinking more on NK spec I actually don't think Spartan kills Esoteric here? Arguably they shot for PR reads/their partner forcing it but all of Day 1 for a scum Spartan revolves around pushing Esoteric the second Enchant flips town. 1047 is not worth it at all.

I don't really scumread this slot and it's an absolute disaster if it flips town, not really a fan atm. Still working through.
More texture to the read, look like I'm backing off for a second, this actually brings up what I think is a good point on Spartan that might make someone else reconsider as a bonus. I have every intention of voting shortly, despite what I claim here.
In post 1385, Prism wrote:Eh these TvS and scum on the wagon comments are still really questionable

Maybe maybe
In post 1387, Prism wrote:
In post 1056, Spartan117 wrote:I agree that is true but I don't see why he is even somewhat vindicated when he was being scumread before them interactions occurred, Floo how do you feel about Prism? Would you be willing to join a wagon on them today?
I forgot how much I hated this post.

Spartan, why was I specified here? When I asked you gave me 1047 which is talking about your read on flow trap over explaining why you were suddenly interested in a vote on me here
We're swinging back to being willing to vote
In post 1392, Prism wrote:
In post 1390, quiet wrote:Prism, the slots you would entertain today are...floo, Spartian, Fred? As things stand right this second.
floo->Clown fiesta don't no elim lmao

Gun to my head I'd go floo->Spartan->Frederick->flow trap but I honestly think Spartan would flip town here so ???
Now we're getting somewhere interesting: I'm positioning to vote it while saying I fully expect it to flip town. At first glance you might think I'm trying to stave off a wagon, but that's actually not the case at all. It's counterintuitive, but I want to take
virtually zero credit
for the push and act like I had no idea what it was if it flips. This serves as a counter to any bus accusations and guarantees that a town me plausibly lives through nightkills. I want town to think "Wouldn't Prism have been more forceful if they were bussing?", but there's a chance they think the opposite. Doing nothing isn't an option though-
I have to take a guess as to which looks better
In post 1409, Prism wrote:
In post 1395, fairyprincess69 wrote:i thought his treatment of EZ was scummy in that EZ's massive wallpost did nothing to change spartan's read of him. he didn't really engage with many of the reads made in that post. he eventually downplays his fos on EZ (which coincides with other people townreading EZ at this point) and focuses on Fred. i don't think he really tries to get fred voted out at this point though. his defense of Enchant is a townlean for me, but only because it's consistent with his earlier townread on enchant. but after dropping a townread on Enchant and his thoughts on fred, he pretty much dips out of the thread and lets the wagon happen without much resistance.
Rereading, I think I take more issue w/ the timing of his vote swap. Not engaging with the wall makes sense given that he was making a giant global catchup. The reason for backing off of esoteric is
but not great.

The defense of Enchant is questionable and he's noticeably pivoting more to quiet in it.

Distancing with texture-not merely tagging along with the read but actively disagreeing on the reasoning
while still coming to the same conclusion
In post 1411, Prism wrote:also can we stop voting quiet thank you
In post 1412, Prism wrote:
In post 1404, fairyprincess69 wrote:why on earth are the two options locktown or elim? i find these polarizing options baffling - if you're starting to suspect there's a world where enchant is town, why don't you unvote and look for those other names? you're umming and ahhing over this enchant wagon constantly but you never unvote. i just find the progression of [enchant could be locktown -> floo please hammer] in the space of a few minutes to be ... strange.
I mean I did the same thing when I saw the wall though I can't remember the timing, that feeling of being torn between two extremes is very performative, you're right, but I think it's natural in light of how bizarre Enchant was playing. Enchant was straight up lying about the timeline even at the EoD.
In post 1413, Prism wrote:WAIT THAT'S AN UNVOTE

This sequence was planned, I knew fairy unvoted. I just want to appear legitimately distressed.
In post 1414, Prism wrote:floo, you down to vote Spartan with me/Fairy?
It's time. This post is borderline scumclaiming to floo, and I want that. This is a pretty obvious attempt to link him/Spartan, and if he votes Spartan here it looks like it forced his hand. Calling my bluff is the best option here though-it nets a scum flip! Here if he chooses to defend Spartan, Spartan is unlikely to get voted and even if he doesn't I'm set up well. Instead, floo chooses the worst option: doing nothing, and this gets followed up with a vote in 1416.

As a side note, way back, flow trap did actually wind up responding to me about reads at some point, but I didn't think his floo wall was solid. So I just respond and push it in 1365, more to push flow trap for his stance than floo tbh

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:11 am
by Prism
In post 1416, Prism wrote:Okay I'm about to have to run, I do have plans for tonight but they shouldn't take more than 2 hours and I will 100% be around the ~3/4 hours as we approach deadline to vote anywhere I'm needed.

In the meantime:

VOTE: Spartan

flow trap, Fred, Spartan need to get in here and participate more.
So 1416 I've finally voted Spartan. floo is now never going to vote this, for sure. Just the fact that I'm on it means him/flow trap are more likely to go elsewhere and drive counterwagons.
In post 1419, Prism wrote:to be clear, still fully expect this to flip town atm, but i'm not getting my first choice and i'm not the town dictator so

1419 still plays the "expect it to flip town" angle but I've got something much more nefarious in the works-the ace up my sleeve that I've been sitting on since Day 1, never expecting that I would actually have to use it.
In post 1421, Prism wrote:quiet, why have you not placed a vote at all btw?

Sorry for continuing to check in, this game has become very personal to me, both because of who I am as a player and my history with fferyllt
In post 1422, Prism wrote:I don't want to lose, in short, and am risking a lot by going against my scumread to do so. This is more than a single vote to me.
In post 1425, Prism wrote:I straight up do not have the votes to get you flipped unless I take the town hostage. There are very real problems with the slot that effort/the Esoteric NK do not completely redeem. I expect it to flip scum about as much as I do Frederick.

There is a lot of history here that I can go into another time, but I refuse to lose the same away over and over by letting my intensity turn me into a unilateralist dictator who demands too much and only pays verbal homage to respecting the views of others. This is me vs. fferyllt in the sense that fferyllt very much wants me to be that player, insists that it is me at my best, and I adamantly disagree. The aspects of my play she views as my strengths are to me me at my worst, and the aspects I have spent years obsessively trying to change. I am not the same player I was 3 years ago, and if I lose then so be it, but it will not be the same way.
This is the ace up my sleeve that I have been holding onto all game. Every bit of diplomacy, speech about working together, etc. has been knowing I had this card in my hand. I've chained together a lot of obsessive/intense posts, trying to be diplomatic but progressively more emotional and worked up as I go.

I do not care what fferyllt thinks of my play, no offense to ffery at all. But this isn't just run of the mill bullshit, this narrative is something that makes sense and that I can 100% back up with all of my town games dating back
for literally years
. This narrative tracks my town meta in Dystopia, Undertale 2.0, Chara's Folly, illicit substances, and to a lesser degree Emperor and Mini Normal 2181. I've laid the grounds in prior days for my playstyle, I've increasingly gotten emotional, worked up, and intense over the course of the day, and now I'm revealing exactly why that is and having a miniature emotional breakdown in thread. No one has bothered to check the games, but if they do, they will quickly find it backed up completely.

Even the diplomacy/intensity themselves have no scum record, but by looping in fferyllt and her opinion of me as a player/our history, this goes way beyond that. The references to Dystopia, no comparable scum record etc. were the ace for most of the game, always something I thought about, but when driving one night Day 2 I realized I could explicitly say that it was personal, and explicitly paint it as me vs. fferyllt, and at that point I started really cooking.

Final parts to sell it are me visibly reining it in with posts calling myself delusional, such as in 1430.

It is insane that I got pushed to the point where I had to actually use this, and insane that I had to spend an entire real life day or two crafting this to perfection over just halfassedly throwing it down. Town has done incredibly, incredibly well for a Newbie game. I wanted to burn the diplomacy/intensity tell but I did not expect to go this far in doing so.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:20 am
by Prism
I'm very worried about Spartan at this point-he's been dead in the water but he needs to post. After this, Fairy waffles on Spartan, no one is actively shoving it for awhile, and while it'll go through if I stay on I sense the time is right to be opportunistic. I now know that I can survive getting floo eliminated, and have set up enough that Spartan can get flipped Day 3 and I'll be fine.

1435 I revote floo. Spartan actually does show up and start killing it, rest is kind of history.

I've skipped over a lot of posts specifically targeted towards getting townread by quiet-Serious hunting with a bit of humor thrown in-but I'll skip those.

flow trap becomes possible due to his mistakes today, I make some basic posts capitalizing on his refusal to be more proactive.

[1500s] is the last section, for now, of the "me vs. ffery/my obsession" personality arc. Come back, recenter, remove the emotion, make logical votes/reads.

I want Floo to either go through or Frederick/flow trap to go through only reluctantly. I know I can survive a floo elimination, so might as well take it earlier since that's the harder one. I'm perfectly willing to go on Frederick/flow trap and just make some basic waffle posts. I decide I'd rather have flow trap in 5 way, so I end up going Frederick.

Finally, I end the day off on a "dying reads/last words" note. 1525 is the reads, the FaC/flow trap waffling is after, but I end on 1597's "Also, listen to Golden Hour, great album". It is, but that's not why I'm saying it: I get the feeling this will be townread as plausible, non-game related last words. Quiet confirms this.

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:22 am
by Prism
Those annotations were all over the place/kind of a mess but ah well.

I go over night action thoughts in the scum PT. I act like I'm unsure about whether to kill quiet or fairy to give Spartan more agency, and I am willing to go either, but in my opinion it is obvious that killing fairy is by far the stronger play. It makes floo a bit harder to push but I'm confident that I can win this tomorrow by getting either floo or flow trap. I may claim doctor if I feel it's advantageous (ie. I will be allowed to choose the vote)

We'll see if I'm right!

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 5:27 am
by Prism
It also might be confusing as to why I'm saying I got pushed so far Day 2 when I was never in danger at all.

It's not that I was in danger of getting voted that day, but both a Spartan redflip and a floo townflip would put me in a
very, very
bad position. All of my play this game was centered on avoiding the former, so that's a disaster, and with fairy too close to the mark I could no longer afford to let Spartan carry it after a floo townflip. I was not in immediate danger, but I needed to be town and be town
, rather than have it happen when the pressure is on and scum being more emotional is expected.

Even with all that I did, I was confident I could win a game where floo got voted Day 2, but I would give my chance of winning a Spartan Day 2 vote as less than 50%.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 5:20 pm
by Prism
Up through page 71 on Day 3, I don't think there's too much worth commenting on. Town is playing well but I've pulled out all the stops to get townread tonally-the two weak links in this scumteam are my positioning around Spartan and Spartan's lackluster read on floo. quiet and flow trap are both playing well and making good analysis but they're missing floo.

The ball is in town's court to identify these weak links successfully; if they focus on tone, or get caught up in my meta, they will lose.

I'm playing very safely but I really will have to make a riskier play soon by voting floo. I do not want to go to three way given the lackluster interactions on the table. I already have my progression on floo envisioned clearly in my mind, but I needed to review the other slots and solidify the townreads one more time by doing so.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:08 pm
by Prism
Typed up a doc claim post, almost hit submit, decided against it for now.

I think with the post I had it would be very easy to strongarm a floo vote, but I do not want to risk getting overruled by someone voting Spartan early rather than waiting for my lead. It's worthwhile to hold off for just a little while longer, and it is likely better for Spartan to claim it. The important thing isn't that it's even remotely believable, the important thing is that it buys him a single day....which it might not, to be fair.

I meant to save it here but I lost the post entirely. Alas. I might recreate it later.

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:36 pm
by Prism
I've thought about this very carefully over the last few hours. I've decided to go ahead and claim.

I am the doctor. I was on Esoteric N1 and was roleblocked, and I was on quiet N2.

I do not think the benefits of holding the claim are worthwhile. Assuming we make it that far, I am likely to be nightkilled anyway, and there is a good chance a scum floo claims it upon my vote. The only benefit is if we flip the roleblocker without my claiming or being nightkilled, which is unlikely. In contrast, while unlikely, I also do not want to deal with the paranoia fallout of claiming it in the event I am left alive in 3 way after flipping the goon instead of the roleblocker, and I am again liable to be nightkilled regardless.

By claiming we can get straight to the point and skip the sideshow. Sorting me further is a waste of time unless someone cc's, though I am aware I am not mechanically clear. In the event I am right in my reads, I do not think this really hurts us. In the event I am wrong, this day is about to be a complete disaster, and this is our best chance to make it even vaguely winnable. I see no value in sending townfloo on a goose chase in 5 way Elo. This is our last chance to get on the same page.

Floo: I have three very specific questions for you. I'm sure the town would appreciate it if you answered them even in the event you cc.

1) What were you looking for in differentiating between an upset/frustrated town Salsabil and a fearful scum Salsabil?
2) Why did you say you were willing to vote my slot Day 2, in reply to Spartan, without having actually read my content?
3) Why did you entirely avoid answering my question about Spartan near the end of Day 2?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:56 pm
by Prism
Followup post would be
Prism wrote:I can now finally elaborate on this post.
In post 478, Enchant wrote:You will hate me for this.

I will hammer anyone, if i see him at E-1.

Don't put people on E-1 unless you surely decide you want them dead. Ask for claims on E-2, so mafia can't trade self on some Cop claim with instant punch.

I decided on it, so don't argue.
In post 479, Prism wrote:I will elaborate on this post at a later date.
My immediate reaction to this was that Enchant was softing cop/PR. PRs have an incentive to instantly hammer without claims, cop was randomly capitalized, and this entire post smacked of some hidden mechanical knowledge. I was dismayed when I saw it. The point of this post was to mark that I knew this in advance, clearing myself if scum shot outside of Enchant or bolstering my case in the event he was scum and I needed to counterclaim.

Of course, I was wrong, Enchant was a VT.
Followed by a third outlining my approach to how I'm going to choose the vote today but that this will still be a collaborative effort, work together still, blah blah blah

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:44 am
by Prism
Know intuitively it was the strongest move, phrase it in a way that shuts down any of the risks I listed, still opt not to do it for basis of fundamental principles rather than the specific situation, and now the timing/tempo advantage is lost by the current scrutiny on a me/Spartan team specifically.

Classic, I very much deserve to lose this game.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:46 am
by Prism
In light of the lost tempo advantage/current pressure on Spartan, I am no longer sold on it being a strong move.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 5:56 am
by Prism
I have played this day like shit, doing basic maintenance/some towntelling while letting Spartan fall to the wayside.

I've been lazy, and deserve to get punished for it. I said I pulled out all the stops yesterday but it's time to seriously brainstorm and dig a little bit deeper to put this game away once and for all. I lost the tempo advantage on the doctor claim but I doubt this is the only way to win.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:13 am
by Prism
There are several candidate ideas

-I continue with the doc claim
-I do nothing, and see if flow trap randomly flips his reads around.
-I micromanage Spartan and instruct him exactly how to claim doctor
-I micromanage Spartan and tell him to go on the extreme offensive against flow trap

None of these are great. I think I can do better.

[Lategame edit: The single strongest play, and the one I eventually went with, we could make here as a team depended on Spartan. He needed to be obvious scum but makes it seem like it was floo. I was hesitant to ask this, even though I knew it was the right answer, just because of how difficult it is. In the end, I was forced to ask: and Spartan pulled it off beautifully.]

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:52 am
by Prism
Goal of the vote is to punish floo's mistakes at daystart, speed up dayplay, shift focus from the other 3, but the last is more a hope than a guarantee.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:54 am
by Prism
Also, floo's implication is different than what I'm painting it as, but it's an easy mistake to make and he's not being direct enough. I can and will punish this.

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:16 am
by Prism
Just another post about me and my new best pal, fferyllt, yep. Best friends. Totally inseparable. Our families do Christmas together, godmother of my child, absolutely not just someone I've interacted with in two/three games. Nope. Best friends.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:23 am
by Prism
Spartan is a god. That's all I can say. Again and again this dude pulls out ridiculously strong posting out of absolutely nowhere. Made himself plausibly town, made himself look like he's preparing to bus floo if he has to simultaneously. A+++

I'm going to take my time responding today, speeding up the pace of the game was good for running interference when quiet/flow trap were finding each other, but now that the focus has now turned more towards sorting in me/floo, flow trap/quiet linking up is no longer such an immediate threat, and Spartan has just hit a home run w/ that post I want to slow it down again.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:27 am
by Prism
I did/will do some more nuanced stuff with quiet yesterday, will try to go back and edit this in later.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 6:41 am
by Prism
Now that quiet's stopped by I should too, but going to stagger it by a an hour or two to minimize real time interaction.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:44 pm
by Prism
Nuanced stuff w/ quiet I mentioned yesterday and finishing it through today:
Spoiler: Select quotes, plenty more in thread
In post 1834, Prism wrote:Sorry, mind doesn't ever turn off.

Quiet-why were you aiming for voting in 12-24 hours as opposed to something longer?
In post 1843, Prism wrote:@Quiet: Also wondering: Why have you chosen to not publicly walk through the meta you did?
In post 1889, Prism wrote:
In post 1862, quiet wrote:I really, really liked floo day1. I was against eliminating floo yesterday, for basically the same reason you have pulled out in that review of their play; their posts throughout the game give almost every appearance of being from someone who wanted to solve the game, and I was really hoping I'd see something today to help support that feeling. But basically, as it stands, finding an innocent floo means finding a guilty prism. And here's where the case on floo starts to sour a bit.

My suspicion of floo mostly comes from what they are not posting, and not responding to. It comes from a place of me really struggling to TR someone who won't engage and casually throw out reads, or some kind of flash impression take.
I am deeply concerned about your progression on floo here.

Day 2 you felt my points on the floo-Salsabil push compelling. You acknowledged that the curated posts weren't actually that town. You expressed the willingness to follow me, but when push came to shove went for the AFK voter in Frederick.

Today you've been very adamant that at some point you'll vote floo, which is great, but that's not really what I'm worried about.
In post 1846, quiet wrote:Would you like me too? Frankly, I find copying and pasting between threads challenging, I think meta reads are generally good ancillary evidence, but not case building in of themselves. I’ve reviewed some games from you and I reviewed what was available from Salsa in the context of a floo read; I took a quick look at floo, but was planning to do so much more before I voted tmmrw, just wanted to see if they would engage in a more causal chat with me first. I also did the Flow Trap alternate form metaread of the game they linked (and was very proud to determine who they were despite our chaos god not telling me their alt’s name. It was very exciting.)
My concern here is that you've apparently done a lot of meta research, found very good reasons to townread me with it, and instead it's in this wall about why I'm town for mostly tonal reasons to do with my intensity, anxiety, friendship/rivalry with ffery, etc. You're not wrong but this isn't even trying to really convince anyone that I'm town, these are super subjective. With the meta case there are
extremely concrete
reasons for why I'm town that are objective, which you've apparently reviewed but chosen not to present except as secondary to the more emotional appeal.

You've given good reads for the most part and been spot on at times but there are real problems with your positioning around floo and how you've approached the day, and it's not okay that I handwaive it just because you've presented good analytical ability with no obvious ulterior motive, when the ulterior motive for you would just be to never get voted rather than trying too hard to frame someone else.

I appreciate the response about the 12-24 hours but it's unclear how legitimate it is and if speeding it up in wake of no response would be a good idea anyway, while speeding the game up is absolutely good for you as scum if you're bussing.
In post 1908, Prism wrote:My grammar is going to shit, my memory is shit and I'm not even reading to make sure my posts said what I thought they did, good hint that it's time to *~step away from the keyboard~*

Posts like 1872 are/were transparently halfassed and give the impression floo isn't even trying, the wall was appealing to me over any specific player of the three, and I just do not like that idea that he is counting on 3 way given how we're all just like "IDK guess it's Spartan he defended floo" but pummeling you for asking me about something or why you haven't objectively argued for me being town when objectivity isn't the source of the read to begin with is not the answer
This progression/sequence of paranoia was planned. The questions were meant to seem organic-"mind doesn't ever turn off", followed by another question, then another, and another....culminating in some real posts grilling quiet about my insecurities/fears on his slot.

And then we rein it back in with the final planned bit that sells why I was worried about "floo isn't even trying" which pushes floo, sells that I'm looking beyond 5 way, and is the missing piece of the paranoia puzzle.

Finally, I show some ~fondness~ for the first time with the hug comment. Sorry I had to do it to you quiet.

I did make a legitimate error w/ my memory and post sequence w/r/t the point about quiet asking question on things I just talked about, that was also planned but I completely forgot the first one and I fucked up the second one all to hell. Maybe it helped sell it, though, so cool.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 5:56 pm
by Prism
I really want to spare quiet the 4 day parade and get him to vote by making the case that it forces Spartan/floo to make a choice and bus over waiting around for the other, but I can't risk it.

I'm sorry I have to keep doing this to you fella. From a voting standpoint, you are likely to lose this game, but this doesn't mean you've played poorly. You and fairy both forced me to play the game entirely around the two of you, and to pull out almost every stop in order to force errors. flow trap might be able to vote me-and even if they don't, they still played well-but they had a luxury you didn't: I wasn't spending day after day meticulously crafting ways to get them specifically to townread me. Another way to measure you contribution is in terms of how much sheer time/effort of the scumteam was centered on you-which leaves them vulnerable to other slots-and in that regard you've have done extraordinarily well.

It has taken me reaching again and again and again into my bag of tricks to try and seal this game, and it's still not over. Quiet might still swing it yet.

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:20 pm
by Prism
I really want to touch on floo a bit-I think ceding thread control to me here is a big mistake, and I've done my best to take advantage of it. You can't roll over and die like this as town. I use the word "thread control" because this is going a lot further than just him looking bad, I am controlling almost everything about the public dialogue right now.
It is not a good idea to let scum do this

There have been a few times this game where I've exploited floo's playstyle, like in his hesitation to engage with difficult slots or take on open challenges, but this should be a no brainer. You can't throw two liner vague shade and AFK for 3+ days in a 1v1 in Elo like this.

That said, I do think I need to tone down how hard I go against him in-thread. Don't poke the sleeping bear and such, let him sleep for 4 more days.