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Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:53 pm
by Albert B. Rampage
ayt town we can have a toxic game that has 40 pages of this circlejerking or we can flip Shoshin right here right now

midway I am counting on you

Gamma get your head outta your ass

Ico get the hammer ready

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:53 pm
by Gamma Emerald
Lmao @ “5 best players in the game” though

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:55 pm
by Noraa
Shoshin. Reads.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:57 pm
by Gamma Emerald
My Noraa-Cakez-unwnd townblock still exists fyi

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:57 pm
by Noraa
In post 503, Gamma Emerald wrote:My Noraa-Cakez-unwnd townblock still exists fyi
what was the reasoning behind this?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 5:59 pm
by Gamma Emerald
Strong town feels from each slot
I could be wrong but I don’t think so rn. I trust the process.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:04 pm
by Shoshin

I think unwnd & midway are town. I'm currently sorting my wagon but unsure about these players. Datisi's probably town who voted me out of frustration. VPB/ABR/SirCake are just ignoring my meta to push my lynch, & I'll know more about their alignment based on how they play the rest of this day out. I'd expect any self-respecting townie to actually check my meta claims, or at least give weight to players who know me (you, Gamma, DV, and Icon) when they tell them that this is just how I play as town. VPB strikes me as the most reasonable of the bunch, so I'd suspect if he doesn't reevaluate before this day ends. I think I'll be able to read IV if he answers my question about his town read on Datisi & based on play later. At the moment, there's not more to say because a lot of my reads turn on how these players behave as the day progresses.

I'm also reconsidering Gamma's alignment. I thought his play didn't make much sense earlier, but there's actually some logic to it that fits Gamma's style. He's leaning town for defending me a bit, though I expect a lot more before day ends.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:06 pm
by Shoshin
I'm about 99% certain I'll be able to read Iconeum when he gets into the game. I also feel fairly good about reading DV, considering I did a pretty extensive meta dive on him in the past, plus DV's great as town. So it's going to help a lot when they get into the game.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:07 pm
by Albert B. Rampage
I want the claim, put her at L-1 with 1 more vote thx

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:08 pm
by Shoshin
Peta's play has been underwhelming so far, but it's Thanksgiving weekend, so I'm hesitant to scum read players based solely on their level of engagement.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:18 pm
by Shoshin
In post 503, Gamma Emerald wrote:My Noraa-Cakez-unwnd townblock still exists fyi
Why aren't I town yet?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:24 pm
by unwnd
I never stated a townread on Shoshin, I think there is a lot of questionable behavior from her actually. I'd much prefer biding my time however because ABR doesn't want to hear this but he's going for a level 0 lim right now.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:28 pm
by Gamma Emerald
@shoshin You're around an uneasy null rn
your current posting is decent tho

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:28 pm
by unwnd
The only thing that could be viable here is that Shoshin is giving me all the tells of an astray sheep, but I think she's kinda just repeating a guilty conscience. The townread on me just because I'm not voting her doesn't make sense. Asking others to check her meta, no sense. I think there is such a dramatic change from when she thought she had a chance to now where the content has seemingly become much more rife. Yes, I understand she thinks she's at death row but from what I can gather she was absolutely confident with someone like Dat and made posts in the vein of 'well, I'll just townread later so I'm not bothered.' Shoshin, I think in order to be town your efforts have to be a giving one and not merely done because you cracked to pressure. I can't really townread what you're doing right now in that fashion, because your reads don't make sense in terms of your engagement and built mostly on people who aren't voting you. You've pretty much told me nothing and you can't seriously think that scum are just lining up to kill you?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:33 pm
by unwnd
In post 506, Shoshin wrote:@Nora

I think unwnd & midway are town. I'm currently sorting my wagon but unsure about these players. Datisi's probably town who voted me out of frustration. VPB/ABR/SirCake are just ignoring my meta to push my lynch, & I'll know more about their alignment based on how they play the rest of this day out. I'd expect any self-respecting townie to actually check my meta claims, or at least give weight to players who know me (you, Gamma, DV, and Icon) when they tell them that this is just how I play as town. VPB strikes me as the most reasonable of the bunch, so I'd suspect if he doesn't reevaluate before this day ends. I think I'll be able to read IV if he answers my question about his town read on Datisi & based on play later. At the moment, there's not more to say because a lot of my reads turn on how these players behave as the day progresses.

I'm also reconsidering Gamma's alignment. I thought his play didn't make much sense earlier, but there's actually some logic to it that fits Gamma's style. He's leaning town for defending me a bit, though I expect a lot more before day ends.
You seemed very confident towards Dat in your ability to have right reads but this doesn't seem confident to me at all? Why even make those statements to him? You kept claiming how your reads are awesome and that made it valid for you to be trusted and in terms not voted, but yet your own defense is meta and even at L-2 you're not willing to commit if scum are pushing you. I actually made the mistake of not reading this fully and seeing you couldn't do that. Why? ABR/VPB/SirCake ignoring meta blah blah. What does it mean when you say VPB is reasonable but if he doesn't reevaulate before the day ends? This really just doesn't tell me anything

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:40 pm
by unwnd
I'm not trying to be that person but meta can't save you. I want you to rethink what you're doing otherwise I will actually put you at L-1. I don't know your meta and I don't care about it now. I'm not trying to be a more wordy version of ABR but I cannot in good conscience town read someone who made about 5-7 posts each referring back to their meta as their only line of defense. Please show me that the claims you made to Dat are true and not merely something that you put up on the spot because you're increasingly nervous about the presentation of your posts, not the content

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 6:57 pm
by unwnd
In post 211, Shoshin wrote:
In post 205, VP Baltar wrote:Nothing too serious yet. You?
Nora's obviously town.
Gamma's scummy for supporting votes on me,
& unwnd's towny for voting Gamma.
In post 214, Shoshin wrote:
In post 208, Albert B. Rampage wrote:VOTE: Noraa
I also find this scummy from ABR.
In post 491, Shoshin wrote:
In post 479, Gamma Emerald wrote:discrediting people who vote you by implying they’re scum
I didn't say anyone was scummy for voting me.
I said that voting me during RVS isn't reason to read someone as town. I was questioning your thought process, not the person who voted me. Why would voting me be towny? It still doesn't make sense to me.
I actually facepalmed at this

Please soshin lol
In post 452, Shoshin wrote:If you're town, ABR, you're embarrassing yourself right now.
Why did you say this when from what I can see you never stopped having a scumread on him

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:08 pm
by DeasVail
In post 61, midwaybear wrote:
In post 38, Datisi wrote:i was about to ask that but midway beat me to it so instead, the first townlean of the game goes to midway!!
Would scum!Datisi say this? I don't think it serves him any value as scum here.
I really like this kind of thinking and have early townreads on both midway and datisi (maybe this will change, who knows!)

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:19 pm
by DeasVail
In post 173, Shoshin wrote:ABR's obvious scum when scum, not too worried about him. I'm just hoping DV's town so we can steamroll the scum.
This is very kind of you <3

And I hope you are town as well!

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:30 pm
by DeasVail
In post 279, midwaybear wrote:People seem way too eager to make reads to the point where I feel like accuracy is being compromised.
I like this guy

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:40 pm
by DeasVail
In post 359, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 358, Shoshin wrote:These seemingly innocuous questions have caught a lot of scum. I believe they're effective & efficient precisely because they seem harmless.
I understand the value of questions like that. I use that strategy myself.

However, the problem here is there was really almost no content in the game when you started doing this. You can't catch scum in the RVS stage like that because there aren't any interactions to check the results against, nor does it move the game forward. That's why it comes across as fake to me.
You are using a disagreement on mafia theory to imply Shoshin is being inauthentic

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:45 pm
by Shoshin
In post 513, unwnd wrote:The townread on me just because I'm not voting her doesn't make sense.
This isn't why I'm town reading you. It's not helpful when people make assumptions about my reads. ABR did the same thing.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:46 pm
by Shoshin
In post 513, unwnd wrote:You've pretty much told me nothing and you can't seriously think that scum are just lining up to kill you?
This isn't at all what I said.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:46 pm
by unwnd
So shoshin--

I actually went and looked at your older games. I think they're irrelevant in the larger scope of things. Let me explain why

1) They're outddated and were done more than over a year ago.

Meta becomes less and less of a tell dependent on how long the games inbetween took place. It also should never be a determining factor rather something to just give you guidance. This goes for both alignments. You can't just pick something back up and then not accumulate a bit of loss in your technique.The games you won as scum are meaningless to me and the town games you played in are even more meaningless. Human error requires us to make mistakes or even sometimes misremember ourselves. Can you honestly say you can remember a game from 2019 like it happened yesterday? Probably not. I can pick out my own scumgames and not even understand why I was acting the way I did. It all becomes situational in my opinion.

2) They're not relevant to the conversation at hand.

I didn't comb through your old games, I mostly skimmed. A behavior I noticed from your scum ones is that you are very forthright and cock-sure, and tend to look at the game while biting your thumb. I saw a lot of 'this is boring', 'im not interseted in this' and just general naysaying while maintaining seemingly strong reads. Because this is not relevant to the conversation I am not going to harp on you for this, but I want to say in the position of you being town your meta does not seem like an argument that makes me want to townread you, because it is eerily similar.

3) As scum, you're going to try to play the way you would as town.

Is this not true? Mafia 101? As scum try to do things you would as town and fool others by doing so. If people noticed discrepancies then it makes you more suspect, so saying 'this is how I play as town' is literally what scum want people to think. I have to think you're making a questionable argument then because scum typically don't care about reads because they wouldn't spend their time determining alignment. I kinda think that's what you've mostly done so far. I can't see where you've determined your opinions, and more-so I can't see where those small comments are leading somewhere. I think you would definitely think something along the lines of 'If I try to do that small question thing I did as town, hopefully others will townread me.' That's personally how I read it because from what I gather those questions would go somewhere? Yet your only paragraph about your reads is basically just null and townreading those who don't vote you. It's just a very shallow perception to have for someone who wants to say they can solve the game by D2. I think right now you're either leaning on your own bias or you're doing it intentionally to save face as scum. I've given my reason why I believe this. I again am not ABR however, I think if you're doing being a bit too vain and not getting your point across then the best thing you could do is just commit to some thoughts you've had this game towards players because it will help us in the long run.

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:49 pm
by DeasVail
In post 450, Albert B. Rampage wrote:Shoshin thinks that she has to act like "she doesn't care" as scum and that will get her through the day. It's ridiculously transparent. Caught scum doesn't understand why she's caught. We eject her and bask in the towncred tomorrow. First round of drinks on me, everyone!
Why wouldn't scum kill you?