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Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:17 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 498, Ame wrote:
In post 490, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 483, Ame wrote: Flippy doesn't feel like he's actually contributing anything.
In post 485, Ame wrote:
Also there's just not a whole lot to go off of!
i've shared my thoughts every chance i get. idk what you want from me
I don't think you've provided anything unique. It's like you've been in the constant wake of others. Like there's no initiative

we'll agree to disagree

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:21 am
by Ame
In post 494, Hectic wrote:Did you ever explain what caused the shift from Luca-town to scum in your read lists, my Ami, Miami?
I had an initial ping on Luca (84). Then TLed his 109. Then Aarons 113 made me reconsider. He posted at the same time I made my first list. I read his post afterward, reconsidered, and made my revised list.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:22 am
by Ame
Also digging the pun!

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:26 am
by insomnia
you'll all fall effortlessly within my pocket


having a fun time pushing flippy here, let's lynch scum!

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:28 am
by insomnia
In post 492, Ame wrote:because I am playing differently.


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:30 am
by insomnia
That alone now made my confidence sink in further than my heart when I see my math test grade

i thought it was unintentional but now that she's claiming it was intentional feels as though there's an underlying reasoning for doing this, and if it is, it's not catching any scum or she would've come out with results if it was some sort of reaction test


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:31 am
by Hectic
Lul, how many votes he on? Flippo, bring us this reads list ASAP, even if you're not sure, just lay your thoughts out.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:33 am
by Ame
In post 500, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 498, Ame wrote:
In post 490, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 483, Ame wrote: Flippy doesn't feel like he's actually contributing anything.
In post 485, Ame wrote:
Also there's just not a whole lot to go off of!
i've shared my thoughts every chance i get. idk what you want from me
I don't think you've provided anything unique. It's like you've been in the constant wake of others. Like there's no initiative

we'll agree to disagree
Why is Insomnia still scum if you TR my post you quitted earlier? Why is his push on you scum indicative if he's done similarly before as town? What parts of my explanations to your points aren't satisfactory to you?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:34 am
by insomnia
wait what is flippy still scum reading me

the whole time he's been talking to me like i'm town lol

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:35 am
by Hectic
In post 501, Ame wrote:
In post 494, Hectic wrote:Did you ever explain what caused the shift from Luca-town to scum in your read lists, my Ami, Miami?
I had an initial ping on Luca (84). Then TLed his 109. Then Aarons 113 made me reconsider. He posted at the same time I made my first list. I read his post afterward, reconsidered, and made my revised list.
Cool, that makes sense.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:35 am
by Emperor flippyNips


town leans





in order

having issues placing insomnia. probably due to the death tunnel. makes me want to sr him. but also tr him? the thing that also pinged me was how he was getting voted by ame then they quickly shifted to voting me together, it felt off. :sigh: woe is me


but then thinking about good jams & how he just mindlessly tunneled me after the previous slot did something scummy (reading the slot they we're obvitown btw, i get it in game is different :roll: :roll:) & how he hasn't tried to look at things from a different perspective.

thats where im at with insom i guess with all that being said i'm gonna leave him as null maybe the bottom of, idk the exact placement

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:36 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 508, insomnia wrote:wait what is flippy still scum reading me

the whole time he's been talking to me like i'm town lol

i feel like i've been talking to you neutrally, what gave you that impression?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:37 am
by Ame
In post 504, insomnia wrote:
In post 492, Ame wrote:because I am playing differently.

484. It's just a matter of the game being a different pace. There's no master plan or anything.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:38 am
by Hectic
Okay, what caused the shift on your clidd-read, Flippo? Also, get on him over Ame if you agree. Every time I've asked Ame to explain her thought process revolving around something she's done/flipped on, she's provided something that feels legitimate.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:40 am
by insomnia
In post 461, Emperor flippyNips wrote:hey insom remember when you said i was scum in goodjams & mislynched me? i do
In post 462, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 460, insomnia wrote:nah but fr tho that catchup is weak sauce

In post 464, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 460, insomnia wrote:nah but fr tho that catchup is weak sauce

In post 466, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 463, insomnia wrote:well tbf in there i was scum reading billy and not you, you just so happened to replace in that slot and couldn't town tell, so i say that's a really bad pocketing attempt, don't appeal to my emotions as it's not gonna work

i'm implying you're trash at reading me. unless you're just scum & think i'm a easy target then keep doing what you're doing
In post 468, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 465, insomnia wrote:if i'm your scum lean don't you have anything to comment upon my posts? at all?

i said my reason i had a sl on you was cos of the ame thing. other than that its probably cos you're tunneling me. i just saw in good jams i did the same thing
In post 470, Emperor flippyNips wrote:& you ended up being town. so maybe we can't read each other at all & should address this at a later date
In post 499, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 496, insomnia wrote:yo hectic wanna vote flippy?
In post 497, insomnia wrote:do it and i'll probably proxy town read you tbh


Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 9:48 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 513, Hectic wrote:Okay, what caused the shift on your clidd-read, Flippo? Also, get on him over Ame if you agree. Every time I've asked Ame to explain her thought process revolving around something she's done/flipped on, she's provided something that feels legitimate.

well when i talked about clidd before it was strictly #250 every other post gives me off vibess. they feel like hes trying to say what people would tr him for. & him "locktowning" luca seems like a pocketing attempt

did she ever explain the insom tr then vote then almost immediate vote switch to me?

if so i'll give it a rest for now

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:06 am
by Emperor flippyNips
In post 507, Ame wrote: Why is Insomnia still scum if you TR my post you quitted earlier? Why is his push on you scum indicative if he's done similarly before as town? What parts of my explanations to your points aren't satisfactory to you?
what post of yours did i tr? i tried to iso myself & didn't see anything

i answered the rest in my rl i believe

im starting to get hangry which is what happened yesterday around this time & i want more coffee

gonna probably hop off for a bit

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:07 am
by Ame
Are you town reading Luca because you're scum reading him or because your actually town reading him?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:09 am
by Hectic
In post 515, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 513, Hectic wrote:Okay, what caused the shift on your clidd-read, Flippo? Also, get on him over Ame if you agree. Every time I've asked Ame to explain her thought process revolving around something she's done/flipped on, she's provided something that feels legitimate.

well when i talked about clidd before it was strictly #250 every other post gives me off vibess. they feel like hes trying to say what people would tr him for. & him "locktowning" luca seems like a pocketing attempt

did she ever explain the insom tr then vote then almost immediate vote switch to me?

if so i'll give it a rest for now
Yeah, in . I don't think it warrants going from "insomnia is my town axiom" to voting him but at least there's an explanation.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:23 am
by clidd
Hum, Im back. Low energy this game. Replying soon.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 10:46 am
by Ame
In post 518, Hectic wrote:
In post 515, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 513, Hectic wrote:Okay, what caused the shift on your clidd-read, Flippo? Also, get on him over Ame if you agree. Every time I've asked Ame to explain her thought process revolving around something she's done/flipped on, she's provided something that feels legitimate.

well when i talked about clidd before it was strictly #250 every other post gives me off vibess. they feel like hes trying to say what people would tr him for. & him "locktowning" luca seems like a pocketing attempt

did she ever explain the insom tr then vote then almost immediate vote switch to me?

if so i'll give it a rest for now
Yeah, in . I don't think it warrants going from "insomnia is my town axiom" to voting him but at least there's an explanation.
I see the confusion with my Insomnia read. Your interpreting axiom as a "strong read," but what I meant was "starting point." In mafia, you only have as many degrees of freedom for reading players as there are scum. Meaning, once you have the number of scum reads as there are scum, everyone else is solved. Therefore it makes sense for reads to be dynamic and relative to each other. Town reads increase the probability that other players are scum and scum reads decrease the probability. I had an early town impression of somni (not a strong read, just an impression) so townSomni was my starting point for evaluating the game. Something that can (and did) easily change when encountering contradictory evidence or if PoE isn't lining up. That's just the way I play the game and why I empathize with Clidds style because I think he goes about things in a similar fashion.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:34 am
by Ame
VOTE: Karnage

I think Wimpy was BSing. He's stubborn but not unreasonable. If someone makes a point to change what he dislikes, I think he would adjust his perspective on them accordingly. I had completely retracted my low post reasoning on him once I realized he was V/LA, but he kept ignoring that and speaking as if it weren't the case. He also made it seem like he didn't know what I meant about him emulating himself, then perfectly explained it to insomnia later on. The replace out is NAI.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:38 am
by insomnia
Wimpy is town, stay strong and stay the course my child

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:47 am
by Ame
Nah I think I'm right here.

TRing Flippy

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 11:49 am
by clidd
In post 477, Hectic wrote:
In post 409, Luca Blight wrote:
In post 403, clidd wrote:As long as we vote Emperor, Dsjstr or Hectic today, we're good.

VOTE: Emperor FlippyNips
If you truly TR me then trust my read on Flips.

I think dsjstr is Town as well. Hectic is a decent option, although I need to review.
In post 410, clidd wrote:Ok, i will.

UNVOTE: Emperor FlippyNips
clidd, why'd you unvote on Luca's request here? Can't town be wrong about their reads? Luca was scumreading you before this, and from your perspective, you should know he's wrong about that, so why trust him on Flippo being town?
I unvoted to see who Luca would like to lynch. Yes, they can. I trust him basically by intuition.