Page 21 of 125

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:34 am
by Zdenek
Chamber, it seems from my role pm that I can submit the frame anytime. Do you care if I do it today or do you want me to wait to do it tonight?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:45 am
by Lost Butterfly
Day 1, VC 19
Tim Howard - (5):
Shadoweh, Zdenek, Untrod Tripod, Nobody Special, Katsuki
Cerulean - (1):
Sixty - (1):
Katsuki - (4):
Nero Cain
, Lady Lambdadelta, Flipping Awesome
Venmar - (1):
Shadoweh - (3):
ChannelDelibird, chamber, Cerulean
Zdenek - (2):
Tim Howard, xRECKONERx
Untrod Tripod - (1):

Not voting - (0):

alive it takes
to lynch.
Deadline for Day 1:
26th of April at 5pm
Irish Time - countdown: (expired on 2014-04-26 12:00:00)

Plum is V/LA.[/area]
Any mistakes? Please PM me.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:56 am
by chamber
Right now is cool.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:59 am
by Zdenek
Done. If you're a pgo, I'll hate you forever.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:09 pm
by chamber
Yep. He targeted me.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:02 pm
by Shadoweh
If he was a PGO he would have been asking for alot of bodies yesterday.
I think I'm going to get mad if this keeps up. I have no idea what either of you are voting me for. Besides chamber having no sense of humor. But I expect something from Big Blue when the last thing you said was you had a town read. If you're trying to piss me off it's working.
Also this entire conversation about 'controlling the framer' that we wouldn't have known existed if he hadn't claimed it is dumb.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:15 pm

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:18 pm
by Shadoweh
...Yes? As in 24 hours ago? I can tell fucking time here.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:22 pm
oh I'm sorry I guess I got confused because we're playing a mafia game and when people refer to days and nights and yesterday and etc they usually mean game phases not literal real life timeframes since those are pretty fucking irrelevant in context

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:28 pm
by Shadoweh
I would have said yesterDay. Sorry for assuming that it's Day 1 and no one would think I was talking about a non-existent Night 0, I'll remember to edit my posts with your disability in mind from now on. But if you're here to take stupid potshots at timetables maybe you can answer me from earlier when I wondered how you could possibly not know that Faraday throws troll roles into his setups, and therefore not spent a page yelling about how a non-compulsive framer makes someone obvscum?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:51 pm
can you not be a massive cunt or is this just your default

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:52 pm
and to answer your question: I haven't really played in any Faraday games WHOA SHIT WHAT A MINDFUCK WOWOWOWOWWOW

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:55 pm
by Nero Cain
@shadow-your venmar read and why.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:06 pm
by Cerulean
Okay I'm going to ramble a bit and you just have to excuse me becaue I actually had a cupcake and coffee tonight and I'm kinda tweaking over here from it, so!

Anyway, I am sorry for any confusion over our slot. My need for a break for mafia and the drama has been building for some time and this weekend just kinda pushed it over the brink.

BUT anyway, I'm not really caught up on the whole thread as I've pretty much just been reading a page here and there but I will get fully caught up tomorrow and maybe have some thought sthat make a bit more sense than the ones I'm about to spew.

First things first though: Sixty, I don't think my posting was empty, I had a reason for nearly every thing that I did post and early game I do have a tendency to be all over the place and fluff post. It kinda surprised me that Vi would get so frsutrated with me considering I'd thought of him as pretty easy going and hasn't given me a hard time in the past for my early kind of aimless posting. I wasn't trying to be funny the other night. Okay, maybe my quoting seinfeld at UT and posting a song to falcon was me amusing myself, but I can only imagine the criticism I received was due to my reaction to Vi and I was just a little more than confused there. Before I left for the day, your slot had posted that I was a strong independent woman and I shouldn't let empire dictate my posts. I thought that meant taht you got my joke and were joking in return, so when I got home and saw the post about red flags because of filtered posting, I was at a complete loss. My knee jerk reaction was that you guys were scum going for a very strange angle, because I couldn't imagine that anyone tangentially aware of the way I play the early game, of empire and my interactions, or just of empire as a person could take that seriously. But that didn't feel right, and as I said I made a really ridiculous joke in Book of Shadows and only town took me seriously and I spent too much time thinking town was scum for their reaction. That and Empire had texted me that he was pretty confident of you guys being town, so I just was lost. But I did want you to react to that post because sometimes scum decide to make a push that they're unable to back down on, and I kinda hoped that your reaction to me pointing out that it was a joke would make me feel better about your alignment. Now a few posts after I made that statement, Vi interacted with Nacho and pointed out that it might have been a joke he didn't get. Thank you for apologizing and I'm sorry too. I wasn't being obnoxious to begin with or meaning to; I was just confused. And my response to you to eat shit and die was the player not the person, I hope you know that. (FTR telling me to shut up is one of the easiest ways to push my buttons, unless I'm being a bitch and I know I'm being a bitch, then I understand it.) Anyway hugs and all that jazz.

What do you think of reck? Early in the game I was about to profess a demand for his blood to the blood gods because I thought he was about to go on his apathetic game that people would write off as town but I've seen him pull as scum but then he started that whole thing up with zdenek about the framer yesterday and now I'm not so sure.

Also did noone seriously but me have a problem with Kanye's first post? I mean empire didn't say anything about it either so maybe I'm smoking crack but when I twitch at something I'm not actually giving the player a hug, it's something that legimitately is bothering me but right after I posted that I got after for empty posting and I haven't seen anyone respond to that so really nothing anyone? bueller? bueller?

Shadoweh - There are a couple reasons we're voting you, but we're going to hold on to that for a minute to see if anyone else sees what we see.

And OH due to yesterday's framer discussion debate:

FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: Seriously people, print this out, post it near your computer, something anything, but please don't argue about this again. In Faraday upicks, he puts together the flavor AND the roles first, then randomizes alignments, then does any tweaking necessary. So yes, a framer could be town. A cop could be scum. I've played a faraday game in which the scum team was giving a one shot cop role while town had two flavor cops. I played in a game in which scum was a miller. Make sure you keep this in mind when anaylzing roles and the setup.

Um I felt like there was more I was going to comment on, so maybe later.

Oh oh oh that's right, I told Empire that I had a few markers for how to read UT and unfortunately he didn't respond to my response to his vote on us as I was looking for something there, but I GUESS I CAN WAIT.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:11 pm
by Shadoweh
Nope, it's default fucking setting now. I am going to make people talk to me if I have to aggravate the answers out of you.
So alright, you weren't familiar with how whacky the roles get. Now that you are do you still think he's scum?
Venmar: Still think he's scummy, less scummy then the non-existent one I'm voting. I haven't been thinking about him lately, but my earlier points still stand.
Cut by something I'm probably going to scream some more at. Nope nevermind WHY WOULD I EXPECT YOU TO ANSWER ME RIGHT?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:13 pm
IIRC the whole "claiming Framer D1" thing was secondary but I don't really have anywhere else I want to jump

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:18 pm
by Katsuki

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:28 pm
by Sixty
In post 513, Cerulean wrote:What do you think of reck? Early in the game I was about to profess a demand for his blood to the blood gods because I thought he was about to go on his apathetic game that people would write off as town but I've seen him pull as scum but then he started that whole thing up with zdenek about the framer yesterday and now I'm not so sure.
Well you know there's a funny story about Reck. This puppyhalf asked him specifically to vote UT specifically, what with the whole him calling UT scum sort of thing and the whole ZDENEK IS KIND OF REALLY TOWN sort of thing. Instead we got... well, look at those posts on this page.

So. Since we're already St. Bernard of Canis in this thread, we may as well go ahead and shoot our eye lasers of AWESOMEness.

Lynch All These People

chamber (some misgivings on this since I haven't thought too hard about what just happened)
Untrod Tripod
Katsuki (but UT is correct that this could very well be TownKats, if anyone factors that into lynching that playstyle)
Nero Cain (but I haven't really been reading Nero Cain's posts ITT)

People I Still Want To Lynch But ChannelDelibird Said No And I Think CDB Is Town So If CDB Is Scum They Should Die Next

Tim Howard

Town Enough To Live Until Further Notice

The other half of the player list

The other half still doesn't want to lynch Shadoweh even though 474 and 479 are shockingly bad. So, in my opinion it's not really a question of which of Shadoweh, UT, and Reck we lynch, but which order we lynch them in.

Let's begin.

Unvote: Untrod Tripod
Vote: Shadoweh

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:36 pm
by Nero Cain
you have no clue what I'm saying but you still want me lynched? :(

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:38 pm
by Nobody Special
I feel bad doing this, because parts of made me laugh out loud, but scum is scum no matter how funny they may be.


Vote: Shadoweh

-Nobody Special

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:46 pm
by Shadoweh
You mean the posts where I reiterated my request for your other half to not lurk and speak to me so I could finally get a fucking town read on you, and then actually had a conversation about suspects? Man that was so god damn scummy of me, insisting someone talk to me instead of taking another nap.

I'm just getting more furious at the idea the group of people who should be able to read me best think I'm scum. ._. For talking. I'm going to go do anything but mafia for a few hours before my vocabulary turns into fuck the fucking fuckers.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:48 pm
In post 517, Sixty wrote:Lynch All These People
chamber (some misgivings on this since I haven't thought too hard about what just happened)
Untrod Tripod
Katsuki (but UT is correct that this could very well be TownKats, if anyone factors that into lynching that playstyle)
Nero Cain (but I haven't really been reading Nero Cain's posts ITT)
i disagree with my placement on this list TBQH

im assuming this is Tierce's doing bc she sucks at reading me and I'd expect better from Vi

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:49 pm
by Sixty
If you'll excuse the disjointed behavior of the puppy (paws are too big for a ghost puppy, apparently), this is a better angle:

Unvote: Shadoweh
(L-far too many)

"Heart Attack On First Read Red" is still Townish, although this is an odd person to then try and sell the "Town might be convinced if Nero Cain tried to pass himself off as Innocent Child Blue" angle. After Reck ignoring UT and then flailing at Shadoweh on this page, I'd much rather have this one.

Plus, she's still pretty.

CDB, Cerulean, and chamber--blood, gods, skulls, and throne over here.

Oh HEY look how much -ty sucks now!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:51 pm
did I just preempt Tierce voting me by saying she can't read me?

that's cute

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 3:51 pm
tierce/vi, question:

do u know ur not actually a dog?