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Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:34 pm
by fferyllt
Vote Count 1-3

Venus Fly Trap
(2): Salsabil Faria, SirCakez
(2): Infinity 324, Venus Fly Trap
The Bulge
(1): notscience
(1): The Bulge
(1): Nachomamma8

Not Voting
(5): Leafeon and Glaceon, Not_Mafia, Brave Heart Lion, Kismet, Disaster Cartel

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to eliminate.

Deadline: April 26, Midnight US Eastern Time.

Countdown: (expired on 2021-04-25 21:00:00)

Mod Notes:

- Not_Mafia and Brave Heart Lion have 48 hours in which to post before I must search for a replacement. (expired on 2021-04-13 17:23:59)
- :]

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:34 pm
by Salsabil Faria
In post 47, Kismet wrote:
In post 44, Salsabil Faria wrote:If you're an alt, then your 5 is a lie??
You said on your post that you never played in this setup but you're an alt, right? If so, then you may actually played in this setup before just not from this current account?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:39 pm
by Kismet
In post 43, Infinity 324 wrote:I like skitt as well I think
I can see this and I like the tone in 48 overall, even if I've been grilling her before now.
Would be curious to as to any insight on that read, as I think it's one of high priority

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:40 pm
by Kismet
In post 48, Venus Fly Trap wrote:also i have another guess for u!
feel free i just don't want to monopolize the game w/ that
(which i believe is the exact thing i said the last time i decided to play on an alt)

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:40 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 15, Venus Fly Trap wrote:this is weird to me, like yes we might all decide that he's the best compromise wagon today or some day or whatever, but in general i feel like we can do better, esp. on day1, esp since he just abt never has any useful interactions to sort other people with.
if we just do this early on and he's town and we flip him we just let scum jettison their weakest player, and if he's scum and we flip him we just lose our strongest player
(and honestly in most universes depending on who the scumteam is that's like ... my slot or yours)
so like
I mean if something better comes up I'm all for it but as for right now we know that we're taking an L on Not_Mafia if town eventually (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually) - if he's mafia then we have one shot and one shot only to kill him and that's right this second.

If he flips town it sucks, but if we flip any town day 1 it sucks same as usual so I don't necessarily understand the point you're making here.

And if I'm the strongest town player then we're already screwed sooo...

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:41 pm
by Kismet
In post 51, Salsabil Faria wrote:You said on your post 5 that you never played in this setup but you're an alt, right? If so, then you may actually played in this setup before just not from this current account?
I mean the fact that you have to take me at my word doesn't mean I'm lying. I've really not played this setup.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:42 pm
by Kismet
In post 54, Nachomamma8 wrote:I mean if something better comes up I'm all for it but as for right now we know that we're taking an L on Not_Mafia if town eventually (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually) - if he's mafia then we have one shot and one shot only to kill him and that's right this second.
We literally don't even have to kill him to win. I'm having a hard time seeing where you're going with this.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:42 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 14, notscience wrote:Y’all leave not mafia alone until I have time to read him tyvm
You can read him while I'm shipping him off to a sweet slumber. Diamonds are made under pressure after all.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:43 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 56, Kismet wrote:
In post 54, Nachomamma8 wrote:I mean if something better comes up I'm all for it but as for right now we know that we're taking an L on Not_Mafia if town eventually (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually) - if he's mafia then we have one shot and one shot only to kill him and that's right this second.
We literally don't even have to kill him to win. I'm having a hard time seeing where you're going with this.
We don't have to kill him to win. If he's scum we only have one day to get a sweet point out of him.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:44 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 37, Venus Fly Trap wrote:
In post 32, Kismet wrote:
In post 27, Venus Fly Trap wrote:but it's the first thing i saw that could potentially be worth a real vote
i'm not trying to get to strength of conviction here, i'm more just asking "if this is a scum play, what is nacho actually trying to do w/ it" because at first glance it just seems like something you don't understand or agree with
trying to get an easy flip without too much discussion if possible to get to night faster
(again i'm not saying he is doing that per se but if he were scum i think that that's what his goal would be)

~ skitter
And here I thought that what I was doing was controversial, something that would make me the center of attention.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:44 pm
by Salsabil Faria
In post 58, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 56, Kismet wrote:
In post 54, Nachomamma8 wrote:I mean if something better comes up I'm all for it but as for right now we know that we're taking an L on Not_Mafia if town eventually (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually) - if he's mafia then we have one shot and one shot only to kill him and that's right this second.
We literally don't even have to kill him to win. I'm having a hard time seeing where you're going with this.
We don't have to kill him to win. If he's scum we only have one day to get a sweet point out of him.
Why we only have one day?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:45 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 41, Disaster Cartel wrote:policying NM is my idea of a good time

Then take my heart and let's go on a magic carpet ride together.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:45 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 60, Salsabil Faria wrote:
In post 58, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 56, Kismet wrote:
In post 54, Nachomamma8 wrote:I mean if something better comes up I'm all for it but as for right now we know that we're taking an L on Not_Mafia if town eventually (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually) - if he's mafia then we have one shot and one shot only to kill him and that's right this second.
We literally don't even have to kill him to win. I'm having a hard time seeing where you're going with this.
We don't have to kill him to win. If he's scum we only have one day to get a sweet point out of him.
Why we only have one day?
Because his team will sacrifice him the first opportunity they get. I know I would if scum!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:47 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 51, Salsabil Faria wrote:
In post 47, Kismet wrote:
In post 44, Salsabil Faria wrote:If you're an alt, then your 5 is a lie??
You said on your post that you never played in this setup but you're an alt, right? If so, then you may actually played in this setup before just not from this current account?
This is a convoluted play if Salsa is scum here.

The chances of Not_Mafia being scum and us having to hit him today rise.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:47 pm
by Kismet
In post 58, Nachomamma8 wrote:If he's scum we only have one day to get a sweet point out of him.
Why? I can easily see n_m being a either a 2-0 hedge flip or a last second hail mary to try to save the game (although that probably wouldn't be my move in most cases but I can't predict the future)

why is he only elimmable d1?

p-edit: if some of these questions aren't being asked in good faith (i.e. trying to use them to bait reactions rather than meaning them in earnest then fair enough, but otherwise I don't really see what makes his viability so temporally dependent)

p-p-edit: eh.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:48 pm
by Kismet
In post 63, Nachomamma8 wrote:This is a convoluted play if Salsa is scum here.

The chances of Not_Mafia being scum and us having to hit him today rise.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:49 pm
by Salsabil Faria
Btw, I've a question in my mind for some days, but keep forgetting about it. I remember now so will ask here....
What does
ship someone
(or the spelling is sheep??) mean? I googled it but couldn't understand properly.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:51 pm
by Nachomamma8
In post 66, Salsabil Faria wrote:
Btw, I've a question in my mind for some days, but keep forgetting about it. I remember now so will ask here....
What does
ship someone
(or the spelling is sheep??) mean? I googled it but couldn't understand properly.
In the context in which I used it, it means to send. Sending someone to sleep means killing them.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:51 pm
by Venus Fly Trap
In post 21, Kismet wrote:
In post 17, Venus Fly Trap wrote:'ugh might as well just do it and get it over with
I'm not convinced of that interpretation at this time
I will say that i think this take on nacho's entrance is the correct one tbh

Wrt to salsa i think he's saying he's getting town glimmers from her so she isnt going to be the 'easy flip to get a point' if scum the same way he's viewing nm apparently, but i dont really agree with him that this is the best way to use today and/or to handle nm

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:51 pm
by Salsabil Faria
In post 63, Nachomamma8 wrote:
In post 51, Salsabil Faria wrote:
In post 47, Kismet wrote:
In post 44, Salsabil Faria wrote:If you're an alt, then your 5 is a lie??
You said on your post that you never played in this setup but you're an alt, right? If so, then you may actually played in this setup before just not from this current account?
This is a convoluted play if Salsa is scum here.

The chances of Not_Mafia being scum and us having to hit him today rise.
You're a paranoid player, aren't you?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:52 pm
by Kismet

like unless you're confident that he's easier to finagle a point out of than other people in the playerlist
I don't understand what any of this song and dance is about

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:53 pm
by Kismet
In post 68, Venus Fly Trap wrote:Wrt to salsa i think he's saying he's getting town glimmers from her
i know I just don't see that from that line of questioning from salsa, it seems not something that anyone could reasonably expect to push me on and therefore pretty null

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:56 pm
by Salsabil Faria
In post 68, Venus Fly Trap wrote:Wrt to salsa i think he's saying he's getting town glimmers from her so she isnt going to be the 'easy flip to get a point' if scum the same way he's viewing nm apparently, but i dont really agree with him that this is the best way to use today and/or to handle nm
I'm sorry but who are you talking about?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:58 pm
by Kismet
hard tunnels get potentially interesting in this kind of setup because scum are inclined to do them, win that day, and just peace out of the game the next day after the flip makes them look horrible

i think we should be insisting that people take a fairly breadth-first approach to the game.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 12:58 pm
by Venus Fly Trap
In post 54, Nachomamma8 wrote:I mean if something better comes up I'm all for it but as for right now we know that we're taking an L on Not_Mafia if town eventually (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually) - if he's mafia then we have one shot and one shot only to kill him and that's right this second.

If he flips town it sucks, but if we flip any town day 1 it sucks same as usual so I don't necessarily understand the point you're making here.

And if I'm the strongest town player then we're already screwed sooo...
- why are yoh assuming nm is gonna get flipped at all? Like you're preassuming we're for sure gonna flip him when i'm not sure that's the case
- unless he's like exactly scum and the whole scumteam decides to go and defend him, flipping nm is usually kinda a waste from an infoflip perspective cuz he usually has like no interactions
- kinda feels like you're willing to basically lose an easy point to maybe get an easy point but i feel like by actualky utilizing the day we can make a much stronger flip and actually have some more useful info going into the night instead 'meh might as well flip nm anyways and let scum do whatever'
- like you're kinda basically taking a cointoss that might have a good outcome and might not instead of actually trying to get something good and meaningful accomplished with the day
- arent u supposed to be, like, good at this?

Pedit yeah i dont know *why* he thinks that townie from salsa tho
Also salsa that was abt u