Verbosity wrote:MafiaSSK is my second choice, because he's a lurker, and I enjoy to policy lynch them as a matter of course.
You really think we should be lynching lurkers at this stage of the game?
Now, I really did miss things out regarding yesterday's lynch and something to do with Jazz - so let's reread from P19.
Now this is interesting.
Panzerjager, Post 445 wrote:Alright that's two..I have a theory. Let's lynch Gateway. Vote:Gateway
Panzerjager, Post 453 wrote:I'd only be ok with giving him one more night.
Why the change?
Jazzmyn wrote:2
(for future reference)
Now, I noticed there was a claim from you on P20 before I read this (Halfway through P19). With that claim in mind, what does this mean? Really?
Verbosity wrote:Anyone that intends to go against this plan should explain the reasoning for such action.
That's the one point I don't like about your playstyle, just as happened D1. People not agreeing doesn't make them a target for suspicion.
MafiaSSK wrote:Anyways, my thought on the day is that Gateway=SK Death Millerizer. Vote GAteway
Oh, please.
Lord Gurgi wrote:Unvote; Vote: Gateway. Panzer after.
This is fair enough after what happened, but really, a bit of reasoning would've been nice.
Verbosity wrote:I suck at alts.
Gateway wrote:plus if I die the mafia gets their own killer.
This appears to have happened, making Gateway some kind of Scumkill-Enabler.
MafiaSSK wrote:He was pretty damn scummy and he could have been falseclaiming the new info.
Even when it did fit in with Jazzmyn's claim?
Azhrei wrote:I think we should treat today as if it is lylo, just in case there are still 3 mafia.
There's 2 mafia dead, why would there still be 3 left alive?
Vote: MafiaSSK
I don't like your Gateway vote yesterday.
FoS: Lord Gurgi
for the same reason.
MOD: I don't see Verbosity's vote for Gateway yesterday. He was voting Panzer on P20. Is this a mistake in the Vote count? Indeed this would explain Jazzmyn saying Gateway would be at L-1 when she voted.