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Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:37 am
by Greeting
In post 49, Datisi wrote:
In post 48, Greeting wrote:
In post 47, Datisi wrote:
In post 46, Titus wrote:
@Datisi, does the defuser have to accept the recommendations of the experts?
yes. the defuser
accept the recommendations, and
submit solutions on their own.
Will the whole of the defusal manual of the bomb be provided to everyone (or at least all the bomb experts) in the case of an unsuccessful defusal and subsequent death of the bomb expert?
no, and a bomb expert does not die from an unsucessful defusal.
Sorry, I meant bomb defuser, not expert.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:38 am
by The Bulge
VOTE: stramgenatter

hey gang

i dont like the let-er-blow proposal. even if we ignore the alt wincons and look at just team numbers. letting the bomb explode by default potentially gives scum a nightly kill. successfully defusing bombs will bring that nk spread down significantly, probably by at least like a third. that is too much of a pure advantage to ignore imo.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:42 am
by Titus
So this is like resistance within mafia cool

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:43 am
by Greeting
In post 51, The Bulge wrote:letting the bomb explode by default potentially gives scum a nightly kill.
I don't think it does.
In post 2, Datisi wrote:GB Inc. infiltrators do not have a factional nightkill every night. they start off with one nightkill. for every two successful bomb defusals performed by a DATS Inc. employee, they gain one nightkill. for every successful bomb defusal performed by a GB Inc. infiltrator, they gain one nightkill.
Not only letting a bomb explode does
give the mafia a nightly kill in a technical sense, but also we are never sure if the bomb defuser is town at all.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:44 am
by Frogsterking
Hey guys, I thought I was clever, but it looks like several other people realized defusing bombs is good for maf.

I came up with a name for the strat:


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:46 am
by StrangeMatter
Well from what I can tell, scum chooses who gets to be killed during twilight, which is essentially a night kill, except the nominated can choose whether or not that player does die.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:50 am
by Bell
Hi. I’m on lunch.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:51 am
by Lukewarm

VOTE: bell[/b]

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:51 am
by StrangeMatter
I feel like we're ending up leaning a little too much into mechanics and I have a question.
In post 42, Titus wrote:
In post 25, GuiltyLion wrote:VOTE: StrangeMatter

I feel like I would post as scum

Why are you sheeping GuiltyLion's vote onto me?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:52 am
by Bell
Can we fail to defuse the bomb but solve for each bomb.
Because I feel like I am incapable of not trying to solve for bomb defusals.
Also, did I read it wrong or do mafia always get to pick who defuses the bomb and therefore it is impossible to achieve the town win con?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:53 am
by Bell
I haven’t read the mechanics chat.
But it sounds like we started with “we can’t defuse stuff”
And I’m like okay, but can we solve the puzzle.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:54 am
by Lukewarm
I have found a town read, but it's probably for a dumb reason lol

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:56 am
by Bell
VP baltar’s posts give me incredibly mixed feelings.
There first vote made me wanna vote them.
And then the rest of their posts were chill and cool and good.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:56 am
by Bell
Their first post*

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:57 am
by Lukewarm
In post 47, Datisi wrote:
In post 46, Titus wrote:
@Datisi, does the defuser have to accept the recommendations of the experts?
yes. the defuser
accept the recommendations, and
submit solutions on their own.
This is not what I expected while reading the rules.

So a successful bomb defusal tells us nothing about the defuser, and only reflects on the experts?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:00 am
by Bell
Oh. That’s interesting.
I should probably read the rules when I get home after dnd. To understand the circumstances around the alt win con.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:00 am
by Frogsterking
In post 54, Frogsterking wrote:Hey guys, I thought I was clever, but it looks like several other people realized defusing bombs is good for maf.

I came up with a name for the strat:

I'm also curious if this is a part of a twist associated with the story.

We don't know that DATS inc. is even a bomb defusing company at all. All we know is that DATS inc. has been infiltrated. It's possible defusing bombs isn't DATS inc. primary purpose, and the story revolves around a company whose primary purpose has been lost.

For example, maybe DATS inc. actually stands for:

Destroy All Traitors and Scum incorporated
Destroy All Traitorous Scum incorporated

PEDit: StrangeMatters is already out of their scum range by the way, slight townread on StrangeMatters from me.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:06 am
by Bell
I skimmed it.
At 1% phone.

Okay. I’ve decided how I’m playing the bomb game.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:08 am
by Cephrir
so if im getting this right, town aren't allowed to do anything except post the truth about their bomb info

i don't know if i understand why bother with the minigame then

VOTE: pooky votes are like hugs and you deserve a hug

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:09 am
by Frogsterking
Who gives a fuck,

Heal StrangeMatters

Did I do it right?

I will be doing Standard Survey Strategy
, so standby for questions. This time the delay is to make sure a have a laptop which can run the scoring scripts.

PEdit: Town can also give incorrect information to make the bomb defuser die.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:10 am
by StrangeMatter
In post 61, Lukewarm wrote:I have found a town read, but it's probably for a dumb reason lol
I'm interested. What is your town read? What is your reason?

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:12 am
by Lukewarm
So, if I am understanding the rules, if we purposefully let the bombs explode, the mafia basically get 1 NK each starting on Night 2 (the person that they send to be the defuser)

Also, in that scenario, the mafia get
3 night kills
night 1! (Their true night kill + 2 difusers).

If we are trying to defuse bombs, then the mafia gets 1 NK if they send their own, or .5 NKs if they send a townie, and presumably don't get a night 1 triple kill.


But if we are trying to solve the bombs, and one goes off that gives us info, but if we are always trying to let the bomb explode, then we don't get any info.


I think that even if letting the bombs go off is correct in the long term, we should probably try to property diffuse the bombs night 1, because 3 town deaths night one sounds scary

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:13 am
by Lukewarm
In post 71, Lukewarm wrote:If we are trying to defuse bombs, then the mafia gets 1 NK if they send their own, or .5 NKs if they send a townie, and presumably don't get a night 1 triple kill.
This could also give us info if they are getting night kills.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:14 am
by Frogsterking
VOTE: Lukewarm

Based on my understanding of how the setup works then there is a clear scum motivation in .

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:14 am
by Lukewarm
So, I actually think that we should do like 3 proper bomb defusions, and then never defuse a bomb again