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Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:56 pm
by Smudger
can we get this done please as it would seem I have no way of recovering this situation,
Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:05 pm
by Yesterday
Yeah, we won't prolong it too much. I just want enough time to do another re-read through of the thread tonight to see if I missed anything glaringly obvious in my earlier read through and discuss some reads with PPP first or explain anything he doesn't understand about my strong town reads.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:39 am
by Yesterday
I think I'm going to lose my mind if I read through anymore. Here's a summarization of my thoughts and please come back to this post often:
Mutley, PPP, Siveure, TMT and YTWC are incredibly town and never to be lynched.
I've explained most of these reads in detail at different points but they're essentially due to combinations of things ranging from very genuine scumhunting and thought suggestions to interactions with Deckard and Smudger and Smuger and Deckards interactions with them and their reactions towards claiming ideas. I'd bet a lot on them all being town so don't take this lightly.
Cades slot needs to be dealt with tomorrow or the following day
, just from process of elimination lack of content and interactions with both scum it's a very good chance of hitting scum.
If that fails you need to look inside of Elyse, Alabaska and Xdaaamno
but there's things that make me think all are town and interaction-wise I don't think Xdaamno fits but again if it's not Cade process of elimination from my super strong town reads means it's one of these three.
If watcher hasn't used their 1-shot they should be on me tonight;
if they do so and mafia shoot me which mafia will the game becomes automatic win.
Tracker / JK need to be on their scum-reads
from hereon out.
JK should also breadcrumb their target for the upcoming and past night
starting from tomorrow so if they die people can look back see who they were on and clear that person - This is since anyone jailed with 1 scum in the game and a kill going through becomes a clear and we should be able to get at least 2-3 clearages through this.
Mass-claim can probably happen on D4
thinking about it but I'm kind of hoping we have a perfect D1-D2-D3 scum lynch win. Again remember that
whoever has universal backup is as good as confirmed town, whoever has jailkeeper/tracker and neighbourizer/fruit vendor are very likely town
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:22 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
Yesterday as scum claiming a strong PR yesterday is silly for scum, it actually draws attention into you. It's strong wifom, sure, but doing it with the roleblocker yourself is really silly, because when you inevitably claim then you're kinda screwed to explain your earlier actions.
Smudger's claim being basically the exact same thing as yesterday's is hilarious.
Should we hypoclaim who we jailkeep? I'll be on alabaska if smudger is scum.
Your watcher statement is pure wifom. I doubt the scum are shooting you now.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:27 am
by Yesterday
With roleblocker getting lynched they won't be able to prevent me from getting a report so they're going to have to risk shooting me. And if they don't; awesome it'll mean that I get a 100% confirmed report. Either way watcher needs to be on me if they have their 1-shot left because odds scum risk it are high.
And hypojailing is actually a really good idea. Not sure why I didn't think of that.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:39 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
Because it's a weird idea and I only think of it b/c I <3 jailkeepers.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:40 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
What happens if smudger is not the roleblocker/jailkeeper? I assume watch you anyway, right?
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:45 am
by Yesterday
I think he has to be. If he was any role other than the roleblocker he'd have claimed that role and not fake-claimed cop. And him being first in the order means he'd instantly go for the best role for scum (Which is roleblocker) add to that him visiting me and me being roleblocked = he has to be roleblocker. But yeah regardless watcher should be on me tonight. I'd go more into night-action analysis down this path but I think the more we talk about the benefits / downsides the more we're going to help them make their kill and I think just leaving it as if watcher has the shot they're on me forces scum into a tough decision tonight.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 3:33 am
by Mutleyddmc
hypo jail aa9
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:05 am
by pieceofpecanpie
This is the only clear thing I've gotten out of the today.
Let's take moment to appreciate the moment.
But more seriously now, because I still can't quite believe this is how it really is, but it truly does appear so.
Looking over notes I've made I have Siv and Mutley as strong town reads and YTWC as a weak town read. The only person that differs more strongly from your list, Yesterday, is TMT who I don't have a clear alignment read on yet. I'll re-read him before the Day is out.
Interestingly I have Cade's slot earmarked as the next best lynch option.
Beyond that I'm not happy with my read from the bottom half of the draft pick. Needless to say I've eliminated the WIFOM over Sakura's slot, but that's about it.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:11 am
by Siveure DtTrikyp
This is why TMT is town to yesterday.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:13 am
by Yesterday
Also this:
In post 481, Yesterday wrote:
This actually makes TMT confirmed town too; scum don't comment on partner A's reasoning on partner B's being wrong. So never lynch TMT.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:23 am
by Mutleyddmc
this is pretty much auto win, only thing I want now is perfect lynch record.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:07 am
by Your Troubles Will Cease
Hypojail is hypothetical jailkeeping, right? So I post who I would (hypothetically of course) jailkeep?
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:11 am
by pieceofpecanpie
#510 & #511 acknowledged and understood.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:15 am
by Mutleyddmc
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:22 am
by Your Troubles Will Cease
Hypojail Elyse.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:38 am
by Smudger
I can't believe you are still debating this.....
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:41 am
by Yesterday
We're not? Everyone knows you're scum. We're just organizing actions and bouncing of reads while we have the chance.
Once everyone comes in and posts a hypojail target we can lynch.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:44 am
by Smudger
where am I currently L-2?
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:45 am
by Yesterday
Yeah. I suppose you can self-vote if you want and speed it up for when we finish the hypojailing so only 1 vote would be needed then.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:46 am
by Smudger
VOTE: Smudger
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:50 am
by Your Troubles Will Cease
Now I feel bad.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:53 am
by Yesterday
You shouldn't, lynching scum is our win condition. That said we shouldn't drag this day on too much, I've re-read as much as I can and stated all my thoughts and reads in case I die. We could enforce a 12 hour limit or something and anyone that hasn't hypojailed then all jail AA.
Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:05 am
by Smudger
can you explain this to me please?