In post 498, Bins wrote:do you think DEB is acting the same way he was in my game
The game where he was a VT.... and without any star wars flavor to pique his curiosity and help his engagement.... that game?
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 11:30 am
by Vorkuta
Gah you're right- there's no way in hell it gets a majority today.
This is to express my disapproval at Joan's slot and role, and solidarity for future Joan pushes.
papa dinosaur
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:15 pm
by Krazy
VOTE: Chara
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:17 pm
by Xtoxm
liked vorks strong of posts there. VOTE: zulfy
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:22 pm
by Titus
I disagree with V but feel he's town.
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:09 pm
by Dr Easy Bake
The Star Wars Analysis
I’ve put a lot of thought into this over the years, and finally have a place to flex it.
What a person thinks about Star Wars can give you a decent look into their personality.
At the end of each players' analysis is my guess at their personality type.
This is the first test of this theory. This might just be the ramblings of a madman.
Here are all of the compiled lists and feelings from everyone in this game.
He was the first one nice enough to engage me on this subject.
His list is as follows, in his words:
Pod Racer on N64
New Hope on Super Nintendo
Hope / Empire
Rogue One
Episode VII
That han solo prequel thing
Episode VIII
The third prequel whatever it was called
The first thing we can notice from this is the mention of the video games. This shows that he is a free thinker, not willing to just walk the path that life leads him down. I hadn’t asked for this. He went the extra mile to add to the experiment and spark conversation amongst players.
This is someone who watched the films as a kid. They bring back memories from that time that could be either good or bad. The fact that he put Hope/Empire first leads us to believe that it isn’t all about the movie, but what the movie made him feel in his youth. Empire is widely received as most people’s favorite of the franchise. Whether this influenced his decision to have it up there, I don’t know. The decision to have Hope and Empire tie for first is another bold one. Again going against the grain and making his own decisions.
Moving on to the number two slot, Rogue. This continues to show Krazy’s open-mindedness. Despite being loyal to the original trilogy, he was able to enjoy a new story brought by completely new people, and place it ABOVE Return.
After Return we have Phantom, again harkening to what I imagine was a movie seen in his youth. Even fans that despise the prequels can have some sort of adoration of this movie through means of nostalgia.
Many Star Wars fans have a hard time warming up to the new generation of movies, Krazy I can tell is also a bit guilty of this. Despite placing Rogue very high, the apathy comes out when talking about Solo. In my experience, fans who don’t like Solo all that much, have a hard time seeing the character not portrayed by Harrison Ford. This reveals an aversion to change. A preference of the way things were.
Finally the last two prequels are shunned at the bottom of his list. These two could not have landed worse for Krazy. Clones is most interesting, you don’t often see this movie at the bottom of people’s lists. This could mean a few things. Does it invoke bad memories? Or was it simply a “drag” in his opinion?
Krazy is a natural born leader. He is not afraid to think for himself and make quick decisions. He will listen to those around him and take in their thoughts/feelings. His compassion for childhood wonder still exists. He is able to connect to fantasy while many leave that side of them behind. Although once Krazy settles on something, they might be wary of any changes to their current state.
Krazy, is not.
One of my favorite people on this site, let’s see where their list takes them:
Kotor II > Kotor I (with mods) > Jedi Academy > Battlefront II (not the new one duh) > 5 > 6 > 4 > 3 > 7 > >Log 1 > 2 > 8 (I liked ONLY the cinematography and nothing about the plot in TLJ) > 1 (aha....ahaaa....ahaaaaaa.... now this is podracing) > Any game about SW that EA has had a part in
Following in Krazy’s footsteps, Vjörk lists video games first, and many of them. It is a bit harder to analyze the choice of games because I haven’t played them. I know of them, but as I’ve mentioned before, most of my Star Wars gaming was at an arcade, not on a console.
Following the meta that Krazy created shows their aptitude for mirroring someone else actions. Taking what others have done and building upon it.
Something you’ll notice about Vjörk’s list is all the annotations. He is very specific about his thoughts and wants you to know them exactly. He doesn’t want you reading his list and making your own assumptions about why something is here or there.
Again we see Empire at the top. Followed by Return and Hope. This points to Vjörk sharing a similar connection to the original trilogy as Krazy and many other fans.
The next interesting bit is seeing Phantom at the bottom. This suggest that Vjörk does not hold any sort of connection to the prequels. Now the reason he hates this one so much could be many things. Is it Jar Jar? Is it because of Anakin? More information might be needed.
Vjörk is natural number two, ready for duty. He is a real life Chewy to Krazy’s Han. (Now the argument might be made that they were equals but we know that isn’t true, Han was definitely the leader) He is honest about his feelings and isn’t afraid to show them to you. One might consider him stuck in his ways, not open to new ideas or stories. A longing for the way things used to be. Also a deep saltiness over the new EA games. He has been hurt, and is seeking justice, or at least a distraction. Like Chewy.
I was not given a list but I got his feelings on them. He says “i did like all of the originals tho (4,5,6)” “unpopular opinion: the first 3 episodes are great, and force awakens was trash (to the point i havent watched any of the new ones since)” and “if you got a problem with that, take it up with 10 year old me”
Xtoxm grew up with the prequels and has a fondness of these over the original trilogy. Another case of childhood nostalgia. I wonder if he saw these before seeing any of the originals.
The disappointment felt over Awakens is a sentiment that many fans have had, including myself. People who grew up with the prequels felt hungry for more, and a decade later they got supposedly something new, but wasn’t. This crushed his excitement for more of this universe.
He is proud of his unpopular opinion, a true free thinker. He dares you to come after his ideals.
ofrhz/Frozen Angel
“I don’t really watch Star Wars so you can just make up my list if you’d like. I don’t see how it’s extremely relevant to this game” “I think I’ve seen the first two movies but I don’t remember much about them”
They just don’t care about Star Wars. The fantasy didn’t draw them in. They had other things to deal with than a space soap opera. They tried to join in on the hype but couldn’t get behind it. This surprises me as I feel like the Venn diagram of Cornetto and Star Wars fans would have a pretty large middle bit. In the end of it all, I guess they are just too cool for the force.
Frozen Angel:
“I haven't seen all the starwar movies and I don't know the name of movies I saw.”
Same as ofrhz, “They just don’t care about Star Wars. The fantasy didn’t draw them in. They had other things to deal with than a space soap opera. They tried to join in on the hype but couldn’t get behind it… In the end of it all, I guess they are just too cool for the force.”
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
The Last Jedi
Attack of the Clones
The Force Awakens
“I haven't seen many of them in years, though.” “And it's actually a really shitty list, I don't remember a lot of the details so I'm mostly just going off of plot.”
I had to struggle for this one, but finally got it! Smart is a thinker. Placing Revenge and Rogue at the top of his list is an interesting choice. I know the list supposedly doesn’t have huge weight for him, but he still chose to put these here. These are, for a lack of a better term, the Smarkiest choices of the series (Smark is a wrestling term describing really nerdy fans, who see past the facade that is presented to the general public). Revenge completes a trilogy and a back story. Rogue also completes a back story. Smart doesn’t just want the surface story, he wants more. Awakens being at the bottom solidifies this, as Awakens is the most surface of the entire series.
1. empire strikes back
2. 8
3. 7
4. new hope
5. return of the jedi
6. all the prequels suck
“i haven't seen rogue one / solo” Bins is a typical modern fan that only tips their toe into Star Wars. Nothing wrong with this, I have just seen most of this before. Having TLJ and Awakens as the second and third slot is the wild bit. Most of these kind of fans would have all of the original trilogy taking the top three. Saying that all the prequels suck is a hip thing to do. Not saying that everyone has to like them, but to put a blanket of suckage across them is harsh and unforgiving. Taking what was on the surface and going with what other people have said about the second trilogy. Placing the new trilogy higher than most of the series shows their love openness of newer things, not wanting to dwell on the past. She was ready to move forward with the prequels in the rearview far away, while keeping the originals close in the backseat.
“Yep, j don't really have a favorite.” Indecisive. A general enjoyment of the series but can’t bring himself to care enough to enjoy one more than another. The true definition of a casual fan. He’s got other shit to care about, like I’m guessing anime based off his avatar. I can tell that he doesn’t look down on Star Wars though. I wonder if RC saw the films of his own accord or if he only went because other people wanted to/he was expected to. If there wasn’t such a huge fandom, would his thoughts be different?
Titus/Joan of Arc:
“Here's my list. I love all Star Wars... Because Star Wars.” "Pretty much yeah, might have small mood based preferences but by the time I ranked them, they would change.” “And my response for Star Wars question is the same as Moon Logic Queen's response.”
A similar stance to RC, but says she loves them all. The way she is feeling at any point in time affects which one she will like more. This shows a true sense of living in the moment. There isn’t just one Star Wars film for them. She is just one big blanket Star Wars fan. This may mean she loves being a fan of something, and the fandom that surrounds it more than she actually loves the films.
“Yeah its all trash.
But I can rate them I suppose let's see:
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. Rogue.
3. Force Awakens
A) A new hope
4. Last Jedi
4.5 return of the clones
5. Phantom Menace
6. Revenge of Sith
7. Return of the Jedi"
Another casual, modern fan’s list. To say they’re all trash but then rank them? Someone who hates something typically wouldn’t be able to rank them. Is Zulfy a secret fan? Just doesn’t want us to know his true thoughts on the series? Hate does stem from love, but why would he hide it? I could keep conspiracy theorizing but it wouldn’t get me anywhere. He would never let up his true position. The apathy skews my results on him, as I consider the list useless.
Shiro/Creature/Chara (need more info)
“I will be honest and say that I have only watched the prequal trilogy from which I would rate them 3,1,2”
More information would help me get a better read. Why did you see these? Why haven’t you seen the others? You rated them but what do you think about them overall? Having Revenge be the favorite leads me to think you were happy it was all over.
“idk about Star Wars other than the core series and also I don't want to make any lists.”
I can’t do much with this. I don’t know what “core series” entails. Context leads me to believe he is talking about the original trilogy, but I can’t be certain. General apathy towards the subject takes him to what he believes are bigger and better things. He thinks he is above Star Wars, and that it doesn’t deserve his time.
“what if you've never watched any?”
It hasn’t taken the time to join in on the widespread fandom of Star Wars. It is stuck in a place that is “broken, scattered, forgotten” without a way to climb out. If only it could see what we see and find it’s way out of the darkness, to find the light. Of course I’m talking about the force. We may have a future Sith on our hands people.
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:09 pm
by Dr Easy Bake
Whew, my brain hurts.
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:26 pm
by Vorkuta
I'm speechless
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:29 pm
by Xtoxm
that is some incredible analysis <3
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:31 pm
by Titus
Great how does that apply to mafia?
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:32 pm
by Vorkuta
I really don't want to detract from this amazing post, and it's everything I've come to expect and much more
But Meyers-Briggs has been disproven and is.... garbage according to psychologists
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:36 pm
by Titus
In post 510, Vorkuta wrote:I really don't want to detract from this amazing post, and it's everything I've come to expect and much more
But Meyers-Briggs has been disproven and is.... garbage according to psychologists
Great. So has anything beyond lol random lynch but that takes the fun out of playing.
What matters more is the application.
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 5:58 pm
by Frozen Angel
I'm actually ENFP but sure
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:00 pm
by Frozen Angel
In post 499, Vorkuta wrote:Why was this claimed SO DAMN EARLY
I don't like it- neither the nature of the claim, nor the prompting, nor the lack of any "decent" attempt to resist and not out this crucial roie.
I also hate appeals like "any town voting me.... is voting against their wincon"- that's just personal gut preference, but meh.
This is a conscious anti-town play, and seeing as Joan'dArc is a good player (based on the interactions with a few other people), I think this comes from scum.
did you miss my claim? What do you think about the roles together?
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:36 pm
by Boonskiies
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:54 pm
by Krazy
Dude I even liked the Phantom Menace kinda but even I don't wanna be seein no damn Jar Jar Binks! What you tryin' to do to us BOON?
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:54 pm
by Titus
VOTE: Chara Say hi.
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:04 pm
by Vorkuta
In post 513, Frozen Angel wrote:did you miss my claim? What do you think about the roles together?
No, I saw your claim and thought the vote was enough to voice my displeasure.
Apparently it wasn't
Not going to lie- I've had pretty horrible experiences with hoods in Boon's game, and it makes 100% perfect sense for him to shove a role like that in there after what happened in BTXI.
That being said, I really didn't like how you handled the reveal.
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 9:09 pm
by Frozen Angel
I'm not sure if you understand what I claimed. Can you explain what were both claimed roles? Also, explain what you didn't like about my reveal.
Ok let's try with a simple question to get things started- how many votes were on you when you claimed?
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:03 pm
by Vorkuta
In post 412, Frozen Angel wrote:called arms dealer - it turns someone veteran and kills all or at least one random vistor of them. Idk if something like that exists on m
Oh wait fuck
I confused your slots together
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:44 pm
by Frozen Angel
Thats not what i claimed
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:44 pm
by Frozen Angel
In post 410, Frozen Angel wrote:So I think I better claim this rn. I'm technically some sort sleepwalker - as I "Have to" target people at night. That action will do nothing - I will be just seen visiting them.
Thing is that is ironically so compatible with the reflexive claim JoA did.
This is what I claimed
Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:45 pm
by Frozen Angel
I had 0 votes on me when I claimed. It's just that my role seems like a negative utility or at best useless utility by default so I didn't see any reason to not claim when it would mean something about JoAs claim.